Page 21 - TheGoldBug1937-38
P. 21
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. PAGE THREE Terrors Lose To Casinius 6-0 BOOTERS BEAT BULLETS In Game Played On Wet Field TERROR TALK 3-1 IN HARD BATTLE By FREDCOE Penn State Swamps Socceriles Griffins Score on Intercepted Pass Late in Second Quarter. Miss on Try. For By 9-0 Score Extra Point After Touchdown 1937 Season Ends The Terror soccer squad invaded TERRORS MISS FIELD GOAL 'I'omorrows Turkey Day battle between the Green Terrors and Pennsylvania on the l!Jth and 20th of Providence brings to a close the 1937 Iootball season for both elevens. November. The Gettysburg Bullet.s In a hard-fought game played in a steady rain on a muddy ficin. Neither team has compiled an outstanding record this year, but regard- were met 011 Friday and defeated 3-1 Cauisius nosed out the Green Terrors 6-0, 'I'he only score of the game less of this fact it will not detract from the color of the 00- in a driving snowstorm. Journeying came at the end of the second quarter when Oustodi, Griffin Center, casion Coach "Joe" MeGee will bring a big, rugged on to Penn State, the Terrors were intercepted one of Joe Drugash's 38 yard I -'-_ squad to Westminster. The Black and White Iootballers snowed under by the Nittany Lions, pass- es on the Western Maryland from Rhode Island have chalked up a pair of victories in who exhibited the perfection of form line and ran it back to the 32 yard line TERROR LEADER six games this season. These wins were over Xavier and which has made them the most potent where he lateraled to Hogan, who ran , Springfield. The only mutual opponent the two teams soccer aggregation in the east. have faced is Holy Cross. Each dropped a one touchdown The Bullets, 1936 Eastern Penn- ~)~~n: ~~:~h~~~~'l~~dTahnedt:~n~~~u::~;; I decision to the Crusaders. On the basis of this score, the sylvania Conference champions, were went wide. FRED COE Thanksgiving Day meeting should prove a fight up to the not able to meet the hard-driving at- Western Maryland missed itS best last minute. The other ten ms that toppled the Priars this season were tack which the Tenors launched at scoring opportunity when "Slug" Sf. Anselm's. C.C. N.Y., am] Rhode Island. the outset of the game, and soon Hansen, Terror guard, missed a field found themselves on the short end of goal from the 20 yard Iine in the first Friars Led by Polak a 2-0 score. Reckord, veteran inside five minutes of play. right, booted the first goal and Mar- Ken Adriance's punting kept the The Providence gt-idders are led this year by tile nation's youngest tin soon followed with a second tally, Griffins in their own territory during football captain, Ben Polak, who is only nineteen years or ago. Polak dribbling through the Gettysburg" most of the game, His punting aver- has scintillated at his guard position for three years and has been one age was 41 yards from the line of of the outstanding footballers in Providence gridiron history. Fn all but backfield to score. scrimmage, three positions Coach "Joe" 1\IcGee will field 11 team made up of vet- Rallying and tightening their de- The Terrors outplayed erans. In Johnny Bnr-nin i and Johnny Leo the Friars have two jixcell- fense, the Bullets brought the ball in- from start to finish and the Terror to Western Maryland territory and was unthrea tened except for the ent sophomore wingmen, both of whom are six feet t<111. The other soph- Hartman, outside left, carried the ball is Stan Esielonis, a tackle who has come omore to have a Team A rating one scoring sortie. Fumbles along rapidly in his first year in fast company. The starting backfield down the sideline and cut in to score interrupted most of the Terror goal- the lone Gettysburg marker for the ward marches. The Terrors led in will probably hold a slight edge over the Green Terrors in weight. Thill day. The game then settled down to first downs-eight to four and also in is clue largely to the presence of Dick Vitullo who tips the scales at 216 a dog-fight, both teams t.hreatening pounds who does the yardage gained, kicking and is a six footer. His replacement is Bill Mogo Other starting several times, but neither scoring un- in this department. ace McGee's and is Coach One of the features of the game til about the middle of the third was the use by Canisius of two full Tony will lead the Terrors against backs include Pariseau, Spinnler, and Minicucci-cat! veterun ball toters period. Belt, who had carried the ball teams. These teams alternated each Providence tomorrow in the season's almost up to the goal, slipped in the quarter of the game. This is the finale for both elevens. Terrors Eager For Win mud and fell, a Gettysburg man fall- same system used by the New York ing with him. More players, coming Giants of the National Professional A Terror victory on Thursday would not make the season an en- in to secure the ball, fell on the pile League, the Baby Terrors Drop 7-0 tirely successful one, but it would help make the holiday dinner taste until about ten players were on the Western Maryland played in a great deal bettor for Western Maryland football followers. victories ground. The referee, peeling off the third game ever played in Buffalo's Decision To Blue Ridge this year have been few and far between, indeed an unusual plight f01' players, awarded a drop ball about new stadium, the Roesch Stadium. Green Terror teams. The Green and Gold gridders have been unfor- four feet out in front of the goal. Af- This stadium, recently completed, was tunate this season in having to run lip against such a hard schedule at tel' the ball had been kicked about a built at a cost of $3,000,000 and seats "Tom" Collins Shines For Terror a time when rebuilding is ucccssary. Just how much this has accom- few times in the knot of players gath- 36,000. The other games played were Frush plished will not be known until another season rolls around. Some re- ered, Tomlinson booted the ball Colgate-Tulane and Cantsius-St. Bon- I placements have developed more slowly than was expected at the be- through for the final score of the day. aventure. The Penn State game was a won- The Tenors came out of the game An intercepted pass gave Blue I fl~~n~~~g~f ;~~~t;:::j~~;e ~i~~::J~;~~~ll~e~aa,~:~~~l ~~ll~~~~,:ilv~ilr!~g~i:fg~~ derful exhibition of soccer by a team without any serious injuries. ~~:;~h~O~~;!~er~h;~:l":I:c:;~r::~::~ games, therc has not been any of t.he old Terror spirit lacking. 'rime which knows the game in all the finest Line-ups: 7-0 last Wednesday. The Terror team after time, the green jerseycd lads have fought their hearts out to bring details. The Terror squad was out- Canisius Western !lId. classed the whole game and outplayed Hamick LE Stropp ::~ a:t~n~~f~t dsi:~:l~aaln~~~:c~:s:~:~ ~~t~~ ~e;~~;l~~:~ ~: ~~~~~:~"°1~~~:io~~~:I~~l:l~et~JI:~,~:a~,~e b~~~,~~~li:rho;~ the first half, In the second li.alf the L(>ber LT Rfldatovitch passes to Impeciato and Croman. Late Field tomorro" the Havensmen will be fighting to I'epent t.hat 13-6 win Terror defense began to work more Zaso... ....LG Ortenzi in the fil'st half Christopher of Blue which they registered over thc Friars last October. 'l'he Terrors are smoothly and the Lions scored only Custodi. .. C Peters Ridge laid hold of a Western Mm'y- due for a big day against Providence, and \Vestel'll l\laryhmd fans will two goals. Megriel, Lion center for- Kempff RG Fagen land throw and dashed 40 yards to the be there in full force to witness a great battle bebw~en two evenly ward, costarred with Capt. Sol Nie- Amorosi R.T HOTIler goal line. matched aggregations. hoff in setting up plays and scoring, Enright.. ... RE Westerville "Tom" Collins turned in several niCe tallying four and two goals respect- Quarantillo ... QB Sadowski runbacks while Vic Impeciato and Ortenzi Outstanding Terror Captain ively. Megrail, while not as good as Ryan .... LH Adriance Holljes stopped the Blue's offensive Mac Ewan of tIle 1936 team, is still a LaTona .. . RH Balish several times. In the Jast quarter The Western ~lal'yla1l(l gridders havc been fortunate this year in very able ball handler. 'Western Zuchowski... FB nIcQuillen each team was given a scoring chance having the leadership of Captain Tony Orlenzi. His reputation as n Maryland threatened only about ten Officials: Referee, T. A. Timlin; but the attack p~tered .ou!. stand-out linesman has 100Ig been established. Beside his record as :1 times during the game, and each at- Umpire, J. A. Ailinger; linesman, C. sixty minute ball player his !lame will also be added to the long list of temp't was thwarted by Haag, Lion F. Lyman; field judge, W. E, Bachman Thanksgiving Day Cliff Lathrop's outstanding 'Western Maryland leaders on the gridil"on. WithouL his squad will journey to Williamsport, goalie. Pa., for a returri game with Dickin- fighting, inspir<1tional leadership this year, the Terrors' spirit \"ould SCORE: tIle physical CALLS PLAYS son's Seminary. This will be the big- iIa,'c been considerably lessened after !l fighting spirit beatings they took 1 2 3 4 T. To maintaill 011 successive Saturdays. under the;;e cir- gest game of the season and consider- W. M. C. 1 1 1 0--3 able attendance is expected at Wil- cumstances constitutes real leadership. Gettysburg o 1 0 0--1 liamsport. Dickinson has already de- Scoring: Reckord, Martin, Tomlin- feated the Baby Terrors once, 1!J-13. Nine Seniors Play Last Game son, Hartman, On Saturday Novembcr 20, the sqnad also played the Fort Hoyle Soldiers at The holiday battle with PI'ovidence tomOlTo\\' will be the last conte'lt :Marylanc1 senio]"s. who will wenl" Tel'- The gric1ders FOI·t Hoyle. for nine "\Vestern the last time are Ken Adriance, "Reds" Balish, Frank for ror colors The line-up for the Blue Ridge- Sadowski, "Puffy" ForthmHIl, Al Lutt. Al Lesh, Charley Rinehcimer, LEAGUE STANDING Western Maryland game was as fol- 'rony Ortenzi Imel "Peck" Slaysman. w. lows: With the departure of these mc)] from Westcrn Maryland football L. Pct. Blue Ridge Western Maryland goes also the last of Harlow-coached m('n. 'rhese footballers were fresh- Bachelors . 2 .666 Preachers... .666 Bakula ...... LE Impeciato men under the present Hnl"varcl coach. 'rhe eleven men that represent Gamma Betas. .500 Tomasuri ......... LT Dorn the Green and Gold next season \\'ill be thoroughly Havens-coached. Black and Whites. .000 Gloski.. ....LG Rigler Thus another new era in Westerl.l l'Inryland football will be inaugu- rated . Faw ... ....C Ryan Maroni ... RG Jones FRESHMEN WOMEN LEAD IN Farkas .. RT Holljes CLASS HOCKEY COMPETITION Simons RE Sturm Marriessy .....QB McPike WESTERN MD, vs. PROVIDENCE The Freshman "A" team defeated Nickolanci ... . LH Knepp Probable Starting the Senior "A" team in hockey on Casey .RH Croman ProvidenC6 We8te"ll !lId. Hoffa Field on November 10. The Michaud FB Collins score was 2-0. Other games played to date result- Officials: LeRoy Campbell alld Fred 27 LEO LE ..30 STROPP ed in a 2-0 victory for the Junior "A" Coe, 51 RYAN LT .. 32 HORNER team over the Sophomore "A" team, 54 EICHMER. LG... .41 ORTENZI (CAPT.) and a 2-1 victory for the Freshman 30 DEMERS ..45 LYTTON "A" team over the SOpholllol'e "A" PREACHERS CHALK UP 19-0 VIC- 17 POLAK (CAPT.) RG. 35 PETERS team. TORY OVER BACHELORS The line-up of the Freshman-Seniol" 32 ESIELONIS RT 2!J RADATOVITCH game follows: The Preachers, first-half champions 28 BARNINI . RE 38 LESH Freshman "A Senior "A" Frank Sadowski of the Inter fraternity touch football 16 SPINNLER QB. 25 SADOWSKI ·Dexter,A. ... LI Morris, T. Fmnk, veteran Terror signal caller ~~~~U:~o~:f:~te~e~h:es~:~~e~:~e:e~ ~!~~::~~~~..~:::::::!~~~:~~~~:N ~:~~:~n~ D :~~ ~~~~~s. ;:!~k d~~~C~~~t: o:tt;~~rs~:~~nst the 17. 66 VITULLO FB ..27 BALISH Logan, E LI Calloway, V. The Preachers' win over the Bach- Edmond, E.. LW Cooper, V, elor Club throws the league leader- Referee-MaUI'y Eichelbergel' Shank, J RH Wilmer, M. ship into a deadlock. The Preachers Umpire-Jack Ogden Gibbs, E CH Gompf, H. SUPPORT THE Bachelors, and Gamma Bets have each Linesman-W. S. Lilly Greenfield, R... LH Johnson, A. STUDENT won two games and lost one. I Handy, E...... ..RF Taylor, E, GOVERNMENT Play-off dates for the second round Field Judge-J. W. Menill Prescott, E LF Chipman, E. TOMORROW I will be announced by the Intramural Time-2:00 P. M. Nevius, A. . G Wheatley, I'll I L _j i Department at the close of the season. I L --=-__ --' I Goal:;;: A, Vollmer and D. MacEwen,
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