Page 26 - TheGoldBug1935-36
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PAGE SIX The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. BY THE WAY I and hurry they duplicate orders to REPORTER INTERVIEWS I r+*+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -- perspiring cooks. They greet their * (Continued from Page 2, Col. 3) guests and serve to them all the deli- DR. FRED G. HOLLOWAY .J. ATTENTION STUDENTS!l!! and it turns to amethyst and emerald. ca~ies of the season. The evening sun i * Gulis, sending out their eerie calls, glints throug~ the trees upon the ta- (Contmued from Page 1, Col 4) :t Make Yours ell Some I -- .. circle around the warehouses and set- blea loaded With countr_y butter, cool tie upon the waves. The men close green cucumbers, chlck:n, brown eJ~~~l:tt;dd~~: :::st~:ne:dlt~~o:.~r:;:; I :~ ! me you were a teacher here tool" !.!I Greek here * ;~~ ~:~~h:SdO~:!~e;h~~ ::;!r toc;:~~ ~i~~~s;ono~,o~~~r~he~~~:~:~ ~:::s t~~ X SPENDING MONEY , Holloway ven- the white shell path, which leads to be mad: up entirely of breast and fat "Yes, I was," Dr "Only a few P"- + the cottages, the chimneys of which drumsticks. tured, with a smile pie know it, but I taught are sending forth lazy spirals of Gay lanterns are lighted in the eve- smoke. The faint but unmistakable ning, and the attention is turned from at,,~h~h~~l~e~~:o:t~t~~:\f the stu- i &T... Lemonade is poured ::;:;;;;:;~::":::I~~:::.:'o;":~o;:::::::~~;~:";::,"--=::: I odor of baking trout and hot biscuit the tables toward the large "sweets dents during the trying period since t reaches the men and they hurry home- booth". On the shelves are home- $5.00 i ward. made cakes, iced liberally with straw- ~~:no:~;~,?tr~fH:~~O~~yt~~:t~~a:s ~~: i: Sell one page of ads for the "ALOHA" and earn IV berry, lemon, and chocolate frostings, Mosquitoes stir in the damp grass. or sprinkled generously with nuts and A queer odor of burning rags, paper, shredded cocoanut. Ice cream freez- and kerosene arises. The odor is not ers are opened. unpleasant. It is to the native a part into taU glasses. Neighbors who have of Tidewater Maryland summer not spoken for months forget their :I: nights. He would not need to be told differences and engage in amiable ~;::t:~~~~~~ed T:;:~~:~~~I OfS;~!~:::; THIS OFFER APPLIES TO ADS SOLD ANYWHERE EX. ... that the negroes have built a "smoth- discourse. Children rush about play- Maryland College to fill the vacancy i.... CEPT IN WESTMINSTER OR TO PERSONS WHO HAVE *i er" to drive away the mosquitoes. ing games. Women sitting about dis- caused by the death of the late Dr. Fireflies flicker about. Whippoor- cuss the success of the occasion and Albert Norman Warn. ADVERTISED REGULARLY IN THE "ALOHA" president I wills, nearby, send out sweet, pathetic figure their gains. In the kitchen the Dr. Holloway's appointment 8, by ~ i was responses to the cries of their distant black c~oks load their baskets with announced Friday, November i mates. Above these evening sounds the leftovers to carry home to their Dr. James H. Straughn, of See Harold Whit< or Edward Bea uchamp C., Ad BI"k. comes the half song, half chant of hungry and hopeful pickaninnies. the Board of Trustees, following 1\ the darkies, sitting around their VI meeting held that afternoon. +.i-.:--+o!+{<+-:.+++++*+++++++-:-+++++++++ ... :.+++-:.....+.:.{< ....:••:-+++.:-+++-1: ..... "smothers" before their shanty doors. Long paved roads stretch out like Born in Newark, N. J., in 1898, Dr. Never does one hear any words, only Holloway is the son of Mr. and Mrs. a wordless singing which can express white fingers into the Eastern Sho' Frank D. Holloway of tbat city. He love, hate, desire, misery-every emo- Peninsula. Over these roads come gi- was a student of western Maryland tion on earth. Now mournfully beau- gantic trucks bringing to the Tide- from 1915 to 1918 where he distin- water country products of the outside tiful, now monotonously ugly, the world; over these roads go the same guished hfmself as a debater. Follow- singing seems never to end. Far into gigantic trucks, transporting to the ing his graduation, he attended the the night it continues, as much a part great cities the Eastern Shore's finest Westminster Theological Seminary. of the night as the owls' cry and the seafood, fruits, and vegetables. The TREAT YOURSELF whippoorwills' call or the odor of the However, he transferred to Drew "smothers". A window curtain flut- morning sun rises over roads reaching University from which he was gra- miles and miles across the flat lands, ters against the screen. Mosquitoes traversed by heavily laden trucks, duated in 1921, and where he was a sing. You awake sometime between travelling south and north. Noon, and fellow from 1921 until 1923. -TO- night and day to find the moon tarpaulin-covered trucks slip out of The degree of doctor of divinity streaming across the floor and like a country lanes into the main highway, was conferred upon him in 1932 by dream you hear the negroes songs beginning their journeys to large and Western Maryland College. Md., "A Lucky Break" rising, falling, now joyous. now sad, distant cities. Evening,' and the Dr. Holloway has filled pastorates continuous, never ceasing. steady stream of trucks flows on. in Wilmington, Del., Baltimore, V Night, and the mists from the Atlan- and Cherrydale, Va. While a student On a wide expanse of green church tic creep in over the country side. at the Seminary, he also had a stu- lawn, tables are laid with white linen Still the steady flow of traffic eorrtin- dent charge at Texas, Md. covers and gay china. Each table has uas along the highway. Southern THANKSGIVING NIGHT ALUMNI HALL a bowl of zinnias for a centerpiece. stars shine down upon the peninsula In 1929 he came' to the Seminary In the kitchen several black cooks are jutting out into the Atlantic. Per- to teach Biblical languages. Upon the busy at work. The women in charge haps they wonder at the beams of retirement of Dr. H. L. Elderdice in of the festival wear last summer's light which illumine the country high. 1932, Dr. Holloway was made presi- best dresses, with new embroidered or ways. Past sleeping farmhouses, dent of the institution. COLLEGE PLAYERS lace edeed aprons. They rush about through country villages, over roads Dr. Holloway will be the fourth in excited effort to get everything shadowed by~tailloblqlly pine, trjrcks ::;eS.ident of ..Western !olary)a_nd Col- I L _ done promptly and well: 'In their zeal pnss in the night. COFFMAN'S Santa Claus TIMES BUILDING WESTMINSTER, MD. PHONE; 401 For Christmas * * Magazine * Books Subscriptions LATEST FICTION .75 A Gift that Lasts all Year CHILDREN'S BOOKS .50 We take subscriptions for Magazines of all Publishers BEAUtIFUL LINE OF $1.00 BOOKS * Bibles * Fountain Pens GIFT BIBLES SHAEFFER PARKER Unsurpassed in Value WATERMAN Everything from clever little trinkets to precious TEST AMENTS and GIFT BOOKS PENCILS TO MATCH gems ... at prices that "Willmake your Christmas dollars * Christmas Cards * Stationery go far. They're our careful choice from .nationally Outstanding Line of Counter Cards New Packings known makers and importers ... and you're bound to INITIALED WRITING PAPER BEAUTIFUL PERSONAL CARDS find one or more that "Will fill a space on your gift list. SPECIAL-50 Personal Cards $1.00 Place Order t= Personal Stationery EARLY Stop in today and let us take you on a little tour of * Typewriters * Gift Wrappings inspection. Ideal Gift for the whole family ............ UNDERWOOD Your Packages reflect your Personality REMINGTON Cassell' s Jewelers WE HAVE THE LATEST IN GIFT MONARCH J. WM. HULL, PROPRIETOR CORONA DRESSINGS 51 EAST MAIN STREET WESTMINSTER, MD.
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