Page 40 - TheGoldBug1935-36
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PAGE FOUR The Old Mug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. Don't Risk Offending! WESTERN MARYLAND Coffee Shop (Even your best friend won't tell you-) SODA Give Yourself "The THE OLD SKI-MER SANDWICHES HIMSELF Delicacy Test" Cupid Waiting LUNCH DINNERS (Respects to H. W. Lonfellow) Between the fall and the springtime J. F. MOORE, Manager When the ice and the snow hide the "Geed Food-And How!" earth I-Do you lie gracefully? Comes a pause in the rhythm of heart-throbs 2-Have you ever had heart-burn? That is tndy a notable curse, The fellows, especially, note it 3-Can you melt an icicle? STATE THEATRE From the side steps of Blanche Ward Hall WESTMINSTER, MD. 4-Al'C you very Absorbine? While the wild west wind whirls about them FRI., FEB. 14 5-Do you ever indulge in the And the girl friends don't their calls. BANK NIGHT pause that refreshes? Morr-ison, history, science- "Freshman Love" Answer the coed's dreams, So the fellows remain in the cold out- Frank McHugh (Quit snickering, you, and get your side Patricia Ellis While the coeds get "A's" and beam. mind out of the gutter.) "Accent on Youth" I From my window I see in the dis- SAT., FEB. 15 tance Gene Autrey A figure forlorn and drear, Who shuffles his feet on the sidewalk "Melody Trail" ON THE HOUSE While he waits for his coed so dear. Cartoon-News-Comedy For that glamorous effect, girls, But she will not see him this evening, we suggest: For Morrison has the call. MON., TUES., FEB. 17-18 TIle night is too cold for walking. Hosiery (shade)-Brown. And what's more---That ain't all. James Cagney in Soap---Woodbury. The wind has blown her wave out; "Frisco Kid" Her green hat won't match red; Facial expression-Wooden. Her finger nails need manicured; Good Shorts Daily exercise---Wade in Waters. And she just washed her head. WED., THUR., FEB. 19-20 Neck and arms-Baer. Do you think, 0' blue-eyed banditta That when spring has reached the "A Midsummer Much practice on-the Plummer. ROUND AN' ROUND hill Night's Dream" The result-Slaysman. That his mustache will get more "You Hit the Spot"-Canlpofreda. shaving Matinee each day 2.30 "But Where Are You?"-"Goose" Or his kisses will give more thrill? Doughty to Uvanni. Do you think that he'll go 011 waiting Prices: 83c and SSc. Night Prices: "Alone at a Table for Two"-?t1i1- On the side steps of Blanche Ward Show 8.00. Reserved Seats. $1.10, 83c,55c. H," lard. For a girl who can't stand the weath- "The Broken Record't-c-Semester- er- grades. Between the spring and the fall? "I Wonder What's Become of Sa1- Do you think that this modern Ly- Jy"--Joe Oleair. sander Opera Houes Who braves the winds and the cold "Twenty-four Hours a Day"-Nock WESTMINSTER, MD. and Sadowski. Will wait for a faint-hearted maiden Who's only erter his gold? "We Won't Get Home Until FEBRUARY 13-14 Morning"-Ward Hall. Oh, no, you sweet well-protected I He'll find out another name "Ahl Wilderness" "Lights Out"-Side door of Blanche With a body made of more stern stuff Wallace Beery, Lionel Ward HalL And a heart that is made of the Barrymore "What's On Your Mind?"-Pop quizes. SATURDAY "Moon Over Miami"-Henderson JOHN EVERHART Buck Jones and Skinner. THE COLLEGE BARBER "Forbidden Trail" AND BOBBER B;~id~~~nd a Rose in the Snow"- What a whale of a AT THE FORKS Week of February 17 MONDAY-TUESDAY _;~i~:;'O~e the Way to go Horne" difference just a few "Last of the Pagans" J. D. KATZ Mala and Lola "Farewell to Mms"-Betty Erb. scents make? QUALITY SHOE REPAIRING WED.-THVRS.-FRI. Special Rates to Students SAT. Ronald Colman LIMERICK CONTEST "A Tale of Two Cities" H.E.REESE Fill -in the bla11ks with appropriate words and win a keg of beer. Week of February 24 No strings attacked. No (Q1~pOJl.S. No tops of c(},rtons. No sense. Ju.~t TAILOR MON.-TUES. try to see how romant-ieyou are-and see where 1'1 gets you. CLEANING Frank Buck PRESSING "Fang and Claw" There was a young maiden so fine, REPAIRING .and she was named fair Clementine, WED.-THURS.-FRI. 94 East Main Street She chased a young man SUITS MADE TO Jean Harlow But from her he ran MEASURE "Riff --- Raff' When she pleaded "-- -- --."
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