Page 12 - TheGoldBug1937-38
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PAGE TWO The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. Passing In Review II I COL I FRENCH ELECTIONS I SNOOPINGSI by ALFREDGOLDBERG ~~UI'S truly F'rench has The recent In power out an I cer-tain the ecntmuanca elections make of sent Howdy, folks!!! expedition of trusty WHY? Official student newspaper of Western Maryland College, published on Thurs- The shining words of worth ! ~~:u;.~;u~~~'eF;::c~e;t~::r~::iil:io~h: ~~O~Ctl\~:~~s,bl~g"'~~~d ~~e d~e~~:;: day, semi-monthly during October, November, February, March, April, May, That make up a masterpiece, cleat- majority of the votes, The Radi- is sufficient," so all complaints must and monthly during September, December, and January, by the students of The glowing notes of a song cal Socialists, most moderate of the be registered upon those anxious Western Maryland College, Westminster, Maryland. Entered as second-class member- parties of the Popular Front, souls. So here goes. matter at the Westminster Post Office, under the Act of March 3, 1879. That gives one sweet release, SUBSCRIPTIONPRICE $1.00 A YEAR The throbbing life that flows have the controlling vote in the re- A bit of ye old poetry from one From the tip of a painter's brush, elected government and should con- eager bard- - - Can shun you, can call you,!c~:~:s~nce I Ga:~:~~1'~.:~:t: all you students, and 1<)'6 Member 1937 Can hurt you, can enthrall you, j:\ssocialed O:>Ue5iafePress A nd their strength will never cease, These election results may bring The of a snooper who went out the struggle between the Government with date. What is that spark they have, and the bankers out in the open. Here- These excerpts from her diary are EDITORIAL STAFF The bit of life they caught torore, working behind the scenes as secrets I've heard, Editor-in-Chief . . ALFRED GOLDBERG,'38 To make such disturbing arrange- much as possible, the big capitalists So please don't repeat them; "mum" Associate Editors... w. FRANK MALONE,'38, ANNE CHEW, '38, ments of France have been hoping that is the word. JAMES COLE~fAN,'38 Yet the true response they sought? Junior Associate Editors _.PAULBURTIS,'40, EMELINE NEWMAN, '40 the Blum _Chautemps government \Vho is this charming' little freshman IIlanaging Editor ._ __ _ _ _.._.ROBERTG. McKNIGHT, '38 What is it the artist creates would be tu rned out. In order to dis- girl, News Editors FRANK SHERRARD,'40, lIlARYCLEMSON,'3\) From pen or brush or marble wrought, credit the efforts of the government Putting Sam Galbreath's head in a C(1YY Editor......... . . JANET MACVEAN, '38 That shuns you, or calls you, to stabilize the currency, it is believed whirl? Copy Read(ws... .GRACEMACVEAN,'39, BETTY ERR, '3S, That hurts you, or enthralls you HELEN AR~!STRONG,'38 that these capitalists caused the he- But Sam himself is not so slow - - - Proof Editor...... . .. . . SUE PRICE, '40 And whose glimmer can't be caught? mendous fluctuation in the price of A~ohe~ sets the pace with Kathleen Proof Readers... ELEANORLONG, '39, GRACEMACVEAN '39, AARONSCHAEFFER,'39, ALEX RANSONE,'39 There's something' there one senses, the franc not only by refusing to co- When I mention Galbreath, I munt Feqtm'e Editors ... .VERONICAKOMPANEK,'40, EUGENE CRONIN, '38 Far beyond the human eye operate with the government, but by mention Kullmer too, GLADYSCOPPACE,39, MARYJANE HONEMAN,'39 Something there the master touches actually hindering its efforts. They Sports Editors .__ FRF.DCOE. '38, MARJORIEIIIcKENNY, '39 When ordinary things drift by. I hoped tha.t the fear of economic r~i.n To solve this situation, r leave it en- Assi8ta1!t Sports Editors... LAWRENCESTROW,'39, HAZEL GOMPF,'38 t.irely up to you. Exchange Editor ... ...ELEANORTAYLOR,'38 The touch that catches in your throat would br-ing- the French bourgeoisie Once rumor had it that 'twas Ronnie And brings for the puzzled sigh to their aid against the Popular BUSINESS STAFF again, 81ls.£nes8 lIfanqge?' . _.JOSEPHOLEAIR,'39 It shuns you, it calls you, Front. Fortunately fer France, the But now "Eddie" Edmond is Mac's Advertising lIfanaoer............. . EVERETTJONES, '38 It hurts you, and enthralls you, "economic royalists" were unsuccess- girl-friend. Assistant Advertising ltfanager . . FRED PLUMMER,'40 Through centuries, yes, but why? ful in their efforts. Circulation ltfanagers _. ..__ _._1I'IALCoLMKULLMAR,'40, HILDA BrrTLE, '38, "Pish, Tish," says Norvin every night th~t Assistant Circulation Managers. __.. .._.l'IIARY CLEMSON,'39, RUTH FIELDS, '40, MARGARET BURROUGHS '40 c: :fos:~~~~ :~ot1"::a~~n:le~::I~ at nine, LESLIE STOKES,'40 "How about a walk to the one-yard the Popular Front, the capitalists may Reporters contributing to this issue: Emeline Newman, '39; Alvin Newton, actively support a .ste-cng- right.iat line?" '40; Janet l'IIacVean, '38; Alex Ransone, '39; Mar:l' Jane Honemen, '39; So Bogan and Gompf star-t off Oil Veronica Kompanek, '40; Fred Coe, '38; Marjorie McKenney, '39; Frank movement, possibly a Fascist party. their date; this new combination-c. Sherrard, '39; Katherine Klier, '40; Robert McKnight, '38. Such a movement on their part might I think it's first rate. turn France into another Spain. The \Vhile two of them are strolling, whom it is to be hoped, will Worthy opinion; Model management; Correct neWj. government, such a movement before it do they meet, liquidate has a chance to get under way. Yes, But Calhoun and Baumgardner? Now isn't sweet?? that Post Office -liquidation even to the point of com- Many more are under care of the plete state socialism. snooper's watchful eye, 'I'he handling of the mails through the college brunch post office has LATIN AMERICA I For instance: Dottie vrccme and the been I swingin' it. Swing_Mr. Charlie! Such a makesl1ift method obviously will not work. Students will tenant-Colonel of the Battalion. Hi~ guay, and several othet· countl·ies. And swing it he did-did you notice? find themselves payillg the penalty of safety in mail handling hy learn- intellectual attainments have elevated How fal" they will get remains to be Though he didn't have time to park, ing a clay or two late th on Inlllcheds of ot.her ef.lmpl1.~CS,there are traditions the opposite sex. fies democracy. Fascism, that creep- fn at eight to study and customs which hayc become an integral part of thc institution itself. ing octupus, might conceivably stretch Out at nine for woo. It has been 0])1" obsen'ation that these \\'ol"thwhile traditions, and forth its tenacles and attempt to en- In at ten to study again lJa,,~ Gold Bug Announces even generally accepted social Ilsagcs, lHn'e been ignored by a majority :Ol~k~~; a:t:r~~nu;h ll~::~er~::. \::~~d:~ . LOOk~o~'keG~~~r:;:I~~i~g to be a re- of this yeflr's freshman class. Perlwps the sophomore committees been lax in tl1eir instrnctions; for any of II munuer of the New Editorial ?olicy attempt. I vlval of an ancieut duo, Phil Lan- istenee of these customs and regulations is perhaps It is not entirely certain that des- asa just can't get used to the idea cf that the fresl1man class will benefit by these words truction of Fascis~l in Europe would II being all alone. So while Sally's in will receive this information in the sf;mc constrlletiyc Mcmbers Of Staff To Edit Issucs Of help to Facism in South the mountains, he's decided to do the is offered, we wish to ]lilt into tangible form what hare College Paper unwritten laws. Americ t : ~~t hOlledatf:I~IY I;~: s:::~ ~~~~:s ~~!:l~S:~~ ~~o~~;r;~n~a~.:r~::J~ l;>reshmen do 1l0t sit. at ihe he1lds of tables in the ciiniug halJ. The Gold Bug. beginning with this Fascism is destroyed, that mutual lllterest III education or just issue, is inaugurating a new editorial much safer will be the democracies plain lllutual interest?? Heads of tables are aelmowledged as such by nllo\\'ing them to be policy. Alfred Goldberg, Editor-in- of the world. And yet-we must not We wonder if Charlotte Coppage's first served from all tlle'dishes Oil the table. Chief, feels that many members of his forget Woodrow Wilson and his tra- boy-friend in Baltimore knows of 'When
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