Page 44 - TheGoldBug1935-36
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.rAl.:IE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md • NEWS IN BRIEF SHORT STORY her before she left." dent on his way home from New York, where he had a job." "Then you won't be going back to- (Continuued from page 2, Col. 5) night! Oh, I wish there were some I do not remember what happened W. W. CLUB next to the radiator I could not keep way we could let Jim know." rcr two days after that. All I know Annie Owings Sansbury has been my mind off Jim. My heart was ach- "There, there, honey. Don't talk is that I was in bed for ten days with pledged to the club. ing. We would have to get together like that. Don' try to think tonight. grippe dnring my Christmas vacation The members of W. W. had a Val- again. Love could not be governed Just go to sleep," Emmie soothed. last year. entine luncheon in the club-room on by reason and sense. Maybe it did "But he will catch his death of cold, Sometimes my thoughts go back not have much to do with education February -_-- and character. Maybe it was unex- Emmie. You see, I went to your with a dreadful sensation to that 14. house; and when I got there, Jim had Did I see and hear Jim that evening. PHI ALPHA Itl U plainable, like a belief. I thought of called too. I left him there. He is night or was I delirious with the on- Per- I don't know. coming illness? still waiting on Deer's Island." Jim back there in the snow, trying to get some shelter from the cold, locked "Please don't talk, dear. Just haps it would be best to believe I did Phi Alpha Mu held a rush party in house. I shivered and kept on shiver- sleep," Emmie advised in a humoring not see him. But I have the kind of the Y. W. C. A. room on St. Valen- ing. I knew now that I must have a tone of voice. Did she think I was tragic grief for the loss of Jim that tines Day, in the form of an amateur chill. My face burned and then I be. delirious? can only come to those whose sorrow radio broadcast entitled "Musical Mo- came cold again. I felt as if I would "Can't you understand, Emmie? is mixed with regret. Why could I ments". The guests were: faint, but I got out of the bus and Some one ought to let Jim know. He not have been kind to him when he Katherine Ciseel, Dorothy Vroome, dragged myself to my house. I )loped is waiting there in all this snow came to me on Deer's Island? On a Rosa Barrow, Wi~ifred Har-ward, vtr- mother would be at home; then I re- storm." few occasions I have prayed for a re- ginia Spates, Frances Baker, Marjorie membered she had planned to go out. I saw her looking at me unbeliev- turn of the vision of Jim, but it has McKenny, Gwendolyn Heeman, Jane W1LL1AMBRATTON Emmie opened the door. She clasped ingly. "That couldn't be possible, never come. I must try to believe Griffin, Betty Shunk, Georgia Dixon, me close and then saw that my teeth Anne. Reason about it, honey. You those who say Time will heal all scars, Virginia Taylor, Ann Stevenson, Anne With the Junior Prom, senior Invest- were chattering and I was shaking know it couldn't be." even the scar that was left on my Oleair, Mary Oleair, Mar-tha Yocum, ment and the Aloha breaking out of violently. "I don't see why not. It is not only heart when I lost Jim. and Virginia Karow. The officers elected in Phi Alpha ~:~~~~~n~n!~;~~~i~~d ~~~ks;:~:·:el~:: YO'~G~~:n~ea~:~sd:~~dt!alkW::':~ ~~~ i:l~~~l:~ !~i}rue. I saw Jim. He The Pi Alpha Alpha fraternity an- Mu for the second semester are: over. There's their leader-"Bill" until I get you into bed with a hot Emmie looked frightened now. nounces that the following men have President, Elizabeth Wolford; vice- Bratton. . . I I .water bottle at your feet and make What was the matter with her? "Not passed their formal initiation into the president, Naomi Crown; secretary, From setting off an alarm clock in you drink some hot lemonade." [reallY, Anne!" fraternity: Joseph Uvanni, Leroy Sally Blackwell; treasurer, Evelyn his freshman speech class as ac·1 I did not know how to thank Em· "Yes, really!" I could hear my Campbell, Robert Janus, Andrew m- Crown; chaplain, Nancy Quillen; ser- companiment for a classmate's reel- mie. What would I have done if she voice, high-pitched now with annoy- ley, Donald Roop, Howard Kidwell, geant-at-arms, Jane Murphy; alumni tation of "The Bells"-to referring had not been here to help me? ance. Philip Lanassa, Paul Horner, Leon secretary, Margaret Smith; sunshine last week. to the ex~ct page and line "I'm staying here with you tonight, . "Darling!" Tears were appearing Timmons, Alex Ransone, :Villiam B.e~- committee, Dorothy Vinup, Mary Lou for a detailed quota bon from a famous Anne. Ned had to go to New York JU Emmie's eyes. 'Can it be possible der, Homer Myers. The informal lUI- Rockwell; inter-sorority representa- text-book-"Bill" usually manages to for a conference. I telephoned your I that you haven't been told? Jim was I tiation will be held Wednesday, March tive, Nancy Quillen. stagger both class and instructor at mother about it and luckily caught killed two weeks ago in a bus ecct- I 4 Louise Nickell, Sue Hance, and least once a semester. Elizabeth Byrd have been formally in- Lieutenant-colonel of the R. O. T. ANNOUNCEMENT itiated into the club and Julia Ward C. battalion, president of the Delta has been ~Pl_'d_:g_'d~. _ Pi Alpha fraternity and the Tau Kap- Expressing a keen desire to further pa Alpha fraternity, and president of character development and displaying Money No Object DELTA SIGMA KAPPA his class last year as well as this, an ardent interest in athletics, Presi- "Bill's" record speaks for itself. dent Fred G. Holloway will present a Mildred Wheatley, Sarah Adkins, trophy to the fraternity or class Georgia Price, Kitty Messenger were which exhibits the most sportsman- formally initiated into Delta Sigma Magical Tricks (featuring the disap- like conduct in untramural competi- If It's A Questionof Health Kappa. pearance of Dean Schofield.) Elder- tion. This trophy will be an incentive dice. to contestants every year, and the Tn recognition of the birthday of Rounds: "Three Blind Mice", "The winning unit will have possession of ~~:l:g::a:! ~:~~~:!:~~~:~;~::Raver, Royer, Schaeffer, the award for the ensuing year. Since 1799 thousands of people have regained their normal J\~~~ This idea now being expressed by class, gave "Characterization of Bubble Blowing Contest: McLaughlin, the intramural department is an echo health after years of. suffering from stomach troubles of all Washington" at morning chapel, Mon. Wil1~. of the sentiment at Ohio State where day, February 24, in Alumni Hall. In Yodelhng: Hurt. fair play and sportsmanlike conduct types, such as constipation, indigestion, gas, and sour this talk, Mr. Malone. differentiated I Cartwheel: Schempp. are bywords. In connection with the stomach which are the basic factors of such maladies as high between the Washington of legend II idea, Grantland Rice recently declar- blood pressure, rheumatism, periodic headaches, pimples on and ~he Washington of real life by Duet: "The Keeper", Spicer, Miller. ed it to be the most underrated phase face and body, pains in the back, liver, kidney and bladder showing how absurd are some of the Tap Dance: Brumbaugh. of sports. popular conceptions of him. Mr. Ma- Jews Harp Solo: Willen. The method of judging conduct has disorder, cxhaustion, loss of sleep and appetite. ,Those suf- lone pnrti~ularly str~sse~ the fact Imitation: Birds of field and wood, not as yet been fully worked out ferers have not used any man-made injurious chemicals or that Washmgton's advice In his fare- Bennighof. Probably a committee will be formed well address was given to the infant Solo: "Clementine", Speir. to submit descr-iptive statements of drugs of any kind; they have only used a remedy made by United States and not to the adult Rooster Fight: Jenkins, Little- possible situations and the resulting Nature. This marvelous product grows on the highest country of today. Adept humorous Holmes, Referee. actions of both contestants and speC-I mountain peaks, where it absorbs all the healing elements side thrusts made Mr. Malone's talk Indian War Dance: Whitfield. tators. Each contesting unit will all entertaining one. Surprise Number: Makosky. know exactly under what conditions and vitamins· from the sun to aid HUMANITY in distress. Duet: "The Last Rose of Summer" it is being rated. Ethel Gorsuch, Ella Shank, and Paul Hendrickson, Lavin. This "new deal" in intramural ath· It is composed of 19 kinds of natural leaves, s_eeds, berries O. Ritchie, were formally initiated in· letics at Western Maryland will take and Rowers scientifically and proportionately mixed and is to Beta Beta Beta National Honorary Fraternity. The chapter also initiat· TERRORS TAKE SHOREMEN known as LION CROSS HERB TEA. ed into honorary membership Prof OHN EVERHART Hendrickson. The meeting was at THE COLLEGE; BARBER (Continued from Page 3, Col. 5) LION CROSS HERB TEA tastes delicious, acts wonder- Prof. Bennighof's. Refreshments AND BOBBER effect as soon as possible. fully upon your system, and is safe even for children. Pre- were served. Formal initiation was AT THE FORKS viSiting pivot men shot four field goals followed. and four fouls for a total of 12 points. pare it fresh like any ordinary tea and drink a glassful once Washington College played without a day, hqt or cold. the services of Capt. Huffman, stellar COLLEGE RHYTH~f guard, who was out with an attack of J. D. KATZ measles. A one dollar treatment accomplishes WONDERS; makes (Cont. from page 2, col. 3) you look and feel like new born. If you are not as yet fa- Maybe you'd better leal"ll what it's all QUALITY about SHOE REPAIRING miliar with the beneficial effects of this natural remedy, 'Cause "Barbary Coast" will get you if Special Rates to Students Opera Houes LION CROSS HERB TEA, try it at once and convincc you don't watch out. yourself. If not satisfactory money refunded to you. WESTMINSTER, MD. Shl! Charley Read and Joe Oleair may MON.,-TUES.,-WED. Try it and convince yourself with our money.back guarantee. (?) be investigating dialects. Any· H.E.REESE Franchot Tone, Madge Evans way, they could probably handle a de- One week treatment $1.00 bate with the Pennsylval)ia Dutch. TAILOR "Exclusive Story" CLEANING Some one has whispered into our PRESSING THURS.,-FRI_,-SAT_ Six weeks treatment $5.00 guilty prying ears that there is still REPAIRING Nelson Eddy, Jcannette another Batchelor fellow who has 94 East Main Street McDonald In order to avoid mistakes in getting the genuine LION gone off the deep end. Perhaps the CROSS HERB TEA, please fill out the attached coupon. club could use the "Wedding March" SUITS MADE TO "Rose Marie" as theme song. Anyway, our curl· MEASURE osity is aroused. Week of March 9 MON.,-TUES. Looks like that girl's meeting changed t.he evening theme song from "Let'Em Have It" Lio.Pharmacy, Dept. 4248 "Lights Out" to "Let the Lower WESTERN MARYLAND Richard Aden 1180 Second Ave., Lights Be Burning"-even if it is a hymn. WED.,-THURS.,-FRI., N. Y. City, N. Y. The following was recently received Coffee Shop SAT. Gentlemen: by the Gold Bug: Eddie Cantor Enclosed find $ for which please send me __._.. _ "A suggested means to provide " Strike Me Pink" money for the Field House Fund." SODA treatments of the famous LION CROSS HERB TEA. AMATEUR NIGHT SANDWICHES Week of March 16 (Featuring the male faculty of LUNCH MON.,-TUES_,-WED. Name .._... Western Maryland College), spon· J ache Cooper sored by the Y. M. C. A. Announcer DINNERS "Tough Guy" Address Dr. F. G. Holloway. PROGRAM J. F. MOORE, Manager THURS.,-FRI. City . _ ____._State I "Good Food-And Howl" Solo: "Music Goes Round and Round." , "Two In The Dark" Bertholf, L -'
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