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n n GOt KEEP OFF 15 THE GRASS! DAYS TIL VACATION! u u Vol. 13, No. 10 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. March 12, 1936 WOMEN DEBATE BUCKNELL JUNIORS TO HAVE SENIOR COLLEGE CALENDAR To Show Pictures of Man's Rise AND PENN STATE ON TOUR FOR QUEEN OF 1936 PROM March 13---Junior Speech Playa. From Savagery to Civilization Alumni Hall, 8 P. M. Supreme Court Question Used "Hot-Cha" Gardner To Play March 14-Phi Alpha Mu dinner. College Inn, 5.30. Film Prepared Under Dr. J. H. Breasted's Supervision To Be Presented EXTENSIVE PROGRAM JACK BENNY TO CHOOSE March 16-Argonauts Meeting-- In Alumni Hall ARRANGED 7.15 P. M., "Y" room. Dr. M. J. Shroyer and WAS VIOLATOR OF KING TUT TOMB The selection of a prom queen will be an innovation of the 1936 Junior Miss Mildred Sullivan, Comprising the highlights of several recent archeological expedi- speakers. Prom, according to the announcement March 17-The Human Adven- •made by Frank L. Brown, chairman ture. Alumni _ tions conducted in the Fertile Crescent by the University of Chicago's -;;;::::;;==::::;;====:;1 of the prom committee. At a class Oriental Institute, "The Human Adventure", an eight-reel talking meeting, the juniors selected five sen- March 20-rl'ving Deer, picture depicting man's rise from Hall, 8 P. M. ior girls as candidates for the honor. March 21---Juuior Prom, Dining savagery to civilization, will be pre- Those who have been chosen arc: , Hall,8-11.30. sented in 'Alumni Hall, Tuesday eve- Rosalie Gilbert, Mary Catherine Hill, ning, March 17. Margaret Herwick, Elizabeth Wol- The film was produced under thc ford, and Marguerite Ringler. scientific supervision of the late Dr, James H. Breasted, archeologist, his- torian, and until his death last De- cember, Director of the Institute. On March 6, 7, and 8 11 conference on the topic "Vocational Guidance", was held at Washington College, Chestertown, Maryland, sponsored by the Y. M. C. A. of that institution. Professor Benni nghof accompanied the delegates from Western Mary- land College, who were Henrietta Wolfe, Rebecca Groves, Kirk F'alfin, and Irving Jackson. The topics under discussion and the leaders were: Vocational Opportunities in Teach- ing-Dr. J. D. Blackwell, President IRVING DEER TO LECTURE of State Teachers College, Salis- bury, Md. ON MOVIE EDUCATION Law as a Vocation-Mr. William H. Medders, Attorney-at-Law, Ches- tertown, Md. Vocational Opportunities in Medicine -Dr. Alexander Coclough Dick, Resident Surgeon, Kent and Upper the Conte di Savoia on February 5, Queen Anne's County General Hos- Hl34, Dr. Breasted had to be carried pital, Chestertown, Md. from the ship when it docked at New Commercial Chemistry as a Vocation York. The press immediately revived -Dr. Emmett F. Hitch, Assistant the story about King Tut's curse, to Director of Jackson Laboratory, E. which Dr. Breasted replied with an I. du Pont de Nemours and Com- angry snort: "All tommy-rot! r de- pany, ·Wilmington, Delaware. fy that curse. F01' two weeks I slept Engineering as a Vocation - Dr. The Western Maryland Alumni of in the tomb of King 'Put-ankh- LYllTIA. Emerson, Professor of Vo- the present time. New York and its environs gave a Amen." caticnal Guidance, summer see- Mr. Deer is working on suitable dinner to President and Mrs. Hollo- Early last December Dr. Breasted sions, Cornell University; Director movies for character education and HOME ECONOMICS EXPERT way at the Rainbow Grill, 64th floor died in New York City at the age of of Y. M. C. A. schools of New York development, and is. soliciting the ard TO TEACH THIS SUMMER in Rockefeller Center, February 28. 70 years. Doctor-s diagnosed his case City. of the churches in providing leader- Short addresses were made prior to as one of a rare homolytic streptocac- Nursing as a Profession-Miss Vir- ship in the discriminating selection Miss Mabel B. Trilling, who is well the dinner, Dr. Harry T. Watson act- cic infection. ginia walker, Jehus Hopkins Hos- of motion pictures for recreation. In known in the field of home economics, ing as toastmaster. pital, Baltimore, Md. connection with his lecture he will will teach in the Western Maryland The guests, not all of whom were Vocational Opportunities in Journal- show some of the movies he has de- Summer School durfng the session alumni of the college, included: Mr. '35; Mrs. Melville Lanning, '!J7; Rev. ism-Mr. Harry D. Russell, Editor velopcd. Some of these are the same for 1936. Miss Trilling is Professor Joseph Albrecht, '33;. Mr. Burger, and Mrs. John N. Link; Mr. R. Doug- of The Enterprise, Chestertown, ones which he recently showed to a of Home Economics Education at the '35; Mr. Chester Carnish; Mr. Albei-t las Merriman, '33; Mr. H. H. Mur- Md. meeting of the department of Super- Carnegie Institute of Technology and Stevens Crockett; Mr. and Mrs. phy, '97; 1'I11·S. H. M. Murphy, '97; The Ministry as a Profession-Rev. intendents of the National Educa- is also the author of several widely James Roby Day, '29; Mrs. Roy T. Miss Pat Murphy, '32; Miss Laura Edgar C. Powers, Towson, Md. tional Association. used texts on the subject of home ec- Edwards, '31; Mr. and Mrs. Roger E. Panebaker , '19; Mr. and Mrs. Eu- Agriculture as a Vocation-Prof. M. Mr.rDeer is an ordained minister in onomics. The courses presented by Englar, '03; Miss H. Fooks; Mrs. H. gene Phares, '25; Mr. Elton Pomley ; H. BelTY, College of Agriculture, the Moravian Church. He was stu- her will be more advanced and will L. Fooks, '01; Miss S. Fooks; Miss Miss Ella Ramoser; Miss Ruth A. University of Maryland, College dent secretary of the Y. 1'1[. C. A.; offer better opportunities to students Ruth French, '28; Miss M. G. Gal- Rawson, '33; Rev. Mark Reed; Mr. Park, Maryland. was recently associated with the In- than any have previously. They will breath, '13; Mr. Andrew Gorski, '35; and Mrs. Cecil Reed, '21; Mrs. James Entertainment provided for the terchurch World Movement, and has deal with the newer methods, object- Miss Lucile Gullette; Mi-a. Filmer C. F. Reese, '15; Mr. John Rienecke, delegates included on Friday a recep- been connected with Councils of ives, and problems in home economics Gullette; Miss Eleanor Hand; Mr. '28; Dean Samuel B. Schofield; Dr. tion and tea dance, a banquet and a Churches of Dayton, Minneapolis, teaching. Her courses will be of Frank Hand, '35; Miss Helen Hand, and Mrs. G. E. Shriner, '2!J;. Miss series of one-act plays presented by and Kansas City, Mo. For the past especial value to those women who in- '09; Mr. T. K. Harrison, '01; Mr. Mildred K. Sloan; Mr. Wm. B. Smith, the Washington Players. On Satur- fifteen years he has been associated tend to teach in this field. Carl E. Hartwig, '11; Dr. and Mrs. '27; Miss Victoria Smith, '31 j Mrs. I. day night there was a basketball I with Carl E. Milliken, the secretary A recent issue of the College Bul- Fred G. Holloway, '18; Miss N. E. L. Somerville, '04; Mrs .. H. L. Ste- game between Washington College of the Motion Picture Producers and letin carried complete details of the Holloway, '13; Miss Virginia John- venson, '99; Miss Marion C. Steven- and Mt. St. Mary's, followed by an I Diatributera, of which Will Hays is offered during the summer son; Dr. F. Robertson Jones, '92; Mr. son, '29; Mr. and Mrs. Ohm-lea Stew- informal dance. president. session. B. Kaplan, '35; 1'111'. Louis N. Kaplan, (Cont. on page 2, col. 3)
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