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WESTMINSTER V. P. I. CHOIR BOXING FEBRUARY 2 MATCH Z286 Vol. 15.·No. 7 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE. WESTMINSTER. MD. January 20, 1938 II Louise B. Fisher Dies Forty -Five Pled 'qed CALENDAR Dr. J. F. Williamson To Direct By Four Frats FQUowing Operation In Years To Be I January "American Symphonic Singers" Number , For Appendicitis Largest Inducted By Frats I 20-Faculty Club. Relations Club 24-International Chorus 25-Chemists' Club-Room 22 In Alumni Hall, February 2. Westminster. New Jersey Is Drawn From Choir School In Princeton. Reverend Ewell Officiates At Funeral to ~~: ~::;l~~';!:~n~t~efs;,rt:~:v:c~~:~ 7:15 P. M. Service Held in Baker Chapel looks forward to the corning; initia-' 25-Tri-Beta Meeting-8 P. l\1. January 14 tions of the pledges which always af- 27-Art Club-6:30 P. M. . On Wednesday evening, February 2, Western Maryland Col- fords Western Maryland Collegc 1\1 ' lege will for the second time welcome to its campus the interna- Miss Louise Bates F'ishcr, Assist- major part of the winter's entertain- February tionally famous Westminster Chorus, The chorus, under the ant Registrar of Western Maryland ment. 2-Westminster Chorus College, died Tuesday evening, Janu- The past season has been thc first 3-Argonauts-6:45 P. 1\1. -----------, direction of Dr. John Finley William- ary 11, at the Union Memorial Hospi- son, will present a concert of sacred tal in Baltimore, following 'an appcn- ~~:S~;at~~n;:i~~.liz~dheo~;~t~~s~~:g n~~1 and secular music ill Alumni Hall. dicitis operation on New Year's day met with the approval of as many: Aloha Meets Goal of The group is composed of thirty- and a second operation on January 8. fraternity men as it was supposed it two men and women, styling them- She was thirty-six years old. would be. Most of the men object to Four Hundred Pledges selves "American Symphonic Sing- Miss Fisher began her career at the necessary expense involved in ers," The singers are students of the Western Maryland when she enrolled concentrated rushing. However, the westminster Choir School at Prince- as a student in 1918. During the four' fraternities seem to be well sat- Sophomore Class Leads With a Total ton, New Jersey. course of her studies she received the isfied with the men who have pledged of 98% Pledged Subscriptions , Almost since its inception under Dr -- class award in Voice, a gold medal, to them, and all look forward to a by the I Williamson in 1!)20, the Westminster for four successive years. She re- successful fraternity year, Almost unanimous support Chorus has enjoyed a splendid repu- ccived the Norment Elocution Prize in The four fraternities pledged the student body of its new financial pel- tation in America and yearly makes her sophomore year, and was a suc- following forty-five men icy has enabled the Aloha to reach its I extensive concert tours through the cessful contestant in the Philoma- Delta Pi Alpha (Preachers) pledg- desired total of, four hundred sub- ) United States and into Canada, The thean Literary Society speech contest ed twelve men: John "Tommy" Tom- script'ions, excluding those of faculty singers have also made two European in her junior year. Climaxing a bril- linson, Theodore "Ted" Bowen, Wil- . and seniors, Business manager Or· concert tours, visiting during the liant college career, she graduated liam "Bill" Adolph, Kenneth "Ken" tenzi announced that Miss Jeanne second one, in 1!)34, eleven different snmma 81m" laude as valedictorian of Bills, Selman "Sam" Garrison, Don- Lang/a subscription was the four countries. They were, enthusiastically her class, receiving certificates in Ed- aid "Don" Honeman, Thomas "Tom" hundredth. greeted everywhere, particularly in ucation and Voice. Arthur, John wade, "Jack" Ryan, Only nine men and seven women Russia, itself the home of several Edits Bulletin Leigh Venzke, Orville "Willie" Wil- among the resident students of the world-famous choruses and choirs. After her graduation in 1922, Miss lis, William "Bill" Robinson, and college have not pledged themselves Fisher taught in the Salisbury high Lester "Bo-Bo" Knepp. to buy a 1938 Aloha. This is an in- Dr, Williamson Founder school, later going into Chautauqua Alpha Gamma Tau (Bachelors) dication that the presentation of the Dr. John Finley Williamson, presi- work, where she directed children's pledged fifteen men: Thomas "Tom" I plan by two senior speakers during- DR, J. F. WILLIAMSON dent of the Westminster Choir School, plays until that movement came to an the weekly assembly was well r'e- is the founder of the Westminster end. She came to Western Maryland ~;;:;~~r~U~;~!v~:~us~:~t:~~:~h, E~~~::'i cetved. "There was not a singje word Chorus. He was born in Canton, as Assistant Registrar from the Ma- Robert "Bob" Hahn, Marshall Hood., ~frt~~~i~Sition to the plan" said Ml', LargeDebatingScheduie Ohio, find attended Otterbein Univer- rine Insurance office in New York, \Villiam "Bill" Burroughs, Thomas, sity, graduating in music. Possessing where she had been employed since "Tom" Elias, William "Bill" Hauff, The sophomore class lead's with a I A nnounced For Season a fine bass-baritone voice, he studied - she had left the-Chautauqua. - --- l\rax """"Kable,Thurston "Tus" Apple- total of 98% pledged aubset-iber-s. The I under; the noted ..singer-teache)·s, Da- Alumni, as well as faculty, students, freshmen arc second wi~h 97.'ft, and! To Take Three Extended Trips And vid Bispham and Herbert Wither- and administration, will feel keenly ~~~t:;" .io~:~~i~Uy\~:g:~~s'of" R\~~~~~i the juniors are well up WIth 93%. ' Attend Penn State ~ebaters spoon. His singing career was Miss Fisher's absence from the cam- SOl', and Harry Lowery. Seniors were in charge of the so- Convention abruptly ended when a throat opera- pus, since it was she who had been Pi Alpha Alpha (Black and Whites) licitation, each floor in each dornrl- I tion definitely impaired his voice. As he took up choral di- an alternative editing the College Bulletin-more I pledged eight men: Francis "Doc" ~t:St~,;inJa~l:s~~:::~:n a~:~::\iOl~l~~ Over twenty-one debates with veri- s~cces.sfully th~n it had been edited Elliot, George Giester, Joseph "Lit- recting in a church in Dayton. amce Its founding. tIe Ape" Rouse, Lenny Bee, Frank !O~~~i~;:~~ec~:I~::f ~::I:n~V~:o~:~ In 1920 he organized the first West- Classes ~uspended. I Porsht, "Rip" Collins, Lewis Elliot, ~~~edc:ll~~g;:r i~heth~e:~:~n h~fVaery~:~~ minster group in connection with the Her body lay m state lil Baker and Roland Watkins, ' day-students respectively. About de~~~e qS~::~:nt~~~. ~:~~te, which was Westminster Presbyterian Church in Chapel from nine to nine forty-five Gamma Beta Chi pledged ten men: Dayton, Friday morning, All morning classes William "Bill" Banks, William "Bill" ~~~~i:u~:~c~t~t~~~. ~~;:~i~~:s h:~!a:i:~ sel~cted by the Penll State debate as- In 1926 Dr. Williamson founded and were suspended. Funeral services Parks, William "Bill" Dennis, William en wonderful cooperation," Mr. 01'- socmtion, is, Resolved, That the Na- became president of the Westminster were held in the Chapel at ten o'clock. "Bill" \Viley (the "Gamma Bets" are tenzi added, I ~i~\~:;'e~a~:I~~:~~~o~l~bi~I~::;~n b: f e~~ Choir School in Princeton, New Jer- Rev, A, W, Ewell, of the Westminster collecting these "William 'Bills'" this This augurs a successful 'financial industrial disputes. sey, from which are drawn the chorus Methodist Protestant Church, officiat- year); Frank Day, Neil Eckenrode, J'ear for the AI.o_ha,. Faculty sub· Most of the debates will be non- members. ed. l'.Iessrs. Havens, Adriance, Wills, "Hank the Hermit" Holljes, Edwin scriptions will not be solicited until Sehofield, Isanogle, and Schaeffer \Veant, Thomas "Tom" Davies, and March. Seniol' cooperation is as- decision and will follow the Oregon Sing A capella were pall-heal·crs. The student body Charles "Fitz" Fitzgerald. sured, Plan of ~ebate which consists of two t The singers are all accomplished in- was represented at the services by a constructive speeches, two cross ex- sb'umentalists, each having attained man and woman from each class. Af- aminations, and two rebuttals, It is professional rating as a singer or as ter the services, the body was taken Dr. Grace Sloan Overton Speaks to Students expectcd, however, that a few par- a player of either the piano or organ for interment to Denton, Maryland, In Assembly on the Fundamentals of Life liamentary sessions will be held. This The group sings a capella, always where Miss Fisher's father is bul'ied. year Western Maryland is using maintaining a consistently fine pitch l'IIiss Fisher is survived by her Chairman Of The Marriage And Home Department Of The National Council mixed teams for the first time, and The chorus commands a very large of the varsity Ill?ther, Mrs. :line~ Fisher, of Bel Of Federated Church Women Addresses Also a Combined some of the members on both sides of repertoire and is frequently required team to add a number of encores to its l'eg- are debating :::': :;d \;::tn~:~:~:~~, l'I:~~, ~l:,h ;i~~ I Meeting Of The "Y" Groups the question. ular programs. Ham Kindley of Bel Air. Both sisters Dr, Grace Sloan Overton, Chair- going to give me? Home Debates Dr. Williamson is deeply interest- attended Western Maryland, Mrs. man of the Marriage and Home De- Whom shall I marry? Several of the home debates will be ed in the choral works of American Cover graduating in 1912, and Mrs, partment of thc National Council of What is the meaning of life now, held befol'e the Wcstminster High composers, and, whenever possible, in- Kindley leaving to entcr Chautauqua Federated Chnrch Women, spoke to and after it is all over, what is to School assembly, the Kiwanis Club, cludes American works on the chorus' work inl!)22, the students of Westel'n Maryland become of me? and the Rotary Club. One debate ])rograms. On its last European tour, College at an assembly meeting on Mrs, Overton isolated the malTiage has been scheduled for the Monday the chorus aroused much interest in W. M. C. President Attends Wednesday morning, January 12, question and with regard to it asked, morning assembly on March 7. In this Negro spirituals, Stephen C. Foster dl.'bate the negativc team of Westem 1938. In order that young people be marriage 10 0 cia 11 y "Is romantic Educator's Conference discriminate on which they build funda- sound?" To answer her question shc Maryland will oppose the affirmative songs, Indian music, and traditional the in choosing cowboy songs, in the cities of the con- team in an University of American mentals compared patriarchal, Oriental the their lives, Mrs. Overton said, "You must European conventional, totalitarian, Oregon Plan debate. tinent. Although Dr. Williamson Dr. Holloway Represents W. M. C. At come to grips with the basic morals, and American, theories of marriage. The varsity teams intend to t.'lke reached his present eminence as a di· 24th Annual Meeting of the Asso· ethics, and determining factors of The American marriage was shown three extended debate tl"ips, which rector of classic choral music, he be- ciat.ion of American Colleges your relationships with each other. a~ offering romance as well as dig- will include most of the debates held lieves in America's native musical Find out what is thc sane principle I nity. Howevel', this type of family away from Westminster. Tours will hl'ritage and in hel' modern compos- Representing Westem Maryland for mal"l"iage," establishment is being deformed by be taken through Eastern Pennsyl- College at the 24th annual meeting of Dr. Overton feels that it is normal I a too casual regard ~or it and the fail- vania to New. York, through Central, the Association of Amel"ican Colleges, for every healthy minded person to ure to live up to phIlosophic and psy- and through Western Pennsylvania. Program Not Announced which opened yesterday at the Stev- desire following his own pcrsonal pat-, chological moral standards. Approximately five debates will be It has been the custom of the West- ens Hotel in Chicago, is President tern of life, Rebellion results when' "Today," said Dr. Overton, "too held on each trip. Plans have been minster Chorus to open its programs Fred G, Holloway. one is squeezed betwecn "quotation; many people try to safeguard their made for reprcscntatives of the \Vest- with several sacred works and to con- Dr, Holloway, a member of a spe- marks" set up by someone else. In-' hopes with the thought that failure ern Maryland Debating Team to at- tinue· with secular songs, The pro- cial "Commission on Teachcr Train- dividuals should be free to evaluate of marriage will be solved by di- tend the Penn State Debate Conven- gram for February 2, however, has ing", is meeting with other promi- and pick out the experiences of the vorce," Her concluding statement tion to be held March 18 and HI at not been announced and will be pub- nent educators from the United past and present which shall prove of was an appeal that youth develop a State College, Pennsylvania. lished at a later date. States to study the Zook and Judd benefit to their particular needs in philosophic concept of a marriage Western Maryland has alrcady held The price of admission will be the proposals on teacher training. molding a standard of life, that will last until "death do us part." fivc debates and it is expected that The meeting of the Association in In considering the foundations of At a combined meeting of the "Y" more will be added to the season's same as it was for the National Sym- full is featuring talks on modern edu- life, the speaker put forth four ques- groups in Bakel' Chapel that night, schedule which follows: phony Ol'chestra concert in Novem- cation by Secretary of the Interior, tions which shc considel'ed of vital Dr. Overton answered questions of- Feb. 3 Washington Collcge, Home ber. Tickets for reserved balcony Harold L. Ickes, and Heinrich Bruen- importance as ones which al'e of main fered by the audience, During the Feb. 14 Drexel Institute Away seats will bc issued free to regular ing, ex-Chancellor of Germany and intercst to everyone. two following days she hcld both pri- Feb, 15 Ursinus College Away students (i. e. those who pay an ac- visiting Professor at Harvard Uni- "What kind of person will I be? "ate and group conferences with stu- Feb. 15 Univ. of Detroit Home tivities fe~) while downstairs seats versity, What kind of a place is the world dents in McDaniel Hall Lounge, (Continued on Page 4, Column 5) for outsiders will be sold for $1.00.
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