Page 35 - TheGoldBug1935-36
P. 35
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, M;::. PAGE THREE TERRORS TAKE ST. JOHN'S TERROR BOXERS LOSE BASKETBALL TEAM LOSES TERROR FIVE GAIN OPENER TO PENN STATE FAN FODDER FIRST TILTS OF SEASON SECOND LEAGUE WIN 'Three Technical Knock-outs Pea- By "H.I!RB" STEVENS Disability Of Regulars Causes Loss Triumph Over St. John's In Arm. ture Bouts Of Strength ory, 43.38 The Green Terrors provided a op::~tei~~ 1:;;r:!:~::s a:~~;st ~ee:~ Here's to the sport of the bouncing ball, ba~i~:~~n :::r~!::d~~r~:t:; :~~t~e: thrilling spectacle of close basketball State's Intercollegiate Champions at TIle swishing net and the 'Hurry' call. few scares into the opposition this play at the Armory Tuesday night State College last Saturday, losing ~~~e~~!oCI~~~~.~I~~11.h~n~r:~:.~O~!~lfcl~n~e~~c~0much ~::s~:irWi:~~~: ~~in:heab~~c~;ri:~tur; when they defeated the St. John's Collegians in a Maryland Intercol- ~~~.e~nat:~~~~aJha~~:~~o:~~~ted;:~~ To a fighting team. glance at the box scores shows that legiate League encounter after the :::!ef:.e~h:a~ll~: ;::~~rr~o~e:~\~~i~ Here's to the center and forward and guards ~:c~~7~;n~~d~n;v;I~:n~:S~sl~~tt~v:enk~ regulation time and one extra period That gasp through the fury of rebound plays the Terrors have won but one contest had resulted in a futile tie. The game t :e~~e n;~;!~~ollt:ii~~efi;;~g.appearance i::a \~~~e.a,;~ Ctl~!b\~~\~~,fight again out of nine played. ·went into the second extra period before the Terrors took a command- State's 115 pound champion, Crts- "Ilunnh, for a fighting team!" tel~~~~~~~tgt~~essee:v~~:Sa~fW;eS!j~~~~~ ing lead on Millard's successful foul shots and field goal. Benjamin ad- ~~;~be~c;r~: t~e t;~~~;~\nKth~'in~~:~ quite'~e~lt:,~To:[~li;l~;~~~I~e ~~~~.~;~g~~l~ e~~:~ I;~~~n~~tt:ll:Sse~:~~ ,~i~~i~~:nl~regular varsity forward, the Terrors ded two foul throws before the game bout of the evening. Goldberg did starting. Somehow the Ter-rors ha ve lwd the tough breaks throughout ~o:!e~O ~~e ~:~~oh;~'~g3~!:k,i~:0!;:~ ended with Western Maryland lead- well to stay with Criswell until the these early games, when, during the latter- part of town University held the Terrors, ing 43-38. woatern Maryland jumped into the ll1i~~!~;lfet~:s:e~o~!c~~~o:\o Donato ~l~~'~:dt.l;~l\e~l~'~~~~:eg~~~ete~~,~~~~~~~~yf~l~:~~l.h~e~~~~ ;~~ush::_~h~;~:h:;;e~hem~~stW~Oa~~: lead early in the game and held a four point advantage at half-time ~~~e~~l~~:;: :n~h;r~~~~o~~:w:~e~~ ~?e~T~~el~~~~eil;~~~~S~!dl~s;:t~~ ~~: ~~:~l~ ~,~;~~\!~~a 46-13 score. The Georgetown whirl- with the score 16-12 in their favor. well in their initial appearances in seen them play this season because of the drive and ;~~~or:~~~~ :~~n~e;il!e;'i~~.e:~ :;~ Uvanni at center and Captain Fow- ble at guard contributed seven field s th~~~~~an, conqueror of McGivern :~tl:I~~ ~~~il~1aj~::~d~'~~e~1~1~;~~el~~vi~l~j~~~e:~,l:;~ obl~t ~~;~ ;:e ~:~~e~~ co;i~l:c~O~:nsl~~t:\~i!~ goals between them during the first F~:i~~~~E~~~~:~!~:~(:~~~:~:~~nsna en 'r S'~"N'~:;'i,~~\ii'ti:::l~~~1~:::'~;~~1~~~ony:~~i:;:j~:~~,£~;:~~~~::::~::;.~~.::~'::h:~:i::,::~:: overcame a weakened western eye injury The first half was fast and Mary- of a bad of the Navy of Syracuse in the·1935 intercollegiate because contest per-iod. clean with few fouls being called and little contact entering into the play. up to tie the crept The Johnnies round of the 135 pound bout. "Hinky" del' of the freshmen who have made up the starting five together with for the first time, met High Point Col- count at 30-30 just three minutes be- Haynes put up a good scrap in the Captain Fowble and Benjamin. lege and held the North Carolinians fore the final whistle. Lambros led ~~!n~~un~hc!a~o::it~~l:;n;!a: O!r~~ In spite of the losses which the Terrors have already had this sea- during the first three-quarters of the the attack. A free throw by each team brought the count to 31-31 as with neither of the contestants having ~a~~k~~~~!lt~:~I:e c~~; l~a~h:hcp~!~~~~a~i~!n~~~~~:~l~~t~ ,~:::' :~~~:e~=~:ht~=:a~~nu~t!~ 0i:er~ the regular playing time waned. any obvious adVantage. College is riding the crest of the League wave with the Terrors in third 42-32 victory for High Point. During the first extra period the in '~~n:~~~'w~~lte:n:t:o;he: L~~n~~~ place, but \Vashington defeatcd the Terrors by only six points in the The Terrors lost a heartbreaking lead see-sawed. St. John's took a lead on a field goal by Delisio, but pound boxer. Walker stayed with ~l~:~~a~n~a~: ~r!~~ ~~I~~u~~I~as~:~~o~)I~I~~l~:~~~~e~: ~~~1~!~~·!~t~~Si~~ ;.~:eb;!~~ ::in:~~ei~~':eeo:n::!~:::~ 'Vestern Maryland retaliated. Lesin- l~~;~~:~~ci~7:n.wa~ee;:: :~~:~:~: mainly because of the abilit.y of the opposing center to control the eenter anee of the season at the Armory, the ski looping one through the net to tie the score once again. The five min- up the State fighter when the going juml~\ glance at the scorebook of the Terror courtmen reveals that most ~:~neS~~~~:;;:~~ ~~t~8:~;. fi~~e:~~~ ute period ended with the score 36- !;td!~:l~~~~tnd he showed promise of the games which they have lost this season when the team has been night, the Terrors opened their league 36. As the game went into the extra periods, the intensity of the contest Ritzie, Intereollegiate Champion :;a~~]~ s~~'~~~:~lr;.l~:~ ~::~ ~~s~~l~~;~A)~l~~o~f. lel~d ~.~et;'Zn::l~:~I!~: ~~:s;:W:~f:a~~~~~:;n ~~~;~:d::::~ increased to a fevel' pitch with many :~~/:~~t:e~~ti~~~ ;:::e~o:e:e~~ni~~ not been playing "set-ups". The pre-league schedule was one of COIl- in the waning minutes of play to win of the spectators on theil' feet during knock-out over Skinner of the Ter_ tinuous play against some of the best teams in the section. Catholie by a score of 41-35. most of the last ten minutes of play. rors in the Welterweight division. University, Vil.lanova, 11ft. St. Joseph 's, H~gh Point, a,1)(1\Vnshington University of Baltimore took the The final period became rough as Rt· , 1ft' b d 1ft h k e College llave hIgh elass blasketball teams thIS seasoll. 'lhree of the five. measure of the Terrors at the Armory the players strove to block their op- vi~i:~ss a~d e~e:te~n a :nock~~t si:t~: I games just ~lentioned ended in seores. that va_ried b~' less than six poinl~. r January 14. scori!1g .34 points again~t ponents' shots from the field. Three players were ejected on personal second r~und. . . Terr~l~e a~l~lt~~ :~~:::a:i~lrg ato~;1a~~ t;:\~f~'e~~~~~~~l \~eer:e~~:d 'l'~~r~I~~ ~ni~::s~esft:l~:w!~t~~i:n~ios;adt:f:~~ fouls. Millard, substitute for Tomi- Ortenzl won a c~ean ~eclslon ?ver I able to defend tlleir own goal as readily as they ha"e been able t.o finn I with another one to the tune of 44-37. chek of the Terrors, broke a 38-38 tie Sawchak. of the LIOn: III the Llg~t the opponents' baskets, there would probably be a different story to tell. Benjamin wa.s the outstanding player with the second of two free throws g HeavYW:l ht encoun er. .Orte~zl s But thrce of the men are playing their first season of varsity basketball of the game for the Terrors as he and followed soon after with a shot aggresslVeness was .respons,ble m a and the substitutes are lilimyise new men. Their lessons will be learned scored 18 of the 37 points. from the left side of the court to large measure for hiS success. and as a result more scores should favor the Terrors before Ion"". I Western Maryland scored its initial make the score 41-38. Benjamin ad- The heavyweight match was a re- T.Jooking toward tIle ring we find that "Bob" Bennett has '='injure(l win against Hopkins at Baltimore, ded two points on foul throws for the newal of an old feud. "Tom" Ponte- his hands in a similar wa~' to that which kept "I-linky" Haines out of ~efeating the Jays by a score of 42-38 Terrors before the game ended. corvo of the Terrors and "Izzy" Rich- the major part of the 1935 season. Goldberg made an effort to stop the m an over-time contest. Against Na- Uvanni was the individual high tel' of the Lions battled it out to an fast flying fists of Penn State's Intercollegiate 115 pound champ, Cris- vy, with four of the varsity five out scorer of the game with 16 points. even draw in the finale of the even- "'cll last SattlJ"day, but the Blue all(l White fighter had too much weight of the line-up, the Terrors held the Lambros of St. John's scored 15 of ing. These two, finalists in the heavy- and experienee f01" 11 newcomer. Ortenzi eame through with 11 win. Navy ~al"Sity to a 27-17 scor~. the total fOI' his team. Fowbfe and weight class last year in the intercol- HiclJter held "Ponte" to a draw. Boy, ,dwt a fight that Intercollegiate Sco:mg f~r the Terrors thiS seaso.n Lesinski were next in scoring with legiate matches, when Pontecorvo Heavyweight Contest will be tllis year! It's developing into 11 ducl. (not mcludmg the Navy contest) IS five field goals and four goals respec- eked out a decision after three rounds Haynes fought to 11 standstill, too. \Vlliker forced his opponent 10 as follows: tively. 'Vestern Maryland scored 11 of flying fists and fast moving bodies, go three rounds with him ill his first llppearance in the ring. Jt. talies Players Games Goals Fouls Total of 16 free throws. put on the show of the evening and courage and stamina to last threc rounds, especially in the first at- Uvanni 8 28 14 70 The line-ups: left the feud to be settled at their tempt. Benjamin 7 25 8 58 Western Md. G. E. T. next meeting which will come March Fowble 9 18 9 45 Benjamin, F. 3 !a~~he:. at the 1936 Intercollegiate CO-EDS PROMISE FAST CHESTERTOWN TEAM ~~~~~~~: ~: 5 31 Rinehard, F. 2 28 Adriance, F. Western :Maryland enters upon a BASKETBALL TOURNAMENT DEFEATS W, M. IN Tomichek 5 22 Lesinski, F. vigorous schedule beginning with the LEAGUE OPENER Drugash 0 1 Uvanni, C. 16 match just described. Navy, Catholic Showing evidences of hard prac- Lesinski 1 2 I Fowble (c.) G. 10 University, and Army will be met on tice, class ~eams are "getting places" The Green Terrors basketball team Tomichek, G. successive weeks with the Tntercol- in the basketball tournament this lost a heart-breaking eneounter with I Millard, G. legiates scheduled for March 6-7. Fol- year. Last year's winners, the soph- the Washington College five at Ches- FIRST ROUND WON BY lowing the championship matches and omore class, face a season of hard tertown in the league openet· Satur- Total 16 43 a duel with Bucknell, some of the fighting and expert playing to stand day, January 12, when Stanley Benja- BLACKAND WHITE CAGERS St. John's G. F. T. team will be sent to the National COl-I the competition for championship. min, high scorer for the evening, was Ross, F. 2 5 By virtue of three consecutive vic- Lambros, F. 15 ~~:i~I~:~~~et~;0~tSsS~~~~~0~2~~e~!~~ ~e::ea~:n~~~gth;]"o~;O\~~eal~:~f~. h::~ ;~~\~e~h!:~mm~;~te~a~:ro~: t~:rs~~:i tories, the Black and Whites won the Summerville, F. 0 has been arranged with Villanova, but junior class teams. In fast playing whistle. Washington held a slight first round championship of the Rowe, C. the date has not yet been verified. The I and good footwork, this freshman lead until the game ended. Intramural 'Fraternity Basketball Cunningham, C. Villanova meet will be a home en- class is especially well prepared, all Zebrowski, a six-foot-six freshman League. The Bachelors Club, defend- Delisio (c) G. gagement at the Armory. ~~a~~:~~hmealJS trouble for the upper ~~:t~r~Sf:l~:e~h:eb~u~~~:e;en :::e!b~: ing champions, finished in the runner- Koogle, G. up position. Ennis, G. A meet has been arranged for the to give the Shoremen the taps The league opened with two hard- i~::~~e~e~~~~~~ t~:~~g:it;e:~le ~~~ ar~l~;~fti~~e p~~~::~e:nst:l!:~t~e:~~ throughout the entire contest, keeping fought games in which the Black and Total 16 38 Lock Haven, Pa. The meet is sched- are Phyllis Gross, Carolyn Smith, :~c:a~~ :~e ~~~:~in~~~:~., ~::.~~::;; Whites defeated the Gamma Bets 14 Referee---Paul Menton. uled for February 28. Nellie Hoffman, and Edith Wuntz. and Huffman did the scoring for to 9, and the Bachelors, led by Jack Umpire-Coffmall. Lytton who tallied eleven points, came The teams will be chosen within a Washington, Salter leading the attack few days, and games will be started with eleven points. For Western from behind to beat the Preachers The final standing in first round: 14~16. DUTCH TREAT DANCE HELD next week. :Maryland, Benjamin led in scoring The following week the two win- Black and Whites . 3 0 Bachelors. The four senior physical education with fourteen points, including six ners clashed, and the Black and Preachers A dance was given by the Men's majors, M. Lansdale, C. Hall, E. HI\- field goals and two fouls. Whites barely nosed out the Bache- Gamma Bets .. Student Government in the girls' old gen, and 111. A. Patterson, have been The line--ups: lors, 21-19. Campbell was the lead- With first round of play in the In- Gymnaisum, Saturday evening, from asked to help referee at a games' Reinhard F. Horowitz ing scorer with eight points. In the terclass League almost completed, the 8~~Ot~; ~~~~~'t o~h:h:a.:~::;s o~i~~: tournament to be held in the 5th Regi- Benjamin F. Salter other game on the card the Preach- standing of the teams is as follows: C. Zebrowski ers defeated the Gamma Bets 22-14. Sophomores . 2 0 Men's lounge and recreation rooms. :::~l~r~;o;~lt~~~';:' 7'T~:h:l:,u~I:: ~:~~~~ G. Wilmot Maddox, Preachers' forward, tallied Juniors 1 1 Huffman or~~~:~.:.a~ f~:;~~h~;g~~~:~~on~a~~~ refereeing all games played in the 1~~~~c:k G. F. McMahon half his team's points in this contest. Seniors. 1 1 posed almost entirely of young men county-both for experience and for The first round was brought to a Freshmen McLain C. from Westminster. promotion of interest throughout the Field Goals-Benjamin 6, Adriance close with the Bachelors running over After two weeks of play in the new- the Gamma Bets 19-10, and the Black The lounge and game rooms were county in basketball. 1. Reinhard 3, Uvanni 4, Fowble 1, and Whites clinching the champion- ly-formed J. V. basketball league, the standing of the teams is as follows: open to all who attended the party, The junior physical education stu- Horowitz 3, McMahon 1, Salter 5, ship with a 21-15 win over the Preach- Bachelors . 2 0 nd the girls were given a chance to dents are coaching the Westminster Zebrowski 2, Wilmot 2, Huffman 3. ers. Campofreda led his team to vic- Preachers ry their skill at ping-pong, billards, Girl Scouts at the Armory in: basket- Fouls-Western Maryland 5 of 16. tory by tallying ten points to be high Gamma Bets 1 heckers, or cards. ball. Washington College 9 of 19. point scorer for the· day. Black and Whites .... 0'
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