Page 43 - TheGoldBug1935-36
P. 43
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, M':. PAGE THREE TERROR BOXERSOUTPUNCH COLLEGE CAGERS LOSE TERRORSTAKESHOREMEN VILLANOVA RING TEAM FAN FODDER CLOSE TILT TO MOUNT IN HARD FOUGHT CONTEST By "HERIl" STEVENS Beat Wildcats By 5.3 Score Segadelli and Petvini Star May Prove Turning Point In Mary- land Collegiate League Season Pounding out two technical knock- A desperate last minute rally fell outs and three dicisions, Western Western J\laryland's single point victory over t.he highly touted short by one point, and western Mary- UVANNI LEADS IN SCORING Maryland College's ring warriors Washington College basketball team lias put the J\lill·yland Intoreol- land's basketeoi-s dropped a 33 to 32 battered Villanova's boxing team into leginre Basketball League into 11 stow of excitement. A victory for the decision to Mt. St. Mary's in a Mary- Staving off a last desperate rally defeat last Saturday nig-ht at the Ar- Chester-town five would 1111\'emade their- league leadership almost 11 land Collegiate League game. The in the closing moments of play, mory by a score of 5 to 3. eertninrv, but the defeat tln-cw it back into a tic for first place with contest was played at the Armory on Western Maryland's basketball quint Bob Bennett and Tom Pontecorvo Mount St. l\Iary's, who cscd ont a one-point victory oyer the 'I'errors Wednesday, February 19. eked out a 32 to 31 victory over the were the Terrors accounting for the here last week. The game was close all the way. At league-leading Washington College team technicals. Bennett stopped Manuel 'The possibility of a victory in a play-off one time the Mounts had as much as mory. last Tuesday night at the Ar- Rodriguez, the visitors' 115 pounder team fr-om Emmitsburg a of addil)g nuothcr a seven point lead, but the fighting midway in the third round. The Vil- possession of the league Terrors closed the gap speedily. The This game may prove to be the lanova fighter was bleeding freely which state that a team turning point of the Maryland Colle- from the nose at the finish. Pontecor-. years successively to retain pennauent final whistle found the Westminster giate league season. Loss of this vc carried Dick Mulvill into the sec- it. Since the Mountaineers were winners boys firing desperate but futile shots contest threw the Sho' men into a tie ond round and then dropped the Vil- off with Loyola last vear, they already have one in an attempt to convert one point with Mt. St. Mary's for the lead, each lanova heavyweight to the canvas for towards the retention of the cup. A victory loss into a last-second tr-iumph. The team having won six games and drop- keeps. season would give the Mounts a double grip on victory booted -the Mounts into first ped two. Each has one more to play before they clash in the finish of the Carl Pantaleo, the visitors' sturdy handles and make it necessary for them to win place in the loop. season-to determine the league cham- 125 pounder, was the lone knockout in order to gain permanent posses- Joe Segadelli and Don Petr-ina were pion. artist of the evening. He swung a the men who beat western Maryland. Except for the opening minute of long hard right which caught Bill The sympnthies of most of the league contenders Segadelli found the basket with un- play when Alex Zebrowski sunk a Skeen flush on the jaw and put him lie with Washington College this season, for if the canny accuracy during the first half rout shot, the Sho' men were never in out. The haymaker occurred early in should win thc trophy, it would remain in eirculn- and accumulated 12 points to lead the the lead. The Terrors led 12 to 10 at the second round. The other Villano- seasons. I..oyola, Western Maryland, and scor-ing for both teams. Petrini, half time. va points were won by John Jarosik, lhc trophy once since the begim1ing whose playing of late had been medi- The second half developed into a 165 pounder who stopped Clint Walk- W nshington College seize it. from the oere, picked this night to regain his. roughing contest. Led by Zebrowski er in the third round and Capt. tOlll"th teHm in the IJeague to possess early season form and scored ten and Smith, Washington College be- Tony Sala, who outpointed Tony Or- I I thllt. rate the cup would remain in points. Walt Reinhart led the Terrors gan their heroic but futile attempt to tenzi in a close, hard fought battlc. with five field goals and one foul. save the game. At one time the Ter- Results: Thc since i1s The lineups: ) rors led by eleven points, but the vis- 115 lb., Bennett, West. Md., defeat- son::; IlgoO. become Western Maryland itors pecked away at that lead and ed Rodriguez, tech. knockout in third matched, that is FG F T diminished it. round. • leagne has Reinhart, f. 11 Joe Uvanni with six field goals and Lesinski, f. 1 a foul shot led the scorers. Close on 125 lb., Pontaleo, Villanova, de- "'estern Maryland won the when co-captains Hurley his heels came the towering center of feated Skeen, knockont in second and Mahoncy, guards on tIle year, led a team of 'iron- UVanni, f. the Sho' men Alex Zebrowski. The round. men' through 11 string of lellgne to the State Title. J\fcrgo, Benjamin, f. (Continued on Page 4, Col. 3) 135 lb., Warman, West. Md., defeat- ~;?~~:~~i·fln~~~t~nfdth~ag~:~Q~ll~~~\~etl~~~scaso~~st of t.he aggregation thnt. Fowble (c.), g. ed Buckrowski, decision. Tomichek, g. 145 lb., Haynes, West. Md., defeated !Iwt calTY over of: talcllt from onc JUiliard, g. SENIOR IN GIRLS TRIUMPH BASKETBALL Butler, decision. ye11" to bee~ changed ellch mai;:- jug it necessary a !lew system each Totals 12 8 32 TOURNAMENT 155 lb., Willoughby, West. Md., de- feated Carrick, decision. The league l"Ule whieh nllo\\·s stnclellts t.o compete in vilrsity con- Mt. St. Mary's FG F T! The girls' basketball tournament tests as fresl1men has added strength t.o every team in the circuit. though Segadelli, f. 2 12 I officially ended Tnesday. This year's w!f:e:~·te~~~·~~~~k:·~~a:o:~;r~e~~~~~~ ;;h~;I~~:~ali:htl~~ C~~~l:.:s:l~r~~~;es!~s~~a~~,~tt~~~~'P~:~~~~~is~;:)~l;~~=r~~'~~~~Kokie, f. 3 ::~et~!~',:s~~t~,~:en"l~; tC~~::~ !~: 175 lb., Sala, Villanova, defeated Or- freslnnen. At least three of the teams in the league were able to nse Petrini, c. 10 Senior, Sophomore, and Freshman, be- tenzi, decision. the rnle to advantage this season, however. \Vestern 1\[arylalHl. Mount Reilby (c.), g. 2 ing tied for first place at the end of Heavy, Pontecol·vo, West. Md., de- ~~·n~~~~;s'ir~31~~:~~i~1~:0,?a1~~~):e~~{1I:~1:' ~;:~e~n~el~;l~~ ~1~~:r:;~I~llpi~I;~':~ Leahy, g. 6 ~~:ms;i:~oS~iP'~~~\ht;e: ~!:~:ffw!~: !:~~~~r!~~ll;ill, tech. knockont in ers ·were used to fldvantage by all 0:1' these t.eams. Totals 13 7 33 again tied, each losing one game. To It seems thnt tIle freshmen rule in basketball tll\varis proficient ~::::~:eere at::ed :~;~:~o;::/!. te!~ t.eflms at small colleges, and that the Maryland Intercolleginte Lengue pJaced first, the Sophomore and Fresh- ARMY RINGMEN DEFEAT rnling has accompli.~hecl its purpose of mnking for bet.ter basl,etban TE~~~~~~~~ ~yV:~~~~~~~~;e!~~:I:.Pla;~:g /:~~o~~ t::~ t~~~~ TERRORS AT WEST POINT ~::~~~~~:~I~~~r~~em:il~~l:~\ee:h~ll;~fa~r s:~l~~~~.e~~:l);h;O;~;ii~;e °off~~:: :~1~1; eliminated in the first round. -- basketball The class "A" teams are: :Mal·yland's Westem ist.ence. Three Knockouts Feature Hard.· I itself to sntisfy ' a residencc rule tllat has no logical rCil~on for its cx- I ~e~~;g!o~~ :~e2~"~a:uI~~a~.~I~~dJ~~7~~ La~:J~~ol:,M. RF Co:~;!~: J. NO~~~:;:~: fought Bout l'ing~!l~ ~il~:~~::.b~~::gte~~~lt~hf~1\~~eal~Sl:el~!lfl;;~: ~~.ns~~l1I~~;eb:~~·::~ ~~~I~u~~a~~~a%a:nen:~~~~~ Satnrday, ~i::~I~i::~~~I~~C~· L6 Western Maryland College's ring that the 1935 tcam had. It IIICl,s experience .l'rolll thc 125-pound elnss The Terror quintet struck its stride Hall, C. SC Harrison, B. team met with another defeat when it t.ln·ongh the 165.])01111(1 class. But PO!ltocorvo, Hl1Yl1es and Bemlctt early in the game and maintained a Irwin, L. RG Wigley, liLA. ~:~~~ue~:d~~,\:~~t Je~/n:e~~r:att;::·d::~ fougl1t clcvcrly and deserved to Will. OrtellZi put I;P a' splendid bout ~:=:d~e~l;I~~e~~r:ug~e~~e:~e i:::;ia;1 TO~I:~;t~~~!~: Hoshali, C~:7r::;; ~~~ ing fists of the Cadet boxers by a 6 to against Sala, inter-collcgiate light.hcnl'Yweight champ and conqncror Ot day. The sharpshooting of the West- Smith. 2 score. "Bernie" Kaplan. minster boys was phenomenal as they Sophomore Freshman The Terrors were supreme in the The Villanova boxer's style of figllting l]fls not ehnngecl mnch since bombarded the hoop from all angles. Price, G. RF ~:7~~~~~ Taylor, V. welterweight and heavyweight classes his bont at State last season. Hc still mal,es use of 11 shOrt fal,c of a ~:. t~~h~~l"l~';Ssl~~mdtle~:i~ t~~;~I;~S~~ ~';:~iit~,~. L6 ;:~~deJ:~t:e~e;~~iO~o:v::nSC~:i~:~~ left jab, followed by a short, slllnshing blow with tlle right. hnml that 13. Taylor, E. SC Berwager er to account for Western MaryJand's stal·ts head lligh and smashes down upon the forehead Ot his opponcnt. . Joe Uvanni and Stanley Benjamhl, Gompf, H. (C.) RG McKenny, (C.) leading first point. In the: windup bout of the We attribute Ortenzi's loss of tl1is bout t.o his lack of ring experience Western shared honors for the night, I Cook, C. Myers, L. two Maryland's evening Tom Pontecorvo, the Terrors agaillst such a style and to. his tendel1cy t.o hang t.oo long in tIle clinclle~. scorers, Substitutes: Cooper. slugging heavyweight, refused to car- . We should likc to ha,'~ scen ~kee~ get a ?ettcr br~nk in ~lis bont ~:~:I~Jat:i:! !~/:~~:t~ J~~~n~he:u~~ The. scoring re~~:;!it;::s:t~OC;;~ ry Sternberg along and knocked ont m t.he 125-pound class. Ih~ calTlage III i1:e rll~g was .1mpl'eSSIYe, ~Ild I bros set the pace with 13 markers, more I wards: (not counting games in play- ~~es~:::s ~;~~:~~~~dn~.~Uu:=.and thir- :~:u~c~~o~~SCt:I~~~:::,11111:~~~ef~:~~r~l~eo~:!ll~ ;:t~l:~~I;li~:~t~I~,~lt~\.:I~l:SI~~~! ::::n ;e~.II:o;i:q:eaadm~:~I~o~c~~~n~~e t~7~ , offll;.e'1~s~atterson, 53; V. L. Taylor, kn~:;:~ts~oX~·:rk:~:~~nt~: :~: ~~~ where a boxer depende(l upon onc knockout punch anel 1,011 on it. overwhelmillg victory. 52; G. Price,. 41; M. Lansdale, 25; A. pound class kayoed Bill Skeen after The intercollegiate bouts at Penn State should be the rellewal 0.f The lineups: Ol:~;~y~~; i~· :~v~~!~~.J. Corkran, 9; only 31 seconds of the second round. some old feuds. Bennett and Criswcll in the 115·pound ClASS,Ponte- Western Maryland FG F T *Played in l%games. The other haymaker was administer- corvo, Brown and JZ7.~'Richter in the hcav?weight. division, Sala and Reinhurt, f. The Freshman "B" team and the ed by Cadet York, and Bill Willough- Ortenzi in the light.henvyweight class. Just. what claSS J\fcGi\·crll nnd Lesinski, f. 2 Junior "c" team were the winners in by was on the receiving end. The Hayues each will fig1Jt is 110t yct cert.ain. It appears from all indications Uvanni, f. o 16 their tournament. Terror 155 pounder lasted until the t.hat Penn State nnd Syracuse arc lhe teams to beat, ,,·ith \VcHtcl·n 1\fary. Green, f. 1 The scores for the "A" games were middle of the third round before tak- Benjamin, c. 16 as follow~: ing the count. land havil1g" a clwnce of placing at lcast foul' men. A break mip:lJt give Seniors 18 Freshmen 19 thc 'l'elTors a chance at tllC titlc, but comparativc rccords <1on't gi,·c Adriance, c. ° Results: the Gecll ancl Gold much cllflnce. Tomichek, g. Juniors 3 Sophomores 21 115 lb., Beard, Army, defeated Ben- Willard, g. o Juniors 11 Freshmen 32 nett, decision. Harlow's old adages, "that a te!lm that ,,·on't bc beat can't hc FowbJe (c.), g. Seniors 22 Sophomores 14 and "n moving boxer gat.l1el's no punches" might come in handy 3 Seniors 38 Juniors 8 125 lb., BarksdaJe, Army, defeated Drugash, g. 2 Sophomores 27 Freshmen 24 Skeen, nockout in second round. this casco Somehow we just can't see Wcstcrn J\'Ial';,!jand left out ().f Coe, g. (For the play-off games.) the running in an Intercollegiate Boxing ]\'feet. It isn't natm·al. 135 lb., Connor, Army, defeated Seniors 19 Freshman 20 \Vorman, decision. Totals 20 4 44 Seniors 22 Sophomores 14 145 lb., Haynes, West. Md., defeated UVANNI LEADS AS 16 29 13 71 St. John's FG F Sophomores 19 Freshmen 11 evening On Friday Scheideker, decision. HIGH SCORER 13 23 7 53 Ross, f. 5 teams are entertaining the basketball the girls bas- 155 lb., York, Army, defeated Wil- With sixteen games of the schedule 15 12 14 38 Lambros, f. 3 13 ket ball team from Farmville State loughby, knockout in third round. already played, this is how the Wes- 12 13 3 29 Rowe c Teacher's College, Farmville, Virginia. 165 lb., Wilts, Army, defeated Walk- tern Maryland basketball men figure 8 12 28 1 Wing~te', c. Girls have been selected from the dif- er, decision. in the scoring. These figures do not 11 3 4 10 ferent class teams: 175 lb., :[,Qnper, Army, defeated 01'- include !he resul~s of Tuesday night's 5 Shawn, g. Forwards: Patterson, Price, Lans- tenzi, decision. game With Washmgton College. dale,Oleair. Ennis, g. Centers: Morris, Hall, Berwager, Heavy, Pontecorvo, \Vest, Md., de-I PJayer G FG F T Co. Ogden, g. McKenny. feated Sternberg, knockout in third Uva~ni. 15 57 23 137 Sherman 0, Guards: Gompf, Irwin, J." Myers, round. Benjamin 14 47 23 117 Edmonds. o Totals 7 25 Crown.
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