Page 32 - TheGoldBug1935-36
P. 32
t"AGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. I TERPS DEFEAT TERRORS BUREAU OF FISHERIES I WATCH I.T GROW! FOR STATE TITLE CONDUCTS STUDY HERE This little dot represents a page ad LAST CALL (Continued from Page 1, Col. 4) Western Maryland College has in the 1936 "Aloha". Now this little For Ordering Your nan kicked off; Guckeyson punted be- been designated as a center for coop- dot is small and weak. It is scarcely cause of failure to gain through the erative research for the Bureau of able to maintain its integrity on this PERSONAL CHRISTMAS line. As Western Maryland failed to Fisheries of the Department of Com- large page of bold black type. But make any headway ,running, Lathrop merce. Arrangements for work here this little dot is going to grow. With CARDS went back to kick but his punt was on the Hill have been made with Dr. each additional page of ads sold it blocked. Ennis recovered for Mary- John R. Manning, chief technologist will double in size until some day it P. G. Coffman Co. land on the 11 yard line. On the first of the Bureau of Fisheries, who is may become so large that it will push play Headly seeped through the 'I'er- also directly in charge of research all of the bold black type around it, City rot- secondary and caught Bill Guck- projects. Dr. Manning, a graduate right off the page. We appeal to eyson's pass in the end zone for a of Western Maryland in the class of YOUI' finer instincts to strengthen the touchdown. The try for point was pre- 1918, was a classmate of Dr. Hollo- integrity of this poor little dot by vented by a fumble in the Mar-yland way. buying or selling an ad in the When you come backfield, and the TE:.rror forwards The investigation at present, which "Aloha". ~~tG& SPECIAL" massed on Yaeger so that he had no is under the direction of Miss Thelma The little dot wishes to express its chance to kick. Chell, '35, and a graduate student at appreciation to its first supporter, back a~fter 1(\8 "c.o Again the Terrors kicked off, and the college, is a study of mackerel THE RAINBOW INN. To show its XMAS Maryland, led by Guckeyson and protein. This investigation will be gratitude the little dot is going to ~ Headley, started another march down followed by other studies which are keep the Rainbow Inn neal' it, right the field. On the Western Maryland selected by Dr. Manning and Miss here in this column, everytime the toke 0 And so we leave the poor little dot I~ 19 yard line, the Terrors held, and Chell, and the results of these proj- paper goes to press this year. Fur- Guckeyson punted out of bounds on ecta will be published by the Bureau thermci-e it will add to this first sup- the six stripe. Campbell then return- of Fisheries, credit going to the porter, the names of all other adver- ed by punting to midfield, and the Bureau, to Western Maryland, and to tisera in the order they subscribe. 'I'erp march was halted on the Ter- I Miss Chell. ror's five yard ~ine as the quarter end-I Assisting Miss Chell are at present and hope that by the next time the ed. But the Iine held and Maryland three students, who are receiving aid paper goes to press it will have Thelll Ipecial school and eol1egll rail youcanul"thereturncouponto lost ground on a forward pass, Elling- under the National Youth Adminis- grown considerably. tickets,withthirliberole~tllndedrll- travel homll ogoin Or us!' it 01 c!05!!, turnlimits,oreimmenselypopularwith of school. er to Gormley. tration. Later, when the work is bet- ond 0 greotsoving 10 students and Thll ticket og"nl in your own town, Weste~n Maryland scored its only tel' organized, it is planned to have teoche".Whanyou·r .. reodylocome oranyrailroadpassllngerrllprll- marker III the second quarter. After five student assistants. bock after Christmcn, buy one and ",ntalivlI can give you full detail. Lathrop and Campbell had worked This work will be accredited by save a Ihird oft"e regulortwo·way rllgarding rlliurn limits, .Iap·av ..r When fare. come, privilegu,prices, Spring Holiday. the ball to midfield, the latter faded the college towards Miss Chell's ad- WESTERN MARYLAND Railway I. tha Way Tha back to his own 35 and heaved a fifty- vanced degree. ASSOCIATED Safa EASTERN RAILROADS ~.~: ~~~~ fts:n t~f!~I:~X,s Bt:~a:~nd ========== Coffee Shop line and scampered unhindered across ATTENTION STUDENTS! the line. "Jim" Brennan proceeded to boot the extra point, making the Sell one page of ads for the score v tc s. "Aloha" and earn $5.00; two pages, SODA Money No Object The Terrors were forced to play $12.50, and three pages, $20.00. Make SANDWICHES hard to prevent a Terp score in the yourself some spending money. See third quarter. Maryland unleashed a White or Beauchamp for details. LUNCH passing attack which was only ended DINNERS when Campbell intercepted Ellinger's If It's A Question of Health pass. Lathrop punted, and after a J. D. KATZ short march, Maryland punted for a QUALITY J. F. MOORE, Manager touchback. Western Maryland held SHOE REPAIRING "Good Food-And How!" Maryland well in hand but received Special Rates to Students 1'. bad break when a pass from center Since 1799 thousands of people have regained their normal got away from Lathrop, and the Ter- health after yeats of suffering from stomach troubles of all rors lost twenty yards on the play. In the last quarter the avalanche types, such as constipation, indigestion, gas, ane! sour started. To start the quarter, after Mackenzie's Drug Store stomach which are the basic factors of such maladies as high the Terrors held on their own eleven yard line for three downs, John 47 EAST MAIN STREET blood pressure, rheumatism, periodic headaches, pimples on Gormley, Maryland fullback, dropped face and body, pains in the back, liver, kidney and bladder back to his 22 and booted a field goal disorder, exhaustion, loss of sleep and appetite. Those suf- between the uprights. Western Mary- PRESCRIPTION DEPARTMENT land then received, and launched a ferers have not used any man-made injurious chemicals or passing attack which was finally brok- ' We guarantee the quality of our Medicines regarding purity, drugs of any kind; they have only used a remedy made by en up when DeArmey recovered a accuracy and as being strictly in accordance with the Physician's fumble in Western Maryland's terri- order. Nature. This marvelous product grows on the highest tory. Maryland then marched to a mountain peaks, where it absorbs all the healing elements touchdown, sending Ellinger through and vitamins from the sun to aid HUMANITY in distress. the line to gain the last foot needed to score. Gormley's try for point was no good. STATE THEATRE Opera House It is composed of 19 kinds of natural leaves, seeds, berries The last Maryland touchdown came and flowers scientifically and proportionately mixed and is when Guckeyson intercepted Camp- FRIDAY BANK NIGHT WESTMINSTER, MD. known as LION CROSS HERB TEA. bell's pass and scampered fifty yards for the final tally. Gormley's place- Nino Martini, Anita Louise, THURSDAY-FRiDAY kick was good, and the score became and Genevieve Tobin in LION CROSS HERB TEA tastes delicious, acts wonder- 22 to 7. "Heres to Romance" " PERFECT fully upon your system, and is safe even for children. Pre- Captain Campofreda, playing his GENTLEMAN" last game for Western Maryland, was Also Good Shorts pare it fresh like any ordinary tea and drink a glassful once a towel' of defensive strength on the Admission, 10c, 25c Frank Morgan a day, hot or cold. line. He was ably aided by the sopho- more center, "Bill" Rieth, who turned SATURDAY SATURDAY A one dollar treatment accomplishes WONDERS; makes in a splendid job of backing up the Matinee 2:30 P. M. "POWDERSMOKE line. The end play of "Lou" Lassahn you look and feel like new born. If you are not as yet fa- was very consistent and typical d Ken Maynard and Tarzan in RANGE" miliar with the beneficial effects of this natural remedy, his play over the entire season. On "Heir to Trouble" the offense "Cliff" Lathrop performed Hoot Gibson LION CROSS HERB TEA, try it at once and convince 'Valiantly, making several fine runs on TUESDAY Chapter I yourself. If not satisfactory money refunded to' you. the slippery turf. MONDAY Adventures of Tarzan The line-ups: Pat O'Brien, Jean Muir, Try it and convince yourself with our money-back guarantee. Maryland: Ennis, L.E.; Stalfort, Frank McHugh, Jane Froman MONDAY-TUESDAY L.T.; Minion, L.G.; DeArmey, C.; Sur- ' and James Melton, in WEDNESDAY gent, R.G.; Calahan, R.T.; Buscher, "Stars Over Broadway" "MELODY LINGERS ON" One week treatment $1.00 R.E.; Headley, Q.B.; Ouckeyson, L.H.; Ellinger, R.H.; Yaeger (Capt.), F.B. Also News, Cartoon, Comedy Josephine Hutchinson, Geo. Six weeks treatment $5.00 • Western Maryland: Lassahn, L.E.; Admission, J Oc, 25c Houston Forthman, L.T.; Ortenai, L. G.; Rieth, C.; McPherson, R.G.; Campofreda THURSDAY-FRIDAY In order to avoid mistakes in getting the genuine LION (capt.), R. T.; Benjamin, R.E.; Bren- COMING DEC. 23-24-25 CROSS HERB TEA, please fill out the attached coupon. nan, Q.B.; Campbell, L.H.; Lathrop, "Tbe Crusades'~ " RAIN MAKERS" R.~.; Draper, F.B. Wheeler & Woolsey Substitutions: Mar-yland, Stone- ~rv~••~••_~-.~•••~_'~.-.~...~.-~...~-_~...~_-~.-.~••~-_.~_••~._~...~••~. ~~~~~~~~~~~ braker, Gormley, Daly, Sachs, Willis, Smith, .McCarthy, Birkland, Fletcher, Aitcheson, Gretz. Western Mary- Lio-Phaemacy, Dept. 4248 ~;t~: p~~~::~:~,~o~:~~or~e~s::~ Imbibe The Christmas 1180 Second Ave., erts. N. Y. City, N. Y. Atmosphere at Gentlemen: Enclosed find $. for which please send me _ "Mother" HimJer The Ko-Ed Klub treatments of the famous LION CROSS HERB TEA. Name . ._._. .. _ Invites Your Patronage .li~'''_'A-4''~ Address ~ Student GET YOUR GIFTS HERE TOO City __ __.i.Seare J_ Everything for the College
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