Page 21 - TheGoldBug1935-36
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"A LUCKY BREAK" THANKSGIVING GOt WE WANT A EVENING ALUMNI HALL FIELD HOUSE! Vol. 13, No.5 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. November 21, 1935 Don Cossack Russian Male Chorus COLLEGE CALENDAR Notables Extend Congratulations to Sing in Alumni Hall December 9 Nov. 21- to Newly Elected W. M, President Meeting of Faculty Club in Lounge. Led By Diminutive Serge Jare£(, Former Officer of the Czar's Fred G. Holloway Is Praised By Educators, Newspaper Men, and Nov. 22- Imperial Guard 4:00--Tri-Beta meeting, Room Religious Leaders 31-S. E. Corbin. "Un- PRESENTS PIVERSIFIED PROGRAM earthing the Old World's IS CAPABLE LEADER and America's Past". "The Cossacks are earning!" ... a cry of terror in the Middle 6:30-Pep meeting, Smith Hall. Special Dispatch to The Gold Bug by Columbia Preee Service Ages to the tribes of heathen inhabitants that fringed the Russian Nov. 23- Washington, D. C., Nov. 21-(CPS)-Academic, newspaper, polit- steppes means but one thing today. . the advent of a band of singing 1:30-Soccer, Johns Hopkins at Baltimore Stadium. men who have been thrilling Europe 2:30-Football, University of ical, and religious leaders in the National Capitol joined in expressing their congratulations to Dr. Fred G. Holloway, upon his appointment under the name of the Don Cossack ' North Dakota at Balti- Russian Male Chorus. ------------- as President of more Stadium. Under the leadership of their "half- (Continued on Page 8, Col. 1) Western Mar y- pint" Cossack director, Serge Jaroff, land College. the thirty-six "Singing Horsemen of Among the the Steppes" will appear in Alumni FIELD HOUSE CAMPAIGN first to express his congratula- Hall, Monday, December 9. tions to the new- The program they present is di- GAINS MOMENTUM ly elected head of vided into three parts. The first group the institution of songs consists of church music by was another col- Gretchaninov, Tchaikovsky, and oth- Alumni District Drives Under Way ers. lege head, Chan- cellor the of Folk-songs of Russia make up the The drive is on. American Uni- second group. Thc Volga Boat Song With 3,000 reserved seat tickets al- versity here, Dr. is included in every concert either as ready sold and the number steadily Joseph M. M. a number on the program or as an mounting the campaign for the sale of tickets to the Western Maryland- Grey Maryland football game has gotten "I am extreme- The final group of songs leads up under way-with a vengeance. ly happy," said to a climax of Cossack soldier songs Western Maryland students have Dr. Grey, "to punctuated with shrill calls, barbaric caught on to the idea like Benjamin to hear t hat Dr. yells, and frenzied dancing. Every- a pass. Holloway has thing about them is dramatic. The Having launched a campaign bee n given the men march upon the stage in military among the student body by showing important post of formation. The military effect is fur- the value of a field house on the cam- Pre sl d e n t ')f ther carried out in their dark-blue pus of W. M. C., the student commit- Western Mary- Cossack uniforms, the trousers trim- STATE SENATOR KENNEDY tee, with characteristic enthusiasm, land College. His med with broad red stripes. Knee- ADDRESSES STUDENT BODY footsteps follow high leather riding boots serve to re- ;~a!e~r~d:ye~v::~~~,i~:;:m~J:r ~~:IS'I in an honorable ;:n!n~~~t ~~:n~~~~ac:ts~~:~t~o~~Vt~l~\ ill~~:.e :::t on~~ t~:;!~~,,~f a~~~~~:d Frank Wade, master of ceremonies ~~!.m~c:;ee!~~ men await the signal from their lead- State Senator Raymond B. Kennedy, ~~.:::: ~:ca:~~~~e~~:i~.raS~~~i:h:nCl: 1 :: tain that he will er. Then, without any 'giving of the of Baltimore, addressing the student competition. DR. FREDG. HOLLOWAY continue to keep nO~~;r:::e~e~: ~n:;i~~ during the ~~:y ;fo~:~tel~o!~~~~a:~s~~!~~~e ~~ The students have pledged them- -----------I-I-.t-, -n-' -.-'-V'-'.-d-'o_:'.,:,t;:dnudo!u;dly\hf~otllio;wh~ season 1930-31, the chorus has made Alumni Hall, November 18. ~:~Vt:':b~ti:e~~fi~::;~;;t~h~ra~OI~~:i:~ REPORTER INTERVIEWS '" L L ~ , ., ~i~;n~~=i~~i~ns: ;:ic;~r~o~~~ni~; Pr~~::~~,n~e~:t:~e i:~~:;~Led1!~~st!:~ this sale. Many students have found DR. FRED G. HQLLOWA Y :~d a:~r~e n:~~leb~i:!i~g a~~~i:~g::~ Journal, considered their singing "the the relation of citizens to public af- :~:tcJ:::I:~~of:~:n~~a:l: !~~::~l~~! "All 1 can say just now," answered learning." o :~~n~e~:,~o~:~: ;:~i~i;e~ ~::~~?,le ,f:~r~~~o~:;i~:e: ;:s~~~aotf~~v:t~7:.~~:attend the game itself, have neverthe- Dr. Fred G. Holloway, newly-appoint- G07d ~:s; :::':::pi~n~~:;;::a::e t;r~~~ • "This body of thirty-six voices," he pies: that man should worship God ac- i~;~s~:::er~ ~~e~:.:~o::;~e~~n~:~bs~~ ~:ll:::~i:;~~ b:~ngWq~!:~e~~a~.y~~~~ ~~:.~~t;fh~~:, ~~~r~~o~~a~~;r~na~~~~ ;:~;~~~i:~, ';:r~~::dd ttOo~eh:~:-t:~gf~: ~~:~int~e;: :~~utct"'~ec~ns~~e;ec:~m:~~ These persons, without buying tickets, !~Gstc:~·~·~::o:l~e:\~~:tt~:~c!!~hink "In the days to come," the Doctor :~~~, notable importations of the sea- ~~~:l~eo:o~:k:::: live under law!! of ~::e~'v~;~~:td::~~:d f~~~.price of the "You know," Dr. Holloway confided, ~~~~''~~:ms:~::t~~dc;rt:in ~::t:~~ "To achieve this end", Senator Ken- While the sparks from the student ~:~!~~~'j::t~~\:,o~ ,~:~e:o~e~~~ed~ Maryland College but the faculty as st:'l~n~yw::~et~~:~:":h::idwo~~~:::~: ;:: ~~:t;:~P~~:~:ili~;r:~~o~e~,~t as- ~:~~:~: o~a~ee~::p~;~~~~; i~~eb~i~ uttel"iy speechless. You see," he went ~~iorw~ol~oeW~O~:Il:h;~ac!!a~t t~:! (Continued on Page 8, Col. 3) The speaker, in conclusion, describ- Hance has permeated the campaign ~:~~:S~~~~ltd;~~ k:::. '~~~t ~~s::~ high position he occupies today. :~et~~drog:~:: ~:~~:~:~sd~::~~O~e~~ :~ili;:! ~~r~~; ~~em~i~s:u~~:~~_:~~ first time I have ever been appointed "The profession of teaching is a high d' h 1 J' president of a college!" and unselfish one. Dr. Holloway has SENIORS GO DOWN BEFORE the introduction and passage of a bill g~~:~:So;~':rro~l dco:~t/h;re~e~:~: "But you have my sympathy," he lived in that spirit in the past, in ONSLAUGHT BY MORRISON in ~~~a~:~a~:~nedy stated that he had Cumberland, and Washington. assured the interviewer, "I know how those days when he directed the West- Morrison! Morrison! Rah! Rah! Rah! attempted to give a brief survey of The entire proceeds of the game to ~:~~l~~i~::';ee\~:~t:;e;\:~: ;~;~:e~e ~~I~O~~!~c:~m~:~:~a~r~o~~ Bossing! Bossing! Sis-Boom-AR! ~a~~:s~o~yt~~ ~~:ki~!~e~~~~:tle::~ ~:ceh;~eri~, ,:~~ g~a~:i::Otroeth~t;~~~~ once a college editor myself." days at the college he now heads, and To the victor belongs the spoils and I House Fund. Field so the Progressive Teachers' Princi- he expressed a desire that the stu- ern Maryland cooperation of l\Iary- C~;~::'''~~:n~~l~~,ni;~~~~;~eld~~:,~~:h~ ~~~l~~:e;he:tp~.;:~:~~ance along with dent body would show their interest Through the ples walked off with all honors in the in such affairs by following closely land's acting president, H. C. Byrd, was here at \Vestern Maryland as U Speaking for a large part of the clash with the Senior Educationalists. the trend of events ill the coming the University's share of the gate 1'e- student." newspaper fraternity in the Capital For the all-important dash the sen- session. I ceipts will be donated to the fund. (Continued on Page 6, Col. 3) City, Editor of the Washington Post, ~i~rsthheadfi~~~n~~oa t~:~:in!it~tta~~: =========~======================= ~:;s~~~it:h~r~=:e:~;t:~ ~~~!g:e;::s~~ Ebaugh calling signals, Bossing, dents, ill order to tell the world where right guard for the Progressive the coming generations of this coun- Teachers, broke through to throw the try were headed. passer for a big loss. On the third "I am positive, however," the noted and fourth trials, Morrison, center for Editor said, "that the newspaperS the Progressives, ~hrew the passers and newspaper men ill this country for a tremendous loss. will have only kind words to say Never let it be said though that (Continued on Page 7, Col. 3) the seniors lost heart; they came back fighting in the closing minutes to gain slightly around Indoctrination's ends. MUSIC STUDENTS GIVE The seniors were greatly outclassed; RECITAL IN SMITH HALL the Progressives making four downs to the seniors' one. The former came With the presentation of the first out of the twenty-minute skirmish student music recital Friday, Novem- mentally battered but not physically ber 22, at 7:30 P. M. in Smith Rall injured. The seniors think that Mor- the music department will open its rison and Bossing should be penalized series of student performances for for holding, but the villains had the the current year. officials on their side and escaped with Participating in this week's recital nothing more than burning ears from are Margaret Burns, Louise Nickell, muttered senior expletives. Doris Haines, Elizabeth Poffenberger Statistics of the game: -piano j Reba Snader (graduate stu- Seniors gained 60 headaches; Losses, dent), Mary Isabel Griffith, Charlotte Social Privileges. Spicer, Betty Riley, Kenneth Baum- Progressives gained 4 horse laughs; gardner-voice; Henry Reiudollar- Losses, 0, Architecfs Sketch of Proposed Field House violin.
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