Page 24 - TheGoldBug1935-36
P. 24
rALJi:i FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. BOOTERS SEEK STATE TITLE Western Maryland Cagers Practice Western Maryland Soccer Eleven For Twenty- Two Game Schedule I Suffers First Defeat But Ties Army Ferguson Faces Task of Rebuilding j W. M. CO-EDS ATTEND PLAY DAY Varsity Basketball Team AT U. OF 1\1. Basing its hopes of a State Uhampionship 011 its defeat of Towson State Normal and the form which it has shown in games against Gettys- burg, Franklin and Marshall, 'West Chester, and Army, thc 'Western FOUR LETTER - MEN BACK On Saturday, November 9 the hon- Maryland soccer team visions itself grabbing off the title for th is season. orary varsity hockey team dressed in \\lith three games rcmaining on the 1935 schedule the 'I'et-rors hope to western Maryland's Tenor cagers blue gym suits and cari-y- are beginning practice for what blue hockey sticks entrained (or defeat Johns Hopkins in the tilt at the Stadium and before the Maryland 7, as well as Maryland Salisbury, and thus football game December promises to be a long hard schedule on a blue bus from the claim the championship of the state colleges. It bases its hopes upon the this season. Beginning December- G, Blue Ridge Lines for the University fact that it has conquered Gettysburg which in tum beat the Navy, and before the last grid contest with of Maryland play day along with Mar- upon its victory over Towson Teachers who ha\"c suffered only one defeat Maryland, the basketball team will jorie Webster and the American Uni- this season and that at the feet of Western Mm-ylanrl face a schedule of twenty-two games, versity. closing the season against Bucknell When the coeds arrived at the March 6 at Lewisburg. girls' field house, they were greeted WEST CHESTER TRIPS I ARMY CADETS TIE W. M. Having lost three of last year's by U. of M. students and given a TERROR SOCCER TEAM IN EXTRA PERIOD GAME starting line-up by graduation, Fer- small namc card bearing W. Md. col- guson faces the task of rebuilding the ors. Since Marjorie Webster and the Conrad's boot that bounded over the The Green Terror soccer team play- team around Fowble and Benjamin of American University were late, Md. head of Western Maryland's goalie, ed the Army team at west Point, last year's varsity and Lathrop, Dra- and W. Md. began the round-robin Gompf, preserved the undefeated rec- N. Y., Wednesday, November 13, in per, .McPherson, Adriance, Rine- tournament. Toilinger and Price each ord of the West Chester State Teach- a hard fought game that resulted in heimer-, Reith, Fred Coe, and Millard scored a goal in the first half to give ers' College Soccer team when the a 2-2 tie, even after two extra periods of whom only Lathrop and Draper, W. Md. a lead of 2-0. In the second Teachers took a close game from the had been played. are letter-men. An influx of n-esh- Terrors on Hoffa Field, Saturday, 'The game began at four o'clock on put the ball in the net for l\Iaryland's I men may help out in the league seas- period Shanberger, Md. left inside, CL';:::;'-ORiJ . J..RTf(ROP November 9, by a 4-3 score, Western a mushy, soupy field. Both teams had its first defeat of suffering slipped through the \Y. Md. defense to Maryland son, but with ten of the games sche- the 1935 season. considerable trouble in getting start- duled against non-league rivals who only score. The line-up was as fol- Western Maryland lost the lead to ed. The Maryland team, still groggy, bar freshmen from varsity competi- Md. SOCCER TEAM ADVANCES injured, and sore from a terrific bus tion, Ferguson will have his hanJs ~~:~~land Western West Chester in the first period when full to whip a team into shape that Weller R.W. Morris,J.M. TOWARD STATE TITLE :;~e;e::e~:llsc:~sd ~;fle:t!~-eao~g~:~ smash with a street the car in Philadel; to enrouta phia 'Point', were can stand the strain of a long, hard handicapped throughout the entire season. Harlan R.I. 'I'ollenger __ I' toe of St.rasbaugh by Carney's face, first half of the game with their Loading' more trouble on the new t~1v usually fast passing attack being Terror basketball' coach, Western ~~;~:l~:·ger P~~~ Defeats T~:~r~gne !:;~ers 3-1 At :'~;h:sal~ol~~u:~~~.!. ~~:e;:rr~~: t~:~ Maryland scheduled a post-season Spehnkouch R'H' P~~~:l~S~~ -- the score when Al Moore drove the broken through consistently. How- break to football game with the University of ever, \ValJace managed and score one for Maryland through Maryland which ~vill prevent several ~~~d:;,t'n~.~.H,ni'i:~;:;~d::2~ln~~~:;~::~~£,l~:,£:~~E£Yi:E:~~:~:'i:~:~:':~i:~;~:but the Army came goal unassisted, of the basketball team from playing back immediately to tie the score at in the opening encounter with Villa- ~:.a~~l~~ ~:~: Perry day, November 19, when it journeyed take the lead in the middle of the nova December 6, and the second en- Sugar G. Carrara to College Park to beat the University second period when Belt scored on a one all before the first quarter ended. counter with 'Vest Chester December During the next two games our of Maryland team, 3-1. The game kick from the inside through the up- In the second period the ball see- 7. Four games have been scheduled girls sat shivering on the side lines as :~:t~~.~~~p~l~~:em::~I:e~~ \~:t ~~:e~;~~:t~heG~;I~n e~~~d~h~o~~i~~t1:: t b:~~ sawed up and down the field until fin- before Christmas vacation, and one Marjorie Webster and Maryland swept Terrors and prevented them running through Gompf on a close shot. ally it smashed against the hand of after the holidays before the State Church, giving Army a free penalty League season gets under way. up the score. 'Western Maryland failed to score kick which they made good. As 'Re- The loss of Kaplan, Shepherd, and Midway of the first quarter Fowble on a penalty kick which would have treat' was sounded for the army post, Mergo from last year's team leaves a broke through the Diamondback's tied the count following another goal the home team kicked the ball out- wide gap in the Terror t-anks. Mergo powerful defense to drive the initial by Gwinn early in the second half, side and everyone stood at attention Before the while the flag was furled. was one of the high scorers of the goal of the afternoon. The Uriiver- but Wallace evened the score for the half ended, Fowble and Martin were title chase last year, and Kaplan and injured and had to be taken out of Shepherd performed well for the 'I'er- ~~~ ~~~~~~; ~;~e t~if~t ubpact~e~!~r: Te~~~~~st~:f:::r:h;_3q~::~i:g ~~~e~\:an_ the game. Worthington Belt scored the second ing minutes of play, Conard booted The 1!l35-36 schedule follows: goal for western Maryland late in the the winning goal on a bounce shot Darkness and fog necessitated the December first quarter. The second quarter over Compf's head. "AI" Moore, 'I'er- playing of the second half under flood forced white was a showed no scores on either side, but lights and with the 1"01' wingman, from ball. The 6 Villanova, away. powerful Green Terror team really and tumble 7 west Chester, away. was featured by rough corner-kicks game just before this play with a leg came to life in this period and, but with playing, numerous 11 Georgetown, away. awarded to both teams. cr-amp. Fowble's last minute shot for for a miraculous Army defense that 17 Philadelphia School of Osteo-, Henry Reckord kept the ball rolling the goal was beautifully stopped by withstood countless assults, a large pathy, home. in the second half by scoring the third Singer as he crashed into the upright score would have resulted. The ball January and final goal for \V estern Maryland. to make the save. was kept in front of Army's goal al- JO St. Joseph's, home. The last quarter went scoreless while "Peck" Martin played a splendid most the entire remainder of the 11 Washington College, away. Coach Grimm expel'imented with sub- game on the defensive for Western game. 14 University of Baltimore, home. stitute players, trying different com- Maryland with Captain Strasbaugh Belt stan'ed for Maryland on the 15 Catholic University, away. binations in anticipation of the harder sharing the brunt of the Teachers' 22 Navy, away. game next Saturday in the Baltimore attack. The Terror line functioned offense, as did Elseroad on defensive play. It was the former who initiated 24 Johns Hopkins, away. :i~~~ium with Johns Hopkins Univer- well, driving the ball close to the West 28 St. John's, home. "BUNNY" TOLLENGER drive after drive in the last quarter, 30 Loyola, away. The line-ups: Chester goal time and again, but the one of which finally netted a goal, February down the field to win from American Western Md. University of Md. defensive ability of Singer, Topping, knotting the score at two al!. and Rockwell broke up many of the 4 Mount St. Mary's, home. U. 3-0 and 6-1 respectively. Marjorie Moore O.R. Remington Terror threats. In an effort to determine the victor, I.R. Beacham Reckord 8 University of Baltimore, away. Webster defeated W. Md. 2-1 in the two five-minute extra periods were 11 Loyola, home. final game of the day. The line-ups Belt C.F. Henderson The lineups: played by the rain-soaked, mud-plast- were: 15 St. John's, away. Wallace I. L. Duval! Western Maryland In Mount St. Mary's, away. Ma)'jorie Webster R.W. Western Md. Fowble D.L. Ladson Gompf G. West Chestel' :::~. :e::1~~eb~~I~h:oVi~1~~I~~.y~va;h~; Kennedy Morris, T. 22 Johns Hopkins, home. Cover R.I. Tollenger Church R.H. Ramsberg Elseroad R.F. Rockwell neither team could succeed in getting Clark L.F. 25 Washington College, home. Bennett C. Hall Martin C.H. Knoche Martin R.H. T~~Ping across a deciding goal in those last Church L.H. Barkdoll 28 Bucknell, home. Waverazak L.I. Corkran C~~~:~ few precious moments during which Schorf C.H. 30 St. Josephs, away. Shieky L.W. Crown Elseroad F.B. Stevens Strasbaugh L.H. MooreI the possession of the ball was so hotly F.B. Barkdoll l\Iesslel' March Abler R.H. Patterson Compf G.K. Moore Moore Hickman contested. 6 Bucknell, away. Kershaw C.H. Gompf Substitutions: (W. Md.) Newcome, Reckord O.R. McCall The soccer varsity has fOUl"games Boyd L H Hoshall H. Wright; (U. of Md.) Corbin, Mar- Belt I.R. Hawley remaining on the schedule this year: tin. Goals: (W. Md.) Fowble, Belt, Wallace C.F. Rees Un.iversity of Maryland (2), Johns JUNIOR VARSITY BOOTERS I ~i~;el' ~:;:' ~:~:~ Reckord; (U. of Md.) Beacham. Time Fowble I.L. Carney I Hopkins University, and Salisbu!'y LOSE TO BLUE RIDGE Goryzith G. Carrara of quarters: 15 minutes. O.L. Gwinn State Normal. Scoring: Marjorie Webster, Waver_ A wet, sloppy field, a heavy, slip- pery ball and some bad breaks tells zak, Cover; Western Maryland, Tol- the story of the J. V. SOCCel'game at Substitutions: Western Mary- New Windsor Friday, November 15, Price for Hall; Lansdale for when the Junior varsity lost to Blue Crown; Harrison for Hoshal!. Ridge 3-0. What should have been a After the games the co-eds were in- tie game was a loss for the J. V's be- vited to a barbecue luncheon which cause of thl'ee defensive slips which was enjoyed by all (just ask "Pat"). the Blue Ridge team turned into lucky Then all of the players and chaperons scores. The J. V. line had enough were guests of Maryland at the Md.- scoring chances to win, but missed be- 'Vashington, and Lee football game. eause of the. weather and the field. On the return home plans were dis- There was'plenty of spirit and fight cussed for the great possibilities of a in the line and ruggedness in the de- big play day when the Field House is fense. The/whole forward line de- built. serves note'because of its unity of at- ~-========== tack, but Timmons was the stand-out player. Spang at left half and A FIELD HOUSE Brooks in the goal took defensive hon- ors. MEANS Nelson, right half, was the most consistent man in the game, stopping the Blue Ridge offense in his terri- CO-ED PLAY DAY Western Maryland's 1934 soccer team fr.01)) which Jnost of the personnel of the 1935 team which (Continued on Page 5, Col. 1) HERE to date has suffered but one defeat and two tie games is pictul-ed above. Fifteen men from last year Ol-reon the squad this year with "Pete" Grimm, last year's goalie, as coach.
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