Page 27 - TheGoldBug1935-36
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The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. PAGE SEVEN CON_ "I am glad to hear of the appoint- PERSONALITY PICTURES NOTABLES EXTEND NEWLY ment of Dr. Holloway to the present ~a~~;:na;ge d~l~e~~~ie;;!s~~:~~est~~~ GRATULATIONS TO ELECTED PRESIDENT position he holds. He thoroughly de- By ART PENNER AND HIS PALS many years to come. It is a high serves it, for his long and unstinting office, but a man of high integrity, (Continued from Page I, Col. 5) efforts in the field of education. The honor, and sympathetic experience "Now, girls ... " The voice is me-I ance stamps her personality=-meticu, about Dr. Holloway in the years to board picked a thoroughly capable fills it capably today." lodious, the diction precise, the tone lous, almost to the extreme. come. man when they chose him." suggestively reproving yet not harsh. In dress, in speech, in manner, Miss "While he was at Westminster As the representative of the people We don't have to look up to know Shreiner carries the aura of precision. Theological Seminary he brought to in the district of Western Maryland, who it is. But we have to think twice As teacher, as advisor, as assistant that placea keen insight, an unselfish Congressman David John Lewis said: before we realize we are doing any- dean of women, Miss Shreiner even personality, and a love for humanity "I would like to congratulate the col- Opera House thing wrong at the moment. when asserting her authority, always that makes any college president n lege and the people of Westminster. Suddenly it dawns on us, Ah, yes, maintains a sympathetic approach. beloved person to the student body Dr. Holloway is a credit to the Presi- WESTMINSTER, MD. we are leaning our heads against the Understanding, naturally courteous, and fellow workers." dencyv.and his services will no doubt back of the sofa, or chair, leaning our subtly humorous, Miss Shreiner is ad- Mr. J. J. Fitzpatrick, Managing be used in the highest interest of the Adults 25c Kiddies IOc heads in such a way that the tiniest mired both by her own girls and those Editor of the Washington Time8, in people. speck of brilliantine, perhaps, may who visit the dormitory. his own blunt way, also congratulated "If any man has ever been proud find its way to the wall, a smudgy "It's ten o'clock, people", comes her Dr. Holloway. of his record, in any line of endeavor, Next Week souvenir of our vanity. and weari- signal for parting. "Glad to congratulate the Doctor," that man should be Dr. Holloway. I MON., TUES., WED. ness. It is a signal that will be remem- he said over the roar of the typewrit- wish him Godspeed and the strength And the voice belongs to someone bered-a signal that will always recall ers. "I've always had a great deal of " Rendezvous" who is above all, particular, fastid- Miss Shreiner to us after we leave wonder for those gentlemen able to ious. Someone whose very appear- the hill. handle a college full of students. They Wm. Powell, Rosalind Russell must be executives such as a newspa- Novelty-Comedy-News per man never hopes to be. I congrat- DELTA PI ALPHA WINS JUNIORS TO HOLD DANCE ulate the Doctor again, and know he S~O!H~E THURS., FRI., SAT. FROM BLACK AND WHITE will be able to make a fine job of the Plans for the annual Freshman-Ju- Presidency, inasmuch as his former "Mutiny on In the only game played in the nior Christmas Dance, tentatively record shows that he did more than aI All "0 C Inter-Fraternity Touchball League scheduled for December 18, are being fine job at 'Vestminster Seminary." Seats.& the Bounty" during the last fortnight, Delta Pi formulated. The religious circles of the city Alpha won a hard-fought game from John B. Warman, president of the spoke highly of the newly elected Walter C. Kelly Clark Gable, Chas. Laughton the Black and Whites by a score of junior class, at a recent executive President. Among the first to tell of -in- Cartoon-News 18 to 12. meeting announced the following com- his regard for Dr. Holloway was the ..The Virginia Judge" Orchestra, P. Brengle, chair- mittees: This game was a toss-up between Reverend Dr. William S. Abernathy, WEEK OF DEC. 2 two evenly matched teams. The man, A. Hudson, R. Kiefer; M. invita- Pastor of the Calvary Church here. Also Good Musical Shorts MON., TUES. Rock- tions, J. Ward, chairman, Preachers scored first, and maintain- well, D. Hull, H. Wigley;' posters, J. "As one member of the cloth to the FRIDAY BANK NIGHT ed a slight edge throughout the con- R. Simms; decorations, S. Blackwell, other," said Dr. Abernathy, "I am Jean Arthur and "Mutiny on test, but the Black and White club chairman, K. Plumer, N. Crown, G. glad to see one of my brothers going George. Murphy was ever threatening to tie it up. In Spiegel; refreshments, M. Hoahall, upward in his long career. Dr. Hol- the Bounty" the first half the Preachers scored two chairman, J. Harlow, R. Howie, M. loway is to be more than congratulat., of their three markers, but even then Nock; clean-up, P. Ritchie, chairman, ed. He should be admired as the type "The Public Menace" Clark Gable, Chas. Laughton they did not have a decided advantage S. Baxter, J. Cutsail. of man this country's educational in- Cartoon-News losers was not clicking in usual style, I d t 11 stitutions His far-seeing practical wie- SATURDAY Matinee 2.30 not only needs but actually in play. The offense of the ultimate Tim McCoy wants. ~n~hthe~ failed to make much ground ~~e ~O~king of "Web" Strayer play- dom, coupled with his vast knowledge -in- WED., THURS. of the factors that go to make up the m e air. ed a major part in securing the first work of a college President, renders "One Way Trail" "Its in the Air" The offensive work of Volkart stood touchdown. him more than out for the Delta Pi Alpha team. Putting on the pressure, the the position." merely 'capable' fOl' MONDAY-TUESDAY Jack Be~ny, Ted Healy, Una Volkart displayed some excellent Preachers made a third goal in the Cary Grant, Claude Rains, Merkel The Reverend Dr. Charles H. But- Michael broken-field running, while his, team- last quarter to emerge the winner. Ir: (A wor-thy successor '0 "Th,I Comedy-Novelty-News Gertrude mates cooperated with a steady block- In the only other game scheduled ler, Pastor of the Columbia Heights -in- ing game. Twice he scored on long the Black and Whites forfeited to the United Lutheran Church, told the "The Last Outpost" runs to give the Preachers a 12-0 Gamma Beti Chi. Gold Bug correspondent: FRI., SAT. lead at half time. ========== "Anna Oakley" With the beginning lof the third LIVes of a Bengal Lancer" period, the Black and Whites got A FIELD HOUSE N EVERHART Comedy-Cartoons-News busy. "Herb" Stevens made a run COLLEGE BARBER I COMING SOON I back of a kick the entire length of A SWIMMING POOL AND BOBBER "A Feather in Her Hat" Saturdays only- the field for the first score. Then AT THE FORKS I "She Couldn't Take It" Adults, 20c; Kiddies, lOc St.rayei- passed to Moritz for the sec- A SWIMMING TEAM_ "Big Broadcast" •....... ·.1 ! ,............ •... •......... •..... •........ THE CORNER RENDEZVOUS JUST OFF THE CAMPUS The Rainbow Tea Room "Snacks by Susie" ~ARGARET AND EARL'S A MEAL OR A MORSEL
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