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G01 SMITH HALL LEAP YEAR DANCE SPEECH RECITAL OLD GIRLS' GYM FEBRUARY 29 FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 28 8:00 P. M. 7:30 P. M. Vol. 13, No,9 WESTERN MA.RYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD, February 27, 1936 "Y'S" SPONSOR CARNIVAL R . 'I' Juniors Give Second Set of Plays FORCOLLEGECHURCH FUND Passing in eVlew . Formal Attention in Alumni Hall Next Friday Night exercises induct- inaugural By IDAMAET. RILEY mg Dr. Fred G. Holloway i_nto office Floor Show, Dancing, and Numer- '----------------' ~~ll~;:Si~:~! ~!enw::~e~:r l\i:;~;~:~ Fantasy, Psychological Drama, And Character Comedy To Be Satirical ous Booths Featured In Place of an Olive morning, April 25, according to an Offered TO BE HELD MARCH 6 Sometimes we feel as if we are of- announcement made by Dean S. B. HAVE BEEN DONE PROFESSIONALLY fet-ing- a stuffed olive as a substitute Schofield this week. for a roast-beef and potatoes dinner, The program will embody the fea- The Y. W. C. A. and the Y. M. C. A. Appearing £01' the second time this year, the junior speech students will give a colorful bazaar in the what with our covering a small spe- tures of the annual convocation which girl's gym, Friday, March 6 for the cialized angle of news once every two was postponed this year because of will present three plays in Alumni Hall Friday, March 13. 'I'he plays support of the college church in order weeks when so much is happening. the sudden death of the late Dr. Ward. in order of presentation arc Sqvure Pegs by Clifford Bas, Overtones that it may reach its goal of $600. But if we were to try to present a All classes and student activities by Alice Gerstenberg, and On Dix- Mary Barbour Dixon, President of Y. substantial meal, to give a compre- will be suspended for the day. SEMINITES PRESENT lon's Porch. by Wilbur Stout. 1\[. C. A.; Miss Esther Smith, sponsor hensive digest of world news, this col- Square Pegs, the curtain raiser, is of the Y. M. C. A.; Charlotte Cook, umn would overflow with print, the POPULAR MELODRAMA a satirical fantasy in rhyme. The Gold Bug would become a news chron- chairman of the sales committee, and icle, and we would have to increase Reporter Interviews characters are Hilda, played by Janet Mr. Edgar Hollis, President of the Y. Smith, and Giaconda, played by Elo- M. C. A. are all directing their efforts these four pages to six ponderous vol- Veteran Diver "Ten Nights In a Bar Room" To ise Gunn. toward making this one of the out- umes. The cast for Ovel·tones, the feature standing features of the year. But in place of an olive this week Be Given March 6 play is: Hilariously funny clowns, a side (though we can't give you the full- Dick Dawson Tells His Story Hat-let, a cultured woman, Jean show in which will be exhibited the meal;) we present what might be Faced with the success of the Sock Harlow; with the aid of a helmet "Diving four wonders of the world, the Cafe termed a "current events" bill-of-fare. and oxygen tank is one of the most in- and Buskin Club of Brown University Kitty, her primitive self, Mary Lou de Paris with its imported soprano, a Rather than attempting to interpret playing Ten Nights In a Ear Room Rockwell; country store where the faculty may news, we are suggesting starters to teresting and exciting jobs I have to packed houses in Providence, Margaret, a cultured woman, Lee purchase the necessities of life, a several points of contemporary inter- ever had." Rhode Island, the 'Westminster Semi- Irwin; and Japanese table, and a southern booth est. This statement was made by Rich- nary Players hope to present the Maggie, her primitive self, Mary are only a few of the many attrac- ard Dawson, a freshman at Western play to equally packed houses March Emily Matthews. tions the carnival will offer. There 5 and 6 at eight o'clock in the audi- Overtones has been produced sue- will be in addition an hour's dancing T~~ E~l~::ti~e::~hat is your back- ' ~!:l'~~:~n ~~Il~fs\I:::~~::v~oSn'D~~~~ torium of the Seminary. cessfully at the Washington Square from nine tcvten and a genuine floor ground in current events? Surprise has dived, in the past two years, more William E. Kesmodel, class of '34, and Martin Beck Theatres in New show exhibiting the Harriet Hocbtcr yourself by taking the CURRENT than one hundred times with the aid will play the difficult role of Joe Mor- York, at the Palace Theatre in Chi- of the freshman class. A perform- EVENTS TEST in Time magazine for of a helmet and oxygen tank. gan, the Drunkard. Joseph T. Coble cage, and in London by Liby Lang- ance by the members of the tumbling February 24, 1936. This test, pre- "I began helmet-diving not so much class will appeal to those many who pared by Alvin C. lnrich and Elma C. because it appealed to me, but because and Jasper Jones of High Point Col- tray. Cerstenberg- has introduced in this are interested in calisthenics. There Wilson of the University of Minne- it was a part of my job as a laborer at lege, North Carolina, will appear as play the novelty of two persons act- simple Switchel and Willie Hammond, will be, in fact, some booths in the seta, consists of 105 questions on na- a bathing beach", said Mr. Dawson. respectively. Bertram McNally I ing as one character, the two actors of carnival which will appeal to every- tiona! and international affairs, trans- He explained that in order to keep sea one from the most important member port, science, business and finance, nettles away from a beach it is neces- ~.~~a~heCO!~e!~~::~Ch~~~~, ~;i1~i:~~~ ~'~~r::~.~~~~g~~~:i~~i;::pi~;c:~ ~~,:ii~: of the faculty to the most insignifi- books, music and art. aary to lay a wire netting across the cant frosh. (My biggest error was in placing mouth of the beach. Slade, the landlord of the "Sickle and gives the play its name. The plans for the carnival have been Will Rogers, rather than Shirley Tem- "If you have ever tried to drive a Sheaf" tavern. Others who appear in I The third play, On Dixon's Porch, facilitated by the help of various com- pIe, at the head of the 1935 movie box- nail under water you can imagine the cast are Richard A. Brandt, Ver- was written by one of the Carolina mittees. These committees and their office list, How could I have over- what a job the net laying is. The net non A. Martin, Mrs. Miles Reifsnyder, ~~~~:t~~l~.a;~e ~::~ i:~oduced at chairmen are: looked the inimitable Shirley?) comes in one hundred feet sections. Mrs. Floyd Carroll, Mrs. M. E. Blach- Hiram Dixon, a dour old farmer Publicity committee, Lillian Moore; 2. Theatre talk-Bringing the star- It must be towed out into the water, mand and her daughter Roberta, and Proctor Messler decoration committee, Mildred Wheat- lit hills of New England to the elec- firmly planted in the beach bottom, Henry Morgan. Ma Dixon, his wife __Ethel Lauterbach ley; donation committee, Henrietta tric-lit boards of Broadway, Ethan and then the sections must be nailed There is a legend that the original Twigg; entertainment committee, Frome, which opened January 21, ac- together. scene of the novel from which the Gil Dixon, aged 16....George Needham Jack Dixon, aged 12 Mary Lou Rockwell. Minor commit- cording to cr-itics captures the deep "One has a difficult time making up play was made was located at a tav- Fred Holloway, Jl -. tees have also been formed to attend quality of Edith Wharton's masterful his mind to take the first dive," Mr. to other functions. novel. .. And Dead End (if I am Dawson admitted with some reticence. ern in Littlestown, Pa. The Seminary Annie Lee Dixon. Lillian Moore A similar bazaar was given last to believe the report of a friend fresh- "One wonders what it will be like Players are offering complimentary Lemuel Isley, year by the Y. W. C. A. It was such ly returned from New York), the play down under and in many cases lets his seats to anyone who can authenticate Annie's "special friend" John Warman a success that it was decided to make by Sidney Kinksley about New York imagination get the best of him. the legend. It is good ~::~;::~efae::~;/:l~e!~u:r~U;:~:l": these carnivals an annual affair. slums, has the "best set" he has seen Once the plunge is made, however, Ten Nights In a Ban- Room is not The juniors made their initial ap- in "many Broadway moons", includ- .the process becomes one of curiosity, merely good melodrama. ing a genuine wharf which actually and he can't get enough of it. drama as well. There is thrilling sus- Day, by Colin Clements, and T1iflcs, DR. FISHER, EDUCATOR, extends out into the orchestra. "One of the most interesting things pense in it from the time Simon a tragedy by Susan Glaspel. Square TO SPEAK AT ASSEMBLY We would like to see. Katha- about helmet diving is the fact that Slade sets up his sign the "Sickle and Pegs was to have been presented at t-ine Cornell as Joan "the queerest fish fish swim apparently unafraid within Sheaf" to the time when the grim this time, but had to be postponed be- Dr. Edgar J. Fisher, lecturer on in- among the eccentric worthies of the six inches of the diver. In fact I have reaper claims him at the last curtain. cause of the disability of one of the ternational affairs and specialist on Middle Ages" in Shaw's Saint Joan, been able to catch fish with my hands. There is broad comedy as well as high characters. The playing of an elec- Central European and Near Eastern which will open on Broadway March Another fact interesting to me was tragedy. It is 11real play, not just a tt-ical recording of Liszt's Le8 P1'/J- conditions, will be the speaker in 3. that bragging, lovable lover that I could see and feel the motion museum piece. ludcson the reproducing apparatus Alumni Hall Monday, March 2. Cyrano de Bergerac-a Ia Walter of the waves even after r had descend- He has chosen as the topic of his Hampden (Baltimore in April), and ed a considerable depth. For eigbty-eight years Ten Nights assembled by Professor Raver and address "New Thinking Necessary a la Charles Laughton (on the screen) "There is little difficulty in manipu- In a Bar Room has run a close sec- his friend, Dr. Potter, was an inno- for Peace." that fragile Chinese drama lating the diving-helmet. It fits snug- ond to Uncle Tom's Cabin in Ameri- ~:~~: aa:l::~;.g to the music-lovers Dr. Fisher served as professor of Lady Preoious Stream. Modern ly over the shoulders and chest, and, can popularity. As recently as 1928 . history and political science at Rob- Times, with Charlie Chaplin, symbol although the helmet weighs about six- Wallacks Theatre in New York cele- I ert College, Instanbul (Constantino- of American cinematic genius. ty pounds, the diver hardly knows he b.. t,d th, ,ightioth ,nniv,,''''y of . SENIOR SPEECH STUDENTS ple) during the two most significant Ghosts made into a movie. and has it on when under water. This is TO GIVE RECITAL decades of modern times, from 1913 Stage on our own personal subscrip- due to the fact that heavy objects be- ~l::k!~a~:ls:. playing for a year to until 1934. tion list. come buoyant in water. Then, too. The story of its origin goes back to During visits in America Dr. Fish- oxygen is being constanly pumped into er has lectured and conducted student 3. And We Suggest:-"So Pink the helmet, thus abetting its buoy- an old road company starving to Present Second Program of Season discussions at many colleges and uni- the Professor", a telling satire in the ancy. death. One night after playing to versities. In addition to teaching and March issue of Esquire, directed empty seats Marsden, the low come- Appearing in the last formal recital lecturing Dr. Fisher has written arti- against the taking of teachers oaths "If you want an interesting job, dian of the company, unable to sl~ep, of the year, the senior speech stu- cles on the history of the Near East, by college professors. "Ill fares the and if you have a stout heart, take up picked up a copy of T. S. Arthur's dents, undel· the direction of Miss Jean and the current political, social, and :land, of radical ills a sink, where helmet diving," advises Mr. Dawson. famous novel. He thought it might MacDowell, will present a program of religious developments in that part of Moscow gold accumulates and profs make a good play. So did William 1 cadillgs tomorrow evening at 7.15 in the world. go pink." Pratt, another starving actor. So he Smith Hall. The group will be the He is a member of the American took scissors and pen and proceeded second to give a recital, the first hav- Historical Association, the American COLLEGE CALENDAR to make a play on the spot. Cutting ing appeared in January. Academy of Political Science, the Al- FACULTY CLUB whole pages from the book, he pasted The program for tomorrow evening pha Delta Phi, Pi Gamma Nu, the HEARS ARCHEOLOGIST Feb. 28-Speech Recital-Smith them on a script and wrote just is as follows: Foreign Policy Association, and the Hall. Fancy Free Stanley Houghton New Orient Society of America. enough to fill the thing out. The next Elizabeth Wolford Dr. Dorothy K. Hill, a member of Feb. 29-Leap Year Dance. morning the company memorized the the staff of the Walter's Art Gallery lines and gave it a rehearsal. That The Brink of Silence-- CAROL LYNN DANCE addressed the meeting of the Faculty March 3-0rchestra R e cit a 1- night it was produced to the great re- Edward Beauchamp GROUP TO GIVE Club Thursday, February 20, in Mc- Smith Hall, 7.30 P. M. joicing of the crowd. The company A Minuet Louis N. Parker RECITAL HERE Daniel Hall Lounge. She illustrated Delt Rush Party. closed the season $11,000 ahead, hav- Aubrey Schneider 11er discussion of the characteristics of ing played nothing else since the star- Mary of Scotland. Maxwell Anderson On Wednesday evening, :March 4, Greece, its buildings and art with a March 6------Y.W. and Y. l\1.-Ba- vation days. Aet III, Scene Bazaar. the Women's Athletic Association will number of !'lides. Doris Smedes sponsor a demonstration of dancing After a brief presentation of the March 10-Girls debate at Penn Tickets at thirty-five cents each presented by the Carol Lynn Studio of aims and accomplishments of scien-I State. may be obtained from any of the Sem- Dear Brutus Sir James M. Barrie Baltimore in Alumni Hall at 7.0e P. inary students. Act II, Scene III M. All women students, faculty, ~ii:~C:rc~~oloag:,~~r~;:!t:~Ok t:~~ a~f March 13-Speech plays. The play is produced by the Drama Marguerite Carrara wives and women members of the fac- Greece and Crete, commening on beau- I March 13-W. W. Rush Party. Depal~ment of the Seminary under Suppressed Desires .... Susan Glaspel ulty are invited. tiful and historical scenes and objects. I L ____! direction of Dorothy Elderdice. Rosalie Silberstein
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