Page 23 - TheGoldBug1937-38
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fil!{m'l1 tIn Science Hall Is Fcature of Cast Announced Three Day Program our own. l\1r. IIIalone then intl'oduced The charactel'S in the prologue anJ 1\11'. Charles Dael' as chairman of this epilogue arc: Private Whitakel', nn committee, On December 7, 8, and !J, the Mary- land Shlte Grange held its annual ses- Ellglishman,-lIfalcolm Kullmar; Pri- Survey l\lade vate Murdock, un Australian-Robert sion at Westel'll .Maryland College, Ingram; David Kahn, an Indian The survey of other schools as Young people from ull parts of the Trooper-Lewis Hill; and Joseph Gar- All speakers pleaded f01" a doser shown by Mr, Bael', eovel'ed such state were present, repl'csenting their nier, the Fl'ench peasant-Alvin New- local organizations, ton. meansal~~ I ;~~:l:I;~~U~~e~~o:t~~e~~a~:~~~ti:~I~~:~ On Tuesday, December 7, the ses- cost pel" student of the yearbook, and sion at 10:00 A. At. with the The charactcrs in the soldiers' vis- the percentage of the student body roll l'eports of officers, und pro- ion al'c: 1HUl'Y-Mary Virginia Coop- subscribing to the annual. In all the activities Joseph-Frank resolutions. At 11:30 A. AI., er; St. Gabriel-Dorothy Malone; tile cases it was found that subscription to higher, that fee was Fridinger; Angel Roy Brookes, Stnte MHstel", the Three Shepherds-James JlIenitt, the yearbook was compulsory, aIHI addressed the group aftel' which Dr. Churles Sumner, and Stewart Eckel'S; was Fl'cd G. Holloway, President of 'Ves- the Three Kings,-Raymond Roder- awarded a scholarship to Louvain that a minimulll fee of five dollars tel'll lI[nl'yland College, delivered hi3 University in Belgium. After stur]y- WHS charged cneh subscriber, As an message of welcome, Tursday aftel'- ick, Lawrence Frceney, and Franklin for five ycuI's he received his doc- lems which they 0utgrowth of this research, a plan,was noon was given over mainly to the Stevens; and a little boy attendant election of officers, and reports the en the old king-Dilly Holloway. to 1~~:I:~~~:~:~~~:~\~~s~i?t~~e t:t::~:: ~:psl~a~~in~;ywl~I~~b:~~lof the w ;~~~~~~;;;h~\::~~ ~heea~~!~'~:~n~~ll:~ Executive Committee, the Friends of the College and the gen- sa';- I el'al public are invited to attend this body and faculty to attend its meet- ~~v~:l:':.:~~:~:t~:~u~~a:e/~rg~:!~ Sen~ol' year $10,00 Chl'istmas sel'vice. ings. I il~g" of time and would eliminate con- JunlOr yeal 2.00 =====================_ Slderable maladjustment." ;:~~ Buck Schuler To Play For Pi Alpha Alpha $16.00 Club In Last Pre-Holiday Dance December 16 Hr. Baer emphasized the fact t1wt whel'eas undcr the old plan the six- Event Will Be Semi-Formal With 1'lI'eh'e Dances And Intermission _.\t Halfway Mark teen dollar senior fee entitled the sub- scribel' to but one book, the new plan gives the student four books f01" the a vigorous period of so- I "Reds" Bendel". The committee has same subscription price, cia I culminating with the Ilakl:n an active interest in its work dresses. A member of the National Chl'istmas vaUltion will be a dance, I and all arrangements for the dance Plan Convenient Grange gave the concluding address held Thursday evening, Dec. 16, from have been completed. The dance will 1f the student, however, fails to of t,he evening. 8:00 to 11:30 P. !II. in the Blanche be a semi-formal affail', and the pro- subscribe in a givcn yeill' or yeal's, the The Ward Gym the Pi Alpha Alpha g"l'Hlllwill consist of 12 seniol' fee is to be t.en dollars plus the fi:OO A. M. I'esolutions and F'l'atel"llity, known on the cam- 11 short interlllission between entrance to the dinin/l amounts he failed to subscribe during l'eports from the Endowmcnt FU;ld pus as the Black and White Club, ~l1d seventh. hall; and of water on stu- his years as Hll underclassman. It is and Tax Committecs, Frank Bentz, Buck Schuler alld his orchestra. a SpO)ISOJ"Sfot" the occasion will be: dents and facnlty members from tile not compulsory to support this plan. of BoonsbOl'o, spoke on "The Land well-known Bnltimore dance bam!. has Pl'esident and Mrs. Holloway, "Major tower of Hel"ing Hall. The chairman of the committee em- Today Hnd TomoITOw", while H. H. hf"en secured for the occasion. A1- :md ]\frs. Severne S. MncLaughlin, A financial report of the Council';; phasized that the plan is mcrely fOI Bonnett, Chief of the U. S. Soil Con- though BlICk Schuler hns never been lind Mrs. T. M, Shepherd, :!\II'. nctivities at the home-coming- game the convenience of the student body;- sel"vation Service, spoke on "Soil on the Hill beforc, membel'S of the ChHl'les 'V. Havens, and PI'O- was made by iIll·. Cbnrles Bael", chair- lack of endol'sement in each year will Erosion ControL" The topic of 0, K. fmtcl'llity feel that his music will be fc-ssor Raver amI .Miss lIIoore. \lIall of the committee in cbal'ge of necessal"ily demand the aceUJllulative Quivcy, of the B. & O. Railroad, was (>Jljoyable to all. The Dallce Committee prOll1ise~ the sale of nH'I'chandise Ht the game. jJa~lment which has proved so objec- Members of the council, tionable in the past. ~~:~~I~~~~ i~~i~~~ti~::~ral':~~J;~.s~~~ Jlit~~ ~1~e::n~l:~~:c:iJ~e~~l'~~:s!~al:I~~ novel decorations completely in har- fl'ained fl'Om publicizing In COllcluding his rcmarks, 1111". Bner dresses, as well as music ;llld a spell- pointed a Dance Committee consisting mony with the occasion and assures concel'ning the l'eP01't, other th~n t.h.,· stressed the need for sportsmanship ing contest, The evening was devoted I of Philip Lallasll, Dick Sprouse, Don that the dance will prove a fitting fuct that they Wel'e disappointed in "nd one hllndl'ed pel' cent cooperation to social functions, j Trudel', Alex R:msollc, and headed by ending [01' the last week, thenet]ll"ofits. ill the initiation of this program.
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