Page 26 - TheGoldBug1937-38
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PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. ,---------------~ I Seminary Students To Give THE ART CLUB '1'0 PRESENT which a knight rescues a princess @lU£l!l.r!l,@lUh!l, un~ ~nrtdt.r!l Ninth Annual Nativity Play PUPPET SHOW IN ALUMNI who languishes in durance vile. Paul's are which Puppets, conceded to be HALL the finest in the South, have appeared at many schools, and To Be Pr eseut cd Dec. 13, In Front Paul's Puppets will present "The churches, and met with over- WOMEN'S STUDENT PHI ALPHA etu Of Seminary Fiery Dragon" under the di- whelming enthusiasm. The perfor-m- GOVERNMENT On Monday night, November 2!l, Alumni Paul, Alice Vollmer was elected Fresh- Lids to the Phi Alpha Mu Soror-ity The students of Westminster Theo- rect.iou of Bernard Maryland College, Oil ance is being sponsored by the Art Hall, western The price of admission will be Club. man Representative of the women's were accepted by Conine Adams, logical Seminary will present their Student Government. Lydia Bradburn, Dorothy Brown, ninth annual Nativity play on De- g:'~~I~~~e:~H; ~l~e~:i~~~':~il"~h~a~~e~.~I ~~i1~:.I;~~fOI' adults and 15 cents for Elizabeth Craig, Violet Gibson, Nor- cember 13. This ycar thc play is un- DELTA SIGMA KAPPA ma Nicodemus, Pauline Nitzel, and der the direction of Miss Dorothy EI- On Monday night, November 29, Olive Roder. Following the accept- derdice. As usual, it will be present- BRANES Peggy Scarborough, Veronica Kom- ance of bids, refreshments were serv- ed in front of the Seminary. pnnek, and Bette Helm accepted bids ed in the club room. 3, Virginia The play is in the form of a medic- Is the soft, whitish, convoluted mess that's stuffed into the December On Friday, to the Delta Sigma Kappa Sorority. val myster-y with the roof of the cranium of vertebrates what keeps them from makin' bigger fools Wooden and Jean Lynn Scott accept- Seminary representing heaven. of themselves. You ain't born with branes, you got to grow 'em. ed bids. Miss Muium Shroyer, daughter of one SIGMA SIGMA TAU of the Professors at the Seminar-y, And one place to get 'em is in college. It's easier here; in the The following girls have accepted CAMERA CLUR will play the role of Mary. For tbe outside world you loose your shirt while grow;n' 'em. A college bids to the Sigma Sigma Tau Sorori- The Western Maryland Camera first four years, after the inaugura- has a lot of br anes in it. The President is supposed to have the ty: ~[ary Jane Honem~n: Pegg;.: Club held its first semi-monthly meet- most, then the Board, Faculty, and folks who really do the work. Stewart, Jane Konow, Lalla Scott, ing Friday, November 26. Professor tion of the event, Mrs. Fred G. Hollo- When a college needs money, it should call on t.hose ~ho are role. Miss this way played Alice Jean Cairnes, Mary Alma Brown, Kit- Raver gave an informntivc and inter- Schneider is drilling a group of girls paid for bein' able to tell others what t~ do to get It; do It them- t}' Jockel, Ruth Dygert, Letitia Bo- esting lecture Oil the various types of Ircm the college to take the part of selves, and the money comes in. Makin' clean, honest, religious gan, Clara Jean Creager, Mary Ellen cameras. He discussed the mechanism angels in the play. ladies and gentlemen is commendable, nothin' is more needed; Creager, Cnrulyn Smith, Regina Fib:- and gave approximate prices on sev- The music fOI' the presentation will but in these times it ain't goin' to do no harm to make 'em clean, gerald, and Nora Robinson. After ernl kinds. be presented by electrical honest, religious, busincssladies and businessgcntlemen. the acceptance of the bids refresh- The next mecting will be devoted non transcrtp- by Professor ments were ser-ved in the club room. to a discussion of aper-ture openings V. Potter. Raver and Dr. E. These girls became pledged mem- and some of the technical problems bers of Sigma Sigma Tau on Monday, f&cing an amateur in the field JOIN THE CROWD December 6. AT H. E. REESE Smith & Reifsnider CLEANING TAILOR Opera House BEARD'S PRESSING Westminster, Md. REPAIRING WESTMINSTER, MD. BRING YOUR DATES ALONG 9·" East Main Street LUMBER, BUILDING SUPPLIES SUITS MADE TO MEASURE AND ENJOY THE FUN AND COAL J. D. KATZ The Opera House will con tin ue as it always has in showing DANCING SASH, DOORS, BLINDS AND QUALITY the better picture at all times. SANDWICHES SHOE REPAIRING GENERAL MILL WORK Special Rates to Students SOFT DRINKS December 9, 10, 11 Beard's Restaurant Have Your Films Developed Greta Garbo WESTMINSTER, MD. Charles Boyer and Finished -In- \Vith a genuine appreciation "CONQUEST" of our pleasant associations during the past year, we ell- The College Grill tend to the staff and every December 16, 17, 18 rcader of the William Powell Gold Bug Myrna Loy -In- C;ff;eMASh;~ Old best wishes for an "DOU BlE WEDDING" Merry Fashioned and a Christmas Happy New Year Coming Soon . _ . AND RESTAURAN!P /, "THE LAST GANGSTER" • "FIREFLY" SODA The Times Printing Co., Inc. "ROSALIE" SANDWICHES "NAVY BLUE AND GOLD" LUNCH WESTMINSTER, MD. • DINNERS J. F. MOORE, Manager "Good Food-And How!" WE WISH YOU A Never Closed m.rrry @qrt!ltma£l AND II CASSELL'S 1\ llht,p,py Nnn :wear A coonskin COllI, we've heard it said, Carrol! County's LEADING MEANWHILE REMEMBER WE HAVE {f/ards off chill winds from heel to head; 1 GIFTS OF ALL KINDS and MOST RELIABLE Jew. In which respect its chief vocation's COFFMAN - FISHER CO. eIers for nearly half century. Much like No Draft Yentilation's. WESTMINSTER, MARYLAND EXPERT WATCH- CLOCK- JEWELRY- takesuchthingsasNo Draft Es The Carroll Theatre --- Ventila- and tion as a matter of course now that all GM Presents to Wcstern Maryland College in Westminster a !lew moving picture house for those extra hours o~ c.ollege relaxation. OPTICAL REPAIRING cars have this improvement. But when you We can offer, besides the advantage of prOXI!1l1ty to the college campus, a number of outstanding features: add Knee-Action, the U nisteelBody, the Complete air.conditioning Large comfortable seats, with leg room Turret Top, improved Hydraulic Brakes and The latest and best projection and sound Come in and see our The best selection of intelligent film productions a steady parade of betterments-you see how Matinees every day of the week a great organization moves ahead-using its Christmas Specials All at Standard Westminster Prices Coming Attrac/ions Include: resources for the benefit of the public - THURSDAY AND FRIDAY, DECEMBER 9 and 10 giving greater value as it wins greater sales. "LIFE OF THE PARTY" 1.WILLIAM HULL, Prop. With Joe Penner GENERAL MOTORS SATURDAY,DECEMBER 11 51 E. Main Street "BLOSSOMS ON BROADWAY" l\IEANS GOOD ~IEASURE With Weber and Fields WESTMINSTER, MD. MATINEES We and ISc EVENINGS ISc and 25c
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