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COL JUNIOR SPEECH PLAYS RECEPTION ALUMNI HALL McDANIEL HALL LOUNGE FEBRUARY 7 TOMORROW Vol. 13, No.7 January 30, 193,1;" THE ARGONAUTS SOCIETY 'EDDIE CANTOR OFFERS COLLEGE CALENDAR Distinguished Aide to Admiral Byrd ADOPTS CONSTITUTION FOURYEAR SCHOLARSHIP January 3- to Give Lecture Here February 21 Senior Students Head Organization Competition Based On Peace Reception for Dr. Holloway- McDaniel Hall Lounge. With the rormetton of "The Argo- Plans February 3- Thrilling Story Of Antarctic Expedition To Be Supplemented By Motion Pictures nauts", an honor society for the rec- Eddie Cantor will award a four W. A. A.-6:30-Y Room. ognition and promotion of scholar- year scholarship and complete main- February 7- IS FAMOUS AUTHOR ship here on the Hill, Western Mary- tenance at any American college or Junior Speech Plays-Alumni land College adds another significant uuivet-sity to the person who writes, Hall. unit to its program of enriching the February 11_ The thrilling story of the second Byrd Antarctic Expedition will intellectual life of the student-body, in the opinion of a distinguished MUSICRecital-Smith Hall- be illustrated by several reels of motion pictures when Dr. 'l'homas C. Previous units in this program have board of judges, the best letter on the 7:30, Poulter, second-in-command to Admiral Byrd, comes here to speak 011 subject: America Can "How Stay included the work of the Curriculum Out of War?" Cantor has set aside a Basketball Game-Loyola. - ~;;;:;;:;;;;;:;:;:;::;:::;:;;;;;~ February 21, in Alumni Hall. Revision Committee in 1932 and the fund of $5000 for this purpose. February 17- introduction of the new "graduation Girls debate, Penn State College. It was as senior scientist as well as honors" system in 1934. The plan was made public by the Smith Hall. second officer that Dr. Poulter saw At an organization meeting last stage, screen, and radio comedian February 18- two years of research in the Antar-e, December a constitution was adopted Sunday, January 5, at the conclusion Orchestra Concert-Student tic regions. Concerning his investi- gations of the depth of the polar ice of his regular Sunday evening broad- for the society, and the following of- cast over stations of the Columbia Conductors. Smith Hali-8 :00 cap, Admiral Byrd asserts in the New ficers were elected: Rosalie Silber- Broadcasting System. P. M. stein, president; Aubrey Schneider, Februal':I'19_ York Times that "the results threat- vice-president; Zaida McKenzie, sec- The subject of the competition was Basketball-LMt. St. Mary's. en to force science to recast its pres- retary, and Cora Virginia Perry, suggested by Newton D. Baker, for- ent conception of the Ross Shelf ice". of 'Val', with whom Secretary mer Dr. Poulter discovered that numer- treasurer. All are members of the Cantor had discussed his proposal. ~~:tsi~:mea~~:~s:e~!~nU:~~:~inLi:~: senior class. JUNIORS PLAN ANNUAL EMINENT JUDGES NAMED PROM FOR MARCH 21 PLANS FORl\IED LAST SPRING The judging body comprises four ~:ne:'i~~g~~:~~~~ t~:ti~te~'~O:~~eAa~~~ Under the leadership of Dr. Lloyd noted American educatnrs-c-each the arctica, returning to report a 600- M. Bertholf and other members of president of a prominent educational Earl· Simpson's Orchestra To Play foot depth of ice in some regions. ~:,:a~~~~~i~~tI:'~'a~'~,~a:~::r,~'~::~~i~:~'f;h~'YUn:~:"i~;b:;tC~:~Th,pion'foitheannualJunior ~:;'n::'~~~~;,~:!,;:'!~i:~:~~'h"t ciety, wh~ch would .correspond to the I cago; Frederick Bertrand Robinson, I Prom, to be held in the dining-hall on Dr. Poulter had a distinguished scholar-ship clubs m other colleges. College of the City of New York; Saturday, March 21, are rapidly scientific record before his achieve- Since it was felt that such a society Ray Lyman Wilbur, of Leland Stan- gaining headway. This dance, mark- THREE PLAYS TO BE GIVEN ments in polar research. He has been would be the. logical outgrowth of ~he ford University; and Henry Noble ing the last formal appearance of BY JUNIOR STUDENTS head of the division of physical new graduation honors system which MacCracken of Vassar College. All the junior class before the school -- sciences, mathematics, and astronomy was to be applied first at .the 1935 have heartily endorsed this project body, will have many attractive rea. Striking up the band to the. t~ne at Iowa Wesleya,n College for several ~~~:::~n~:~i~:~:~:::~;:n;:,~~~~:;;~,:h';~::;'~::i'~~';::'~~b:n~n:~~"-:~~'~v:~~:i~~;~,n~~::,,~:'~!~::;::;:;,,,:~':tu~:;:'~ilfl:;:;'::~h;i~n:~'I ~:~::.:,:~df::':n':::~i:~t:~'n::~;d:f ~;sl:~!u~h~ea~~:i:~~l~:~d;:~~:l~o:f ELIGIBILITY RULES STARTED social calendar. Tentatively the mu- itial dramatic performances Friday. tions. the society. The Eddie Cantor scholarship com- sic will be furnished by Earl Simp- ev:ning, Februa.r y 7 in Alumni Hall. I The author of many articles pub- Symbolism and a tentative name petition has no commercial affiliation were also decided: upon last year, whatsovar. It is entirely a personal ~~n~~-eO~~~::~~afil:~i~~h~~~a~::t~~er~ !~l:sp!~~e:~ Sd~~'~~i~~~~: ~~~;~~ment [ lishe? in the. leading journals of with the assistance of Dr. Edgar matter with him. There are no re- ever". Many other novelties, to be Da~~'~:rs~~;~YC."~;!:e:t:, ~:n~:~~~~~~s~~~lt:~e:ls~r~ue:~d sp:~~:~o:vd Jenkins, head of the classics depart- strictions or conditions-----every man, ~:i~;~~:~n:~.a future date, are also .iature p~l'trayal of women's emotions. represents that engaging mo~ern. de- merit. woman and child is eligible to partic- ipate. However in the event that the CONSTITUTION ADOPTED Last week at a meeting of the Jun- :~ ~!~:::e~cr~::e!~~n:J~; !~eSI~f:; ve~~:e:.::::e is:~:e:~u:~l:S~r:~::~~l According to the Constitution ad- winning letter is from an individual ;~l~rl~I:~~, at::oi~~~Sid~~!, :~7:Wi:~ are: One, Madalyn Blades; Two, Geographic containing an article unable to avail himself or herself vf opted in December, the Argonauts so- a college course, then he or she mu'St ciety has a thrce-fold purpose: to designate another to be the recipient committees: Prom committee, Frank. !i~~:b~i~n~;,n~:~.~~c!h~:~b~n~~h Lun- ~:!tt~ne b;n~~:~~a~o~~::d~fD~~i~~ul:~: promote sound scholarship here on the Hill, to recognize those who at- of the award. The choice of scho.,1 tain high scholastic standing, and to and the time of attendance is op- ~::l::fi;;:;:;,:a~E:~~,:;b:~~~!~:;~i::dr~:!~:~~i~~:,~::~i:~:i~;~,m:::b~'~:i:~:dexP'diti'nwh,", provide oppol'tunities for fellowship tional. The letter is not to be over ~~;:~~I:, ~:~.; ..~~~~;; :;~~~:tl'~u~~~~ Farthingstone, England. The charac- 500 words. among scholars from the various de- partments. SUM DEPOSITED IN BANK Annie O. Sansbury, Priscilla Herson, tel's in the play al'e Hilda, a modern NEW YORK ALUMNI GREET As soon as the best letter is deter- John Reifsnider, Robert Coe, and ~~~~e~:~e\e~~~;:' ~:~et~~:~on~~~iS: PRESIDENT HOLLOWAY MEMBERSHIP QUALIFICATION mined by the judges, Cantor will de- George Kohler; programs, Beverly Gunn. LISTED .. h . 'I I b k th Harrison, chairman; Madalyn Blade'S, The third play, "Trifles", by Susan "An interesting meeting," com- Membership in the society is op.'!n :~:\~n$:o;o,~~~l;:~ :a~c:e u:e~ onl; Elaine Fennell, Mary Alice Wigley, ClaspeiJ, is a dramatization of "Jury mented M1'. Harrison when referring to three groups of persons The first h'fi f II and George Spiegle; advertising, of Her Peers". The players include to the meeting of a few of the metro- classification is that of f~ll()ws, who ~~::e!/ S;;~~l\~~l'l~~~:ll:t,aa~o a~~~ Sarabelle Blackwell, chairman; Julia the following: politan area alumni in the Hotel ;;'e :~os;r:dh:~~~ f:~~~tye~t~!~n,c::~ ~~:t:t:~~:~at:cep~~l~i~e e~~~;~d::it:~~ ~::.~~s a;~bi~:::,rtch~;:~~~; fi~~~~!:~ ne;,e~:;re~e;!e~:~dn~r;C~~~;~ :e~:~,:~;I~~;:~::~:' J:ne:r:~I;~' ;~i~2~f~m~i 1~1!de or summa cum . laude gradua- and living expenses during the four Waters, and Margaret Smith; re- Shcriff, ProctOl' Messler; Lewis Hale, dinner meeting was an adjunct of the tlOn honors. Those l~ the second I year term. The latter will receive fl'eshments, Jean Harlow, chairman; a Neighbor Farmer, Ralph Lambert; Twenty-second Annual Meeting of group ar~ called US.SOC1Utcs, who are the accrued interest on the money. Margaret Hoshall, Lillian Moore, Mrs. Peters, Margaret Smith; Mrs. The Association of American Col- Of. two klllds: candIdates for gradu- In speaking of this national schoJ- Sue Hance, and Eloise Gunn; decora- Hale, Louise Shipley. leges. The meeting was on January :!:~d~~::rsfO~~d :::;:a~~~~en~~~onr~~ arship competition, Cantor said: tions, Sally Price, chairman; Ethel ::e:;d w~~' }'~h~e;:te~~~~ ~;d T~: whose scholastic average is B or ;~~:~e t:r~h::s~~etl~.IY~~ ~~l~n~:sa:~ ~:~~ckca~o;:;geW~~:~~:;llE~~~ ~:~~ MEN'S GLEE CLUB TO SING American Coliege." Western 1'.Iary- ~~~~;~ryT~:n~b::'~!~::Pag:::i:~: ~~ tear off the top of a carton of any Brengl~. lOVER BALTIMORE STATIONS ~l~e~id;~le;:d ;~:.:. ~~l~es~te~OI:: two classes: graduates of this colle~e ~:'::~:oo:~ s;:~Zli~~s~~IP:~en~:Sso~:ed~ M:~~: G;::s~~~~ h!~al:;::dinv?~!e~ way and Mr. T. K. Harrison. ~::l~~~v:h:;;ai;ees~e~~~:~al~~ld~i,st~:~ is to sit down and write a straight- ECONOMICSSTUDENTS SEE broadcast a 15-minute program over The gathering at the alumni din- members of the College faculty. ~~:;a~~tl:~e~~~~?:H~\:e~:~ ,~:e~~~~ SAUSAGE IN THE RAW ~t::iitn8.i~B~~ i;.,B;~~~s~:/r:v:n~~~~ ~:~~din~~u~:I;O,;:l~esi:~~t A;r~dT~~: Taking its name "The Argonauts" tunate enough to have had a cpllege February 6. Harrison from the college; trustees, (Continued on Page 4, Column 5) education myself-but I want to pro- Braving a sub-zero temperature The invitation was extended to the ~;;·PhW;.I1~:r:~, ;~~mril~.o~:~~\i~t,. vide one for some American boy or and the blasting winds of winter, club by Mr. Gustav Klemm who is the OR. AND MRS. HOLLOWAY (Continued on Page 4, Column 3) students enrolled in the labor proo- p\:ogram director of WBAL. His let- guests: Bishop Thirkield of The HOLD SERIES OF DINNERS __ lems course in the department of eco- tel' was read before the Glee Club at Methodist Episcopal Church and Dr. nomics inspected the Myers Meat its last meeting on Monday evening Huckle, a former Baltimore pastor; In order that they may become bet- MEN'S DEBATE SCHEDULED Plant last Thursday. To add to the by Charles Baer, secretary, and the alumni: Dr. Watson, '89; Dr. David tel' acquainted with the members (of. - -- I fUll, they were conducted through the I'eeital was voted upon and accepted. Morine, 1900; Mr. Harry Fooks, '01; the senior class, Dr. and Mrs. Hollo- According to an announcement! refrigerator rooms of the building. The program will be directed by Miss Mrs. Florence Johnson Reed, '21; way have arranged to have small made by John B. Warman, manager From pig on the hoof to smoked Ruth Sherman Jones. Mrs. M. E, Black, '22; Mr. \V. B. !;o:~;t:: ~~~:scl~~S :~:e ;:~:~d:~~~ ~~ t~~g~~::~s di~~:~'~o~~:;~t: s~~~:~~: ~:~~ ~:~s"~~~w:o~~"it~l'v:~.~':::I:ta:~: ot:e~: :~~:~;~~~s ~~~~~;le~h:e,:::! Ward and Mr. C. A. Stewart, '26; Dining Room. AbQut twenty-two has been arranged for this year. of evolution through the plant. Un- few weeks, and has been extended an ~::d~1,1~1~OYEdwards and Mr. Mark ~~~~~I's:::e:n:a:~~go~e:~e i:~~o~:;ee~ ar~h;4~c~:~~~:bi:r;~ !~I~~:S;e:re:~:; !~~~~en;::It'oft~~es~~~~I~,~sf;l~i~~:de~:~ ~~~!~!iO;6~;i!h~a~~7;~~:\~fb;~:~~ The meeting was of a social char- to the president, they are seated at 18, Shepherd.· home; February 25, cution, like proverbial executions, had cast at some future date. :~:el~::ti~~~k ~;~~g a~heop~:~~~eni~; :~:~: :~b~e:'H~hi~~l~~~ ~~:c~!u~:et:~ ~~~~:~.~~u::ay~ua~~te d~~nlne;,di~t ~:~~n ~~l~;) inde~~;iP~~:~in~f Ft~l~ M;n~: ~~::e~l~~stisofa;;~l~~::: o;i~~~ to meet President Holloway. The the meal, the president and his wife bright, dual; March 8,. Washington, slaughter were given, however, by Tenors: Stevens, Bender, Shrimp, program included short talks by the change places at the head of the ta- home; l'.farch 13, \Vashlllgton, away; the dramatic guide, who knew how to BaUmgartner, Baer. guests, after which Dr. Watson, ble. March 17, Lebanon Valley, dual; J call a blade a blade. Second Tenors: Daneker, Zimmer- Vice-President of the New York Dis_ The seniors take their turn in at- Alar~h 20, B~'idgewater, home; date The cutting department proved man, Richards, Fogle, Strasbaugh,. trict, introduced President Holloway. tending these dinners alPhabeticallY" ?endlll~, .Urslllus, dual; date p~nd- II that modern, incredibly fast machine First Basses: Truman, Griffen, Ear- At the close of Dr. Holloway's ad- Three groups have already been so lllg, DICklllSOn,dual; date pendlllg, methods could still be combined with ha~!~o:!ye~~s!~s:er~al~mbine, Plum- dres_s,the.meeting adjourned with the ~~:::~7~d. ha~:e m:~skeJ'ihe~~d e:~~ I ~~~~at~~at::\!a;~int~ra:~7!~c~:ynael~~ I the old cl·aftsmaJiship. In just six mer, Prince, O'Leair, East. singing of "Dear Western Mary- ning with tea ink on their c'alendar.s. burg, and Mt. St. Mary's. I (Continued on Page 4, Colunln 4) I Acconlpanist: Main. land",
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