Page 22 - TheGoldBug1935-36
P. 22
PAGE TWO The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. \lG PaSSing in Review BY THE WAY By ROBERTBROOKS,'36 of events in this 'I'he train giddy world Maryland of Tidewater and crime are crowded from Politics of ours move swiftly today. Idylls by Virginia Brittingham, '38 (II) hurtin' is that corn whiskey he's the front page by news of internatton, drinkin' off government money." Official student newspaper of Western Maryland College, published on Thurs- al import. The village store is a drab wooden The dispute waxes hot and eloquent. day, twice monthly during October, November, February, March, April, May, On Monday morning, the program structure with a sign, POSTOFFICE, Some of the disputants leave, and new and once a month during September, December, and January, by the students of sanctions voted by members of the above its door. Out in front, as early ones arrive to trade a few dozens of of Western Maryland College, 'Vestminster, Maryland. Entered as second- as six o'clock in the morning and as ('ggs, or a couple of pounds of butter, class matter at the Westminster Post Office. League went into effect. It was an late as ten o'clock at night are to be important day in history. It is the for salt, sugar, or meal. Each adds SUBSCRIPTIONPRICE$1.00 A YEAR found vehicles of various sorts-two his bit to the debate. first attempt of collectively trying to wheeled gigs, bicycles, horsecarts, shorten the duration of a war, and wagons, and shabby automobiles. In- Thus argument continues until ten the first attempt of punishment of the side the store are shelves filled with o'clock, when the rotund storekeeper, agreasor in international dispute. dusty boots, overalls, pots and pans, taking his money from the cash regis- Upon the results of these sanctions ter, and wrapping it in a paper sack, EDITORIAL STAFF rests much. An effective threat to and farming implements. A big hides it behind a stack of canned Editor-in-Chie/. ... ......... .....ROSALIEG. SILBERSTEIN,'36 agresscr nations if they succeed, what black stove sits in the middle of the goods on the shelf, and locks up for Associate Editors . IDA~fAET. RILEY,'36, ROBERTBROOKS,'36 floor, both summer and winter, sur- the night. News Editors ..... GUY GRIFFIN, '36, SARABELLEBLACKWELL,'37 will be the result if they fail. rounded by convenient boxes and Copy Editors .. ...JANET MACVEAN,'38, RALPHLAMBERT,'37, Fifty-two nations, including all the benches. At mail time there is pres- III JAMES COLEMAN,'38 great powers, except Germany and A noonday sun shines down upon Proof Editors . .......EVELYNCROWN,'37, BEVERLYHARRISON,'37 the United States, have ordained the ent a representative of every family the wharf. The pungent odor of creo- Sports Editors . HERBERTSTEVENS,'36, ELIZABETHHAGEN,'36 sanctions, forbidding exports to Italy. in the Village. When the mail has sote rises from the newly treated pil- E:J;changc Editor MIRIAM'VHITFIELD, '36 Forty-seven of these have agreed to been assorted and the newspapers ing. Protected from the intense rays MAKE-UP STAFF mutual aid, to assist those nations hit have been handed out, each individual of the sun by a ragged straw hat, an Managing Editors ... ........ GEORGENEEDHAM,'37, SHERWOODBALDERSON,'38 hardest by the decline of exports. retires behind his paper for brief pe- old man sits mending his fishing nets. They seem to mean business, and Mus- rusal. Soon one of the readers shifts Unpainted shacks dot the shore. In- BUSINESS STAFF solini realizes this. his paper to one side and his quid of side these shacks men stand before Business ilfanager EnwARD BEAUCHAMP,'36 tobacco to a more comfortable posi- shelves which hold wooden packing Assistant Advertising Managers ROBERTKIEFER,'37, ARCHIEALLGlRE,'38 He orders flags to be flown to signi- tion, and begins: Cir(Julation Managers.................. THOMASEVELAND,'36, ROSALIEGILBERT,'36 fy Italy's "implacable resistance". "wal, I see that the Pres-a-dent is cases lined with moist grass. Hands, Assistant Circulation Ma'YIagers.. . JOHN CULLER,'37, NORVINGOMPF,'38 He orders the curtailment of all pur- takin' another vacation. Man, I wish rough and calloused, seize the squirm- ARLINEHUDSON,'37, HILDABIDDLE,'38 chases except vital necessities. He ing crabs and slip them deftly into down in Wash- up, hats rolled boxes. Shirtsleeves REPORTERS promises trade favors, even after the I was runnin' things be so much of this on the backs of their heads, shoulders Wouldn't ington. Reporters contributing to this issue: war, to those countries which will not cussed foolishness goin' on." bent, the men work swiftly and ex- refuse Italy its necessities. General . Another newspaper is hitched aside Jean s~r;r p:rc~, ~~~'i¥:~;n llfo~~h~!~, ~~~e;l:an~:;r~~~~ie;,7 :3~,u~I~~~~'T';;~ Putin Badozlio, his greatest soldier, is and another face appears. "Yeah, if pertly, stopping only at infrequent in- tervals to step to the door for a whiff lor, '3S, Anne Chew, '38. sent to Ethiopia, to relieve General you was runnin' things, we'd all be of salt air, or to light a pipe. Looking DeBono. Mussolini'a dictatorship and Paul R. Ritchie, '37, Walter Lee Taylor, '37. starvln'. A man's got a right to take life depend upon the success of the a few days off." out, they can observe, far off in the war, and he means to let neither Ethi- 'distance, a strip of green marshland Worthy opinion; Model management; Correct news. opians nor a world-wide boycott cause "Sposa I took a few days off at with the factories thereupon sending him to surrender these. corn-plantin' time. Where'd I be 1" out billows of smoke. Near at hand critic. asks the self-confident From China comes word that we A third person lays aside his paper they can see the water flowing by and heard not long ago, Japan again to join the argument. the crabbers drawing up their nets threatens China to silence as she pre- "I'd see that these darkies around and dumping- their crabs into boats. pares to add another Manchoukuo, here didn't get a darn'd cent. Can't The work inside continues until the Evolution of a With the wide open spaces as their first gym- formed from the five recently-revolted get a one of them to do a lick of last crab has been packed between Dream naisum and their own shapely limbs as their first North China provinces. Perhaps Chi- work. Here I asked one of the niggers layers of damp grass. The boxes are gymnastic equipment the young ladies of thc. early na will not comply this time. Perhaps, to help me set out plants this morn- then loaded upon trucks which leave ,'70's hiked across campus in the fall, trudged across campus III the sanctions, successful against Italy immediately for city markets. winter, and tripped daintily across campus in the spring for their only will check her egression for good and ing, and he couldn't, 'cause his limbs The evening sun touches the water they're and the reason was hurtin', form of physical exercise. This program was followed until about 1880 all. (Continued on Page 6, Col. 1) when a croquet set was provided for those young women who 'were in- From Egypt comes word of increas- elined to "strenuous physical activity". All activity was given on "the ing disorder. Nationalism is rampant extensive campus of the college in an air exceptionally pure and there, too. England's use of that COLLEGE bracing". country as a base for operations has RHYTHM caused the students to leave their This was very fine in the fan and spring, but the young ladies' physical development was sadly neglected during the four months of books for the _gl.use of liberty. Mac- While back in England, Premier the year when the air was a little too bracing for the delicate women Donald is on his way out after a bad We notice that the students are special concession which their less ed- of the day. Something had to be done to remedy the situation; so every defeat in the elections. shining their belts and buckles, also ucated sisters may not enjoy: they woman was required in 1888 "to exercise daily under the instruction Here in America, the long awaited their shoes at the expense of the mili- may wear their college colors brightly of a regular teacher with dumb bells, wands, clubs, and other light ap- tary department. What price lustre? enameled on their left thumb nails. paratus. These exercises are all performed to piano music which stim- trade agreement with Canada is final- ly completed. There are two, and just two, rea- The Republicans begin ulates to more 'vigorous effort and renders the drill in every way more to come out into the open after their Twice Told Tales_ sons why freshmen flunk out of col- attractive and beneficial. This training gives to the body grace, beauty, three-year submergence by the New Our hero girds his loins, buttons and health." These exercises were held in one of the classrooms of Old Deal hysteria. Ex-President Hoover his vest, and gathers up his sword. lege--says Dr. L. L. Click of the Uni- versity of Texas. Main. Ah, he has forgotten something-c- even goes so far as to propose a defi- where is his trusty steed? He can- 1. Either freshmen get too scared • After the inauguration of calisthenics as a required course for all nite program. He aims to abolish the not find his faithful horse so finally of their studies. female students, an exhibition was given in Smith Hall during Com- wastes of bureaucracy and balance the he pawns his sword and buys another 2. Or they don't get scared enough mencement week by the students. In 1890 a clipping from a contem- budget, forgetting to mention his own steed. But here, my dears, the story and go to sleep. porary paper states that this program drew the largest crowd of the system of bureaucracy was fairly ends for a big bad giant came along whole week and" standing room could not be had in-Smith Hall at the thorough and he left a five-billion dol- and how could Robert fight without a Along with every other profession, opening performance. Western Maryland has a reputation in cales- lar deficit. Senator Borah declares eword ? the profession of being a college stu- thenics, and it was well upheld by the young ladies who went through that he is' not too old to campaign for dent is over crowded, says no less an them in spite of the limited space." the presidency after all, and Knox, the Breezing Along- authority than the New York Times, Present at the exhibition was Anna R-. Yingling, a graduate of the Chicago publisher, presents his pro- We nominate for the Hall of Fame after a survey of 67 colleges and uni- versities. Class of '71, who, realizing the need for more space if 'Western Mary- gram. A merry set-to among the Re- those seniors who have popularized The surveyor makes the assertion land was to uphold its reputation in calisthenics, donated the funds for publicans seems to be on the winter crooning, unusual expressions, and that only 30 per cent of young college program. the building of a gymnasium. The building was ready for use in 1899. smart styles of dress. men and women are capable of think- 'Western Maryland again was first among state colleges in building a But the political circus is overshad- Yes, V. T., Sears, Roebuck lists dia- ing for themselves, which means that gymnasium and employing an athletic instructor for women and men. owed by the one that Ii Duca is put- the other 70 per cent are just being At that time there were 231 students here who used the gym daily for ting on, not to the amusement, but to mond rings as cheap as $S. If you "carried along". calisthenics. the fear of the onlookers. The Japan- can't raise $8, we'll loan it to you. ese aggression, political upheaval in Bright light from the columnist in As the athletic program increased, the original gym was found to be England and riots of Egyptian stu- What are things coming to when the paper at the University of Illi- too small, so a new gym, the one still in use, was erected in 1904. In dents go on practically unnoticed in certain individuals must C\ecome nois: "Sing Sing ought to get a game this year women's basketball teams were orgallized. The women were the wings, while Mussoljni, crying de- stooges to pass a certain course?? with army to prove that the pen is required to wear a loose blouse and navy blue flannel bloomers which fiance to all, holds the center of the mightier than the sword". should be made at home from a pattern found in all fashion magazines. stage. One-Act Play An enterprising professor at North- In 1907 a new era in athletics was ushered in at Western Maryland. THANKSGIVING DAY Scene I is a barren hallway. western University put a list of ques- A new athletic field was built in this year, anri a few more tennis courts (Our hero, Herbie, is locked out of tions with suggested answers before were added for the young ladies' use. The _new era in women's athletics, PROGRAM his room. There is no chance to get a a large group of high school and de- however, did not really begin until 1920. In the fall of 1920 outdoor key.) linquent boys. To the question, athletics instruction in tennis, basketball and other open air exercises 7:45-Breakfast. Voices offstage, "Kick it in! Kick it "Which is the most serious offense 1" were provided for women. The lack of space hindered the development 10:00-Thanksgiving Service- Union in!" most of the boys answered, "Stealing Church. of indoor basketball for women from 1904 on; for, as the enrollment 12:45-Dinner. Herbie, "No, no, a thousand times your mother's wrist watch to pawn increased the male students needed more time in the gym for the develop- 5 :30-Supper. no." it". ment of their athletics; therefore the women's turn was cut down to 8:00-Senior Play- Scene II-same barren hallway. thru the For the workingest college student Herbie is seen disappearing (Continued on Page 5, Col. 2) in the world we nominate a certain "A Lucky Break" transom. He has made a gallant at- Alumni Hall. tack with the aid of advice from off- junior at Miami University. This man stage. is carrying 20 study hours a week and All persons wishing to subscribe to the GOLD BUG, or present sub- $3,000 GIVEN COLLEGE Scene nI- auditing one course. To support him- self he works 50 hours a month on the Herbie has disappeared. scribers whose SUbscriptions are expiring with this issue and who wish Through the generosity of a friend turning the hammer with He is re- NYA, is an assistant in the physics which he to renew them please send this COupon with one dollar ($1) to Thomas of the college who wishes his name nailed the transom up again. (He department, grades papers for the withheld, the sum of $3,000 was re- doesn't have his keys.) Some villain mathematics department and works C. 'Eveland, the GOLD BUG, Western Maryland College, Westminster, cently added to the endowment fund has closed the door. Herbie kicks it from seven to midnight every day in :Md., BEFORE NOVEMBER 30. of Western Maryland College. in. the office of a taxi company. This gift is the second one to be After an egg-laying contest in the I have enclosed .. .. dollar (s) for subscription to the received on the annuity plan inaugu- The old cow won't give milk much city the paper at Michigan State car- rated in November, 1931. longer. We advise the skunk to watch ried the following headline: GOLDBUG for the scholastic year (s) 1935.193. out.· We hope the new milk is betterI EGGSELLENT EGGSPOSITION MEET YOUR FRIENDS than the old. EGGSEEDS EGGSPECTATIONS Name AT Egg straordinary Hens Eggstend THE BALTIMORE STADIUM We trust you give appropriate Themselves- Address. ....... (Street and No.) . DECEMBER 7 thanks. (The editor's excuse, we presume, THE MARYLAND GAME National style barons, says a news was that the writer's brains. were (City) ..... ..•..•..... (State) item, have "granted" college girls one scrambled.)
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