Page 23 - TheGoldBug1935-36
P. 23
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. PAGE THREE TERRORS WIN ONE; LOSE ONE NORTH DAKOTA BRINGS W. M. Grid Team Defeats Boston; FAN FODDER FAST UNDEFEATED TEAM Catholic U. Wins Washington Tilt By "HERB" STEVENS Six Wins And Two Ties Record Strong Cardinal Team Takes 20-61 Eagles Defeated 12_6 As Terrors Of Sioux Victory Upset Dope The University of North Dakota, Catholic University's Cardinals Conceded little or no chance of vic- Maryland Game highly touted champions of the North Say! Have you heard? Central Conference for the past two pushed back the Western Maryland tory, a courageous, fighting Terror Western Mar-yland is going to have a new gymnasium and field 'I'errora for a 20-6 win in the fourth team emerged 12-6 victors over Bos- house. seasons come '\Vay Down East' Sat- meeting of the grid teams from the ton College, November 9 at Boston. urday to play Western Maryland's In conjunction with the field house plan Western Maryland is going Terror gridders at the Baltimore two schools last Saturday, talleying Forecasts of this fray highly. favored to playa football game with the University of Maryland. -Where' At Stadium. The Sioux proudly exhibit in each of the first three quarters and the Maroon and Gold who previously 7 at 2 :00 P. III. the Baltimore Stadium. When ~ Saturday, football game. These two old an undefeated record for this season, holding the Terrors' passing attack had upset the strong Michigan State December eleven, but the Green and Gold out- within safe limits during the remain- it is going to be a colorful Incidently ~~~~I~n~I;~R~e~\~~r:ha~~t!!I~\.~~rdb~~;:e~~~;:~l ~~o:ie~;l~~i~;,: ,~~~:s Sl~1;!~~ having won six games and tied two der of the game. charged the Eagles to score touch- from a schedule of eight games al- downs in the second and third quar- ready played this season. A short kick by Western Maryland tel's before the Boston team was able versify played under the name of the Maryland Agri- placed the ball in position for an of- Guiding the course of this unde- fensive thrust early in the first per- to push over a touchdown in the clos- is an all-conference ~1~:~;~~eC~P~~~nd~:ll~)S~/~~~fy~~~~l~~:~~tt~l:i~l~i~~~:i!~ feated eleven named Jack Charbonneau iod, and after one failure to break ing chapter. Neither team kicked an quarterback is Iurfcit ing its share of the spoils of the game in an (a good old French name) who is through the stubborn Terror defense, extra point. With "Jim" Brennan calling the sig- effort -to make a dream come true-the dream of a praised by his alma mater as the the Cardinal sent a series of line nals, the Terrors, though outruehed Greater Western Maryland College, consequently a greatest passer ever to play for the plays into the Terror forward wall to and outpassed, took advantage of greater 'system of education in the State as a whole. Indians. push Adamai tia across with the fir~t their scoring opportunities, producing And about the teams that will be facing each score. Mulligan kicked the extra other that day in December. Western Maryland will point by placement. The Cards add- necessary yardage when it meant the display fin array of sophomore talent which has de- ed another touchdown and kick to most. Early in the second period with HERBERTSTEVENSfeeted the highly touted Eagles of Boston College, their total in the second quarter when the ball in midfield, "Stan" Benjamin, his on playing soil, native broke conquerors of Michigan State which once had the Carroll broke through the Terror line through to block "Tom" Brennan's hopes of a national championship claim for the 1935 season. The Ter- at left end and ran 62 yards through punt Benjamin recovered the ball rapins will bring into the fray 11 number of experienced seniors in Min- the Terror secondary behind perfect for the Havens men on the 47-yard ion, Ennis, Sachs. Two stellar bucks, standouts in the southern confer- interference for a touchdown. Mulli- line in Boston territory. "Bull" Dra- ence, Guekeyson and Stonebraker, will run behind the Terp line opposed gan again added the extra point. to such Terror ball ean-icrs as Campbell, Lathrop, Sadowski, Brennan, Western Maryland late in the same per ploughed through for a first down But at the 3D-yard on the B. C. 37. and Draper. period following an offensive thrust line the Eagles braced, taking the ball Whatever may happen in the game II record will be broken, for this featuring line plays and passes which on their own 27 on downs. A pass is the first game on record in which one of the teams has refused any carried the ball to the Cardinals 7 from the hand of DiNatale, Eagle reml]ncration for its part in the show, and it is the first time that any where two incompleted passes gave back, miscued and Campbell gathered team of players has promised to pay to play. 'I'hat is what. the Terrors the Redbirds the ball on downs. Ben- it in for the Terrors, advancing to the are doing to make this game a success and this dream a reality. jamin broke through the blockers to 35-yard line before he was tackled. \Ve wandel: if you, a student body, will match their efforts. block the Catholic U. punt and re- "Jim" Brennan bucked the line. cover the ball himself for a touch- Lathrop flipped a pass to Campbell About Catholic U. down. Brennan's attempted kick from for a first down. Lathrop took the A flashy hard hitting line-a number of quick, sure-footed, rugged placement was partially blocked. ball behind Brennan and Draper to super backs-c-preaiaion and power-c-origiunlity and color-a fine band- a loyal rooting section (though the rain sent it to the cover of the grand- Catholic's well-groomed machine the 8-yard line before he was downed. standsj=-three touchdowns and a couple of extra points. , rolled to a third touchdown early in Brennan sent Draper into the line for the third quarter the touchdown on fourth down. Bren- when Carroll broke \Vcstern Ma rylund-c-good defensive play-a powerful passing at- through for a 22 yard gain to the nan failed to convert. tack-one blocked bck-a toucbdown-..a well groomed band- a flashy. I Terror 24. Seven line plays led to a Western Maryland stopped the Bos- drum major-a crnay play that worked- score with Adamaitis again making ton College eleven on the 25-yard lin!;! Scalp the Sioux the touchdown. Mulligan failed to early in the third period, and when North Dakota comes here undefeated. Here's the chance for the convert. "Tom" Brennan's punt grazed his 'l'errors really to upset the dope bucket. Man the scalping knives; polish The final qUa"rter was spectacular shoe and went a mere eight yards, Mc- up the Wal'-WllOopB-the Injuns are coming- because of the use of numerous later- Pherson covered the ball for Western But Indians arc superstitious, and \\'c have a hunch that Terrors Here is ~~:R~I:da~A~~.~~esmanwho al and forward passes on the part of :~~~y~r:~nd ~:; t~:e T~~:~:s,f~~~d S:~ will scare them and perhaps depriYe them of their scalp-locks. individually accounted for North ~,~~hptl:~m~~:~~~~r~v~~·:~a~:n~~:: clowski's pass to Benjamin was com- Hoyas Ahoy ~~~~a':a:~'i~;~~ ~~::~i~:o~~~e:~~~~ the ball. The final pass from Draper ~~~eteo: t~h~:'OS~:~;~-:;~~ ~~~:~~:~~ Georgetown took Manhattan into camp last Saturday which for- bodes ill for the Terrors. "Chicl;" l\leeholl's clubs are never anybody's cessive punts which led to the only ~~i~t:nj~~:~~ ~:~nru~~e~O:pl~:r~~~a~ lowing a run by Lathrop, two by Bren- set· ups. Georgetown is riding a \\'inning crest this season, and despit.e SC~;i~!r t~:sg;l::ked eleven punts al- halfback hit the Terror's arm as he ~i:~' ~:d b:~lot:OerabXr~V~:~r~~ c::~ \Vestern I\Illrylall(]'s continued impl'o,'emcnt, the Terrors will ha"e to show a great deal of form to beot the FIoyas. ready this' season. The Terrors had attempted to receive the pass. Home- 2-yard line. Brennan lashed the line Cardinal at left tackle for a touchdown. In honor Bren:" watch out for the Sioux left better of the By compar/lfi,·e scorcs the game should'be close. tackle. coming, Catholic University provided nan failed again to convert the point Courting a humorous pantomine between When the snow begins to fall some of llS begin to think of the Among the teams that the Sioux halves, sketching the progress of the byB~~~~:mber::edduring the last quar- bOllneing ball and the s\\'ishiug basket, and basketball season is almost have played this year is listed South I home team during the current foot- tel', but its stand came too late to upon us. Decembcr is crceping up fast. A look at the Terror court Dakota, conquerors of Wisconsin by : ball season, and forecasting the down- over come the Teri·or lead. Realizing sehedule sho\\'s us that the basketcers begin their season December 6 and a 13-6 score. It is notable that the' fall of the remaining teams on the defeat, yet stubborn, the Eagles 7 with It trip to Pennsylvania \\·hcre they will meet Villanova and \Vest Dakota teams tied each other in knots schedule. The bands of both schools marched to the Terror 20-yard line Chester before the football season is really spent. Wh;~o!h:~e ~::r:~~'~i:~ei~i!~eit::::~ ! i:;~~~e~hem;:!~~~i::~ertainment fol- ;;;~e!h;:egf::tu~o~::, b~~; ;:e: :~~: that the game Saturday will be in-I The lineups: stubborn Terror defense. Lathrop's teresting. Western Maryland is on Western Maryland Catholic U. punt was short and Boston took the the up-grade following its defeat of I Lassahn L.E. McGann ball in Terror territory. Passes from Boston College and its improved play Forthman L.T. Karpowich "Tom" Brennan to Furbush and from against Catholic University in Wash- i McPherson L.G. Anthonavage DiNatale to Huxley threatened the W. ington last Saturday. The Terror Adriance C. Yanchulis -:t...!. goal, DiNatale scoring through the running attack has at Jast come to Ortenzi R.G. Lajousky line for Boston from the 2-yard line. the place where it is threatening Campofreda R.'f. Clements The point after touchdown was ruled enough to make the passing attack Benjamin R.E. Mulligan wide. p;t~nt, for West2rn Maryland was Brennan Q. Foley B. C. rac~d the kick-off back to its I!:)!e to gain fairly consistently on L~thrOJl L.H. Munhall I own 45-yard stripe. Interference the g"otllld against the Cardinals, SlJdows·~! n.IL -Walker with a pass receiver adv~nced the ball ~:::~v~;:;~:.t::a~i:~~~: ;1e:;;dal'Y to Draper F. Orth ~~et;n ~~r:;~.4~f. b3~~y~~~~~~~:~:~ I North Dakota, it is reported has tern Maryland recovering. "Cliff" been hampered by two feet of snow Lathrop booted out of danger--a mag- in their practice sessions of the past uificent kick carrying to the Eagle two wceks. It seems that the condi- 5-yal'd line. Bucks gained for Boston, Hons may be a help in the coming B t but a penalty carried the Imll back to game with the Terrors, for cold the B. C. I-yard line. weather is setting in and there is . OOS Passes during the closing minutes every likelihood that snow will cover Gf play failed to improve the score for the playing field this week-end. either side though the Terrors threat- ened the Eagle goal line during the C. U. FROSH WIN 14-7 The remainder of the game. FROM BABY TERRORS Statistics of the Game W.M. B.C. Preparing the stage for the de- First downs 6 9 cisive victory of their varsity over Net yards gained rushing ..74 84 Western Maryland's varsity, Catholic Forwa"d passes 8 16 Terror Maryland University's freshman football team Forwards completed 2 5 scored a victory over the Yards gained, forwards 33 67 freshman eleven at Catholic Univer- Own forwards intercepted 1 2 sity Stadium last Saturday morning "'Distance of punts, average ..38 36 nals made both of their touchdowns I Fumbles 1 1 5 2 by a score of 14-7. The young Cardi- Own fumbles recovered.. on wide lateral passes inside the Ter- Game Penalties 2 3 ror fifteen yard line with Vidnovic Yards lost, penalties ..__ _ 10 25 Besides his pass-snagging ability, this Terror end has picked up a new wrinkle. He blocked a Cardinal punt last Saturday and fell on it for the carrying the ball both times. only Terrol' score of the day. Nice going, "Stan". (Continued on Page 5, Col. 3) ~'From line of scrimmage.
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