Page 25 - TheGoldBug1937-38
P. 25
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. PAGE THREE Terrors Overwhelm Providence Terrors Trip Hopkins 3-0 Before Homecoming Day Crowd TERROR To Capture State Title By Tur;: STAF~' Wort Belt. Tallies Three Times Stropp, McQuillen And Peters Register Touchdowns For Havensmon In Terrors Blank Blue Jays Hard Played Game nei.r SCORES ALL GOALS TEHRORS SCORE ON INTERCEPTIONS In the filial game of the season, 111 an evonlv matched well fought battle, tile Green 'l'crrct's Western Maryland's soccer team de- earned their thir-d victory season over Providence College all feated Hopkins 23, 3-0 on our home 'l'bnnksgiving Day, 20-0. 'A down the field in the fil'~t quur-ter ami pitch, November member-s played senior their Eight two intercepted passes gave the TOI'- , _ last game for the locals and fittingly F F b I'DI'Sthe game. I T errors ace rost nrg enough closed their collegiate careers AftCl' nine. minutes Dr the fu's t with a victory which clinched the ;~~l~~~i :~~~~~I~t~'otI71~e;~0~1.1~~:SF~~:::I Friday Night At Armory state chnrnpionship. in doubt The title was up to this 12 line. Hansen kicked t::s t~; -_ game because of the fact that Marv. the Mc~~~iile~e~~l~:rct:;te~n: Courln;~~t:'a~~x l~:~:en:~e~chedulc lund had lost only one game nud had tied two fOI' the sen son, whereas Nugent of Pr-ovidence on their own The Green Terror court. team will had been defeated 38 yard stripe and then galloped the open a 17-game schedule in a contest western Since victor-y, the Ten-ors' twice. distance to the goal. The tbird qunr- with Fr-ostburg State 'reachers Col- seventh of the season, gave them tel' again belonged to the Terrors and, lege tomorrow night at the local AI'· when the Friars went on the offensive mory. The teums will swing into ac- more victories than Maryland, and in their 011'11 territory and resorted to tion at 8:00 P. M. since the Intterts two ties offset the passing, another- interception resulted. ol,eadditionnllossofthelocals,the Frosty Peters snatched the bailout The viaitiug team was runner-up 1.0 title returned after a year's absence. Co-captain \Yort Belt, whose pnss- of the ail' on the 18 yard line and Towson Teachcrs last week in the ing has been instrumental in much {Jl Basketball tourney held at Towson. went over for a score. Sadowski Coach Ferguson has had the this did all of his passed to Adriance for the extra large squad Br-uce a point. The last quarter was virtually direction fo!' the the ujn-ig hts an even battle between the western the first, third, Maryland substitutes and a desperate and fourth quarters. Providence team. Neither got be- The Green and Gold defense mcn were given yond midfield. Tomichek, "Bruno" I the game, for little their tr-ouble throughout the team kept Injuries to the two best punters on man, Fred Coe, Joe ball in Hopkins' most of the the Fr-iar- squad kept them on the Emil Edmond. In time. The few ter-i-itory threats that bench with the result that their- team Ferguson has "Hi" Koegel, a guard were made, were turned back could never get off their own tert-i- i rom lust year's n-osh team. 10 by Al Moor-e and Gompf who tory under their punts. western Other- men who have been working in have defended the Tenors' goal so Maryland made 8 first downs, com- c~ll'ly practices are Lenny Bee, CalToll grC(md Team well since they were teamed after the pleted 4 out of 19 passes, and made l\Iaddox, Charlie Wallnce, Ken Bills start of the season. 206 yards. Both Coach McGee and Frank BUl'l'oughs, "Bo-80" Knepp, L.K Blair Slilith. Maryland Co-captain Peck Mal'tin contilllmlly Coach Havens used theil' entir(' Dan HOlUleman, DOll Humphries, Vic I~.T. Hill l\I:inski. W. Mel seniol' members, played theil' lIsuall~l Ortenzi LG Eichner minstel Q.R. .Johnny T~alllbros, St .• Tohn's steady game. Petei's C Burdge 14 American U. at Westminster B.H. Pl'1ll1k Apichellll, ?>H. Sf.. Mlll'~"s The lineup: Hansen RG Polak 16 Geol'getown U. at Washington [..IT. Per~h l\:londol'if, Maryland \V.M.C. J.H.U, Radatovitch RT Sweeney Janual'Y: F.B. l(Cll Ac1rillncc, W. Md Gompf Romanofsky Stropp RE Banahan 8 *Washington College at Ches- ('<-Iptain-l\Illtnclla Willis RF Gough Sadowski QB Spinnler tertown Re~i Bcl-Snihbe 1\1oore LF Stout Adriance RH Pariseau 11 Baltimore U. at Westminster Cline RH Kephart Balish LB Minicucci 15 Villanova at Villanova Martin CR Hartkc McQuillen FB lIloge 18 ~St. J()hn'8 at Annapolis Barkdoll LR Tal'igan Tomlinson OR Phillips Score By Periods I;; ~:;;;VOI~:~~ll:~P~~~:shington Reekord IR Brayshaw 1 2 3 4 Febl'uary: Belt CF Briggs ~~:o~~de~c~"------'''-''6 ~ 6 ~=2~ ~ *~f:itj~~~I~~:;t a~a~:~~~:,~~bUrg Wallace LI Linthicum ],'iI'l>/ 'ream Wdght OL Price Substitules 8 *Loyola at Westminstel Bill l1iston i:Jeft BIHl Substitutes: WIIIC-Smith, Lang- West. Md" Ends: Lesh, Slaysman, 11 Wayne U,' at Westminster lohn .Tanw;as .I.rpft 'I'acldc (ion, Galbl'eath, Volkllrt. J HU __ Wcsterville. Tackles: E. Rineheimer, 12 "'Loyola at Baltimore Alcx Ath'.\· . Left GWll'('1 Hoopes, Cash. Scol'ing, 3 Belt, Oleair, Forthman. Guards: \Yalters, 15 *l\'it. St. Mal'Y's at Westminstm .Jim BO\l'mI'("lchcr TIH;kif'. CO)ll('Son January 15, when the Tel" The Green and Gold team l'olled up more Giles wonies fo], Cookhaid. a totlll of cight first downs as com· "flkip'; ('hlll·cll. Preacher Center lors jOlll'lley to State College to op- Jarrell Simmons and Ann Brins- ]lRl'ed lo Dickinson's six; but their at- George AI,\·el's. Bachelor Tackle ]lose tIl(' strong' Pelln State team. The field-what a ]Jerfect combination!! tack bogged down before they could Hill Skeen, Preachcl' End Lions were l'\!IllH'I'S-Ur to Syracuse, chflmpions, "Slug" Hansen and Jane KOllOW- l'each pay dirt. Dickinson took ad· ";\loon" -:\l,Ic1c1ox, Prcllcher lnter·Collegiate of the Green last yea,'. and Followers Gold the Swede and the All-Amel'ican- vantage of two breaks to score its "ned" Elliot, Bllchdol' leather pushers will have to travel t.he flag goes up!! touchdowns. Bill Gntlllllll, Hamlll:l Het;1 this year in ordcr j,Dwatch them per- We didn't know Balish was an or- The first Dickinson touchdown callle R bl form liS alLof the meets are scherl- ator but he's certainly talking turkey ill t.he second quarter. With Western am N~~~StlHd tlli' college football ~ellson is aboul ukd awlty from home now. I refer to the Baltimore Sun'~ Graduation did not l'iddle the ranb W. _l\J. C, Turkey Queen. ~'b~~:;::lndli~l~.din~n:he ba/~:~I~~s ~~~~ ball i.~ dominating the stage. The crllshing ~9.J4 of the boxers las! yeal' as it has ill Dickinson l'eco\'ere{t~n the 17. Free- Wa~hlllgton HCcl~~;;)ll~o.,'er HIP Ne~' ;'~rk G.lants ';'ns Milton Ruhl might have once gone th S' , t b k 10 lhr cxperl~. .I Ill' Glanf.~ \\'cre /-:) ta\'ol'ltes betorc llw Gther years. Only Clint Walker, ate fishing to catch fish but we know the :~;:~'the \al~:~n~:Yt~e\a~n :\~a~~~: \H'CJ~ t1~e nedskill,~ fllce 11m Y0\\,e.rflll Chicago B('lIr.~ fOI' 165 pounder, was lost. Walkl.'r was game he's hunting now is certainly fully executed revel·se. Three line Pl· Lt!llgllC chl.llnp~onshljl... The ~3Clll'S jhe ranking boxer of the team last not rabbit, 'cause we aU know that plunges failed but on the fOlll'th down 1·~maShe:'s In the lellf!l1e III l\agul'sl,1, l<'nlllcis. and year 8nd placed second in his cla~s you don't call rabbits blondes 01' bl'u, [It the Intercollegiates. nettes. Nice pastime,Milt! s;~!e~o~~~~:e~r~~ :~e;~~~; ~::n:~'~ !~I:;~' '\'111 ~~;:;cA ~;~:~I;~::~r:~:·I~~~e:~:l~I~~O~n~f!I~~;~~~~~::.~;(et r(,l~l~IIJ:~~ The veterans from last year are as follow~: 115 pounds-Sherrard, Os- Flash:- attempted placement kick was blocked. rCl)l'eS(!lltlltiyc of lhe cOllnfl·.Y'S best pillyers. Tf It flwl \\'e\'c teen; 135 pounds-Uartin, Allgirc; The University of Land L dis- The second touchdown came in the pid,ed so IIHlll.\' tpalllS alrelldy, I\-e'd pick an team. bllt Ire' ]45 pounds-Bender; 155 pounds- bands at the request of McKnight, third quarter, following an exchange don't have thc heMl'l to do it 'rhe pro tcam>: lIre all'ead.,· .~('Jl{ling Andl'ews; 165 pound~-Walters, Gal~ whose father will appear presently on of kicks. Dickinson held the ball on oui bins to the leading football stars of the past season. Some of thA breath. Hansell; 175 pounds-Ortenzi; the scene. Pres. Hal Wright is now the Frosh 41. Dye took a 20-yal'd mOI'c' soug'ht·nrter plrl.\'Cl'~ arc Byron ",\Vhizzer" ,\Vhitc. of Colorildo, Unlimited-Oleair seeking a new outlet for his executive pass from Stofer, and as he was '1'011."l\Iatisi, of Pil1. Bob Hendg, of Califol'llill, George Karamlltic, of The Schedul(' abilities. The dining hall gang has tackled, the ball popped fl'Olll his arms Gonzaga, Joc Routt, of 'rexns A. & !\L, and Bill O>:lllilllski. of 1101.1' Jan. 15 Penn State offered him a position if he can meet and rolled to the 6-,,'ard line. Doug- CI'OSS Bill Shepherd. onc of ,\Ve:'itel'll 1\laI'Y];llld's stars. 29 away their high standards. IllS, Seminal'Y right end, recovered. llOIY p1il~'ing with the Dcll'oil J~iOJ1S,scored 31 ]loint>: thp past Navy Wishing you all a Merry Chl'istmas Two line smashes advanced the pig- sellMll and fillishcd ~ixth alllong thr pro leHgup's top scorCl'S, Tn 19;~..j. Feb. " Maryland awa,,' II and a Happy New Year, skin to the two, from whel'e Freemen Bill \\'011 the n1l1ional scoring title by ~coring 133 poinls in his IH~t 26 Coast Guard i went around right end for the touch- as 11 Tenol' The _AlJ·National team Iyill ]lrobllbl.\' inclutle Still, i dDwn. The extra point was made on Cillrk. ClilT Buttles, 'I'Ul'k ErhnlJ'{h. ,'Joc St?dahlll', Dillll1.\· POl'lnUlllll. Pending Villanova away Schedule Frosh . THE SNOOPER. I a pa~s from Freeman to Stofer. I Clark Hinkle. lind Bill 111:\I'itt, <-Illlong-uthers . Jan. 29 Navy PlebeG -- away
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