Page 16 - TheGoldBug1937-38
P. 16
Md. PAGE TWO The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Passing In Review GOt I lINR~~:PEC~~~~~R~~pJ Eden, made ISNOOPINGSI Ssst-Boom- by FRANK MALONE that the statement It appears 1.z:a:O;l:l~i~!l':~:~~:~:v~e:~:~~:~l Rah! Rah! Rah! week by last Anthony for what Bah!!! Phooey-Bah-Ssst---or him "Mad dub Anthony", was not some radical changes in their various which some observers were about to have you??? come Anyhow-as the leaves down-aS of brown tumbling Official student newspaper of Western Maryland College, published on 'l'burs- trends and practices. quite so important or daring as its the brisk north wind echoes around day, semi-monthly during October, November, February, March, April, Mar, In the earliest statutes of Bologna first startling effects indicated. The and monthly during September, December, and January, by the students of tendency had been, after commenta- the corner of the boy's gymnasium Western Maryland College, Westminster, Maryland. Entered as second-class University, at Bologna, it is recorded tors had finally regained their breath, (ain't them thar- words purrty?1?) matter at the Westminster Post Office, under the Act of March 3, 1879. that energetic students formed a kind truly has found that the roam- SOBSCRIPTIONPRICE $1.50 A YEAR of union or guild against their pro- to regard it as the perfect comple- Romeos have sought the comforts fessors, intended to safeguard their ment to President Roosevelt's Chien- the indoors-s-even to brave the goospeech from which a bid for world scholastic interests. framed sev- dangers lurking within the portals l;f ICJJ6 Member I<:IJ7 eral regulations the faculty leadership has been inferred. Hall lounge. Cold weather !;ssocialed iliUeeiiale Press members were forced to observe 01 But editorial comment of the past McDaniel must be comin' on. Never- certainly lose the benefit of tuition fees from few days is of the opinion that Eden theless they haven't let your reporter the students. Here are some of was merely trying to assert that ic down. EDITORIAL STAFF them: was the United States and not Great Gallant James Shreeve-the an- Editor-ito-Chicf . ALFRED GOLDBERG,'38 I. Teachers could not be absent-not Britain who was backing the Nine- Editor for this issue... L PAUL BURTIS, '40 even a day-without leave from Power meeting at Brussels-not that ~~~~~tl~laad;lI:il~e~~~dit:·~~e~~hSi::~~:~ ....1ssociate Edito,!s . \\~rFRANK MALONE,'3J~:E~NJo~E~;~~:~388 the students. Britain was expecting to tag along we say, haremj ? He even went so Junior Associate Editors... PAUL BURTIS,'40, EMELINE NBWMAN, '3D 2. If a given teacher did not have ~t I ~~;i~:e t~:ti~~i~~dtl~:a:~I~f~:.e~l:~~l'min- far as to permit her to have the hon- Managin.t1 Editor ROBERTG. :McKNIGHT, '38 least five students at his . . . 01· of wearing his coat-we hope-to News Bditors . . FRANK SHERRARD,'40 Cruy Editor JANET MACVEAN, '38 lectures, he was as if he were If stfll interested, you mig-ht I keep her warm. we wonder what the Copy Readers GRACE'MACVEAN, '39, HELEN AR~ISTRONG,'38 absent. and l"eu~ t~e s"tatement. d~al".boy.will choose to do next. 01· Proof Editor...... . SUE PRICE, '40 (I. Teachers were nnt allowed to skip I WI]] It still be Patty??? Proof Rcaders GRACEMACVEAN, '39, AAROl\ SCHAEFFER,'39 a chapter, or postpone an~' difflcul- . This was one ~f th~ most intel:est-I Deah, deah! Deah! (1\1. H.) Hend- Feature Edit01·S VERONICAKOMPANEK,'40, EUGENE CRONIN, '38 MARYJANE HONE~lAN,'30 ty till the end of the class hour. lllg" off-year elect.ions III a long time, nckson has gone aristocratic on us. Sports Editors.................... . 'FUED COE"'3B, MARJORIEMcKENNY, '39 .t. Teachers had to cover a certain the New York City mayoralty contest 'Vhat say, gang-maybe we'd best all L1AWRENCESTROW,'39, HAZEL GOMPF,'38 Assistant S1JM·ts EditOl·S . +.. amount of material in each term of ' being chiefly responsible. While some take a chance on New York. Come Exchange Editor.. ..ELEANORTAYLOR,'38 . the year. interest was manifested in the New 'l. Classes bad to Jersey contest for Governor, which you how we all down south Business Manager ~.~.~~.~~~~S STAFF JOSEPH OLEAIR,'39 and be dispersed A. Hurry Moore won on a close count do things. What's this we hear about ~~~i~~~i,~1n~1:::~i!i~I~··~·j~~;~·g~;:·:.·::.·:::::.t::....:::::..::::::::::::::::::::..: ::~::~E~~UJ~~~~~: :~g minute after the to gain a third term, the eyes of the a trip up north for Christmas-sight- ~~EOL~~S,'~oo Circulation lIJanagers MALCOLlIIKULLMAR,'40, HILDA BITTLE, '38, Fellow students of Mary- entire nation have been turned on seeing or-nuff sed. Assistant Cil·clt/aHon M(Owgers ~l\rARYCLEMSON,'3!), tE~~~ lalld College, it is time for us to act! New York for several months. The old maestro, Jimmy Stoner, Look back upon our collegiate prede- La Guardia, the Fusionist incum- seems to be playing his own lovc Reporters contributing to this issue: Doug·las Catington, '40; Frank S?enard, cesso!"s and marvel at their ability to '39; Mary Jane Honeman, '39; Ellgene Cronin. '38; K might help. '1'0 us now, an income of sixty l"'ority' boasts not only her member- purpose al·bitration of the Sino-Jap- listen to Bing CrosbJ', Rudy Vallee, dollars a month whcn we Ilrc, sixty ~ycars old doesn't mean a thing. If ship, but made her its. vice-president anese conflict, seems to be accomplish- etc., but "Farley" Ehrhardt must the government will guarantee lIS a full, happy life and spiritual satis- this year. Our, Aloha editor· has ing nothing in a sbort while. The have something when he causes a girl facti~:~r\~~e~:::~~i~~a~~.)~e~~~~~·t ~:~el"~:l~::~g, and in Olll" youthful ego- ~:~I~fin:e:he ~llac::~~~cu~:s~~::!s ~~ I ~~:.~e:~~~\;'~~e s:;~~tsf:~~h: ~:~~:~ to ;:i:;n; ~~:~e:utcohh:;:c:i;n~~~~ to ism ,\·e believe ,,·c al'e able to proyide 1'01" Ollr~ch('s. If thc go\"ern- year-book work. Incidentall~' we are States 'representative, Norman Davis. mention that Uncle Bob Keifer is be- ment desi\·cs to aiel us,· let it do soi only with om permission. An ex- inelin'ed to "Suspect· that he' thinks I Japan's refusal to attend the meeting coming as habitual around here as ceptiOJl cannot be granted on the gi·ounds that help is needed, aud OUl· she's an unusually nice girl anywa~' .. has vil·tually J·endered the powers im- Sunday night chapel-I'll leave you ;~.=~lt~e~~~.i\~':1~1°~~7;:· bt~l~~I~~J:"I~h:~~~~":rI~~~~tO~.t;~a~~~l~nga[O ~~Se:s:~~~! ~~.~d:g~~~::~!~kY~~ ~~~;h~ndn;:~Vi!~ ~~;:n:f ~1:~7:ti~~"0~~:e~~~I: P~~fno~ ~~t t~a~o~; ~:l::hn::~si~~!~::t:~nt:! it is done~ _ JOSEPH OLEAffi.' I ~~~:!:I~n·::r:~~1;17~:~.\·:~~ter ~f leadin: t~nedW~~"~d.sOinformed the nations of I ~7~~:h~' cOlumn-:~!te;no:;:~ I •
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