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SYMPHONY -II G·Ol NATIONAL 18 HOMECOMING D1\ Y -[ NQVEl\IBER FOR ALL ALUMNI ALUMKI HALL I THANKSGIVING DA Y Vol. 15, No,4 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD November 11, 1937 Homecoming to Feature i Rifle Team Starts CALEND,<\R Banquet Marks Opening Dr. F. 1.Libby Speaks Practice On Range Of Building Campaign W.M.-Previdence Game John Lavin To Captain Team ~'or' Nov. 11 Art Club . I i Dr. Holloway Speaks Over W. H. A. L. on International Peace On Thanksgiving Day Coming Season. Watkins, 12 P.A.M. Rush Party- Outlining The Building 4:30 Manager 16 French Club Prugram in Assembly, Nov. 8 "Ladies Of The Jury" ami Home- The Western Maryland rifle team ~~ ~;i~i~~:~eS;'~~h~~:lfel'_ On Friday night, October 29, utter Speaker Is Executive Secretary cOmingAt~~::i:~s Added ~t,a;~;l~f~~·;~:!:ev~~~:)~~~~n~~oVl~~~::~ ence three months of preliminary prepa r- Of pN,••tvi,onOt~looCOofoo"Vi~,Fo, 22, International Relations ationa, the $250,000 building fund • ~ Sponsored this year by the Men'!; . year rcporting in addit.ion to thirteen Club campaign of Western Mar-yland Col- Student Government, plans are al- new candidates, Several of the new 23 Tui-Beta lege was officially opened at a ban- Dr. Frederick J, Libby, a speaker ready being made to insure the an- ::::ll\~I~:~s~~~,I)l'eViOUSexperience in 25 Home-Coming Day ~~l~:r:~ld in the Emerson Hotel, Bal- of note, delivered an address to stu- nual Thanksgiving-Homecoming Day 27 Delta Pi Alpha Dance dents, faculty members, and friends to be the biggest and best one since The team will be captained by John Dr. Holloway, who was the main of 'Western Maryland College during its inception in 1922. Lavin. Roland Watkins, business speaker at the banquet as well, spoke the assembly period on November 8, Three events feature the program manager of the team, has announced that evening over Station \VBAL, 1937. Dr. Libby was formerly a ~~:;;~::~},~~;;,:a~:~;;7;~rf,;;:I~::~::it~::lo::~:~,~:::~;~t~~~~::~:~i:: Pi~e~f~:;~et~a~:I~a~~::,27:'~~;~::'~'~':~~::~~;;~:~~:::,,,:::Idin ~~:~;,::;;!:~;::~i:~;~~t::::\:,;,~:; g tation of the Homecoming Queen be- University, Gettysburg College, Le- In Monday Chapel 011November 1, gaged in rehabilitation work among tween the halves, the Alumni Tea in high University, Drexel Institute, Selection or Orchestra To He Made I Dr. Holloway asked for the students' women and children in Germany. McDaniel Hall Lounge after the Washington College. Public As Soon As I aid in the campaign through br-ing- UpOIl his return to the United States game, and the play, "Ladies of the The team will also compete in the Possible (ng news of the drive to prospective he was made Executive Secretary of Jury" to be presented by the College Hearst Trophy matches and the __ donors or submitting their names to the National Council for Prevention Players in the evening at Alumni Corps Area Matches. The latter- are As the first major social function the campaign committee. of War. He is at present occupied Hall. service matches and are restricted to of the year, Delta Pi Alpha will spon-' The new building prog'i'aru is a with speeches to many colleges and Football Game Scheduled teams connected with the Army. SOl'a dance to be held in the Blanche part of the Greater Western Mary- organiaations interested in peace. Dt'. Western Maryland's football team Sergeant Lavin, has perfected the Ward Hall Gymnasium on Saturday, land development envisioned by the Libby is editor of the Peace Actio)l will wind up its season on this day target-system on the rifle range. This November 27, from 8:00 to 11:30, lute 01'_ Albert Norman Ward, PI'CS- magazine, an organ of the National against Providence College, one of new system further insures safety for Pershing Volkart, Delta of the fra- ident of the Collegc from 1920 to Council. the strongest small schools in the the members of the team, ternity, has selected a committee for 1935. It includes a new men's dormi- Interest In Peace East, This will be the feature at- Major MacLaurrhli n and Sergeant the dance consisting of Eugene Cro- tci-y, intended to house 120 students, Recently, began Dr. Libby, a New traction of the day and a good game Lavin, team coaches, have expressed nin, Mac \Vdght, and Carroll Mad- which will be erected at a cost of Yor',; Times correspondent noted that will be assured as Coach Charley Hn- their anticipation of a most success- t dox. He .also place? Sam Galbreath $150,000, and a $70,000 field house the middle west was concerned more :~n:: ~~::s~~'~:sOl~:a~~~~af~~~:l~o~~~~ ful season, I :~~~i~~~vm Compf In charge of dec- ~h:e ul~~r:?,~ ~~'~~;l~:\O~~,tel~::dU;:I~ ~ii\~I:u:~'i~:I::S~i:o~~~f~,.po~~~s t~oal~ letic events 'are being arranged to be .. T.he men repor~ed ~\ th~ I Several well-known orchestras are half the size of the present one, will eign policy was one of peace, This included in the day's program. lllltJal practice: John LavJn, 0 a~ I' under consideration by the committee be enlarged at a cost o[ $70,000, same fact has been evidenced thl'ough Before the game it is planned to \V.atkins, Joe P.arker, Rober~ Br';_l~' and the final selection will be made Throug'hout the drive it is being em- the retul'llll of nation-wide polls have a parade from downtown to l\hlton Hen~lIckson, LeWIS G .1, public as soon as it is made. phasized that these buildings are not which reveal an attitude definitely to- Field. The band, the unnamed Douglas Catmgton, ElGeo~geGh rlr' j . Members of. the. faculty who have' befng_erec:_te§ ~r_a lal'g-e_!'West:_el'n ward peace, This attitude is not queen and her court, and other parti- B~U Muson, ....RQOOlo--t~agke, ~, ~~ es , ac~e)Jte{t invitations to. act as spon- Maryland, but for a better one to sat- only national, continued tIle speaker, ~f'P~,I:~~~],W,ill be included in the line ~~::I~:a~~;'l~:~VbUl.;~John eCa~~ ; ~of.'·'th'.r~I'ufb',·,Tn·dK~".~a.mH",~.~,;~soPno,nDs~~isfy mOl'e adequately the needs, of th.:> but it is international. He quoted O ."u~'- , M f h v ... ''r'" "., , students now enroJled. the Ganadian Minister as having A committee composed of W_ Fl"Rnk ~i~~.~a:n~ndF~~~~erSh~~':';r~, tG~I~::"~ : :~~ :::::: ~.IY~~r~~:nF~::,ce~r.D:~:; Wantz, Chairman voiced Canada's determination to ~!~IO;:~es~';:.I.~a~~d~1:~rB~l~~~:\:I~~ Benson, Robe~·t Hah~, .Thomas Elias, Mrs, H. L, Elderdice, and Mr. C. Mil- ha':' b~::r~:n~:dal~~Z s~~'V~V::tl~~:l:\~~'i aY;~dcw;;~ut\'RlitY Block has been )Ianned to have two electiollS the fil'.St I charge of the election of the queen, ~aJPh '{ Hb~Wkl~S'.hW~lan~ A11~~:jd son Raver. Chllirman of the Campaign. Associ- joinep. by Belgium, Germany, France, X the pamde and other features. It is Ft ~a.gc, e _ umner, e~ . ~me ~r~,: ' will consist of ten program dances. ated with him in the general organi- Great Britain, Finland, Lithuania, and e,. I B I' a C~'If ~Ig The dance will be semi-formal Balkan States, Little Entcnte, the ~;o~::~~,;;~,~~V;:;b:~e l:~::n"b~:: :~':~:';",~]~~~:~ and \vol],"", \V,I,y ;;'::t~:m;;~,~:'t:~.t:~;,""~nfh.'",,~~~ ~;;i:~in;;:n, R;;:i';n:~n;W~:t'~~:~i':'; :~d,,~th~:~ :~,yOf.::h';,'.v~~~' t~;:~ of these six will be chosen queen mi' A 1)Pe I" b Y III IVI URS W v b. - H. Litsing;er of Baltimore, Church countries fl'om being the battle- 'd'·d] h" hav e the fina1 election on November 22_ come competent at its arduous re- Chairman; and Fl'ed P. Adkins, Spu- ground of other warring faction~. as, the National Symphony Program The remaining five will a~t ~~ii;.e~~:~~:ityH:~dW~~~~~ei\~::I::~:~ ;~~:It~if~~at~~~~~::~;,' an~:~;}~ c~:~:.~· ~;~e~;a::s a~~d ;~t w:: f~~a~neo~~n~; ~~~~:~~e~ou~~ th~hec~~~~:~~e\\;:!lt~: Announced ForNovemher 18 in participating should contact him. men, to whom, in turn, report the 10- those nations nearest to the scene of e The dance will supply a festive cal "captains". I the last great conflict. "'Vho", asked ~~~~::d ~}~~~!\vo~\7:n,~Ys~:~·:~~sG~~~ touch to the Thanksgiving week-end The campaign opened with a fund Dr, Libby, "says that we are unable ernment in McDaniel and Blandlc M~~S1~;I:~~:;~ok)~~v;:~I~~:~:)~\~,:I_Y:i8 ~:i~n::~~ ;~:;~~d~eal:i:::~~ing'S enter- ~!I'I~:~u~~g!~5'~~~d ~::~:S~~n~f at:ll{~ ~~il:!a;Wo;~?,?f a war three thousand Ward ~:Il;;1 McDaniel Loungf' To Talk On Composer the very generous gifts of the trus- Change In Policy One week from tonight, on Thul's- B k A " H Id No preparations havc been made tJ ~::~shO:st~:e~o:~:~:cte~~:dd~;ell~l:~~ to ~~.a~i~~Y~~·: ~V!:~~~~!~:'r:::;;:li:~ provide. dinner i.ol' the alumni but theI day. evening,. November 11, at 8.:15, an ers ssoclalron 0 S . d 'II· t I ual ~eneroslty an WI mgness 0 the policy writtell in the Covenant of ~:~~o:nl\.~~~aa:~:~gHf:t; ~OI~~~C.:'o!: ~~~l1;~~~;la~~;ha~!irak:~:~:s ~;:I~I;~_ Meeting on College Campus work upon the part of those asked to the League of Nations, The status I A help. Thc chairmen secm eager to quo has not been maintail1ed. Japan ~~~:!e!~e ~~Un!ee w~~u~l~nt\:it~e:~J~ ~;s~ ;~:I~,a~t~\~i~1i~e~'~~~~~\I:a:e~der~ I J)inner Gi\'en In Science Hall "go over the top" of their quotas. and SIJain should be object lessons. various club rooms also being open. ship of the famous cellist and conduc- I Followed By Meeting :t~~:u~:r:~lt;~ta!ll~h~Sugt:\~:s~~::: I ;e::i~~a\~~:~a::I;sh~~t:~;:I~o~~~! ~~~ ha~ c~:ng:eii~lgPl::~i~~Pa::;. ~~nini! i~~'\'YI~~~ ~;~I:ntsKi;~lltr~tt~~~st~~: In_!'lcDaniel set for them was $5,000, their contri- I fensive warfare, and that a struggle thought that breakfast will be served concert while admission to oth- On Tuesday, November 9, Group 21 butions have ail'ead.v well exceeded I cannot be se.ttled over-night. Air- f h dAb If t er persons be one dollar. of the Mar:l'lalld Bankers Association $8,000. . . . . planes and pOIsonous gases have co~~ ;~~~::' :~1~~::~e~~ e~~::~:hi:f~~:~:: m::ii:sd~::;t%'e:t!i~f 1!:;u~~'o~\;~ ::~d ~f~:.~t~:~dan~O~le~:.eti~~i:t ~~:~~ II th~hb:g~~~~~;lg:f ;~~I .~~::I~,lll;l~h~I~;~ ~~:te!~al~I:e;e:~:~l~~in::i~~~r:n~a~h;': does not occur, the schedule of pre- ~~I~~;s~:~d~Ct~:ikpol~:~~;:n,w::~eo:\~l~ ~;\~,i::'~~ r.~!nt~:~e~:;~, :~~mF~~:;~~t ~\~~~,~::~:.Oflti:d~~~e\~:l~~::~;l~et~:~ ~:~~\:i~: !~~~o~;Pf~:~~da:r o~~~:~: ~~~:s ~::~fa:!ll :~d f~~:\~~~~'e\;i:~ ~ orchestl'a'S program in Monday Chan- counties. The members from Wash- by March, 1938, to begin then thc CO~~~lli1~~~said that Europe is o'clock. ~~r ~;~te:l~!e:nl~he ~~~g:~'!;~i~I:S!~':~~ !:~~n county were also asked to at- ~7ten~ex~0:,':n!~0:'~el~1~1~:1"~:~~)lJ"O])osed afraid of war. The British conces- The Men's Student Government h . t It I during the Ethopian hag been granted the exclusive con- li I 7:nt: :f ~~:1l1:~11;~0~~~four move- W~~:lllch~~r,;~nA~!ert:e tl~::~~el~v:; ~:'~~i~p~ove~ ~hat she was not afraid cession to sell merchandise at the of rtaly but of war and its destruc game. Any profits realized from an~~~n:eO~I:owing program has been ~;:m;:~i)~:f ~~~~; B~~~~, ~~~r~:~~~ WCAOc~~~;g;~;;:WS PROGR.UI tion. Germany and Italy both al"~ "their sales will go toward maintaining Toccata Frescobaldi The program began with a turkey also afraid of the dread demon war. the Men's Lounge during the coming S~'mphony No.4 in F MinOl' dinner 'in the dining hall at 6:30. Station WCAO in Baltimore is They have had opportunities during ;~::~ OfT:!~ ~:~:I:::.S:o~~~lll \~I~~~!~:Andente sostenutrr--M~~::!~:V:~~ ~~s ~:~b~~~~ow~: bilc~~~~:tP~:I~ ;::enS~I:~~;" aw~;:;\:n~oe~~tl~:al~~C~~ ~::l"l::tu~~v~e~::~; tt~e~~d~~t:~~~~h~~!' Council has sponsored in previous anima Lounge. 5:30 each Friday. Depressiun Followed \Var years to run the Lounge. A commit- Andantino in modo di canzona At the meeting in McDaniel' Hall. The program, sponsorcd b , one of The speaker went on to remind us J tee of Charles Baer, chairman, Emil Scherzo: Pizzicato ostinato: Alle- the Association had several men to Bflltimore'~ .leading merchants, will of the depression which followed our !d~~n:~:~::~:t~Ut:ti~:Sn~:d:~a~:~ Fi~:~e: Alleg;o con fuoco SP~~\ra~~~~d:;r~ingft~ld, Board' of '::~IVi~:: :~~le~~~~O~:~i~li::t~C:~nSeOc~i:~~:~e;\':;' th:D:::~;Ybytha~lO~~:~h~~~~ cause this is being done for the bene- (Tntel'nlission) (1io\"ernors, Federal ReserVe Board, with Maryland colleges and universi- he said, "and a: black depression will fit of the men students, this commit- En Saga Sibeliv.s ,WaShington. ' . ties, result which will make our last de- tee asks for volullteel's fro111 among Capriccio Espagnol Rimsky-KoTsuk01' I Calvin Cohen of the United States As Western' Maryland is onc of pression look like heaven." It is his the men of the school to assist in se!l- Abborada (Vivo e strepitoso) ;Treasury .Department. these institutions, news of jnterest tQ opinion that nothing would tempt the :l!'k t~~ll ~:l'~~~;d;~;. tlle~rh~~~le,w:l~ ~~~~:~~on\~~vnod:n:;r:;~to:~:O) I ;co~:::~ct~:~e~inc::~:n~:~p~~a~~o~_Re- -~~:!~~n: Marylanders will be pre- ~:~t:;:n ~\~:;'_ireF~~n::t~~I:n~~t :n~::' though no one should expect to re- Scena e canto g1tano (Allegretto) I R_ Bascom Brown; Prestden't· of The first program was bl'oadcast any cil'cumstances get into a Far til'e on the money made. Fandango asturiann I Maryland Bankers' AssQciatibn. I Friday;.,November 4'. (Continued on Page 4, Col. 4)
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