Page 20 - TheGoldBug1935-36
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t"Al.Jl::i FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. NEWS IN BRIEF BANQUET HOUSE CAMPAIGN I ANNOUNCEMENT I The Cossacks Are INAUGURATES FIELD News and amateur photograhp- Coming! (Continued from Page 1, Column 2) I era of Western Maryland College watch for Announcements W.W. New York Alumni have recently or- marks of Robert R. Carman, former are being- offered the professional ganized a Western Maryland Club, the president of The Maryland Bar Assoc. news photographer's rates of $3 JOHN EVERHART The W. W. Club had a tea for its charber members including 'Brady alumnae after the football game on Bryson, "Bernie" Kaplan, "Horse" iation, and from Theodore R. :r-.lcRel- for every photo which they submit THE COLLEGE BARBER Homecoming Day. A large number Kaplan, Joe Kleinman, and "Bozie" lin, well-known lawyer and member of and which is accepted for public- AND BOBBER of alumnae were present. Burger. the faculty of the University of Balti- ation in Collegiate Digest. to col- AT THE FORKS Photos of news interest more. On Thursday, October 31, the Soph- As a supplement to the rallies in lege students throughout the na- of the PHI ALPHA!\IU omore-Freshman Hallowe'en Dance the various districts is also state, a tion are eligible for this new Col- legiate planned. series of banquets contest, photograph Digest formally introduced the new girls' Margaret Smith has been formally Tentative arrangements have already and action photos of activities on "Mother" Rimier pledged to the club. gym to the student body. To the been made for a dinner of the Carroll our campus are particularly desir- music of "The Royal Aces" the entire On Saturday after the game Phi school spent a most enjoyable evening. County Club on November 12. ed by the rotogravure section's ed- Alpha Mu held Open lIouse in the club The hall was attractively decorated The western Maryland clubs of Bal- itors. Invites Your Patronage room in the form of a Homecoming with black cats, pumpkins, and all the timore, washington, D. C., and Cum- Send your photographs now to Tea. trappings of the season. Light re- berland have planned similar func- the Photo Contest Editor, Collegi- freshments of cider and doughnuts tions, the latter two being scheduled ate Digest, P. O. Box 472, Madison, Everything for the College were served and a novel feature was for November 16. Wis. Any size photo is eligible in BETA BETA BETA the contest, but all pictures must Student the entertainment by the freshman While the majority of the tickets At the meeting of the. Tri-Beta Fra- class. Dr. and Mrs. Schempp were will be sold by personal soliciting, be gloss prints. ternity on Friday, October 25, the fol- the chaperons. they may also be obtained in Balti- lowing officers for the year were elect- more at The Sun Building and the The Store of New Fashioned Jewelry and Old Fashioned Honesty ed: The first major social event of the Baltimore & Ohio Building, in Wash- President -Audrey Schneider. season, a dance sponsored by the Al- ington at Bender's, 928 I Street, N. CASSELL'S Vice-President-Harold Biehl. pha Gamma Tau fraternity, was held W., and in 'Westminster at Bonsack's last Saturday Secretary-Catherine Hall. gymnasium of evening in the girls' Drug Store. JEWELERS Blanche Ward Hall Historian-Edgar Hollis. from 8.30 to 11.30 P. 1.1. For Nearly Half Century . .E.leven .new member-s w.ere formally "Bud" Codori and his Pennsylvania J. WILLIAM HULL, Proprietor lmtla~ed into the fratermty on Tues- Ramblers, who have played here sev- J. D. KATZ 51 East Main Street day nig-ht, October 29, at th.e .home of I eral times before, furnished their usual QUALITY • WESTMINSTER MARYLAND :O~'.B.ertholf. Those receiving the high-type entertainment with several SHOE REPAIRING We Buy Old Gold and Silver initiation were: Virginia Roberts, W. novelty arrangements and smooth Special Rates to Students Elinore medley selections. M". Strayer, George Miller, S. L. Dod- ===i==:=======; Grier, Margaret Harman, son, Helen McCardell, Sally Price, r Herman Williams, Marian Sharrer, and J. E. Pilson. H. E. REESE Opera House Money No Object Refreshments were served by Ml·S. TAILOR WESTMINSTER, MD. Bertholf. CLEANING THURS., FRI., SAT., & MON. PRESSING NOV. 7-8-9-11 DELTA SIGMA KAPPA REPAIRING Miriam Hopkins in If It's A Question of Health On November 5, Naomi Enfield was 94 East Main Street "BARBARY COAST" formally pledged to the club. , TUES., WED., NOV. 12-13 The annual Baltimore- Rush Party SUITS MADE TO Helen Twelvetrees in of Delta Sigma Kappa was held Octo- MEASURE \ ber 29. The club and its guests where ~========~ Since 1799 thousands of people have regained their normal at- tended the Century Theatre, "THE ~~~~~~~"CAPE health after years of suffering from stomach troubles of all they saw the motion picture, "I Live Selected Shorts News My Life", starring Joan Crawford, and THURS., FRI., SAT., MON. types, such as constipation, indigestion, gas, and sour a stage presentation featuring Molly WESTERN MARYLAND NOV. 14-15-16-18 stomach which are the basic factors of such maladies as high Picon. Following this, they went to Screen's most wonderful classic blood pressure, rheumatism, periodic headaches, pimples on the Arts Club for supper. The rush- Coffee Shop "THE LAST DAYS OF ees of the club were: POMPEII" face and body, pains in the back, liver, kidney and bladder Ellen Hancock, Betty Erb, Dorothy disorder, exhaustion, loss of sleep and appetite. Those suf- Vinup, Doris Phillips, Margaret Ben- TUES., WED., NOV. 19-20 ferers have not used any man-made injurious chemicals or ton, Betty Riley, Dorothy Fridinger, SODA Marx Brothers in Hazel Gompf, Dorothy Manyon, Kath- "A NIGHT AT THE drugs of any kind; they have only used a remedy made by erine Messenger, Sue Irwin, Ann Dill, SANDWICHES OPERA" Nature. This marvelous product grows on the highest Georgia Price, Helen Leatherwood, LUNCH THURS., FRI., SAT. mountain peaks, where it absorbs all the healing elements Anne Brinsfield and Dolly Taylor. NOV. 21-22-23 The alumnae guests were Dorothy DINNERS "THE THREE and vitamins from the sun to aid HUMANITY in distress. Paul Weber, '34, and Dorothy Twigg, MUSKETEERS" ex-'37. J. F. MOORE, Manager It is composed of 19 kinds of natural leaves, seeds, berries MON., TUES., WED. Delta Sigma Kappa held an Alum- "Good Food-And How!" and flowers scieneificaliy and proportionately mixed and is nae Tea in the club room November 2 NOV. 25-26-27 from4t05:30P. M. 'William Powell in known as LION CROSS HERB TEA. "RENDEZVOUS" MON., I LION CROSS HERB TEA tastes delicious, acts wonder- THURS., F~~'E~AT., Do you love your college, do you enjoy reading the GOLD Clark Gable, Charles Laughton, I fully upon your system, and is safe even for children. Pre- BUG, do you pay your alumni dues? Do you subscribe or ad- Franchot TOlle in _ pare it fresh like any ordinary tea and drink a glassful once vertise in the Gold Bug? You do? All right, then with clear "THE MUTINY ON THE a day, hot or cold. conscience, let's sing. BOUNTY" WED., THURS., DEC. 4-5 A one dollar treatment accomplishes WONDERS; makes Dear Western Maryland, fearless and bold, Jack Benny in you look and feel like new born. If you are not as yet fa- We're here to cheer to victory, the Green and the Gold; "IT'S IN THE AIR" miliar with the beneficial effects of this natural remedy, And we will always be loyal to thee, FRI., SAT., DEC. 6-7 We'll love thee ever, dear old W. M. C. LION CROSS HERB TEA, try it at once and convince "HELL'S ANGELS" yourself. If not satisfactory money refunded to you. Try it and convince yourself with our money-back guarantee. STATE CHRISTMAS AND THANKSGIVING CARDS One week treatment $1.00 Six weeks treatment $5.00 TONIGHT the in getting genuine mistakes to avoid All "'0 In order HERB TEA, please fill out the attached coupon. LION Seats JL C CROSS George Raft and Alice Faye -in- "Every Night At Eight" Lio_Pharmacy, Dept. 4248 FRIDAY 1180 Second Ave., BANK NIGHT N. Y. City, N. Y. The State is happy to offer its many patrons the National Gentlemen: Copyrighted form of "Bank Night". A success from coast Enclosed find $___ _ for which please send me to coast! treatments of the famous LION CROSS HERB TEA. "DR. SOCRATES" With Paul TUES., I Name ... and Ann Muni Dvorak MON" WED. Address Dick Powell~?n~Ruby Keeler City _ _ .Srace . "Shipmates Forever" TIMES P. G. COFFMAN CO. 401 CITY BUILDING Phone rN ...vih·,.,.,.,....·,.,....v ...•...·,.,....•...v.
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