Page 42 - TheGoldBug1935-36
P. 42
PAGE TWO The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminstel", Md. COLLEGE RHYTHM COL \lJG There always "femmes" can have their SHORT STORY comes a day the When say, Tsk. by Zaida McKenzie Tsk. That day has Come. cosns BACK-PART II Some of you Romeo's had better turn on the charm if you Official student newspaper of Western Maryland College, published on Thurs- don't want to be a wallflower at the day, semi-monthly during Octoher, November, February, March, April, May, Jim and I had to run in order to stepped off the bus I had a feeling as and monthly during September, December, and January, by the students of leap year dance. catch the bus back to New Haven. We ii I ought to get back on and hide Western Maryland College, Westminster, Maryland. Entered as second-class we appoint Senior Fowble as a one were the only paeaengere. I have a somewhere-anywhere so as not to matter at the Westminster Post Office, under the Act of March 3, 1879. man reception committee for all Span- strange feeling when I am traveling. have to go to Deer'S Island. But the SUBSCRIPTIONPRICE$1.00 A YEAR ish speaking visitors and refer him to Since I am neither here nor there, it vehicle had already started on its way Miss Manyon as a competent inter- 1935 Member 1936 seems as if I am not in the world at when I decided to obey the impulse. J:\s,ocicled Co~ellia!ePress preter. all. That feeling came to me as I sat in I actually caught myself running a It looks like our co-eds don't want with We were few steps after it. Jim. alone there protection. EDITORIAL STAFF Spring is coming. Seen thawing space with our clashing characters. "How silly this is!" I scolded my- "What am I afraid of." Editor-in-Chief........... . ROSALIEc. SILBERSTEIN,'36 out- He felt my mood and tried to keep up self. I started down the road, still cov- I tried my best conversation. too, AS80cillte Editors... IDAMAET. RILEY, '36, ROBERTBROOKS,'36 Schemp-Parks but it was not a good pretense. I ered with the snow that had fallen two News Ed·itors GUY GRIFFIN, '36, SARABELLEBLACKWELL,'37 Griggs-Gee COpy Editors.. . JANET MACVEAN,'38, RA1,PH LAMBERT,'37, stared out of the window and mechan- days before. There was nothingness , J.U1ES COLEMAN,'38 Clemson-c-ffil l in the latest-by ically counted the lights we passed. out on the marshes that frightened Proof Edit.ors.... ...EVELYN CROWN,'37, BEVERLYHARRISON,'37 printing time our idea would be stale. Couldn't we get home any qukker7 me. No stars. No marah smell. Not Sports Editors.... . HERBERTSTEVENS,'36, ELIZABETHHAGEN, '36 White-Smedes We finally got out of the bus at my even my own foot-steps to echo Exchange Edito? MlRIAlII WHITFIELD, '36 Hanson-c-Har-ward house and climbed the steps of the through the half-darkness, for they MAKE-UP STAFF Zimmerman-Oleair, M. front porch. were muffled in the snow. Managing Edito1·s GEORGENEEDHAM,'37, SHERWOODBALDERSON,'38 Dunatan-c-Lang-fcrd ''Wait here a minute, Jim," I said, I saw the looming figure of the Peters-Robbins and went into the house. Picked up house. Was that a light? Or wasn't BUSINESS STAFF Millm-d=-Hancoek. all the things I could find ill my room it? My heart sank. How perfectly B1t8ilt68S Manager. . EDWARDBEAUCHAMP,'36 Alguire-Dixon that Jim had given me-his picture, ridiculous of me to assume that Em- AdvfJttisillg Manager .. . ROBERTKIEFER, '37 Campus Goes Cosmopolitan the bracelet, the lovely little evening mie and Ned would be at home. But Assista.nt Advertising Managtj) . . JOSEPH O'LEAIR, '39 handkerchief. I stared at them a few maybe they were in the other part of Circulation·8. ...THOMAS EVELAND,'36, ROSALIEGILBERT,'36 Over the week-end quiz. minutes and then dashed back to the the house that looked out on the Assi8ta.nt Circula.tion Ma.nager8 JOHN CULLER,'37, NORVINGOMPF,'38 1. Hopkins door. beach. ARLINE HUDSON,'37, HILDA BIDDLE,'38 () 1. Ann Brinsfield "Here,Jim." The darkness had fallen in earnest 2. Mt. St. Mary's REPORTERS He seemed dazed. "What does this by the time I reached the forbidding () 2. Peggy Herwick Reporters contributing to this issue: 3. Washington College mean, Anne?" building. I walked np the stairs and isn't any use going on any was startled "There by the sudden appearance Charles Baer,·'38; Anne Chew, '38; Beverly Harrison, '37; Eleanor Taylol', '38. () 3. Va. Hoshall more. This is the end, Jim." of 11 figure on the porch. Although 4. Maryland Law School ''You know well enough. There is the outlines were very indistinct I Worthy opinion; Model management; Correct new.s. 5. Strayer~) 4. Jane Murphy no use going into it again. We've could tell wli.o it was immediately. discussed it dozens of times. It is "Jim!" () 5. Rosalie Gilbert just the fact that you won't change." "They're not .at home. Would you 6. Maryland Med. School "Will you write?" like to wait with me?" !E-D-I-T-O-R-I - A -L! () 6. Ann Dill "No. This final, Jim. I'll never. My first impulse was to say "Yes," 7. McDonogh see you again." but I realized that Emmie and Ned () 7. Nancy might be away for the whole evening. of charm, I () he and "Good-bye then," Ritchie Mint juleps, gracious hospitalitv, H distinguished ai-istocracy=- 8 W of Maryland Quillen kissed me Oll the forehead. cried, Then he 'It would be cold there, and besides, somehow these bring to mind the old South, 11 South 8. Louise Nickell turned and ran down the steps and up what had I to say to Jim that I should a South of good bleeding \J Sparks Hi. School the block towards his home. stay? () \J. Jane Leigh "No thanks," I answered, and turn- It "as from this South that Albert Cabell Ritchie grew It "as 10 Navy I stood rigid for a long while in the ed my back on him. I went out to the to this South, especially to his native state of Maryland, that he brought ( ) 10. Doris O'Donnell epen doorway. It did not seem real. road. Would he follow 1 I could not fame, as a nationally honored citizen. It is by this South that he can Figure it out for yourself. Can you It, was like a play; the only thing hear his footsteps, bnt suddenly I missing would was a program that be characterized. put two and two together? state whether it was a comedy or a heard Iris voice at my side. "Do you mind if I walk out to the Claiming in his distinguished ancestry a grcat-graudfatber who We Wonder tragedy, In a romantic comedy, the road with you 1" still wants Moore? If "Scotty" was Governor of the DIa Dominion State and a fatber who was
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