Page 24 - TheGoldBug1937-38
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PAGE TWO The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. Passing In Review GOt UG ROOSEVELT AND CONGRESS by FRANK MALONE Jimmy Stoner's nine piece college The Administration's Official s~lldent newspaper of Western Maryland College, published on Thurs- orchestra will be heard at the annual day, semi-monthly during October, November, February, March, April, May, Freshman-Junior party which will be and monthly during September, December, and January, by the students of held Saturday, December 11, at 8:00 . Western Maryland College, Westminster, Maryland. Entered as second-class P . M. in the g-it-ls' gymnasium ill III matter at the Westminster Post Office, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Blanche Ward Hall. SUBSCRIPTIONPRICE $1.50 A YEAR ru~;:m~~~)~ n~~l~:~st~llOfC~t:'l~:llo~o:~~ MI'. N:i~~~E~~~~E~!i~?~~~~~I~~;J;~· 1936 Member IQJ7 ;~~:~n~~l;'O\:~'i~~~~t~y ~~~;:~~:'dGeo~.~~ tion by COLONELBAER -----=====___________ ~~~it\e~~d a~;I:~~i~il~~:elv~~U~:\~a~'~~ ~~~rslation, ~::lg~~:~ the same liberal think Charlie is looking for a battal- we ~~~;~~:~::NB~~~~~RTL~::::~:~~;i~~I=\ssocialed Co~eeiate Press Girls, but we aren't certain, e~~aectSupreme atmosphere Christmas Court would adopt on the Hill. Editor_in_Chief EDITORIAL STAFF . ALFREOGOLDBERG,'38 All freshmen arc invited as guests :!t\ttU~:til~·e;:~·~in~ ~~cll~e~:~~SI~'\t~~lll~~I~ld:l~o~:~rg:~:i~~ ~~neceSe~~~ite!~al'- ~~;~~i~{~riji1:o:::~~(e... . W. FRANK MALONi:·~~~~~~:C~~~:",~3i. ~!rt~~p~~~~~:esCI:~~d S~l~li~r:d:;~Si~~ onses. But so far no farm bill is in What say we dispense with all pre- Jlmior Associate Editors... .PAUL BURTIS,'40, EMJE~~~:g~~:::::::~~~~~:n~~~~v;U~~r~:I~e~/:~:~.n~la~~l~:~: ~:'.~~~::e. a ~:~tat:l: t~;:: \I~ \;~'~~~il~; ~:::i:I~~·i~~i~~t~e~o~i~ht down to the 13~~~·g;lit~~itor... __ ROBERTG. McKNIGHT, '38 will be admitted free, all others will short, less than a month remaining Olga Kompanek and Ken Adriance Crpy EditoT........ .. :.:::::..:::::::.~~~~~ ~~~~~AAR;:::~ have to pay the general admission before the Special Session must close seem to be hitting it off entirely too Copy Readers.. . HELEN ARMSTRONG,'38, RUTH MANSBERGER,'41 price. its affairs and make way for the reg- well to maintain a brother-sister act ~~.~1t~~:d;j's GRACEMAcVEAN;";·iii:··AARoN·--s~~:'l:;~:: :tg wh~n~Oan!~he::l~~~~~rStoOfa~~ea::~~;l~ ul~;l:e~;~abble is chiefly over King ~l~~~l~S~~:e~e\utT~~}:yn\~~~~tb~ofo~OI~~~ Feature Editors... ...VERONICAKOMPANEK'rt~~RyEJ~~:~~l\~~~~~, :~~ sors are Dean and Mrs. L. FOl'l'eSL Cotton. Senator Bankhead, of Ala- public. Mil- Adkins, ~~:;r;%a!d~~~!'i;"; LAWRENCESTROW,'39, l\IARJORIEMcKENNY, '39 Free, Miss Ber-tha ~~i~~le:;~r~~:~':' S~11~~I ~:1 who has sponsored much cot- It looks like Bob Sherman's corner Mr. Exchange Editor.. . AARON SCHAEFFER,'3iu:~~~~L T~~~:: ::~ ~~~:n~a;;~·~.t!~~ have ~~'~;I~i;''\I:~Vt~I~~t~::g~~: ~,~:~~iq~~~oac~~~~'~~,;tsb:u~::~:~.~n t!~ BUSINESS STAFF del'. and better prices. So big, in fact, least, we don't think he has taken to Business Manager JOSEPH OLEAIR '391 that Secretary Wallace has said no. the use of the same kind of lipstick ~i~~~~:~i~nA~!~~~~~:;_f~~~·~~~~~~:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:~~r~~t~~U~~~~E:~~~?~~~R~~~}k\~~;:;~~ • i"lIr. Wallace thinks that a large in- that Mary Brown uses. Really, Bob, d Assistant Ci?·culation lIfanagers MARY CLEMSON,'39, RUTH FIELDS, '40, College Church Closes Drive crease in cotton prices divert the for- it's quite becoming to you. JA~fES MERRITT '40 A" E this time at N d dS Coe has decided not Little Freddie would automatically Contributing re~orters: Virg-inia Calloway, '38; A. Odell Osteen, '38; Jo~eph tier xeee iug ee e um e.ign trade to growers in other- na- to stay in the background any longer. ~o~:r~eO·;,JI~jceDs~~~I.~~~~i~~~u:fe8~!~I,e~38~~f~:.~~~ i~des~i~11~nK:th~~~ Campaign l\Iost.··~ccessfI11 in Histor-y tlO,~S.. Senator Bankhead disagrees. The members of the opposite sex me Kile!', 40; Margn ret Burroughs, '40; Lawrence Freeney, '39j Charles Of Organization t I. 1.lke l Mr."J he says pa- I whom he has honored most recently ~t'F~I~~t,~~:,j,~~rOld Solomon, '41; Leonard Graham, '38; Roscoe Elliot, As total subscriptions and cash l;~o~~~l.:~:~~.e, l~a~li.l,~l~Sut\v~~; ! ~:wH~~n y:~vi~fk:n~h:lI'~~O:a;~:~. reached six hundred and ten ~l::t~::l~! girls?? . . ' Worthy opinion; Model management; Correct news. the College Church ended its Bankhead, says the Senator, knows I .We nobce that a certalll freshman last evening with more about COttOIlthan the Secretarv gn'l can take the football hel·oes (1) '''e ""fenJJ I ~inhlg Dinn~l~eil~l'iVe :e~e:~d~:~~~ can p~ssibly know, and points out tl}a't ~ol~~e~fi~~;.ir:rh:PJ~~:~tal!~eSK::k!~~:: Colle " 1" 'I fln assembly program, l"IIonday De- Amencan cotto.n sets the world _price on is Jack Lytton. You've got a big The following editorial by Don Herold i;; I D b cember 3, at which Chades Earl~al'dt at any figure It choo~es. So blggel job h d "G eme ." b issne of Scribner's Magazine. May thi8 t 1e fi~e~m .~I· Franklin Stephens, Bob Ingram, and and bett~. cotton Suhbsldies is his pl'O- we h~:l' :~~;~ n:~1s:' gre::. , - ut and, as SOl)homores, execute their duties 1~;'lOeI 11r~~e;lt Miss Charlotte Coppage explained the f~:I~. ch owev~~: t .er~hse~ms tto b~ Our sincerest congratulations go sophomore class. purpose of the campaign. At th2 I in th~UHo:~~.osl IOn III e ena e nn out to the Miss Gl'iffith who had the "One of the first things that should bc taught college freshmen i., ~~o~~li~t~dth~o;SS=~~~:~i~~t:~;s. ~~;I~e SelHl.tol· Bankhead may know his honor and coveted privilege of slap- not to act college .. Pcrhap~ tIle first \\"e;k o~ theil' collegc. year ShO~lld By the enthusiastic efforts of' the so- cotton, but we also note that SOlllCof ping "Reds" Bender's face. Did you be devoted to borrmg .thc ilttle fello\\"~ III oil and othel'\\'1se tot'tnrlng licitol's and the committee, this h~- our westel'll bo.ys know theil' turn around and let her smite the them to get out of thel.r system all.des.lre to \\'e111'monkey caps amI do pressive start resulted in a total of and so do thcll: constituents. (jther ('.heek, "Reds"? ~~ake :a~~cs'll bThen., If they persist m acting COll\-el~tio~Hllly college, $488 in cash and pledges Friday \~here the co~sbtuent's. ~h.ulllb is in th::e;I:~~ill~~ ~:~~~ta~:~ ~v:y ~~~~: t~e~u~ l~~ ~namot10~~lgl~~~J'~~ ~~eo~ ~~;f;~~;'fft~~'l~ ~i~~;:lO·~V~:.s~Ot\~~~;~'oS~~~;~~i~;hi:~h~~: added to ~1~:o.Ple,there ..IS ;he ..pO!ltlclan's heart grow under his feet since "Gwen" bena. ceeded thc necessary is Prominent Heeman politely turned down his last "In short, this period of chastening \\"Olllcl be 11most cxeellent cllnnce the first time that the budget of the bid. Nice girl, Miss Griffith, n'est-ce ~m:'l~i~~n~~~~gf~.o;:I~~I~~~~ll;~to~~p:'~~~::~!~ ~~:::~li'?e~tl~s\\":~ll;;~!~~11~;.e\~E:i:~ ::~~::~be~h~~~~:n;a~h:v;~ri~~el~/Utl~~ ~~~~s~~~n~;'~i:~·; I'ates and a pa~::rgie Dixon and Archic Allglre and for acting and dressing the part. campaign. dous buildi~g program to follow the seem to have definitely put each other '''rhcrc are, of course, in eyer." college a fe\\" 111~t.\'nitwits who lead ex~ectant lIlcrease~ l·evenues. They back in circulation. There you arc, in this eollcginte babbittry. They should be smacked to earth b.\· their eSbmnte. an exp~l1(!Jture of $!:l00,000,- I g·irls-he's free, white, and of age. ~~~\~:~~~~;~I~;,efit~~:s~~~~~:t» ~.\I~S1:!»ed who al'e right, but ~'!l~S~~~ld~I;:) I.ebuildin~~ i BI~ll'~~~~:~:b::;;:sol~~t ~~IS:~tting quite "This goes, too, for after life. 1111(1] think :Ild steel III paJ'ticular . the man-about-town (but not from his of pedagogy here by which the college call III I~~;:ll'~~~1 obsel'vers, howevel', are rOOlllmate's lessons). At Icast "Ed- life ~~Tah~"~~~~·aei~~sai ~~~~~i~~o;:cfi~~'~ ~~~i~~:smen. not so SUI·ethat such tl'emendous in- ~:~~u~:}:~lon~v:as\~;n~:~n \:~:!.~g t~:~ like actors. 'rhc best \niter."; and arti~ts T lmow look brokers 01' ~:·.~~:~~'e.ol·Tah~ i;~:;~:s~:tat w~~~ leaves Georg·ie Grier, ~ce trucker. ~~~~el:~~~:~:~s ~l~~~tt~: ~~~~::;:n \~~~I.~111~~n~s~l~~il"1~1:1~\~~~I~~~f~~~i:~~l(1~~;;~ pl'ices on a decrease, an incrcase in to '~~ead;~~,e ~.~et:d \~~rh;~~a~tel;~~: ought to look the lcast. college. ~~.eil~~~ItOl;nP:ssdci.~~~~ffl·~~lesV~~Ul~:e~~Even though Frosty Pcters and Kay "1£ we can't get intclligent peOl)le frolll 0111' to business and nn actual loss to the Barker called it quits last Sunday, mean doesn't close the colleges. .And T thinl; it \\"ould help n lot to ~~I;;e;,~:~'d1a~;'01~lu~~~~~ ~Ii·~:ti~ ~~i~ a life- one weck-end ~~~;,k all that is collegiate out of tile fre~hmell before they are a weel;: ficient, I hope. As for Kay, well- it's all up to Bob Walters now. '39 Aloha Editor Thc Missing Link rides again-this As a follow-up to a recent editorial wherein the training of under- Anolhcr Facist govel'nment takes time with Louella Mead. Stick with classmen for positions during the scnior rear was [Hhocntecl, we present Charlotte COIlI)a,!!'e tentative fOl"lllas Geneml Fl'anco has it Howard and YOt!might get a chain a response from 11 prominent campus organization, the Aloha staft'. himself proclaimed "EI Cantallo" in this time. "In the spring of the junior year, the Class of "x" holds 11 meeting Madame President-with execut.ive a cel'emony at Huelgas. Might r dedicate this little sonnl;'t and elects two individuals WllO are deemed capable of guiding the desti- ability and a business mind her most as the siege of entered its to the Casanovas of W. M. C.? nies of t.he class yell1'bool;:. Tllese persons are immediately confronted striking characteristics. Charlotte 391st day. THE GIRLS BACK HOME by representatives of printillg, pllOtographic, and cngraving concerllS. Coppage is president of two organiza- An cvent of equal importance oc- We wondel" if they yearn, in quest of their signutures. tions on the Hill-the YWCA and the cUl'l'ed in Britain when the entire We wonder if they learn, "Thcre follo\\'S 11 series of conferences with the~e reprcsentatives, Home Economics Club. Not content command was shaken. Thc 63-ycai·- The tricks their little deal's are up to. which, in the experience of a recent editor required t1iree to four hours with two such jobs, she is also vice- old Chief of Staff who had served less Do their hearts forevcr burn, daily from the time of his election nntil his vnrious contracts were president of the Womcll's Student than a year was replaced by Viscount Do their affections ever turn, War World signed. Government. Classes, presidencies, Vorl., 51-year-old SflW an infusion hero. of When they think of trials they lJlust shake-up The "The advantage of helping with the production of the Cl1l'rent book and :Management House, she takes youngel' blood on down the line, and go through? Teadily offers itself, but what of the countless plHl8es of the \\'ork which thcm all in her stride. She has strong is regarded as significant to a world Reckord, Barkdoll, Simmons, BhlSt, are all'eady histo."y! Where will knowledge of these be gained 1 W'hat convictions and she sticks by them to constantly wondering as to Britain's Out the window should be thrust, the bittel' end. Charlotte is extreme- of the inactivity of the summer months, "'hen ndU:'Jble plans and ncces- Iy sincere ill all her activities, but she next moves in the Fal' East and on With Adriance following close behind. sary organization might be de\'eloped were the editor sufficiently ac- b.kes her duties slowly and easily, the Continent. Koegel, Maddox, Dooley, Wright, quainted with his field ~ and positively Tefuses to WOITY01' be Japan precipitated considerable Should be kept awake at night "A knowlcdge of hundrcds of t.eclmiecll an understanding upset. One of her hobbies (perhaps trouble in Shanghai Jast week with a By misdeeds prcying on the mind. of production costs Imel clisconnt r
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