Page 11 - TheGoldBug1937-38
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GOt NATIONAL SYMPHONY W. l\1. C. \'S. W. VA. NOVEMBER 18 OCTOBER 30 M.Ul\INI HALL BALl'. STADIUM Vol. 15, No.3 WESTEKN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. October 28, 1937 College Players To EDITORIAL i Dr. Hans Kindler To Direct Present Comedy For cngaged in an extensive and is ' in the cruupaig-n, but rather that , National Symphony Orchestra time, the At the present rhc uld take a particularly active Thanksgiving Play aive drive f01' a $250,000 building, help publicize the campaig-n by In Alumni Hall, November 18 This fund is to be used for the I· d mouth 01' any other possible means. fund, erection of a men's dormitory, a field The news of the present drive house, and an ndditiou to the present I should be to the attention of Pred Ballard's "Ladies of the Jury" libnu:y building. I dono~" Washington Orgaruzattou To Make Second Appear-ance On Campus Will Be Presented Nov, 25 is o,~S\~l~I Under Noted Cellist's Direction In Alumni Hall SI'~~I~sheO~~d~~~atthlil~t:l~ecS~~nr~~~'~~:~~I th~y the students tance for student on the Hill, ~ thnt they are backing the plan. It PROGHAM TO HE ANNOUNCED The College Players are about to stage an outstanding comedy at wes- Cooperation the student body in ! is possible that the dissemination of Maryland College and Westminster will would: the drive for campaign funds the news in this mannui- may lead to tern Mrnyland College for their an- be of mutual advantage to both the I increased response to the drive. If the National Symphony Orchestra of might well be proud to have aided -==========,. nual Thanksgiving production. udministration and the student body. I this should occur, the student u concert nt l}lnmni Hall, on 'l'hursdav evening, The play, "Ladies of the Jury", is a In the last analysis, the proposed comedy in three nets by Fred Ballard, building s will be to the great benefit obtaining the wherewithal to erect November 18. and has had successful runs both on cf the students, t he buildings. has been privileged to the stage and in the movies, \Vhen Therefore, it seems only fail' that The aid of the student body would Symphony Orches- it was first produced in 1929, it re- the cooperation of the student body be t-a on the campus. ceived favorable notices from most of should take some concrete form. The National Symphony Orchestra the New York critics, and in 1930 it is not intended that the students It w as organized under Dr. Kindler in was made into a motion picture, star- -------_. 1931. In 1931 !l7 people agreed tc the noted comedienne, Edna May --------------- , contr-ibute to a maintenance fund f01" Since that time several com- an orchestra in the nation's panies have presented it, and it has Coleman A nnounces Large Schedule of Debates been in the higher royalt.y Plans For '38 A loha Arranged forComipg Season The first act is laid in the court- To Depart From Custom By Adding years pro- room at Rosevale, New Jersey, where Mrs. Gordon, a for-mer show girl, i~ Under-Classmen To Staff Debaters '1'0 Meet Penn Slate, Huck- 0,1 trial for murder. The case t-uns Of Year Buok nell. Gettysburg And Uthet-s Revision of Rules for '38 A nn~_nced by'!!r. Spi~er ]\lajor Absence Rules .'1'0 Remain Unchanged, Seve-at l\Iinor Rules Revised National Symphony Orchestra, he had ror a number- of year's been enjoying world fame as a cello virtuoso. He did his first conducting in 1920 as an ussista»t with the Philndclphia Orch- cs.tra. For II number of years after- wm-d he divided his time between of his popularity as a decided to give more time to directing and in 1931 set about orgml- ;~ing nn orchestm fOl' Washington. In his six ~'enrs with the orchestra cl·it· ics have compared him with Toscan- nini
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