Page 37 - TheGoldBug1935-36
P. 37
THE OLD MUG Western Maryland College. Westminster! Maryland HUNTING SEASON OPENS ~ Editor Makes Secret Passion VZ- Old Mug Sponsor (Hi' ya toots!) ~~ " Leap Year Makes Revelation Possible Intimate Details Bared to Public "We used to play Cops and Rob- bers together", stated our deal' edi- tor when questioned about her choice of a sponsor for the Old lI11fg. Gals Set Traps to innocent youth," she went on, blush- "Yes, he was a companion of my Snare Unwary ing coyly, "and J have always loved ... day ever since that (sigh) him in the woods when he looked into my Males heavenly blue eyes and asked me how one person could be so dumb ... " "No, his name isn't Oswald," she Flower Motif to be Pansy stormed, at a suggestion from the in- terviewer. Her temper sweet was roused to stormy indignation at the thought. "He doesn't look like the "The stag at eve had drunk his sort of person who'd be named Os- filI"-and the doe is leaping across wald, now does hej" she asked de- campus to catch her- heretofore-ad- fiantly. "His mired-from-afar buck and tow him to continued real name is Algernon," she with the light of romance the leap year dance on Febr-uar-y 29. dawning in her eye. "But I call him . Remember girls, it is a deer year 'Buzzie' for short. It's so virile." since it comes only once in every 1440 days. Thrice Spurned By Cold Swain "It wasn't until last leap year that The Inter-sorm-ity Council has I got the courage to propose to him, placed the bag limit at one buck to but he spur-ned me and told me I was each doe but t.he female may use any a mere chi-ild." She sighed again, camouflage or trap that she wishes and the Old 1IJug reporter's hearb was aching at the anguish in those and no hold is barred. heavenly blue eyes. Come on you stags. be coy and "But this year r vowed that J smile when you pass before the doe would make him say 'yes' to my ard- line and maybe you'll get a pansy, ent suit. Por- I am no longer a too. ehi-Ild. I told him two could Jive as be- Eddie VIII Seeks Willing M'dest Bride lieve me." cheaply as one, but he wouldn't "He has a fine head fo1' business- Sunday School Courts Cupid other people's business. He's a sales- Campus Combed for Classy Cuties man for the Latz Ear-muff Com- A rrows Aimed at Bashful (Where do we go from here?) Beaux Eddie Says He's on the Make Lads and Lassies Frolic Friday Girl Wanted: Apply at Once ~- -== 'Mid thoughts of Jove and candy. Leap Year Queens Brush up •.. ~!I~:tQ~::~:;~:~~:~1~~~~::i~ on Lines, Search Crowns '" :c~~1~:~:~:'an;h;:ldsU::eet s:.:,n~::- Hunting Season . ..____-- . ~ tle a new debt.
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