Page 25 - TheGoldBug1935-36
P. 25
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. PAGE FIVE A CROSS SECTION OF MAN. EDITORIAL AGEMENT HOUSE AS (Continued from Page 2, Col. 1) c. U. FROSH WIN 14-7 ing quarter to score a touchdown and CHEWED BY A FROM BABY TERRORS once again to carry the ball to the an home team's line where 15 yard MOUSE about three hours a week in which time 200 girls received physical ill- intercepted pass stopped the advance. struction en masse. (Continued from Page 3, Col. 3) The score came on a pass from Muj- Scene-c-cellai -. '}'he physical trflining program was revised in 1922-23. The gym western Maryland lost a scoring Characters=-Mr. and Mrs. Horatio work '\'I]S conducted out of doors during the spring and fall and in the opportunity early in the game when wit to Thomas which originated on Mouse. gym during the winter. The program consisted of calisthenics, games, l\fujwit ran 45 yards following an ex- the 7 yard line after the Terrors had Time-early evening. and folk-d.meing. Freshmen fine! sophomores were required to take change of punts. His run placed the passed and bucked their way from "Horatio, what's all that disturb; three hours of this work and juniors were required to take two hours. ball on the C. U. 15 where the Terrors their own 5 ninety yards down the ance upstairs?" T'he seniors could elect a course in coaching. All young women were were held for downs. field. Drugash converted by place- ment. Passes from Mujwit to Lesin- "\Vhy, Horationa, them Homemak- encouraged to take part in either field hockey, basketball, or tennis. Catholic U. took a 14·0 lead before ski, Tenor end, and runs by Bender ers I's aielling you about is here. . At this time there wer-e 400 students in the college about 275 of the Tei-r-oi-s were able to sustain an played an important part in the Ter- They've moved into the two front which were girls. Of these about 190 were required to take physical offensive drive again. Vidnovic's ror drive. A pass from Mujwit to rooms up-the-second-floor the "gold education. 'I'he gym was crowded trying to take care of 400 students in kicking backed the western Maryland Lesinski gained 40 yards to place the room and the green room" they calls regular required courses and in intra-mural events. Huge classes were freshmen into their own territory Terrors in scoring position on the 7 'em. 'N such a racket and a clatter- assigned to one instructor; thus the whole purpose of physical education where C. U. twice penetrated inside yard line. I never. They're pokin' around in all was defeated. Something had to be done to relieve these conditions. the fifteen yard line to set the stage The piay of Mujwit stood out in the our storerooms-finding out where all In 1825 two instructors instead of one were employed but the classes for- their destructive lateral passes. "western Maryland backfield. the untenails and supplies is, they were still too large to get the full benefit from the instruction. When Both touchdowns came on similar says. Be gory I sc'taddles right home Science Hall was opened in 1929, the girls moved down to the Old Din. plays from approximately the twelve afore r got caught. They seemed ing Hall and used that for the regular physical education classes. How. yard line. A fake buck that endcd in A FIELD HOUSE preety good n'tured, though-all ever, the co-ed intra-mural program was rapidly developing. In the a lateral pass scored both touchdowns brisk and business-Iike-(just like us sprinf:,' and fall there was ]]0 real problem because the girls used the for the Car-ds, once at left end and when we're fulfillin' a job at the athletic field between McKinstry Hall and the Seminary. III thc winter, once at right end, Vidnovic carrying MEANS Cheese-Box Cafe)." though, the old problem of lack of space still faced us. Thc varsity the ball. He converted by Placement., "Pul down that flap Horatio. I basketball moved down to the Armory for their practices as well Western Maryland opened up a THE INTERCOLLEGIATE hear noises coming." as their games order to leave more time for the other students to use concerted passing attack in the clos- 1st voice-Where do you look for a the gym. 'l'he and girls during this time divided the use of the BOXING BOUT HERE water meter? What's it look like? gym between them. ====== 2nd voice-Here's the gas metel'- But the Old Dining TTn]] was badly ventilated, and the posts in .oee it reads 1-9-5-6-0 J think. the middle of tho floor Iyere "el'y chmgerolls; so, when Blanche 'Vnrd H. E. REESE voice-Here's the water meter. IInll \\'as built., a new gym, class rooms, store rooms, and 10ckcr rooms J. D. Katz Nowfol' the electric. for girls \\'ere included. HO\\'cver, the oasketonll court in the new gym, TAILOR 1st voice-You read them for me, like the one ill the olel gym, is not of regulation size. 'rhe room provided I'll run up and finish getting dinner. fOI' spectMol'S is not eyell as good l1S that in 1890 in Smith Hall because CLEANING QUALITY 3rd voice-D. K. we're coming_ not CYCn standing room is l)ro"ided in our new gym. PRESSING "Wellllll, what do you think of that Iltl::;t ye,ll' nlld this year Westel"ll 1Ifaryland has been invited by REPAIRING SHOE REPAIRING now. They'll be searching fOl' us I\[arylall(l and Marjoric Webster to hockey, basketball and swimmillg 94 East Main Street SPECIAL RATES TO pretty soon Horatio at that rate. Let's playclilYs but we 1111\'ebcen unablc to return the ilwitatiou because of the pack our things over to the winter lack of facilities. SUITS MADE TO STUDENTS c;uarters." Gil'ls, ill 16 years we haye come from a physical edueation pro- MEASURE "Yep, we'd bettel" be hikin'! But I gram of cnlisthenics to 11 hip-hly organized and selective pr~grllln; we All Work Guaranteed sorta hate to leave just yet. They've have come from a tlll'ee perlOd a \yeek, crowded, badly ventIlated gym got the best menues tacked up there to n modernly ventilated and roomy onc, but we have one more step on that board above the sink. It'll be to a Field House. In one year \yc want a Field Honse with a gym. a p~"etty good season I reckon HOl'a- llll'ge enough to hold 11 ]111lY day in basketball and other indoor games tiona." and Il s\\'imming J)ool for B swimmillg meet. A woman built the first Phone 304 WESTERN MARYLAND "\Vell now, Horatio, guess you're gym so Jet LIS do our sharc to build a bigger and better Olle. Gloria Beauty Parlor right." E. P. IT., '36. "Sure Iyam let's stay-we can al- Coffee Shop ways tell where they are-They put We specialize in down on paper everything they're gonna do, just when they're gonna do PERMANENT WAVING it, how long its gonna take them and Finger Waving-Marcelling_ SODA then t".bY stick that paller on tll>l.t IF THEy'RE THE SANDWICHES board. I chewed one that fell on the Hair Bobbing 25c floor this morning-it said "get up-- II LUNCH dress-G:45 A. M., light water-heater I " Facials-Manicuring -7 A. M."- Va see that tells us just -Wtlut~ DINNERS when to take to our hide-outs." KIND, 82 WEST MAIN STREET "Welll now that's just fine Horatio. ]. F. MOORE, Manager We'll stay awhile and try it." then these aI'ethe 'lifts WESTMINSTER, MD. "Good Food-And How!" Next morning. 1st voice---Look! We've caught a to please them! mouse in each trap. A TRADITION WITH W. M. STUDENTS JUNIOR VARSITY BOOTERS "Dad" Smelser's LOSE TO BLUE RIDGE (Continued from Page 4, Col. 1) -FOR- tory effectively. He deserves particu·. SANDWICHES ICE CREAM lar note in that this is his first year of soccer and the game Friday was COLD DRINKS the first he has ever played. A ~ew .Dd .llunng 1.00""n_ Coach Grimm deserves credit for h.i,o.-".men •• Open Every Night Until 11:30 liulco
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