Page 13 - TheGoldBug1937-38
P. 13
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. PAGE THREE Holy Cross Defeats Green Terrors 6-0 Terrors T0 ~leetWest On Cahill's Early Touchdown Romp TERROR By FRED COE Virginia In Stadium Havensmen Pick Up Eight First Downs To Crusaders Three, But Fail To Score Against Crusaders Mountaineers Have Bowed Only To BALISH AND ORTENZI STAND OUT Pitt Western 1[Ill'yland dropped a hard-to-lose 6-0 decision to the Holv Cross Crusaders last Saturday 011 the first northern invasion of the season. The game was reminiscent of the 6·0 Maryland game as tile Terror's opponents scored after about , _:_ _ _:_ _ 8 minutes of the first quarter. Twice the Terrors were in scoring territory, TERROR STAR The team from Morgantown comes but the punch to send the ball the to Baltimore sporting a fine record last 15 yards over the drenched grid- ever West Virginia Wesleyan, Wash- iron wasn't there. ington and Lee, Xavier, and \Vaynes- Holy Cross had a decisive advun- 1.>01'0. The only defeat was adminis- in the punting of their back, tered by the Untver-sjty of Pittsburgh who sent several coffin which could only run up 20 points. corner to the western l\Jaryland Holding 11 great team like Pitt to sideline'S. The end sweeps that the three touchdowns speaks well for the Purple made with CllhiH and Ouellette ~\';funtaineel' defense. toting the ball gained the most Tn a free scoring game last year, ground fol' them. Even so Western however, the Havensmen put across Maryland outrushed Holy Cross and Balish And Sadowski Bear Brunt Of Attack 20 points, The game this year will »mde 8 first downs to their 3, the tune- probably not develop into such a wild A 44 yard run by Hai-ry Balish Hm-rv Bnliali, the converted tackle, stepped' into contest as was played 11t the West porfor-manoo in a ln-illinnt bueking at l.m-ning featured one of the TerrOI"S advances lig-ht Suturdnv neartv turned the tide to II 'l'cr-ror viutorv ihe by brenk- Virginia Stadium. He verv position. to the 20 yard line. Red went through Terror fans will get an opportunity the line on a spinner, dodged the sec- ing into the cIeRI' on two occasions only to be brought down by the Holy to watch the West Virginia star, Kel- uum was BlIl'l'~"s first major cndary, and was finally downed by the Cross safetv mall. puts 'rhis the l Invcnsmcn in il better game liS a buckfield West 1:1' 1'I10an, perform on Saturday. His position to meet and his success speedy Kelley of Holy CI'O~s. West- Virginia (111(1 Boston College this following Satur-day. Han.I·'s passing completely demoralized the CI'n Mm-ylund threatened again in the 'I'errorpass defense in last year's hec- t hird period when Fr-ank Lesinski re- pnrtner ill the running Mind; was also lived up to his tic game. covered a partially blocked Western "AlI.l\[aryilllld" rntin/t, 'I'he shift tailback gives the Another star ball-toter was discov- Maryland punt on the 35 yard line. ~Ii; iI~;~~:;s;~':,lI~llli'tI~~l~~I:!f~~~O;~'~ as i~d\l~~~l~l~b:~~:;~ ered by Coach Glenn in the game last Balish and Sadowski advanced the the ball under his ann and start" off the back po- week with Waynesburg. He is Pin- ball to the 17 yard stripe. Then Mo- ion, a 150 pound quar-terback who will Quillan looking for a receiVe!', was sition the could not but in tllC bea!' close scrutiny on the Stadium thrown for a 12 yard loss. Holy Up at Worcester last Saturday can fill the turf Saturday. Cross took the ball on downs and the Harl'Y gave the Crusaders plenty of Terl'or's second threat was ended. trouble, His fine bucking was a high- In the middle of the fourth quarter light in the Terror attack, lhe Crusader quarterback sent 2 long Booters Down Hopkins incompletcd passes to the goal line West Virginia And Boston College Next an trying for a second touchdown, Drug-I T errors BI k T owson I I [ In Hard Foughl Game ''' all of whom tUl'ned in fine defensive Captain Ortenzi has been giYen Henl'y Reekord scoring the third. Glenn as his outstaildin'" bnll c[]lTier. His worl, to elate hns been sensll· games. lIniYel'sal crcdit for a fine game at his The game was marked by the tiona!. '_Amlin, n I'ctcra~l, will start. at the fullbflek post and Rapas\dek Hopkins pl'essed the local team buard !)erth. On the end sweeps, iar fullbaeking of Al 1\Ioore. Tllne at qll;Jrtcrbaek will round ont the lwckfield. throughout, but was unable to rise to Tony pulled out of the line several and time again, h.e Idone_pl'okc up en- 'rhe Monntaineer line is composed of "elerans from tackle to tackle, the heights necessary to defeat the times to nail the ball carrier from the emy plays deep III scorlllg tel'l'lt.ory. At the ])I'esent \V1'iti11g Doll~' aml Ellel'. "ophomores, are rnnking ends. Ten·OI'team. side. Lytton, Sadowski, Balish, Ad- riance, Ol'ten7.i, and Homer I'emained .~t~~\:i:~Cf~.ol~~~n~c~~~~S~~t \i~lg~~~a~~ The a\'erag'e \\'cig-h! of thp West Vil'l"!inill line is 191 pounds The line-ups: in the game fOl' the full 60 minutes. was not enough to defeat the Ten'Ol'S W, M. C, Hopkins Holy Cross used numerous substi- who wel'e detel'lllined to gain ground Eagles Find Going Tough Moore OR Phillips in the backfield. in the state title chasc. tlw b\'I:dnllinJ"! oj' the sellson ('OllciJ Gil Dobie's Eagles Tomlinson IR Linthicum The fOl' All-American Line-up: lIS m.\'thieal eastern champions. Wil'l! such a fille group of Belt (co-c) CF Briggs honors, Bill Osmanski, and Captain Towson om ores coming up lIll(l 1\ floek of. \-etel'ans l'etlll'llillg-, the crit.ics wel'e Wallace IL Cash Eob TlIautnel', wel'e unable to play be- W. TIL C. orclering Rose 130\\'1 tiel,ets foJ' them before Fall prllctiee g-ot under \\':IY. Wright 01. Price CflUse of injul'ies fl'om the Georgia Hamilton Dobie's bo\'s \rere cliekill'" \lntil "Pop" 'V/lI'nel"s 'l'emple aggregatIOn Galbreath RH Kephart ~ume. Cox,R. SF cllught the;n on Illl alt ~1l11d[:rained Il tie. Last Siltul'(la? Gus DOl'ais' Martin (co-c) CH Hartke The line-ups: Cerrick RF Detroit teilm ,rent o\'el' Boston ancl knocked them off H·O. 'Vhen Barkdoll LH Tal'l'igan W. TIL C. Holy Cross Bennett RH Dooio h1'in,!!.'s his Ellgle~ to Baltimore will have fire in their Willis RF Brayshaw Lesh LE Histen Wheelel is stili une mOre game fOl' them now lind the time Smith SF Gough (e) Forfuman LT Manoli CH Martin the Green 'f('rI'OJ''':, whicll is fortunate. the Eagles will Gompf G Romanofsky Ol'tenzi LG Carl' Goldike LH Barkdoll Scoring' 1VnlJaee (3); Reekord, mood 11mlst\· Lytton C Bowman Gordon RO Tomlinson cessi,'e w~ek·ends. this Slltul'Clay . after suffering a and a loss on SI1C· Briggs (2). Peters HG Turner Shock RI Reekord Refel'ee: Rudy Behounek. Hornel RT Shields lI-lassieot CF Belt This is the only g'ame Boston plays on foreign soil this season. Radatovitch RE O'l\1elia Gammel'man LI 'J'he last visit the ('rim~on and Gold mnde to Baltimore WilS a disaster. Time: 88 minutes. Sadowski QB OueJette Lauenstein Wallace Bil! Shepllel'Cl and Co. eompletel." J'outed the Eagles on tlHlt oeeilsion Adriance HB Cahill LO Volkal't lind the 'rel'I'ol'S came off the Stadium field on the long end of a 40-0 PREACHERS DOWN BACHELORS l\IcQuillen HB Bm'tolomeo Score Total score. No one is looking for a repetition of that score, but 11win o\'el' Balish FB Gial'di Towson 0 0 0 0-0 Bosto11 wonld pnt the TIa"emmell in 11fine frame of mind. 'rhe Boston 13-9 IN ROUSING FINISH Scoring 2 3 4-T W.TlLC. I 0 1 1-3 College-'\Vestern 1\fillTland game has ahyays been 11"natural", and this W,Md. o 0 O~O Scoring: W, M. C. Wallace 2; Reck- yem' will be no exeeptioll. The Delta Pi Alpha fraternity de- Holy Cross 6 0 0 0---6 ord1. feated the Bachelors by a 13-9 score Touchdown: Cahill. Refel'ee---Neun. Soecerites Strong This Year last Friday and by so doing won the Substitutions: West, Md. Lesinski, Time: 88 minutes. fil'St round title in the Inter-Fraterni- Drugash, Stropp, Westerville and Looking- oyer fo tllC soccer team \\-e find the booters mllkillg t~, touch football league. Fagen. eOlllC-hllCk (lite)' a disash'ons record last yeHl'. Coach JOllCS' men The Bachelors did ull t.heir scoring Officials: W. D. Maginness, referee; dropped only one decision thus far, nnd that. to the strong U, of :'1[. tealll, in the first half when they threw the have been ~cOJ'ec1OW'I' Blue Ridg-e, JOh11S IIopkins, Victories PJ'eaehers a11(l '1'O\\'son behind their own goal line C. G. Eckles, umpi1'e; J. L. Duf- WESTERN MARYLAND 'reachers. UMerifil i~ abundant tllis yea:c, (J;spceillliy in the freshman f01' a safety, Humphries scored a fy, linesman; C, M. Watel's, field ranks. 'l'his is a fortunate thing as the squad \\'illlose a flock of Yeteram; touchdown on a pass from Elliot neal' judge. Coffee Shop in Jl:ne. Co-captnins :Hartin imd Belt, Moore. Heckord, '\Vrig-ht, al](l the end of the period. The Pl'eache1's came back strong .. Handicapped to his olel form. 'rhis year finds" 1\[oore returned AND RESTAURANT Gompf are Seniors AI" who haye borne the brunt of the ,,'ol'k for foul' rears. last the second half to win, scoring two in College ties can ne'el' be bl'oken ~'ear by II. kl1ee injHl'Y, he has this yell I' heell shifted to flillblick. where touchdowns. Bill Skeen and Andrews scored for the winners . ontstandhlg. Ids work ha~ been FOl'med at W, M. C. SODA Far surpassing wealth unspoken SANDWICHES New System Of Awards A Good One Evel' may they be. LUNCH INTER-FRATERNITY LEAGUE Western Maryland 'rhe lIew ~'ystelll of adopted by the Infl'anllll'al Athletic De· Hail all hail. DINNERS partment. t.his year is to commendecl. Tn the past the only I'eeognition FIRST HALF Echo softly from each heart, We'll be ever loyal to thee * "'inning teams received \Yere Clips-the Intramural Cup ancl the Sports- Won Lost Pct. 'Til we from life shall part, ]. F. MOORE, Manager manship ClIJl_ Umler the nc,,· system e"el'.V winning team r('ceins eVel] I 1. Delta Pi Alpha 3 0 1.000 II CALEBO'CONNOR. "Good Food-And How!" trOPhY .. III this "'Ily a fi'aternity 01' ClilSS can reeeive rec.'Ognition 2. Bachelors .666 Adv. Never Closed though it shows exceptional ability in only one sport during the year. 3. Gamma Bets. .333 '1'his w!lI tenu to Cl'eate mllch more spirit and interest III Intramural 4. Black and White .000 competil:ion. c.' ,
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