Page 19 - TheGoldBug1935-36
P. 19
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. PAGE THREE TERROR ELEVEN WINS SOCCER TEAM DEFEATS GREEN TERRORS DEFEAT HOMECOMING GAME FAN FODDER TOWSONSTAIE TEACHERS MOUNTAINEER ELEVEN Defeat Bees 26·0 By "HERS" STEVENS 2-2 Tie Erased Finai Score 7-0 Western Maryland's Terrors cele- brated the annual Homecoming on Baltimore Review To~v~:nT~:~Ot:~~~~~~e~~a~::~aj~:dt: .Scoring ea~'ly in ~he second period Hoffa Field Saturday by defeating vember 1, defeating them 3-1 andI after a sustained drive down the field the University of Baltimore, coached . The 'I'orrors gave the reser-ves n littlc seasoning against Baltimore by Ray l'IIcRobie and Webster Lucas 1Il the Homecoming game in preparation for what promises to be one ~~;::~~7ill~~:r.2-2 tie played here at !~'~~e~he~~i;~\'natw:O~~~I~~~: l~~;:~;~ of former 'I'ei-ror teams, '26-0. The of the season's hardest tests at Boston, Saturday afternoon. No doubt Towson kicked off uphill, Western pass and two end runs, 1Yeste.rn Terrors scored in each of the first three periods, the reserves playing the ~~f!~~:~tl\J~~\:;~I:~~ :~'~~r~:~~i~~lg\l;~:~~~l~~~~s~i~fl~Cl~~~o~:~C~\~~\~i~~ll~CS~i~~~ Mar-yland getting the ball and taking M~ryland's Terror el~ven broke Its it down to the goal immediately. After losing streak at Em.mlt.sbur g , Satur- latter part of the game and holding eleven two weeks ago. Slowly the sophomore members of the team m-e the Baltimore team scoreless. ,-~...,, __ rounding into shape, and the running attack against a few seconds a foul was made and W. ~:y, tO~tob1~r2?, wmmns 7-0 from The 'I'errcrs were forced to send in the Uiliversit.y was improved greatly OVCl'the uuack 1\1. C. scored on the penalty kick. oun t. ary s. foul' first string linemen in the middle of 1110 'l'errors in the early season games. It is true From then until the end of the quar- A pass from Lathrop to Draper of the first per-iod before their attack that thc Tenors outweighed Baltimore's Bees and tel', the play was back and forth and took the ball from deep in western would begin to function. Baltimore that their experience was greater, but again there re- lip and down the field. Western Maryland territory to the Mount St. had penetrated to the Vi' estern Mary- mains the faet that they were playing a team that. Maryland missed a penalty kick neal' Mary's 45-yard line as the first quur- land 3D-yard line at the time that the was well prepared for their every play, its being the end of the quarter, tel' of the game ended, The Terrors regulars went into the game, when, coached by two former 'l'es-rors who were familial' Western Maryland started the sec- continued their drive with two more following Maize's interception of a with Tenor plays and Ter-ror methods, ond quarter by driving the ball up hill first downs on end runs and line and Lathrop Terror pass and a loss of 14 yards on '\'he Baltimore pass plays provided a new wrinkle to the Towson goal, getting a corner bucks with the ball. Brennan Campbell This one was knocked out by hit off carrying kick. an attempted forward pass play, Maize HERBERTSTEVENSfor the Tcrrrn-s to learn in preparation for the re- the TOWSOllgoalie and W. M. was tackle for eigllt yards to the two-yard received a pass from Shipley for a 43- maining games on the schedule, 'I'he peculiar for- yard gain. The University of Balti- ward p'ls~illg IIUack of tIle Bees, which started many times from lilt,eral awarded another. Belt placed his try line, where he wus thrown out of mOl'elost the ball on downs, a pass be- PHSSCS,:ull add 10 the alcrtness of the '1'errOI'S in figuring similar plays close to the goal and Reckord kicked it bounds,. and on the next play Lathrop ing grounded in the end zone on fourth In the futul'e, Imel tile defense SllOUld bo strengthened, in. Almost immediately Towson sliced bctween guard and tackle on downs to give the Tel'l'ors the ball on ,A .~ulllnlill'Y of the statistics of tIle game shows that t.he seoro does threatened but missed two' comer the left side of the line to score a their own twenty. not. IndICate tho ovcrwhelming superiori1.y of the Terrors in CYCl'y de- kicks, Western Maryland taking the touchdown. Brennan's try for the parimcllt of pIny over the Bees. 'rhe 'renol's gained a total of 461 ball upfield and scoring again when extra point by placement was good, Campbell Scores Touchdown yards agl)illst the Bees while Balt.imOl'e was ablc to ;"ain only 70 yards Reckord headed one in. The second half of the game was a Campbell on a play around left end in 1111. 'rweh'e fil'st downs were registered by the "'~een an~1 golci the Towson came out fighting aftcr the see-saw affair of punts and advances, gained ten yal'ds and a first down. Bet;s totalillg only fOUl', Baltimorc gained only'='twelve Yilrds fl'om half and scored on their first attempt, Western Maryland twice penetrating Sadowski gained 8 yards at right end scrllnmage in the second lullf, and lost nine of that. And they didn't After that, however, the Terrol's got deep into Mount tel'1'itory before be- and Bl'ennan hit right tackle for 10 complete a single fOl'\\'a1'(\ pass during that half llgainst the 'l'e1'ro1' 1'e- back into form and, in spite of the ing held for downs. The Terrors yards and a fil'St down. Two runs by darkness and unfamiliar field, held off gained a great deal of ground by Campbell and Sadowski made anoth- ~f~~~::~'il1~ii:~l~ll;i~);lttl,~el;fr~~~~~~~~:iI~~hf~hl'~~:;':~blsctl;~l~~:~'nf~~~(~~~a::~~ the awakened Towson attr\ck for the I Lathrop's quick kicks on the third er fi)'st down on the Baltimore 26 flgalllst 111cshll'ting elcvcn, tired ill the sccond half and was unable to duration of the game, making several down. One of these kicks carried :yard line. Campbell got away on the gain lit Illl against tIle reservcs. threats themselves, but not scoring. from the twenty-yard line in Terror next play, wide around left end for a Campaigning Gompf g Hamilton territory to the Mounts' 7 before be- touchdown, Brennan kicking the ex- Elseroad rf Brumbaugh ing downed by McPherson, Terror tra point from placement. ,Vc want. fl field house] ,Vill you make a worthwhile investment? Martin cf Ubersax guard, Anothel' carried sixty-five Following a pass interception early Here is how you can. Church rh Bennett yards before going out of bounds. in the second quarter by Campofreda, For *2.20 yOIl can see a colorful football gnme bcb\'een two old the Terrors were held for downs, rivals who Ill'e \'e~\Cwing football l·c.lationsilip;:; after a two yenr lnpsc, ~~~~~s~~ugh ~~ Smith~06~ gO~~'~~:::I~;:e:~:-:t~~St~: :n:~~n ~:~~ passing into the end zone to give the and ill, the same bmo yon can contrIbute to your eollcgc Pillt of it PC1'- ~;:~;rd ir Smi~~w~~ was disastl'ous on three occasions University the ball on the twenty- llHlIlCllt building on thc collcge campl1s-a ncw ficld house, Back thero M yard line. Munder was forced to punt on thc, hillsicle where the grnss is so green and the space empty, Bett cf Wheeler, Josh !~e ~1~;;:~:Pt:~./acklers and feU on to Brennan on the \Vestel'n Maryland there !" II place Hlloted for a gymnasium-an pol't.-swimmillg . .And it mcans that wc, as st.u- sented, by an honorary varsity select- fective weapon they have possessed touchdown, brought about the third dCllts and alumni, will haye a grca1er pride in our college bceau:-;e of its cd from the members of the junior this season, was again effective Terror score. Sadowski failed to add ahility to do just flS much for visiting tefllllS as other eollcges do for and senior class teams, togethel' with against Mount St. Mary's as against tlle extra point by placement. The OUl' teams when they plRY away hom llomc. Marjorie Webster and the American Villanova, Penn State, and Bucknell. half ended with the score 19-0. 'rhcre arc numerous meanings harbored in this one builclin"'. It Univel'sity, was entertained at l\fary- Only two short passes were completed Shipley made a nice run-back of "'I1S onc of Dr. 'Vllnl's l\fUS'r buildings. TJet liS make it onc of'='our':iJ land. Each team played two hockey through the Terror defense. the kick-off at the opening of the sec- If the s.hH~ent bodY,is enthusiastic abo'~t,.it" othcrs will bc willing to help games dul'ing the morning, Western The line-ups: ond half, cal'l'ying the ball to the 35- us at1nll1 1t. But If wc allow our spn'lt to lng, othcrs can not be cx- Maryland comparing favorably with yard line before being downed. An pectcel to provi(le the impet,us of the c_ampaign. :~:r :~~e ;):~~~.!::c~n~:::~~t~et:;~~ \Vestern Md. ]\ft, St. Mary's exchange of punts gave Baltimore the "Let us then be up and doing After the games, all of the partici- Lassah)1 L,E. Sullivan ball on its own 32. A lateral pass, Forthman L.T. Matuella which was to end in a forward, was With a heart for any fate, pants and coaches attended a barbe- still pursuing, fumbled by Diven, Lesh recovering Still nchieving, and to wait." cue luncheon in the Ritchie Coliseum Ortenzi L.G, Citul( for Western Maryland on the Balti- Learll to labor and were invited to attend the foot- Adriance O. Blazek more 26. On the next play Campbell H, W, Longfellow, ball game, but, due to previous ar- McPherson R.G, Kiechen ]Jassed to Keyser, substituting at end Here thc 1nbo:' is thc .most important thing. ,Ve must wait only so rangements, the Western Maryland Campofreda R.T, Olszewski for Lassahn, for a touchdown. Sa- long as 0111' labor l,
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