Page 31 - TheGoldBug1935-36
P. 31
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, M;;!. PAGE THREE INTRAMURAL GRID TITLE 1936 BOXING SEASON TERROR CAGERS LOSE WON BY GAMMA BETS FAN FODDER OPENS WITH FIVE OPENER TO TEACHERS ClOSing the season with three over- By "HERB" STEVENS MATCHES BOOKED whelming triumphs, the Gamma Bets Western Maryland's Terror basket- won the championship of the school ball team opened its season with a for 1935. In their rush for the title, With the closing of the football sea- loss to the West Chester State Teach- the Gammas were undefeated over the Curtain sen for 1935, Western Maryland Col- ers' College quintet last Saturday at entire season. They needed only a 'rhe curtain has fallen on the gridiron stage for the Terrors of lege is now turning its eyes to the big West Chester, when a team composed win of 41-0 over the Y. M. C, A., win- 1935. A green sophomore team has come far in eleven weeks, and now winter sports, basketball and boxing. of Fowble, veteran forward from the ner- in the interclass division, to cop nine of the men WJlO have shed the moleskins for this year are seasoned First call for talent for these two 1£135team, and four freshmen start- the school championship and duplicate veterans ready to begin a more successful campaign in 1936. Only sports has already been issued by ing their first- game of college basket- their feat of last year. Captain Campofreda and "Bull" Draper of the starting eleven will not Coaches Havens and Ferguson. ball dropped a fast game to the Blue The first game of three in which return next fall. Havens has a big job on his hands and White passers 36-27. the Gamma Bets ran wild was a 24 to As an aftermath of the season, sports editors and fans ballyhoo with in his first year as boxing mentor of Rogo, diminutive forward of the o victor-y over the Preachers. Once the figures, compiling mythical teams which they believe to be the the Green Terrors. Last year's fine Teacher five, kept the Terrors busy again the powerful secondary ran answers to a coach's prayer. Here is the team that the Western Mary- ring squad has had its ranks sadly de- trying to stop him as he eccred 15 of roughshod over the opposition. "Dud" land eleven and coaches have selected as a Western Maryland All-Op- pleted through graduation. Havens the 37 points made by West Chester. Ritchie and "Billy" Graham, two of ponent Eleven: must find men to replace "Andy" Gor- Employing the fast break, Rogo the leading backs of the circuit, each Pi1'st Team Position SeCQ11dTeam ski and "Bernie" Kaplan, former in- would outrun and outdribble the Ter- accounted for two touchdowns. The Furbush, Boston End Wilkinson, Bucknell tercollegiate champions of their re- rors time and again to score "pot- Preachers made a game fight but were Mundcr, Baltimore Tackle Gainor, N. Dakota spective weights, "Chuck" Kaddy, shots" under the basket. completely outclassed. I Michaels Villanova Guard Minion, Maryland sterling 145 pounder and point win- The Terrors, led in scoring by After dropping this tilt, the :reach- Cherundcla, Penn State Center Yanohulis, Catholic U. ner in the Intercollegiates last year, Uvanni and on the floor by the cool- ers fought to a deadlock WIth the Autbonavage, Cath. U. Guard Lajousky, Catholic U. and Don Keyser, 155 pounder and an- Headed Fowble, were led at half-time Bachelors, neither team being able to Chumick, N. Dakota 'I'ackle Karpowieh, Catholic U. other point gatherer in the Intercol- by a score of 24-12, and at the third score. In this game Volkart led the Ennis, Maryland End Filer (Buck) leg-iates, quarter by a score of 34-19. Field Preachers on the offense, ably abet- Guckeyson Maryland Back Carroll, Catholic U. The nucleus for the present ring goals in rapid succession at the begin- ted by Reimer and Andrews. The for- Campbell, 'N. Dakota Back Ellinger, Maryland team will be built around three re- ning of the quarter by Tomicheck, mer was valuable in recovering sev- Keating, Georgetown Back Sitarssy, Bucknell tnrning veterans. "Bob" Bennett in Reinhard, and Uvanni brought the eral fumbles while Andrews caught Smith, Bucknell Back Charmonneau, N. Dek. the 115 pound class, "Hinky" Haynes Terrors within threatening range of several long passes for substantial Best Bet-Guckeyson, Maryland. in the 145 pound class, and "I'om" tying the score, but Tomicheck and gains. The Preachers were often Captain-Mulligan, Catholic U. Pontecorvo, Intercollegiate heavy- Fowble were banished from the game threatening their rivals' goal line, but Honorable Mention :-End, Ennis, Maryland; Tackles, Weber, weight champion, are the men of ex- on personals, and the Terror offense the Bachelors held under pressure and Penn State, and Clements, Catholic U.; Guards, Dobie, Bucknell; Cen- perience on whom Havens can de- suffered. prevented any scores. tel's, Petties, Bucknell; Fazio, Bucknell; Dea rmey, Maryland; Backs, pend. In addition to these, "Tony" The game was speeded up by the In the last game of the second Meglen, Georgetown; _\Veil', Penn State; Raymaley, Bucknell; Kot.ys, Ortenzi, a 175 pound aspirant, "Red" new ruling providing that between :~~~~et~:c~::~~ ~e~: e;Si1~:~.0~7~~ Villanova; Headley, Maryland: Adamaitis, Catholic U. Gosnell, 135 pound fighter, and "Puf- quarters, and after a successful free fy" Forthman, heavyweight, will be throw the ball may be played from nera played their- best game of the Punch and Punches around ready to assert their claims out of bounds if the player has not year and had splendid coordination on The 'Perrcr boxing team is beginning workouts in the old gym un- for recognition. Within another dribbled until he has gained posses- the line. Curt Thomas, diminutive der Smith Hall as the snow begins to fly. Under the coaching of week "Charley" will have a line on sion of the ball. end, starred offensively and also broke "Charlie" Havens, with the assistance of some of some of the new men who have turned The line-ups: up many running plays of the oppoei- the members of last year's squad, the team hopes out. Western Maryland G F T tion. The passing of "Clint" Walker to be rounded into shape in time for the first To date five matches have already Reinhard F 5 and the running of the elusive Gra- meet soon after the close of the Christmas holiday been booked, four of them away from Uvanni C ham were other main factors in the period. "Tom" Pontccorvo, "Hinkey" Haynes, home. Now Havens is dickering with Tomicheck .._ G triumph, "Bob" Bennett, "Tony" Ortensl, and several other Villanova for a match to be held at Sherman G The first round game with the Gam- promising reserves of the 1935 team remain as the the Armory. There is also an outside Adriance G rna Bets that was protested by the nucleus of the team to be built. Of these men Ben- chance that another institution may Bachelors was played off with the for- nett and Pontecorvo were place-winners in the In- show its ring wares for the benefit of Total 27 mer winning, 18 to O. Once again tercollegiate Championships last year at. Penn State, Westminster fans. The only match west Chester G F T 'Ritchie and Graham Jed the winners, HERBERTSTEVENSwhere both men faced Lion boxers in the final round. cinched for the Armory is that Rogo F 5 15 the latter making long runs in mid- Bennett lost a close decision to Criswell of State in against the University of Miami on Prillips F 8 field while "Dud" crossed the goal tho finals of the 115 pound class, and" Big Tom" successfully defended February 4. The Intercolleg-iatea will Robinson C line twice. The winners' plays func- his heavyweight title in a clash with "Izzy" Richter of State. be held about the first of March, a full Hinchey G tioned well, and the Bachelors were The Terror boxing schedule, though not quite complete is an at. fortnight after the Army tilt. Beda G repeatedly backed into their own ter- tractive one. It includes an inter-sectional match with Miami Univcr- Maschinsky . The schedule to date: ritory. ! ~~;;m:ta~!l:y ~:~~rh~!~.well as meets with the Arm~ and Navy service Jan. 25-Penn State away Gwinn G C Manifold Feb. I-Navy away INTERVIEWIN~ANTA CLAUS I Backboard Talk Feb. 4-Univ. of Miami home Total 35 __ . The basketball season is already under way following an opener ·Feb. 8-Catholic U. away (Continued from Page 2, Col. 5) WIth West Chester State Teachers' College Jast Saturday night. A and do you know, I believe the girls second g~me will be p.layed .against Geor~etown tonight in Washington, Feb. 15-Army away TERRORS DEFEAT are the less timid. and a thIrd game agamst VIllanova at VIllanova Saturday. 'rhe fresh- Mch. 1-3-lntercollegiates. SALISBURY "Oh, I'd say the ages of these tots man candidates, unable to play during the early part of the sesson be- run from infants who don't know cause of three year rules at various colleges on the schedule, will greatly Western Maryland's soccer team what it's all abont yet-up to around enh:lIlce tIle winning potentiality of the team when the lea""l1e season INTER.FRAT BASKETBALL clinched the Maryland State Colle- seven. One boy who came in said he gets under wny following the holidays. I:> SCHEDULE ANNOUNCED giate soccer title Tnesday, November was ten and a half. I think that was 26, by defeating the strong team rep- abont the oldest." NEW CHEMISTRY CLASS After a successful season of touch resenting I1Iaryland State Teachers' Here's a hint for next year, Mr. CO-EDS EXERCISE DAILY football which featured many hard- College at Salisbury by a score of 6-2. and Mrs. Jones, and you better take ANNOUNCES FIELD TRIPS TO REDUCE AVOIRDUPOIS fought games, the fraternities of With three of the regulars out of the it, because "Santa knows best" in this An extensive program of field trips Western Maryland are preparing for game, the chances of the Terrors were case. is a feature of the sanitary chemistry With the first line of the song "You the basketball season. Advance no- greatly decrcased as the game began, Questioned as to what toys were gotta bend down, sister, if you want tices predict a much closer race than the first quarter being a stubbornly asked for most, "Santa" replied with- class, instructed by Mr. Edward L. to keep thin", as their guide to a last year, as each club is ready to put contested period in which neither out hesitating. Every boy who didn't Hopkins, chief chemist of the Monte- sylph-like figul'e, the coeds have start- forth a formidable quintet on the team was able to get within scoring already have a bicycle asked for one, bello Filtration Plant of Baltimore ed a games tournament and informal court. The Bachelors, winners in the distance of the goals. Both teams The schedule of trips includes: City. and every girl who didn't own a doll . October 31, Montebello Filtration basket-ball practice to fill in the basketball league last season, will be displayed air-tight defensives. carriage mentioned that as her chief Plant and Baltimore City College stretch between hockey season and out to retain their championship. The But the second quarter saw Wes- desire. swimming pool. Christmas vacation. other three clubs will have much im-, tern Maryland return to early season "I suppose you've had some fnnny November 27, Schluderberg-Kurdle On Monday, Thursday, and Friday proved teams on the tioor, and will form and launch an attack that netted requests~" ventnred the interviewer the girls play hand ball, hand tennis, give the champs a dog-fight to the fin- three goals in quick succession. Belt, House and the Meat Packing. (remembering the paragraph on River sewage disposal plant. Back paddle tennis, quoits, ping-pong, a~d ish. ' the Terror's elusive center forward, leading questions in the journalism December 16, Fairfield - Western shuffleboard. When the girls who The schedule will commence the "started the offensive drive by drib- book). l\IaryJand Dairy and the Baltimore take folk dancing have the Sailor's first week after the Christmas holi- bHng the ball unaided through the en- "Santa" tossed his head and Health Department. Hornpipe the fifth period, and then days and will continuc throughont the tire Eastern Shore backfield and driv- laughed, and the long tassel on his January 11, Westminster Sewage go to the gym in the afternoon and month of January. Barring postpone- ing it past the goalie. Wallace fol- little red cap fell down over his eyes disposal plant and water purification play shuffleboard and deck tennis, ments and unforseen developments, lowed immediately with another tally, at an angle of about forty-five de- plant. they are on shipboard and go up to the final playoff will be completed by and Moore acconnted for the third in grees. He ~ddly reminded the observ- their rooms at 5.30 feeling a trifle the first week in February. quick order. Half-time ended the er of a college professor in his seasick. The schedule: scoring spree with the count standing academic cap. asked lJW to tell him what his 'phone On Tuesday and Wednesday all Jan. 10, 1936- 3-0. "\Vere you ever embarrassed by number was. I was stumped." classes practice basketball together. A hard-fought second half followed Gamma Bets vs. Black and Whites; any unusual requests?" "Santa" was "Did yon know there was a real Shooting, dribbling, and passing are Bachelors vs. Preachers. with both teams scoring. The Teach- emphasized, with a short scrimmage asked. Santa Claus?" the interviewer asked. toward the end. ers scored twice while the Terrors "Yes," I read it on the funny page "Yes, I was," "Santa" responded, last night," was "Sa11ta's" surprising Jan. 14, 1936- were adding three more goals to the,ir and went on to explain. "The first Bachelors vs. Black and Whites; total. "Charlie" Wallace was the big time was when a little crippled fel- answer. held unconstitutional by the Court, Gamma Bets vs. Preachers. gun of the Terror offense for the day. "Well," maybe you can tell me why low asked me to bring him a pair of it is that Santa Claus wears a red the AAA Galahad (of Mephistoles) is Jan. 17, 1936- He scored three of the six goals regis- tered by his team, two of them dur- skates. He must have seen from my suit?" was the last hopeful inquiry. not necessarily sentenced to the elec- Bachelors vs. Gamma Bets; expression that I was puzzled. So he "Santa" couldn't. He was "stump- tric chair. Mr. Wallace, solicitous Preachers vs. Black and Whites. ing the hectic second half. Fowble, said that he knew he couldn't use ed again", he admitted. over his protege, has already suggest- Western Maryland's stellar left end, them now, bnt his daddy told him ed eight possible alternatives for Second Round scored the last goal of the game as he'd be able to walk by summertime. However, both he and the question- raising funds. But such a decision Jan. 21, 1936- oarkness began to cover the field. The poor kid wanted to be snre to er agreed it may be that the costume will be a serious blow to the AAA, Gamma Bets vs. Black and Whties; The line-ups follow; was adopted just to get Papa used to have them by that time. "being in the red" at Christmas. and the whole act may even be de- Bachelors vs. Preachers. Western Maryland Salisbury "Oh, but here's a time that I really elared unconstitutional. Jan. 24, 1936- Moore O.R. Wheatley was embarrased. Some young fellow Would such a declaration be pro- Bachelors vs. Black and Whites; Martin I.R. Jester came in with his kid brother and got PASSING IN REVIEW phetic of the fate of other New Deal Gamma Bets vs. Preachers. Belt C.F. Winter himself all tangled up. See, the kid acts as they march in jndicial re- Jan. 28 1936- Wallace I.L. Perry had been asking him how Santa Claus (Continued from Page 2, Col. 3) Fowble O.L. Burton finds out if kids are good. Well, the a big impetus. Like "Ole Man Riv- ~~e;::m~h~!:~, i:y Wg~~~go~h:::' a~~: ! :~:::l~~~ ;~'h~;:~ :r:~~her!. Barkdoll L.H. Williams big brother had told him that Santa er", don't plant potatoes, don't hoe rational judicial inspection, will make Reckord C.H. Holland called up every night and found out. [ cotton, don't do "nufin' "-and be more history than will the hullabaloo Jan. 31, 1936- Brooks R.H. Todd The kid was pretty smart, though, prosperous! of clownish political campaigns and Playoffs for winners. Elseroad R.F. Davis and I guess he didn't really believe in Alternatives prejudiced congressional checker-] Feb. 3, 1936- Chnrch L.F. Long Sa a Claus any more. Anyhow, he Of course, if the processing tax is play:ing. Any other playoffs. Gompf G. Fletcher
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