Page 34 - TheGoldBug1935-36
P. 34
PAGE TWO The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. Passing in Review GOl A Question By IDAMAE T. RILEY SHORT STORY of Political Suicide Sticking out like a political COME BACK thumb, the already unbalanced sore by Zaida McKenzie bud- get, further unbalanced by passage of Official student newspaper of Western Maryland College, published on Thurs- the bonus bill, brings to mind several day, semi-monthly during October, November, February, March, April, May, Jim and I leaned back comfortably a snap, and lumbered on. and monthly during September, December, and January, by the students of interesting questions. in the bus as it started on its way Suddenly Jim and I felt terribly- Western Maryland College, Westminster', Maryland. Entered as second-class Would it be signing his political eastward out from New Haven. alone. We could see the lights of the: matter at the Westminster Post Office, under the Act of March 3, 1879. death-warrant for a presidential as- "It sure was nice of Emmie and bus grow small in the distance as we, SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $1.00 A YEAR pirant to say, not what President Ned to ask us out so soon after they turned and strode down the narrow, Roosevelt blandly announced in his 1935 Member 1936 state-of-the-riation message to Con- found a house out there in Madison. black, paved road. We found that I don't see how they could hardly be "Deer's Island" was like so many of Cbsociafed CoUe5iafe Pre« gress when he asserted that we "ap- settled yet," Jim said. the so-called "islands" in Connecticut .. proach a balance of the national bud- "They probably aren't. Isn't it It was a small strip of beach cut off get", hut what a strict parent might EDITORIAL STAFF swell that Ned is going to teach in from the mainland by a long stretch Editor-i1kChief . .. ........ ROSALIE G. SILBERSTEIN, '36 say to his son: "Son, you're to buy no Madison this year 1 Suppoeing- he of marsh land over which a road had and no more suits more cars until Associate Editors . ._ IDAMAE T. RILEY, '36, ROBERT BROOKS, '36 hadn't got a job! They would have been built. The water of the Long News Editors ... .. GUy GRIFFIN, '36, SARABELLE BLACKWELL, '37 your debts aloe paid"? had to wait, I guess, like everyone Island Sound was on its farther side. Copy Editors ............... JANET MACVEAN, '38, RALPH LAMBERT, '37, Instantly some few politicians will else does." I sighed and wondered if 'When Jim and I went out on that JAMES COLEMAN, '38 smile pityingly at the person who asks Proof EditorB ...................... EVELYN CROWN, '37, BEVERLY HARRISON, '37 these questions and will remind him Jim knew I meant "like we do," We marsh road we felt as if there were Sports Editors .. ..................... HERBERT STEVENS, '36, ELIZABETH HAGEN, '36 that this isn't any fairyland in which had been going out on double dates nothing on earth but the marshes with Exchange Editor. .__ MIRIAM WHITFIELD, 136 we live. with Emmie and Ned ever since we their heavy pungent odor and our MAKE-UP STAFF But some other political leaders will had been seniors in high school four foot-steps carrying us along. The It seemed so different years before. Managing Editors GEORGE NEEDHAM, '37, SHERWOOD BALDERSON, '38 say that complete honesty concerning to have them married and Jim and I stars glittered menacingly from It was not cold, but I shiv- above. the budget issue is needed if America BUSINESS STAFF is to maintain a wholesome state of so far from it. ered. Business lI1ana.ger _ EDWARD BEAUCHAMP, '36 character health, They will say that "I wonder why they chose an island There were two houses on Deer's Is- Assistant Advertising II-fanagers ROBERT KIEFER, '37, ARCHIE ALLGIRE, '38 the American public has enough in- to live on, though. Maybe it was the land. Against the light of the sky Circulation Managers. THOMAS EVELAND, '36, ROSALIE GILBERT, '36 telligence to recognize common sense only house they could get in the town near the horizon we could distinguish: Assistant Circulation ManagerB... JOHN CULLER, '37, NORVIN GOMPF, '38 of Madison. Deer's Island ... " Jim their shapes. One was low and ramo. ARLINE HUDSON, '37, HILDA BIDDLE, '38 when it is presented to it. And here missed. "I'll bet they'll miss the city." bling and the other tall, all out of' are some of the ideas which such lead- REPORTERS ers include under the term of "Com- The road was cut through the hills proportion to its width. It seemed to standstone The was. The exposed roof Reporters contributing to this issue: mon sense": in places. with the brown and gold bulge strangely. hung off haphaz- harmonized gabled, and porches Charles Baer, '38; Anne Chew, '38; Beverly Harrison, '37; Eleanor Taylor, '38. First, that the budget today is sad- of the September trees. Theil' colors ardly in different directions. We were ly unbalanced. In his budget mes- sage of January 6, President Roose- grew darker and deeper as the sun set. able to see, under the porch light, Worthy opinion; Model management; Correct news. velt transmitted to Congress the fol- ~~ent:;dto t;~~ :;~ ~~v:i~e ,:.~:~e t~:~ I ~~:t ht:~ ~~~;~ ~~:t o~c~V::e~h;r~e;: -L I lowing suggested budget for the goes down by a little school house that I comfol:table .looki~g little house th~t United States Government for the fis- IE. - D - I - T - 0 - R - I - A cal year ending June 30, 1937: has been made into a gas station," our fr+ends lived 10, but we knew 'this Total receipts. . $5,654,000.000 Emmie had told me. The bus stopped was the one. Emmie had promised to Total "regular" Expen- and allowed us to dismount, then put the light on for us. We distin- "Pull" There is nothing particularly exciting about the civil service, ditures 5,649,000,000 wheezed in disdain, shut its door with (Continued on page 4, Col. 3) in the sense that the NR.A or AAA were exciting. For the Recovery and relief ex- civil service has no spectacular blue eagle to be pasted on shop-windows. penditures ._.__ 1,103,000,000 Neither does it have the interest that is aroused by being discussed by Gross deficit 1,098,000.000 COLLEGE RHYTHM the nine justices of the Supreme Court. It is like blood in our veins, Gross public debt 31,351,000,000 quietly circulating without our being very conscious of its existence. Secondly, the best way to meet the problem is by increasing taxes. An But, like our blood, it is very important. And it is especially im- increase in taxes under ordinary cir- portant to us, who arc college students. cumstances would not be popular. But WINTERWINDS have often happened in colleges. But of We are thinking it's still good. I believe that the people can be made What freshman stunner has a se- For the civil service insures that merit, rather than political hand- to realize that it is necessary to in- cret passion for Brennan? the psychology professor who stomp- shaking, will determine civil employment. For the civil service insures crease taxes of all the people in or- There orta be a law keeping old ed into his first hour- class, threw down to the college student an opportunity to make government service his der to keep the deficit in the future flames from week-ending on the cam- his notes and began to lecture. Rap- idly, concisely, using his best witti- career. Under the old set-up a capable college-trained employee, trained from being a staggering load upon the pus. \Ve felt so sorry for our poor cisms, he talked for 15 minutes. Then sulking there in the in economics and political science, could be tossed on the political junk- masses. must turn lieutenant-colonel night. he stopped. Saturday corner Thirdly, the government pile in favor of a political boss, untrained in the barest elements of into a political Scotchman. It is hard And for somebody else who didn't "Any questions?" he asked. There economics and government but proficient in the art of passing cigars to refuse special appropriations and feel like singing "Holmes sweet around and getting his ward to vote "regular". But under civil service pensions and relief funds to people, Holmes". So he began to ask questions of this young men and young women who study government, who want to make but this refusal, although temporari- Up at Syracuse University co-eds student and that. None of them could ly alienating a special group, is ne- wear ribbons in their hair to indicate politics their career, are sure that they will not be blown off the political cessary. The government, in this that they have no assignments for the "Good Lord!" he burst out finally. roof by a sudden gust of political wind. connection, must also candidly recog- ~vening and are free to-step out. Good Have I spent this whole semester for What docs this viewpoint of civil service mean to us at the present nize that the dole will sustain a work- idea, fellahs? nothing? Don't you know a blessed - - (B~; this one I time t It means that we will become alert to the germ which lies er as well as uneconomic made-relief Karow's tastes seem to chang~ with, thing about this course?" work, and that the dole is one-third the sport seasons- And a brave boy raised his hand dormant at present in the civil service system. It means that we will cheaper than such made-work. goes out for baseball-so It s O. K.). and said, "No sir. This is a class in build up the resistance of this system, so that it can throw off the germ, eighteenth century prose." which is now trying to disease it, That gcrm is the policy of the present ICICLES New Deal administration, which is filling thousands of newly-created Taylor, V.-Pontecorvo SLEET government positions with non-civil service employees. That germ is Willoughby-Melbourne-Henderson And now that pretty little Fresh- Groves-Grimsey the awarding of jobs to individuals because they are one hundred per man blonde says she puts vinegar on Hoffman-Moritz cent New Dealers, or because their great-grandfathers voted for Andrew her ice-cream- - - to attract atten- Baer-Stevens, H. Jackson, or because their uncles are bosses of a political word. Gilbert-Keyser tion. Yes, the civil service system is like blood in our veins, almost un- Taylor, D.-Roberts, M. day. Even "Boots" is "up in the air" to- We wonder if it has anything to noticed. But the time bas come when college students, especially those Dixon, M. B.-Bael·, C. do with that aviator whose pictures Langford-Dunstan college students who arc interested in government careers, must be Nicoll-Cockey are all over her room. aware of the germs threatening the system. Hill-Graham, R. For when a person's blood becomes completely poisoned, the best Price, S.,-Brengle I. SNOW MAN of doctors is too late. How to Make a Teacher 1. T. R., '36. i CHILLY LAUGHS Select a young and pleasing per- The Associated Collegiate Press sonality; trim off all mannerisms of contributes these: voice, dress, or deportment; pour over Challenge Every now and then some college or university sets out to \Ve know of the professor in a it a mixture of equal parts of the wis- 50 do some reforming. Sometimes it is successful, sometimes small town college who travelled I d?m of Solomon, the courage of Da- miles away to another campus to ob- vid, the strength of Samson, and the not. Recently the Daily Tar Heel, student newspaper at the University serve a basketball game. As the game patience of Job; season with the salt of North Carolina, together with the student government officials, un- broke up, a man from his home town o.f experie~ce, the pepper of anima- WHITE HAROLD dertook an unusual program of this Sort. Be it Morrison, half-tones, or ice- offered the professor a ride home. He tion, the OJIof sympathy, and a dash of humor; stew for about four years No sooner accepted, with gratitude. Quoting a letter received by the Gold BI~V, "The Daily Tar Heel did he set foot on his front porch than in a hot classroom, testing occasion- cream sodas, "Whitey" knows the com- and student government offici/ds of the University of North Carolina, bination. Student, Aloha editor, he realized he had driven his own cal' ally with the fork of criticism thrust realizing the seriousness of the pr9blem of highway accidents and soda-jerker, "Whitey" has the energy to the other city. in by a pr-incipal or a superintendent. cognizant of the fact that North Carolina leads all states in accidents to complete what he attempts. Yet Since he had to teach the next When done to a turn, garnish with a serve per million gallons of gasoline consumed, are sponsoring in this state a his efforts are not scattered among a morning, he sent his wife on the train small salary and American hot to the community.-The hodge-podge of activities; they are all Teacher. 'tc get the car and drive it home. drive among our institutions of highkr learning to form safe driving marshalled towards a definite goal; So he stopped in at the depot and habits among our youth." not that of being different for the bought his wife a round trip ticket! SNOW FLAKES An interesting pamphlet G1tide til Highway Safefy, issued by the sake of difference, but that of con- We recall the story of another man, What's this world coming to _ _ _ tributing something good enough to a German professor, who was sitting when "Ponte" stays up all night to Institute of Government at Chapel Rip, N. C., has been distributed not make a difference. ill a railway depot with his wife, wait- study for a quiz the next day? only among the students of North Carolina but other states as well. The result of such a policy is evi- ing for the train. Suddenly he ex- - - - when Senior Hoshall's boy- The campaign has hyo motives: first, to help ,\DIve the state's acci- dent here on the Hill. As president of claimed, "My word! I've left my gold friend is five minutes late? The sec- watch up in the hotel room! I'll have ond time in five years too. Tsk, tsk. dent problems, and second, to stimulate in youth an interest in rna nag- :~~e s;:a~~::~~ ~:s:di~;r :~V~~:d1:~; to run up and get it." - - - when a lot of us, after the jng their affairs through the channels of public opinion and the legiti- Aloha he had the photographs taken "But you haven't time," said his Morrison quiz, think we're just a bun- mate means of local government. earlier than usual, so that they would wife. dIe of apperceptive gaps? Consider these motives. \Vc OIl the l1ill know much about onr own be clearer, and he is trying to obtain Thereupon the professor jerked out - - - when Dunstan bl'eaks through state's accident problems. Perhaps they have touched our own homes, a more comprehensive record of typ- his watch (the watch in question) and the ice? blurted, "Sure, I got fifteen minutes. - - - when several senior girls say our friends, or ourselves. But arc we doing anything Hbout it1 North, ~c:lh:~u:~:~v~ct1V~!~~·cie~t~0~ss~~~:~~ I can make it." And he turned and they're going to make "Modest pro- Carolina's statement of motives should be accepted as a challenge by 1 tion to classroom activities, an order- started to scurry_away! posaIs" this year? (Four years ago the student body of Western Maryland College. ! ly way of thinking, and originality. No qoubt similar episodes to this. they didn't know tlle technique),
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