Page 28 - TheGoldBug1935-36
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PAGE EIGHT The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. NEWS IN BRIEF DON COSSACK CHORUS umphs that has carried it far abroad England, -to and North Australia, HERE TO SING America. J. Stoner Geiman (Continued from Page 1, Col. 1) Today they travel on Nansen pass- J. G. C., the oldest secret organiza- ley D. Butler, "War 5S a Racket". A es, showing that special passports "Everything Electrical" tion on the "hill", held its formal ini- round-table discussion of the present must be made out for them, with the tiation Friday night, November 15. As economic sanctions against Italy en- Mason in the Toronto Globe, "but af- phrase en voyage substituted in place a part of the initiation, a play entitled sued, which resulted in a move to send ter hearing them eight times I find of country. They are almost "men GENERAL ELECTRIC, "Say It Isn't So" was given by the a letter to President Roosevelt declar- them more wonderful than ever." without a country", continually on the NORGE, FRIGIDAIRE pledges. Refreshments were served ing the club's sympathy with the pres- Tbe Don Cossacks, so named from move with home only a memory. by the old members. idential attitude concerning the status that particular territory that spreads Upon completion of this year's REFRIGEIiATORS The old members of the Club include of the United States in her world re- through the Don basin southward to American tour of one hundred and lIlary Boyer, Barbara Bennett, Mil- lations at the present time. the Sea of Azov, made up one of the ELECTRIC APPLIANCES dred Hammond, Jane Roop, Grace units of Gen. Wrangle's White Army. two concerts they will have establish- MAY TAG WASHER ed an all time record of two thousand Wood, Ethelinda Brower, Catherine Phi Alpha Mu held its Baltimore With its defeat, they were taken pris- Hall, Marvel Jackson, Cora Virginia Rush Party Tuesday, November 12. oners and later dispersed as refugees seven hundred concerts in ten years RADIOS Perry and Annabelle Eby. Among The club with its guests attended the to various European governments. of existence. the new members are Anna Bakel', Hippodrome Theatre where they saw Tickets for the concert may be se- t Phone 24 Ethel Gorsuch, Virginia Roberts, Hel- the motion picture "To Beat the Band" The present members of the chorus cured at Blanche Ward Hall office or en Stump, Ruth Lunning, Catherine and Duke Ellington and his band on were among those sent to Bulgaria. at Bonsack's. I Waybright, Margaret Burns, Virginia the stage. During his program the During their internment in the pri- Gill, Rebecca Groves, Jan e White, Duke played the Alma Mater, dedicat- son camp they formed a small chorus Annie O. Sansbury, Sally Price, Jo- ing it to the sorority. After the show under the leadership of a young of- sephine Dawson, Elinore Grier, Mabel the girls went to the Bubble Room of ficer, Serge Jaroff. Steger, Marian Sharrer and Helen the Lord Baltimore Hotel where din- With their transport to Bulgaria Boughton. ner was served. The guests of the they continued their chorus work. Have Your Shoes Rebuilt club were: Dorothy Vinup, Doris Phil- INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS lips, Dolly Taylor, Ellen Hancock, Kit- They' worked in factories or mines not cobbled. There is a difference. Let us show you. CLUB during the day and devoted their eve- All Soles Sewed The club held its second meeting of ty Messenger, Anne Brinsfield, Helen nings to choral practice. the: year in the "Y" room Monday Leatherwood, Betty Riley, Margaret Their singing of the ritual in the Modern Shoe Rebuilding Benton, Miss Bertha Adkins, and Miss evening, November 18, at 6:30 P. M. Ethel Owen. Alumni guests included Russian Embassy Cburch in Sophia C. VELNOSKEY &: SON A review of the book "After the Maudre Wi!lis, '35, Beth Bryson, '35, led to a concert of both religious and 10 Penna. Ave., at the Forks WESTMINSTER, MD. Treaty of Versailles", was given by Dorothy Berry, '35, and Lucille Bork, secular music. With this concert, the All Work Guaranteed Mr. Joseph Olear. Dr. Whitfield fol- '35. lowed this with a terse and timely dis- chorus entered upon a career of tri- cussion of the book written by Smed- COLLEGE CALENDAR Mackenzie's Drug Store (Continued from Page 1, Col. 3 Nov. 25-- 47 EAST MAIN STREET Money No Object 6:30 J. G. C. club meeting, Girls' Recreation Room. PRESCRIPTION DEPARTMENT Nov. 26- Soccer, Salisbury State We guarantee the quality of our Medicines regarding purity, If It's A Question of Health Normal at Salisbury. accuracy and as being strictly in accordance with the Physician's 4 :OO-Homc Economics Club order. Tri-Beta meeting, Room 22. "Bees and Honey Plants"-Dr. C. E. Burn- Since 1799 thousands of people have regained their normal side, Washington. Nov. 29- health after years of suffering from stomach troubles of all 4 :OO-Tri Beta Meeting, Room GRIFFIN'S GOODIE SHOPPE types, such as constipation, indigestion, gas, and sour 31. "Our Ancestors; stomach which are the basic factors of such maladies as high Living Races"-Webster Opposite State Theatre blood pressure, rheumatism, periodic headaches, pimples on Strayer. 6 :30-Pep Meeting, Smith FOUNTAIN SPECIALS LUNCH SPECIALS face and body, pains in the back, liver, kidney and bladder Hall. disorder, exhaustion, loss of sleep and appetite. Those suf- Nov. 30- Caramel Sundae 10. Ham Sandwich 10, ferers' have not used any man-made injurious chemicals or Soccer, University of Maryland at W. M. C. Butter Scotch Sundae 10, Minced Ham Sandwich 10, drugs of any kind; they have only used a remedy made by 2:30-Football,Georgetown U., College Special 15, Cheese and Olive Sandwich 10, Nature. This marvelous product grows on the highest Baltimore Stadium. 15, Dec. 2- Banana Split All Toasted Sandwiches mountain peaks, where it absorbs all the healing elements 6 :30-Junior Class Meeting, Ail topped with whipped cream HOT PLATE LUNCHES 25, and vitamins from the sun to aid HUMANITY in distress. Smith Hall. Women's At h le t i c Association, TOILET ARTICLE SPECIALS . It is composed of 19 kinds of natural leaves, seeds, berries "Y" Room. 8:00-Meeting of the Argo- Pepsodent Toothpaste 39c I Kleenex, 200 Sheets 14, and Rowers scientifically and proportionately mixed and is nauts, Room 22. Vitalis Hair Tonic 50c Kotex 20, known as LION CROSS HERB TEA. Dec. 3- 7:00-Le Cercle Francaise, Tooth Brushes 25c Ipana Toothpaste 39, LION CROSS HERB TEA tastes delicious, acts wonder- "Y" Room. Dec. 9- WE MAKE OUR OWN ICE CREAM_. ... . ..25c a Quart ~ fully upon your system, and is safe even for children. Pre- 8:15-Don Cossack Russian Johnsons Candy'-Griffins Candy-Woodwards Butt~r Brittle ~ pare it fresh like any ordinary tea and drink a glassful once Chorus, Alumni Hall. a day, hot or cold. accomplishes WONDERS; makes I ~iftn for you look -and feel like new born. try it at once natural convince dollar A one treatment If you are not as yet fa- of remedy, this miliar beneficial the effects with HERB TEA, CROSS LION and yourself. money to you. If not satisfactory refunded Everybody Try it and convince yourself with our money-back guarantee. AT One week treatment $1.00 BONSACKS Six weeks treatment $5.00 to avoid The Christmas Store In order HERB TEA, mistakes in getting the genuine LION CROSS coupon. please fill out the attached For Her Whitmans For Him ,AND PERFUMES Martha Washington CIGARS STATIONERY CIGARETTES Lie-Pharmacy, Dept. 4248 TOILET ARTICLES CANDIES TOBACCO J 180 Second Ave., KODAKS Choicest Packings PIPES N. Y. City, N. Y. CLOCKS HUMIDORS COMPACTS ASH TRAYS Gentlemen: MANICURE SETS CHRISTMAS TOILET ARTICLES Enclosed find $_ ..... _ ... .for which please send me FOUNT AtN PENS GREETING CARDS SPORTING GOODS PERFUME ATOMIZERS AND WRAPPINGS MILITARY SETS treatments of 'the famous LION CROSS HERB TEA. College Seal Jewelry I Name ....__._.._ ._ I RINGS-LOCKETS-BROOCHES-PINS-WATCHES-PENS-PENCILS JEWELRY City_.. .__.__...5tate _ Address. __.. AGENTS FOR BALFOUR COLLEGE WE ARE EXCLUSIVE -- (
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