Page 30 - TheGoldBug1935-36
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PAGE TWO The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. Passing in Review Santa Claus Interviewed by Gold Bug By IDAMAET. RILEY . Correspondent What'the nine black-robed justices of the Supreme COUl-tpass in judicial Who said there isn't any Santa and a pair of whiskers. Whew!" review during the next few months Claus? big protest- Here "Santa" took off his cap and Here comes a great is of prime importance to the country mopped his forehead with a big red Official student newspaper of Western Maryland College, published on Thurs- and to the New Deal program. no--not from the kiddies, not from kerchief with reindeer chasing each day, semi-monthly during October, November, February, March, April, May, Marching before them for constitu- perplexed papas and mamas who other up and down the border. He and monthly during September, December, and January, by the students of tional inspection will be the AAA, the don't know all the answers. This tucked it back in his pocket hastily, western Maryland College, Westminster, Maryland. Entered as second-class time it comes from St. Nick, himself matter at the Westminster Post Office, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Bankhead Cotton Control Act, the -good old Kris Kringle-c.spending but the observer had time to catch TVA, and the right of the govern- a glimpse of "Toyland-6th Floor" SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $1.00 A YEAR ment to condemn land for the slum- the Christmas rush season at "Toy- stamped on one of the reindeer. me~~i;~:~, a~'~~:t;~rdb:_'i~~!~:~ w:; 'ftY~:~H'·nO:ltd~:n'gP\:c~folm';p~·nbya!IBl~II·I~,:pi~~O'dub~ftt~lorief-~:1;~~~~::~~~:~.~~;:.~:;:e C~::o~~~ • a. L ... again. Oh, yes, the kiddies! Well, one of the bitterest fights during the ~~a:~~t n;::Si~~~;:st:,oSnan~! s~~:us~ he loves them so much he would even EDITORIAL STAFF last session of Congress, and the put on a muffler if they wanted him Editor-ill-Chief . .._ ROSALIE G. SILBERSTEIN, '36 Wagner Labor Dispute Act. off,;~:~i~i~ke d~~lil:~ed at the inter- to. Associate Editm·8 . ..IDAMAE T. RILEY, '36, ROBERT BROOKS, '36 News Editors ............. GUY GRIFFIN, '36, SARABELLE BLACKWELL,'37 tUl~n:~ ::~~~a~e!~~i;~~~v~;t:h;u::!:: viewer in a voice quite different from m~'~~::ym~:;?;,f t'?;;~l~~'~~~:t!~ ::~ Copy Editors .. . JANET MACVEAN,'38, RALPH LAMBERT,'37, JA~1ESCOLEMAN,'38 Court building in Washington, the his usual agreeable manner. "Sis- sumed a business-like air, "I don't Proof EditOT8 . ..EVELYNCROWN,'37, BEVERLYHARRISON,'37 marble symbol of "Equal Justice Un- ter", he continued, still harsh but less keep any record, but I'd say that on Sport8 EditOTS . HERBERTSTEVENS,'36, ELIZABETHHAGEN,'36 del' Law", where the AAA was put on thundering, "those fellows who ring the rush days several hundred come Exchange Editor . ...................MIRIAMWHITFIELD, '36 ~:~~ !~r t~: ~~::~~~u:!o~~~ li~:~re!::; ~:~.~erOV~:v~hi~n~: ~~e;ve~:. s~~~ in;:I thi k th b f b d MAKE-UP STAFF Wallace, this act has been heralded would you like to stand next to a girls iSl:boutee::a7."e~eoweno:~na~n Managing Editors ... GEORGENEEDHA~t,'37, SHERWOODBALDERSON,'38 BUSINESS STAFF ~~lt:~:t'~~ri:,e b~a~~~:~sO!st~~ea~:~~ :~'7t~~~t~~~f::Yco~~ar~ ~e:;~u~o~~~ answer to several questions. "Yes, of the phisfopheles farm situation. Business Manager __. EDWARDBEAUCHAMP,'36 But, Galahad or Mephistopheles, I a couple thick coats of grease pamt (Continued on Page 3, Col. 1) Assistant Ad-vertising IIfa1uLge1's ROBERTKIEFER,'37, ARCHIEALLGIRE,'38 as it Circulation Managers THOMASEVELAND,'36, ROSALIEGILBERT,'36 tr-ial fm' it, constitutional ox-I PE RS ONA LIT Y PI CT URES Assistant Circulation Managers .._ JOHN CULLER,'37, NORVINGOMPF,'38 stands it wil l bring sharply to the + 4- istence, ARLINE HUDSON,'37, H"tLDABIDDLE,'38 ~:;ew~et~~~~:~~:~~~::~~at: ::e J~~. 'T' d REPORTERS By ART PENNER AND HIS PALS Reporters contributing to this issue: Deal. The Welfare Clause "Like Henry ward Beecher," she in helping to smooth out the wrinkled Sally Price, '37; Beverly Harrison, '37; Frances Stanley, '38; Anne Chew, '38; Critics of the AAA assert that Con- smiles, "I find myself in the middle brows of harried headline writers, Virginia Lee Smith, '38. gress, in passing this bill, exceeded of a sentence and-trust to God to feverish feature editors, and puzzled Walter Lee Taylor, '37; Jasper Jones, '35. its power to legislate for the Nation's get me out of it." proofreaders of the Gold Bug. "general welfare". The Boston Court But Miss 'Vingate, dexterous A friendly box of chocolates, con- Worthy opinion; Model management; Correct news. of Appeals, in its decision on the re- manipulator of involved thoughts, sideration that reveals concrete mem- fusal of the receivers of the Hoosac can always push through these in- ories of having once been a college - L I mills to pay $81,694 in processing and erecectes to finish her sentence. And student herself, intellectual curiosity I E - D- I - T - 0 - R - I - A floor stocks taxes on cotton asserted: what's more important, her students and a satisfactory technique for sat- "It is clear, we think, that ... Con- are always aware of the goal. For isfying that curiosity, a many-sided gress at the outset has attempted to Miss Wingate does not allow the lat- interest in many things from foot- Ledger Somehow or other the end of the year always comes around invade a field over which it has no eral passes, exciting though they ball to freshman themes-somehow with a jolt. And whenever we get a jolt we sit up and take control. may be, to obscure the touchdowns. all these and many other things help • Will the Supreme Court agree with Aeschylus, notice. But we do more than that; we take out our pencils, adjust our the Boston Circuit Court? What in- nalistic leads, adverbial clauses, jour- to visualize Miss Wingate. of Plowman-in Piers But, perhaps, the finest picture spectacles, and balance our ledgers. For the end of the year is the time terpretation will it make of the pre- her classes all these fOl'.midablElSUb-I Miss Wingate, the finest tribute to for checking up. amble of the Constitution? Is it a jects heccme inviting topics, each her, is the dedication of the 1935 clause making it the duty of the gov- with its particular angle of smiling Aloha: This has been a big year for Western Maryland.c-.a year of progress, ernment to legislate for the general humor. Not laughing humor, for one "Professor of English, whose live a year of happiness, a year of pride, and, yes, a year of sadness. It has welfare of the people? These ques- seldom laughs at Miss Wingate's interest in the literary attempts of marked the end of one era in the history of the college j it has marked tions are basic ones of constitutional wit, but smiling humor, humor of the college people has supplied untold the beginning of a new one. law and policy. type immortalized in Barrie's plays. inspiration and encouragement, "Scarcity Economics" Smiling humor, yes ... expressed whose charm of personality has Let us visualize the college at the beginning of last year. A mass A point of policy, not definitely not only in the presentation of sub- won our sincere friendship, whose considered by the Supreme Court's ject matter but also in her eyes. opinion we have placed high in our of undistinguished brick and steel in the quadrangle between the Ad- decision but definitely affected by Smiling humor, yes ... expressed category of values, whose respect ministration Building and McDaniel Hall. and bare, non-usable that decision, is that of "scarcity ec- not only in her vivid descriptions and we honestly wish to deserve-e-tc rooms in the basement of the Main Building, rooms formerly filled with onomics". The cotton control plan, interpretations of The Canterbury Miss Wingate, who has so freely shavings and sawdust ... Alumni Hall without great organ-music to the potato control plan, and the Tales, news leads, and methods for given so much of her self to col- match the great performance of the College Choir. thousand XYZ control plans are con- teaching Silas Marner, but also in lege publications, we the Senior crete definitions of scarcity econom- her friendly approach to student Class, respectfully dedicate the And then let us look at the college as it is today. In place of ugly ics. If the AAA is passed with a problems. Smiling humor, yes. Aloha of 1935," constitutional at the And to her we, the senior members scaffolding there stands Blanche \Vard Hall, trim, modern, and ef- "not guilty" economics wiII be given expressed not only in formal class- of the Gold Bug staff respectfully room work, but also in helpful guid- bar, scarcity ficient. In place of the outmoded carpenter shops are masculine rendez- ance of student activities, especially dedicate the Gold Bllg Of 1936. vous where the men students may play checkers, listen to Guy Lom- (Continued on Page 3, Col. 2) bardo, or engage in ping-pong. Adding t.o the effeetive offerings of the College Choir, an electrically-opernted pipe-organ contributes beauty to CAMPUS the Sunday chapel service. LEADERS 1/ COLLEGE RHYTHM 1- It l1as been a year of growth-growth in student body, faculty, '------------- --~--------------~ and administration) in curriculum, in athletic achievement, in aeademie REINDEER RUSTLINGS II LEAP YEAR HINTS FROM standards, in prestige. Our College Choir, rendering the oratorio the Juanita Irwin has a bad case on SANTA Messiah in Westminster and Washington, attracted state-wide atten- "AI" Moore. Girls, how's this for an example of tion. The Men's Glee Club, a new musieal unit, impressed us as a Lee Irwin had to pay for her boy I the pre-leap o~ leap year? tangible expression of college spirit. The climaxes of musical events friend's breakfast the other morning Dear Mr. SenIOr: here on the Bill \"ere attained with the appearances of the \ -and she thought she was rid of I have seen you around the campus Choir and the Russian Don Cossacks. hll;ere our eyes decelvmg us? That I ~:~bIo~hl;~s~~~tl~r; da~~~~~~ n~:~: dldn't look like Reckord under that around and make a date some tIme With the football t.eam ma.intaining its record of clean sportsman- EDWARDBEAUCHAMP delby that was seen alongSide of "the A 10VJng little Freshman ship and good play, and the soeeer team making llistory, and with the y P ~no!~e;:~k::elsbon IS to pick out a women's athletic department extending the scope of its activities, the "He's Just an old smoothle l " I' la~t lsu:da ~lght d St member of the male sex and deslg- He's Just all old smoothle, yes, bllt a~se a ,:as ass:ee 0r;_e sun~:; ba~;~ sports angle of college progress was well developed. n ~O::l:~t~l:ll~V~o s':::t~~:~~h:v~::d~~~ r school tWice and at the JOlllt Y meet- ~I~et:hm~~mgn~: c:~u;~:;~~u ~~:e~:~ Even our program of daily rations has undergone a change! From to the football practice field ever} ing. tails. soup to nuts we've gone "individual", for the table platter serviee of day as one of the managers of '.he UNDER THE lIHSTLETOE yesterday has given way to "single covers" a la mode. Additions to Green Terrors. A smoothie who does Reinhard-\Vard "DEAR SANTA-" the curriculum, a rousillg spirit exhibited in the Field House campaign, the sugar-foot with the flexibility of H. White-E. Hancock 'Ve want- coffee pourer for automatic An the establishment of a local chapter of Tau Kappa Alpha, the formation a Fred Astaire. A smoothie who Riley-Melvin Taylor. holds down executive positions that of an honors society-all these al'e specific instanees of the building of Elseroad-M. C. Hill A nice dark Cornel' for couples that would test the skill of a Rockefeller. a Greater Western 1IIaryland, As business manager of the Gold B. Cronin-Poffenberger neck in public. Bug and the Aloha "Ed" has shown Oleair-Blackwell A soft pedal on Bennett's tongue Yes, it has been a year of progress, a year of happiness, a year of "smooth" knowledge of practical at the dinner table. pride. And, yes, it has also been a year of sadness, sadness in the loss business affairs. As a pOl-trayer of Drugash-McWilliams A necktie for Strayer so he can get McClelland-Spier of he who had done so much to make it a year of progress, a year of difficult dramatic roles, he has shown Crowe-Crisp rid of his orange one. A new book for Gladys so that she growth. "smooth" ability in characterization and interpretation. (Who can ever Zimmerman-Po Long can continue her advice to the love- One year has passed, one era has passed. forget his role of James Dyke in The Simpson-Cissel (bad) lorn. Valiant?) As a member of innu- Taylor-Stout A diJ-t sleuth for the Gold Bug But another is beginning. merable dan'-!e committees, he has Lentz-Martin who knows ali, sees all, hears all,- shown "smooth" appreciation in the Benjamin-Wuntz and TELLS all. (One with a selection of steaming syncopation. grandstand seat preferred.) A member of the Gamma Beta Chi Thomas-Gross DRUMSTICKS AND HOLLY- A CHRISTMAS TIP Fraternity and of the Officers' Club, Pontecorvo--Dixon Retrospectacie a popular '''ladies' man", with a seri- What happened to Walker when he "I've got an invitation to a dance, ous interior beneath a nonchalant ex- walked in on a Sophomore class meet- But I don't think I'll go, terior, Beauchamp in his four years ing? For "headquarters" says "No". here on the Hill has shown that Let the folks back home kno\\' \\'hnt you're doing. Gi+e them a Miller goes to see his girl friend So I guess that you'll see punch which combines "smothness" ,vith two dollars a'nd comes back with The one who should be with me- gift subscription to the Gold Bug---{)llly one dollar a year. with success. 30- Where did he get it? ' With somebody else." !
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