Page 14 - TheGoldBug1937-38
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PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. Class of '38 Chooses CALENDAR ,Roy K. Marshall To SPEEDY FERMA~ WRIGHT , In Alumni Speak W. Frank Malone as Oct. 28. Art Club in I1IcDaniel Hall November 9th I LICENSED BARBER Hall Lounge. I SEMINARY President for Year Oct. 30. Sophomore - F \"e a hman Noted Professor Will Discuss "A dance in g-ii'J's gym. Picture Of A Universe" - H. E. REESE Nov. 1. W. A. A. meeting. Alex Ransone And Sam Galbreath 2. Delta Sigma Kappa rush 01". Roy K. Marshall, assistant pro- CI E \NING TAILOR Chosen To Lead Other Classes party to Baltimore. feasor of Astronomy and Matheruat- PRESSING 4. Honors Club. ics at Wilson College, will deliver a REPAIRING Newly elected as president of the 6. W. W. rush party at W. lecture on "A Picture of a Universe" 94 East Main Street 1938 senior class is W. Fr-ank Ma- III. C.-Boston Col. game in Alumni Hall at 8 P. III. Tuesday, SUITS MADE TO MEASURE lone, Commander of Wester-n Mary- ill Baltimore. November 9. land's band. 1\11". Malone plays a 8. International Relations Dr. Marshall has done research prominent 1'010 in W. 111. C. activities. Club. work at the Observatories of the Uni- JOHN EVERHART Membership in the "Argonauts", the 9. Recital by Mr. Royer and varsity of Michigan and of Harvard local honor society, attests his schol- Miss Gesner in Mcljaniel University, and at the Yerkes Obser- THE COLLEGE BARBER ust.ic ability. As a veteran member Hall Lounge at 8:00 P.l\L vntory of the University of Chicago. AND BOBBER of the debate team, he has been re- 11. A1·t Club. The results of the studies at Michigan AT THE FORKS ceived into Tau Kappa Alpha, the na- and Chicago have been published, and tional honorary debate society. Not the results of the work dono: at HUl'- is Mr. Malone associate editor SNOOPINGS vurd will be published SOOIl. of Gold Bug. but he also holds Dr. Marshall has delivered many J. D. KATZ that position on the Aloha staff. IHe (Continued fr0111 page 2, Column 5) lectures in Chicago and New York is a member of the Officers Club and "Billy" Graham must be making a during the past several years. He is QUALITY of the Gamma Beta Chi fraternity. definite stab for- success. We hear II member of several Astronomical SHOE REPAIRING Assisting Mr. Malone are Eleanor that he has adopted the famous "Coe- Societies, among them the American Special Rates to Srudenrs Taylor, re-elected vice-president; Sec- plan." More power to you, koed!!! Astronomical Society. retary, Charles \V. Baer; Treasurer, Wilberforce Prentiss has been offi- Dr. Marshall has been n member of Ethelberta Gosnell; Historian, Eliza- cially accepted as \V. 1\1. C.'s one-man the Wilson College fnculty since 1936. beth Erb ; and Sergeant-at-Arms, El- power where dame-hunting is con- wood Andrews. cerned. \Ve have been informed that SlI'irh & Reifsnider the biggest. The junior class re-elected as presi- he holds the record for belles. ~OH, Frosh-Soph Party To Be dent Alexander Ransone, also a mem- var-iety of Westminster Westminster, Md. ber of the "Argonauts" and of Beta mama, just look at the big hand- Held Oct. 30 In Girls' Gym This is tho lad that brought the Beta Beta. As junior representative some mans!! Virginians a win over Waynesburg LUMBER, BUILDING SUPPLIES on the Student Government Council We all thought that "Kay" Barker last week. His two touchdown sprints he has commanded the respect of his . and "Frosty" Peters were headed for Sophomores To Entertain Freshmen. were the only scores of the game. The AND COAL fellow students. Pi Alpha Alpha the rocks - but, a conference last Juniors And Seniors Will Pay. Tenors will have to keep an eye on claims Alex as a member, and Com- Wednesday night seems to have Music By Stoner him. SASH, DOORS, BLINDS AND pany C, R. O. T. C. takes orders from straightened out all difficulties. Guess First Sergeant Ransone. Re-elected we'll have to admit where there's a Plans have been completed for the GENERAL MILL WORK "ere Secretary Charles Trader, Trea- will, there's a way. annual Freshman-Sophomore party surer Marjot-ie McKenney and Histor- Bashful Al Moore can't make up which will be held Saturday, October ian Rebecca Keith.' Completing the his mind. Reports now have it that at 8:00 P. M. in the girl's gymna-I Have Your Films Developed roster of junior officers are Vice- he has transferred his amorous in- in Blanche Ward Hall president, Gwendolyn Heeman, and clinatious to Peggy Scarborough. Just Jimmy Stoner's nine piece College and Finished Sergeant-at-Arms, Emil Edmond. as 'a little suggestion, AI, why not try et·chestJ.·a wil.l furnish music for danc-I The sophomores have made Samuel your roommate's unfailing technique? ing, which Will be the main feature of Galbreath their first president. Head Well, folks, once in a great while the evening. we hear some really good news about ;!e~haen:os~~~::I~~.eI~.~j.!i:ennt~;i~;l~~ our most illustrious characters. The "!h~I~:::S~:~~~tg~~~il"a~~~S~~~:~ ~:~: I the Student Government Council, Sam latest is that the Honorable Robert are invited. Sophomores must pay at is far from hiding his light under a Gordon McKnight took an INNO- leaat one-half of their class dues in bushel. Members of the soccer team CENT walk Sunday afternoon. If order to attend. The admission for testify to his personification of sports- this is true, we can all take a new upperclassmen will be twenty-five manship. The class of '40 also elect- hold upon life; McKnight will lead cents per person. ed vice-president, Robert Stropp; Le- the way. The committee in charge of ar- NO S.!lot of rud, no fled. of titia Bogan, secretal'y; Regina Fitz- The most influential organization rangement s consists of Malcolm Kull- burnt'powder mars the shining Anti- ! gerald, historian; and Edgar Rine- on the Hill, The Third-floor chairman; Fred Jean bore of the sportsman's gun. \;eimer, sergeant-at-Arms. Swearing Club of Ward Hall, has yet! Veronica Kompanek Paul It must be re!.dy to fun"tion to complete its membership by initi- perfe:;tlyatamom:!nt'snotice ating the Honorable Frank Malone ,. ,and "are is the price of into its unholy ranks. The main op- COLLEGE PLAYERS TO PRESENT position seems to lie in the ancient d€pend'",bility. COMEDY FOR THANKSGIVING principle of free speech. But what We exercise DAY the selection of our stock ond more can be expected of such an ex- in the pricing of it. Youeonim" (Continued from Page One) pressive soul?? as Some Suggestions : plicitly depend on the iewelry Mal·tin succeeds himself "Peck" cutor, Malcolm Kullmar; Defense At- co-captain of the soccer eleven and is offering you flnd here. torney, Joseph Oleair; Dr. James, the current vice_president of the new- RAZOR BLADES FOR Charles Sumner; A1"t Dobbs, Law- ly organized "Nitzy-Witzy Club". All CRSS-ELL'S l'ence Fl'eeny; IIIrs. Gordon, Helen membership subscriptions must be GILLETTES 50 for 45c JEWELER.S Leatherwood; Evelyn Snow, Janet handled by him. J.WM.HULl.<>WNu·5IE.MAIN ST. !\1acVean; Suzanne, Marie Park; Enough's enough of anything-so, Extra thin, guaranteed Clerk, Richard McCleaf; Court Re- au l·evoir. porter, Virginia Cooper. Columbia Jewelry Co. BATH POWDER 50e PASSING IN REVIEW Big box made by Trejur 34 West Main SUeet Opera House (Cont. from page 2, col. 4) WESTMINSTER, MD, velt's stand against agressor nation'S has brought applause from many sec- BLANKETS FOR COLD tions of the country, but an ominous WESTMINSTER, MD. note has crept into the discussion. Is NIGHTS President Roosevelt leading us along Fancy Robe Style, $2.29 the same path WOOdl'OWWilson fol- Scotch Grains lowed in 1914-17? If so, declares American Peaceways, he is making a Some of the Motion Pictures serious mistake which will endangel' Coming Soon NEW SCARFS Are Going Places the lives of millions of AmeTicans. Wilson finally had to resort to war, "THE BRIDE WORE RED" In lovely styles, 50c and $1.00 and Roosevelt may have to resort to (the very best places too), and war. It is hard to condone a wal" on "THE FIREFLY" they're just as becoming to the a.ny ~ro~nds,. especially when osten- I Chairman of the Board as they sibly It IS bemg fought to save rlelll- I "DOUBLE WEDDING" WOMEN'S CREPE SOLE are to the undergrad. ocrac~'. Perhaps not even the World ~ \Val" was sufficient to teach us our 'I' "MADAME X" SHOES Well "dressed men of all ages and lesson. For SpOrt and hiking, $2.98 stations find a common denomi- "100 MEN AND A GIRL" nator of style in good Scotch Grain leather. "MERRY GO ROUND OF SOCKS Times Printing Co. 1938" WOOL ATHLETES FOR Champion $4.00 and $4.45 "CONQUEST'· Z5c to 50c Times Building Freeman $5.00 and $6.00 "ROSALIE" " If/estern Coming from THE COFFMAN-FISHER CO. NJaJ)'itlJld" Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer T.W. Mather & Sons Universal Westminster's Leading Store CARROLL COUNTY'S NEW DEPARTMENT STORE PRINTERs __ J Studios 11 E. Main St. Phone 102 WESTMINSTER, MD.
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