Page 29 - TheGoldBug1935-36
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COl 1i.1!'ilIilIilIilIilIli!I;Ui!lIi!li.1&'1 Iil MAY SANTA &'I HERE'S TO Iil Iil FILL &'I A LEAPING &'I YOUR STOCKING! &'I NEW YEAR! &'I 9&'11il1li!1li!1li!1il1il1li!1il1li!! Vol. 13, No.6 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. December 12, 1935 State Championship Titles Won by COLLEGE CALENDAR Yuletide Festivities to Provide Terror Soccerites and Terrapin Gridders December 13- Gala Vacation Send-Off for Students 'I'ri-Beta Christmas Party- McDaniel W. M. SOCCER TEAM UNDE- OLD LINERS DEFEAT TERROR P. M. Hall Lounge - 4 GIRL.LED ORCHESTRA FEA- I PLAY AND· FORMAL DINNER FEATED IN STATE PLAY GRIDDERS IN STADIUM December 14- TURES JUNIOR DANCE ARE HOLIDAY HEAD- CHAMPIONSHIP BATTLE J. G. C. Bridge Supper-a-Me- LINERS Loses Lone Contest To Westchester Daniel Hall Lounge--2.30- Freshmen Are Guests At Annual Teachers Field Goal Begins Last Period Play 5.30 P. M. Affair 'tNight At The Inn" To Be Given December 15- Sunday Western Maryland's hard shooting After leading the University of Christmas Play-Alumni Hall The feminine angle prevails again! soccer eleven, winning victories over Maryland by one point for three quar- 5 P. M. This time the "angle" is a corner of Evergreen, carols, and mince piel every major opponent in the State, ters, Western Maryland's defense December 16-- the girls' gymnasium-and the "femi- With another Yuletide just around laid claim to the State Title Thanks- crumbled, and the Terps scored six- Nativity Play-Seminary 'I'er- nine"-ah! the corner, Western Maryland Col- giving Day when bad weather made teen points in the final period to de- race-8P. M. For Evelyn Brooks and her band of lege is taking out its finery, dusting it impossible for the season's finale feat the Green Terrors, 22 to 7, last December 17- musicians will furnish the music for off its smiles, and dressing up for a with the University of Maryland to be Saturday at the Baltimore Stadium. French Club-Christmas Car- the annual dance presented by the gala week of festivities preceding the played here. Boasting a record for The victory gave Maryland the state ols-McDaniel Hall Lounge-- junior class to the freshmen in the Christmas vacation. 1935 of six victories, two ties and one football title. 9 P. M. girls' gymnasium Wednesday evening, Members of the speech department, defeat, the Terrors lay claim to the The game was a battle between fine Formal Dinner at Manage- December 18, immediately following in cooperation with the College Choir, title on the grounds that Navy, the backs. "Bill"· Guckeyson, Terrapin ment House--5 P. M. the Christmas Banquet. will present the annual sacred service only team in the State which the star, led the onslaught, ably support- December 18- Hailing from Reisterstown, this Sunday, December 15, in Alumni Hall Green and Gold have not defeated, ed by Coleman Headley, Charlie El- Formal Christmas Dinner- band is popular in local dance circles at 5 P. M. was defeated by Gettysburg. Since linger, and John Gormley. "Cliff" College Dining Hall-6 P. M. and promises to be a striking part of Under the direction of Miss Esther the Tars and Terrors did not meet and Lathrop, Ten-or running star, and the Junior Christmas Dance-- the dance program. In addition to Smith, the speech students will enact the Terrors defeated the Bullets, Wes- sharpshooter, LeRoy Campbell, play- Girls' Gymnasium-8.30-11.30 dancing, card games have been ar- a pantomime play in four episodes, tern Maryland has shown its superior- ed the principal roles as Western P. M. ranged. Refreshments will be served "The Night at the Inn", ity over the Tars by comparative Maryland sought vainly to overcome December 19- during intermission. The first scene is on the road out- its heavier opponents. Gamma Beta Chi Dance-- To quote John Warman, president side of Bethlehem. The others are The Terror booters of 1935 rightly The Terrapins sco~ed in the first Girls' Gymnasium - 8-11.30 of the junior class, "this party will laid In the interior of an inn, the claim a place among the immortal three minutes of play. After Bran- P. M. attain the ultimate in class entertain- scene of the Nativity. teams that have represented the col- (Continued on Page 4, Col. 1) December 20- Vacation begins ment on the Hill." class is invited as Behind the curtain during the pan- The freshman Christmas lege. Their only defeat came as the 12.00 Noon. guests of the juniors. Sophomores tomime the choir, directed by Miss Ruth Jones, will sing several excerpts result of a last minute rally by the January 6-- and seniors will be charged an admis- .from the "Messiah". Charlotte Spicer Chester State Teachers' SEMINARY NATIVITY PLAY strong west Christmas Vacation ends 8 sion fee of twenty-five cents per per- collegiate team in the TOBEPRESENTED MONDAY College team which has been rated as P. M. son or forty cents per couple. and Reba Snader will be the soloists. decked with dining-hall With the the strongest festal greenery and ringing with the East, having ~een undefeated during! traditional Yuletide carols, the annual three consecutive seasons of play. The With the interest this year center- GAMMA BETS TO GIVE RUSSIAN COSSACKCHORUS Christmas Banquet, climax of the final score of 4-3 showed how evenly ing on a speaking choir, the annual CHRISTMAS DANCE APPEARS IN ALUMNI HALL week's activities, will be held Wednes- by scene will be presented the two teams were matched. Tow- nativity Westminster Theological Semi- day, December 18, at 6 P. M. The the son eked out a 2-2 tie here on Hoffa mellow glow of lighted candles and Field in the first encounter with the ;~:y p~~: ~,;~s~:r:t:~:~y~~n~h~o~~e~~~ ev~;~w;;l~ t~~ey;::t;!~5~: b~:i::::~ Under the leadership of their di- the glamour of holiday "best" will Terrors, but the Westcrn Maryland co and terraces of the Seminary, De- dance will be given in Blanche Ward ~~~u~::saC;;sd;:~:'a ~::~:r~~~o~IU~~ give the cue for the junior party im- aggregation proved its superiority by mediately following the dinner. defeating Normal on its own grounds ~:~:re:bte6'~!a~h:~,~heI~I:;se~~lu~~ ~:!~mg=n~:~u~~ ~~~r~=:;:e~~;~ ni Hall on Monday evening, Decem- at Towson two weeks later. given Tuesday at the same hour. Ch~o~\~i:r:~~;sion the fraternity has he~h9~program, sung entirely in Rus- FIELD HOUSE CAMPAIGN Franklin and Marshall, undefeated before its meeting with the Terrors, st:~!~O~;~ t:~miI:~d~!i~~erhaf~rb:~: been fortunate in securing the scin- ::~~'R:~~~!~te:OI~ft~~:l~:da~~o~~sS~~k ENDS WITH SENIORS AHEAD was considered one of the best soccer years, new features are constantly be- ~:il:t~~:h:~~;~mT~~SJ;:e~:;~~ea:s b:~~ soldier songs. What competition and class spirit clubs among Pennsylvania colleges this season. The Terrors were victor- ~~: ;i~.~:~i·O~:~~ii::k~::nC~;!:D~~~~~ very warmly received and favorably an~m~:~ss~;e~~~if~~::~~n l~~gei!l:~:, ',.~,n.n't"FO~fdli~n:,':Fexu'nmdP:!~pda!ngn~he commented ., " ... upon by all who have V" ...... ious ever this strong team. The Ter- p:~~~cepsro~~ct~~~su;~ee~:~en~~ pt~;~ heard and danced to his music. The the singers exhibited in voice, as well To the accompaniment of dining rors further jlluen-ated their prowess Y orchestra recently played for the as height, a remarkable range, their room stunts, including even an "or- ill an engagement with the Army Ca- dets at West Point. Tile Pointers ~i~~~:!~:~,i~a;~!~lz:\;~l~i~b~ez ~~~n~::;vi~~h~a~;:sf~~i~~t~~ ~:m~:;~ ~~;s::~~~i:l~; !:L:~~~:~ll::.ects be- ~~~st~a~U~~C~IOI~~::~eyb~yt~~es~;!:~~ • played the Western Maryland outfit Clelland, Trago Brust, Charles Baer, Joe Stephens has an excellent dual- Serge Jaroff, the director, is the' men, the four college classes vigor- to a 2-2 standstill in an overtime con- Fred Tyrell, Lawrence Strow, Rich- amplifying system with his orchestra, only member of the chorus who has ously pushed their drives for the sale test. ard Dawson, and Alex Ransone. and he will present some pleasant nov- been trained as a professional singer. of tickets for the Maryland-Western The last contest that the Terrors The parts of the singing Magi will cIty arrangements during the course A product of the Synodica~ School.~f Maryland football game held in the played this season was a high-scor-ing- be uJayed by Kenneth Plummer, of the evening. Moscow, Jaroff conducts WIth a rmm- Stadium December 7. affair with the Maryland State Teach- Char·I'es Beer, and James Gladden. The gymnasium will be appropri- mum of movement. The slightest mo- Results were in direct relation to ers' Co~lege at Salisbury. ar;h;e~:;e:r:l~t~:~:a:;:!.~ Ji:~i~~~' ~!~~::~d:~~~~ ~o~~:o::~~~~t.Wi~~~~: ~i~i~n~f~sc~:~~yOl~~:C~~:tU~~~~li~~!~ ~::n n:::~: ~~ll:~:~~o::~~a~!:;s w~~~ DR. HOLLOWAY ADDRESSES ~.ri~t~~!~:::, A~~iS~e~::;:s~~iz!~~~ ~~:~ ~e:l:~~l~~:~~ated thut there may edI:~~~~:~n:~ the program were two !;4~9.~u:~e~h:ncl:~: q~ot~~r~::\:;: STUDENTS IN ASSEMBLY ~~~:~::2:~i:;::~::~':~~~S:':i:~z; ~::.~:A~7;:',i.:;:i~;O~:;:~;~;i,F:~:TERRO~O';,R~~~nE~iE~LAY ~~~F~?n:,';:,,~l:~p~t~~;;;a:!~~l:~ "The ideal of a Greater Western Maryland must be the ideal of all of ~~~I~~~~Ia~::~:t~~an~!~:S~n~;~~~~ "Nick" Campofreda, Terror foot- of T~ee ::c~~e:~l"auns~~m~;t~h~fc~::~ 19.0; and freshmen, with $172 for a us here", said Dr. Fred G. Holloway, ces Stout. ball captain, was selected as an all- were made by Jaroff himself. percentage of 16.5. newly-elected president of Western Mrs. J. E. Cummings of Westmin- opponent tackle by the Boston Col- As their final song the Cossacks With a total of $1200 turned in ]\'faryland College, as he was inform- ster will portmy the Madonna. Other lege football squad. He received a sang "Plajassowaja", in which loud by the students and with many other ally introduced to the faculty and stu- parts are played by the seminary stt..- choice on the second team of Buck- cries and whistles are used to accom- returns steadily coming in, a good dent body in an assembly, December dents and residents of Westminster. nell Bison opponents. Stanley Ben- pany a. series of Russian soldier- nucleus has been provided for the be- 2 in Alumni Hall. "Whoever can do Almost one hundred participate in the i-,amin made the Villanova all-oppo- dances. This number, not printed on ginning of the construction of the better work,'" continued Dr. Hollo- production of the nativity scene. Miss nt·t;t team in his first year of varsity I the program, c~me as a delightful ~li- Field House. way, "whoever can achieve a higher ~::::;t E~~e~~~ce;!s:!~n:t:~~h~~~ i~:~··v~~!~~v: g~~:::d a:h!h:o::~~~~~~ :~~~~lyT~~a~u~~:n~~:l~:~a~:~::: v;~~ ----- grade of scholarship, whoever CaJl logical Seminary is directing the play. is that "Stan" must be some end. core, but the dance was not repeated. INTER.FRAT COUNCIL attain a higher standard of athletics, ISSUES BID RULINGS whoever can display through disci- pline and control a finer type of char- In accordance with its custom the acter-that person is contributing his Inter-Fraternity Council publishes the part toward the Greater Western official ruling on bids. The rules ap- Maryland." The introduction of Dr. Holloway to pear below: the college by Dr. James Ji. I-Bids shall be given out the morning of the day on which Christ- Straughn, president of the Board 'If Trustees, marked the ass.umption of mas recess begins through the me- his active duties as president. dium of the college post office. Dr. Straughn, Mr. J. P. Wantz, and 2-Bids must be turned back as ac- Dr. H. L. Elderdice represented the cepted or rejected at the college post Board of Trustees. ofliee. Professor Carl Shaeffer, speaking 3-Bids must be turned in Wednes- for the faculty, Mary Catherine Hill, day evening following the Christmas the women's student body, and Charles Daneker, the men's student 4-From the time bids are issued body, welcomed the new president. until the time they are returned, no The date of the official inauguration fraternity member shall communicate of Dr. Holloway will be determined in any way with any man receiving a later. bid from a fraternity.
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