Page 36 - TheGoldBug1935-36
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rAuE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. NEWS IN BRIEF EDDIE CANTOR SCHOLARSHIP WATCH • THE ADOPTS CONSTITUTION OFFERS IT GROWl SOCIETY ARGONAUTS YEAR FOUR PHI ALPHA MU Playing three sonatas for violin (Continued from Page 1, Column 2} Well folks, the little dot still has a (Continued from page 1. Col. 1) The new members of the club are and piano, Prof. Philip Royer and girl. Like most people in this coun- place here on this page of bold black from the name of Jason's crew which Dorothy Vinup, Helen Leatherwood, Miss Maude Gesner of the depart- try, I'm a rabid peace advocate. I'm type. But believe yon me, his posi- sailed in the A1'go8 in search of the Betty Riley, Anne Brinsfield, Nancy ment of music entertained at a pri- certain that the winning letter will tion is a mighty precarious one. Since Golden Fleece, the society is symbol- Quillen, and Margaret Smith. Doris vate recital in McDaniel Hall lounge be one worthy to bring before mil- we left him last time he has scarcely izing in its insignia and name the grown at all. Unless ycuse guys and Phillips, Dolly Taylor, Margaret on Tuesday, Jannary 21: lions of Americans as another link in youse gals, and incidentally youse quest of scholars searching for the Benton and Bernice Robbins have be- Three sonatas were played: SOIl- the strong chain of peace. I'm very advertisers do something, and do it Golden Fleece of knowledge. come pledges. ata in D Major by Handel, Sonata in grateful to Mr. Newton D. Baker for quickly, dire misfortune is going to In its programs the society hopes Phi Alpha Mu held a "Spread your A Minor by Schumann, and Sonata so kindly suggesting the title." slap our poor little dot a mighty to present scholars of distinction Own" party in the club room Janu- in F by Beethoven. The compet'ition will close Satur- blow. \Ve appeal to you, yea, we from near-by colleges and universi- ary 7. day, February 22nd. The judges' ties. Members of the program com- award will be announced by Cantor plead with you to come to its de- mittee are: Cartel' Riefner, Idamee on Sunday, April 5th. All letters are fense. Riley, and Mary Lou Rock-well. Alpha Gamma Tau wishes to an- Did I hear somebody say, "In what be addressed to Cantor, Eddie DELTA SIGMA KAPPA nounce the pledging of-Walter Rein- to General Postoffice, Box 99, New York way?" hard, Leland Adriance, Robert Brooks, Dorothy Manyon, Naomi Enfield, City. Well just in case you haven't been Mary Alice Patterson, Hazel Gompf, Frank Malochek, Levin NewComb, .Ir., Already in the three weeks which following the adventures of the little WESTERN MARYLAND Edward WesterVille, Kermit Peters, and Ann Dill have been initiated into Frank Malichek, Levin Newcomb, Jr., have elapsed since the competition black dot, here's how! the club. Those pledged are Georgia Mujevit, Jack Lytton, Jos. Dugash, was announced by Cantor, more than Give him some ads-some "Aloha" Price and Kathleen Messenger. 58,000 entries have been received. ads, if you please. For this is the Coffee Shop of the class of '39, and Ar-thur- Hoffa only thing known to man which will The suggestion that educational in- of the class of '37. stitutions feature the issue in their make the little dot grow. Officers for the second semester are: Se-c-c-o- please! W.W. classes dealing with modern problems Alpha Frank Wade; Vice-Alpha, The little dot wishes to express its SODA W. W. club held election of officers Franofs Thomas; Gamma, Raymond was first advanced by the Daily llli_ appreciation to the following friends on Monday, January 27th. The fol- Shipley; Tau, Klee Grumbine; Chap- ni, campus publication at the Univer- who are responsible for its existence SANDWICHES sity of Illinois. lowing girls took office: lai.n, Robert Shaner; Sergeant-at, "It would be a wise step indeed," to date: President, Margaret Lansdale; Arms, Ferdinand Forthman. stated the student newspaper, "if the The Phillips Packing Co. LUNCH vice-president, Doris Smedes; secre- universities which deal in advancing The Rainbow Inn. DINNERS tary, Ruth Little; treasurer, Betty intellectual, moral, social and physi- Erb ; alumni secretary, Parvis Robin- The Gamma Beta Chi Fraternity cal standards were to assist Mr. ECONOMICS STUDENTS SEE ]. F. MOORE, Manager SOil; sunshine messenger, Elaine held their election of officers, Wednes- Cantor in unearthing constructive I SAUSAGE IN THE RAW Fennell; sergeant-at-arms, Eloise day evening, January 29, for the sec- answers to this question." I -- "Good Food-And Howl" Chapman; Inter-club council repre- ond semester. Edward Beauchamp Robel:t M: Hutchin~, president of (Continued from Page 1, Column 3) sentatives, Mary Catherine Hill, was elected president, James A. of Chicago, and one Priscilla Herson. Woodbury, vice-president; Rodman the University has declared he would (connt 'em) operations the skinned of the judges, assorted became pinkish pigling Ellen Hancock, Eloise Chipman, Haynes, secretary; Thomas Ponte- approve of such a program at the. in- pieces of meat; hams, ribs, bacon fat, Betty Erb, Ruth Little, and Sue Ir- corvo, vice-secretary; Paul Ritchie, stitution which he heads. The editor and lard fat. The whiz of a saw cut STATE THEATRE win have become members of the treasurer; George Spiegal, vice-treas- of the Daily Manwn, university the whole pig up in less than thirty club. urer; Ralph Graham, sergeant-at- newspaper, is planning- to further the seconds, and in another thirty sec- arms; Leonard Graham, chaplain; The Carroll county W. W. alumni movement. ends the workers had deftly trim- THURSDAY, JAN. 30 association held, a meeting F~'idRY John Lavin, social chairman. The Stanford Daily. at Leland med the meat into POl')\: loin and ham, "Broadway Hostess" evening, January 17, at the home of The following appointments were Stanford University, editorially com- to be served on a hundred tables. Anne Reifsnider for tile purpose of also made by the incoming president: mended the radio comedian for his In the sausage department, per- With Wini Shaw and Phil election of officers. Frank L. Brown; social secretary; efforts to promote peace, remarking: meated with the tempting odor of Regan house committee, Robert Kiefer, chair- man, Robert Coe, and George Spie- "Both Cantor's purpose and his sage, the students found out how FRIDAY, JAN. 31 gel; intramural committee, Leonard sentiments in Sponsoring the contest skinless franks get that way. The (Bank Night) The Sunday school administration Graham, chairman; clean-up commit- deserve SUPPOI·t. The essays submit- answer is this: the sausage paste is changed hands Sunday, January 26. -tee, Edwin Waters; initiation Com- ted may fnrnish a constructive and put into cellophane casings and af- "Miss Pacific Fleet" The outgoing officers are John W ar- mittee, Frank L. Brown, chairman, practical suggestion for insuring tel' the franks are smoked, the cello- man and Henrietta Twigg, president Fred Coe, Leonard Graham, Rodman American non-participation in a fu- phane comes off. With Joan Blondell and and vice-president respectively. The Haynes, and Thomas Ponteccrvo. tnre world war." How meat is smoked over glowing Glenda Farrell new officers are Henrietta Twigg, In addition to the universities, more grates proved especially interesting president, and Sarabelle Blackwell, than 1200 high schools are co-operat. to the students, in view of the howl- SATURDAY. FEB. 1 vice-president. Margaret Lansdale Delta Pi Alpha Fraternity an- ing. Many of the schools have in- ing winds outside and the refrigera- Zane Grey's remains in her position of secretary- nounces the following pledges: formed Cantor that they are conduct- tion rooms inside. IINevada" treasurer, The past admfnisrtra'tion Charles Baer, Charles Wallace, Jolm ing their own elimination contests, at the conclusion of was successful in starting a new Barkdoll, Victor Schimp, Miles Lef- among the pupils. The best letters the inspection, one of the members of With Buster Crabbe type of program, which has been very ferts, \Villiam Bryson, Warren Moore, from each of these schools will be the group was heard to ask the effective. The membership campaign Emile Edmond, Carroll Maddox, John entered. guide: "How much does that conntry MON., TUES., WED., took an unexpected turn when the Tomichek and William McClelJand. ham sell for?" FEB. 3-4-5 Golds won over the Greens by a The newly elected officers for sec- Ham Ol' sausage in the raw is sel- "Anything Goes" slight majority on the last day of the ond semester are: Delta, Allen Dud- SHORT STORY dom mild on the appetite. contest which has been in progress ley; Vice-Delta, John Elseroad; Al- With Bing Crosby, Ethel several months. The losing side will pha, Ray Simpson; Beta, Joshua (Continuued from page 2, Col. 5) Merman, Charlie Ruggles be host to the winning side in the Cockey; Gamma, Charles Baer; Epsi- guished gingel'bl'ead work on the rail- was engaged to hel' and never told neal' future. lon, Charles Spang. ings as we grasped them to support me. He just broke it off when he met THURSDAY, FEB. 6 us, climbing up the wooden steps. me. I'm just going to forget him. "Peter Ibbetson" Maybe I can when I'm back at col- Jim As his knocked on the door. I + THIS COL LEG IATE WO RL0 .. I ::o~;o~~a~h~;! ~~:o~;~~;:~~~~~~!~ lege. Anyhow, please never talk to With Gary Harding and Ann Cooper I don't be- me about him after this. It's all over." lieve I could stand it. ening to the fatalistic booming of the By ASSOCIATEDCOU.EGIATEPRESS a COMING Emmie looked sad, I suppose "You're sellsible, I ~-----------------' ~~~~e~O~!~:~:;. i~:ltn:7. i~~~~o~:~ Anne. but she said, "A MIDSUMMER SOON A.B. DeGree is the !lame of a Wil_ Ad in a Poliland, Me., paper: the question which I felt both of us you're right, although we all like Jim NIGHTS DREAM" liston, N. D., man. "Wanted, three attractive young la- had in oUl'minds. "How in the world so much. King's ColJege, Londoll University, dies fol' three Bowdoin men to take did they ever come to choose this We walked down-stairs and said has just fonnded the only completely to house parties. Picture must ac- Jllace of desolation in which to set up "good-bye" to each other. This was autonomous school of journalism i'l cOmpany I·eply." their first home? But I tried to the last time I would see ,Emmie and England. Ned before I left for school the next Opera House A Harvard zoologist risked his life :~~:\:'aOsffaS~:~t t:~u~;!~~e_~:ina~;: week, and the last time I would see Columbia's class of 1935 is 75 pel' to enter his bllrning home the other for the newly-weds. Emlnie opened us four together. WESTMINSTER. MD. cent employed. day. He was after a set of corrected the door. I hoped she would not no- (To be continued) Week of Jan. 30 Middlebury College will join othcr exam papers. tice that my cheerful greetings was THURSDAY-FRIDAY A Tradition with W. M. Students "ANOTHER FACE" schools in dropping Latin and math so~:~:~n ~:~~s v~~~al~l~:~dl~~:l~ut~~ ~~l;~::~:a:dh~ r~!~~e~ot::tt s~:; k:!~ "DAD" SMELSER'S Wallace Ford, Phyll:is Brooks as entrance requirements. succeed as radio speakers, says Har- l'omethmg was wrong, although she Comedy-Novelty_News -For- -----SATURDA-y----- Assets of Temple University, Phil- vard's Dl·. Gordoll AllpOl.t alld Dr. could not know that the whole atmos_ SANDWICHES ICE CREAM Myrna Loy adelphia, have risen $6,000,000 in tell Hadley Cantril of Columbia. I phere of this place intensified the COLD DRINKS "ROGUE OF RIO years. feeling that had already been in my Open El'ery Night Until 11:30 GRANDE" Antiquated "band-box" gymnasi- Summer earnings of college stu- heart. Chapter 8 "New Adventures of ums are to blame for the mediocre dents are due to rise in 1936. We all played cards until about JOHN EVERHART Tarzan" Week of February brand of basketball played in New West Point-The "equilibrium" of half-past ten. It was hard for me to MON.,-TUES.,-WED. 3 I could keep my mind on the game. England, says Al McCoy, coach of .united States army cadets must be heal' the waves beating on the out_ THE COLLEGE BARBER Lily Pons Northeast~rn UniverSity, Boston. AND BOBBER "I DREAM TOO MUCH" preserved at whatever cost, so the two side. After Emmie had served re- AT THE FORKS March of Time-Comedy The University of Alaska has heen attractive young women who assisted freshments, she led me to bel' room ---THURS.,-FRI.-- closed because of a scarlet fever epi- at West Point's compulsory dancing to get my coat, where she had taken Jack Hulbert demic. classes last year have been banned it-a deyice used by women for cen- "ALIAS BULLDOG forever. turies to get away together to talk. I'll An M.l.T. chemical warfare class When Mr. and Mrs. George Roberts, "What's the matter between you J. D. KATZ DRUMMOND" was routed recently when someone of Tulsa, Okla., went to the academy l'.TIdJim, Anne? You seemed as if QUALITY Novelty-Comedy-News tossed a regulation army tear-gas to teach dancing to those of the cadets yon were making an effort to be gay SHOE REPAIRING -----sATURDA Y--- bomb into the room. who didn't know how, they took along tonight." Special Rates to Students Chapter "SKYBOUND" Adventures !I-"New I Emmie's voice was sympathetic. Ph.D's are almost certain job-tick- 8S accompanists two young women had hard work not to break out cry- ~~~ ets today, says Northwestern Univer- from their danCing school. It was a ing. ---;W"'~=kc'°':;:f"T.;:~:::ry 10 good idea, but it didn't work. sity's placement bureau, with start- H.E.REESE MON.,-TUES.,_WED. Hepburn Kathryn ing salaries averaging $200 monthly. "The young ladies disturbed the "I know you'll understand, Emmie. equilibrium of tIle cadets learning to After tonight I'm not going to see Jim TAILOR "SYLVIA SCARLET" Hockey was first played in Amer- dance," it was explained. any more. He just doesn't come up Comedy-News ica in 1901, starting at Vassar, Bryn The two dancing partners who came to my standards. You know he hasn't CLEANING ---THURS-:;=FRI-. -- .Mawr, Smith and-Harvard Summer so neal' upsetting the academy said any work and doesn't seem to care. PRESSING Wallace Beery, Lionel Bar- rymore School! they had "a swell time" and didn't He drinks and smokes too much. In REPAIRING !
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