Page 18 - TheGoldBug1935-36
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PAGE TWO The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. COLLEGE CALENDAR GOt Nov, 8-1'11:1'. Frank Mellor-Con- BY THE WAY P. M. cert at Alumni Hall-8:00 [Ed. Note: Maryland This essay was award- Tidewater retains some- Nov. g Football-Boston at Boston. College ed honorable mention in the Atlantic thing of the activity, something of the lI10nthly essay contest for college stu- manner, and much of the atmosphere Y. W. C. A. Kiddy Party-7:30 dents last spring.] Official student newspaper of Western Maryland College, published on Thurs- r. M, of the Old South. Here there is a day, twice monthly during October, November, February, March, April, May, time for work, but there is also a and once a month during September, December, and January, by the students Nov. 10-Dedication of Orgun-c- IDYLS OF TIDEWATER time for play, for peaceful and enjoy- of Western Maryland College, Westminster, Maryland, Entered as second- Alumni Hall-7:15 P. M. able living. Leisure, long-departed class matter at the Westminster Post Office. Nov. l2-Phi Alpha Mu-Rush MARYLAND from more crowded and busier sec- SUBSCRIPTIONPRICE$1.00 A YEAR tions, finds here her Elysian Fields. Party. by Virginia Brittingham, '38 Nov. 15---J. G. C. Initiation. "Where would you like to be in There are hours every day when one II boat along quiet may ride or paddle Nov. 16---Catholic U. at Washing- springtime?" I asked. waters, or perhaps only sit and dream. ton, "Pads," came the answer. May is a good month for dreaming EDITORIAL STAFF Nov. 22-Music Students Recital-- "And in winter?" I quizzed. and the porch swing of the "big . ROSALIEG. SILBERSTEIN,'36 Smith Hall-7:30 P. M. "Bermuda," said my friend, house" is a good place to build pic- AS80ciate EditOl'S... IDAMAET. RILEY,'36, ROBERTBROOKS,'36 hesitatingly. tures of this quaint and lovely land. New8 Editors. GUY GRIFFIN, '36, SARABELLEBLACKWELL,'37 Copy Editors JANET MACVEAN,'38, LEONARDGRAHAM,'38 "Ami in autumn?" ~;~~{8Ejj~r;l~~·.·.·.························H~::~:; S~~~::~,'~376,~~~~~~~T~A~~cii~:::~ "Tidewater Maryland," came the It is berry picking season. Hastily Passing in Review la~o~i':!el~~:::S:e was at an end. I ~~;st:~~~:; :r~c~h~ne~i~S o;ta;I~S:; E:-cchange Editor MIRIA~t WHITFIELD,'36 MAKE-UP STAFF By lDAMAE T. RILEY had been spending my vacation a green leaves. A broiling sun shines Managing Editors GEORGENEEDHA~I,'37, SHERWOODBALDERSON,'38 thousand miles n-om my Tidewater down on ripe red fruit, which black BUSINESS STAFF Maryland home. A friend of mine and hands gather into quart baskets for BU8ines8 lIfanager......... . EDWARDBEAUCHAMP,'36 NOW IN NOVEMBER 1 were playing that old game, "If you "city folks'" breakfasts. A sticky Advertising .i1fal!Ugcr JOHN WARMAN,'37 "At Home" could live anywhere on earth, where sweet odor is everywhere. The field is Assistant Advertising Managers ROBERTKIEFER,'37, ARCHIEALLGIRE,'38 Less than two months from today would like to live in summer, winter, full of black figures crawling slowly CirC!tlation Jllanage1"8 THOMASEVELAND,'36, ROSALIEGII,BERT,'36 Congress will be convening again! ctc?" My friend's last careless re- up rows, methodically filling contain- Assi8tant Cb'culation Jl.!anagel·s JOHN CULLER,'37, NORVINGOMPF,'38 The thought comes with some of the Illy sent my mind racing back to the era with juicy fruit. "'- row boss struts ARLINEHUDSON,'37, HILDABIDDLE,'38 explosive force of a torpedo for it peninsular part of the Maryland Eas- back and forth, shouting mechanical- REPORTERS I seems only yesterday that Congress tern Shore, which lies between the At- ly: "Fill up yo' qua'ts! Keep de trash Reporters contributing to this issue: adjourned. Now it is coming back. lantic Ocean and the Chesapeake Bay. out of yo' berries!" WaIter Lee Taylor, '37, James Coleman, '38, Robert McKnight, '38, Jasper I For several months Congressmen I ~ave. seen forests, hills, and moun- Each tray of ten quarts is brought Jones, '35, Ralph Lambed, 37. have been plowing up the political tatns III other parts of our country; up, inspected and placed in a crate. Elizabeth Byrd, '36, Madalyn Blades, '37, Eleanor 'I'aylor, '38, Virginia Lee fields "back home", trying to prepare yet I have not felt the thrill I feel At the shanty where white men are Smith, '38, Anne Chew, '37. for a prosperous election crop next No- when I look upon this flat but lovely doing the packing the air is tense. In vember. During the next session all countryside, So attractive are its I the fields, however, the darkies move Worthy opinion; Model manaqement; Correct news. the members of the House and one- fi~lds and streams that. wild geese and unhurriedly. Lawd, I'se yo' faithful ser- The singing never stops. of the Senate wll~ duc.ks ""?" 11~SSIII the co~rse of third of the members "Lawd, I E. - D _ I _ T _ 0 _ R. _ I _ .A _ L I :v;~ ~~~~~n~oli:!Ca~O::~:I~:~::~e~:i:l:' :~:~~ 1:lg~:!~o:f w~~:o~:a:!~Pi~gth~ va~:Wd, Lawd, spare me." production. lund of abundant And then all will pray that no political There drought sets in. ~;s~:~s f~~:m~er;el~~l;li~v:;;n~-;~:~ y)'h~el~;i:S!b°S;in~~an:~ '~~on~~:~ Sales Talk "We want a field house!" The cry is becoming familiar Apparently reliable statistics from for the 'taking.' There are vegetables, Bri~g yo' berries Up, bring yo' berries to us. Of course 'VE want a field house. several sources show that industry too, and fruit in plenty, products of I up. The object just now is to sell the idea to somebody else. ;::~. a~l:~:ut~tl~~~~ ~~ew~~~o~~~~:~~eco~~:!:tl;Ol~:::k ::;:sw:~: ~!ll~:c~~a!~:~ a\:ai;.all~h!h~a~.~:!s b;:~~eriSu:~~e~~ 'Ve all know what t.he field house 'will mean to us. the upward swmg d~nng t~e ne~t tiona. "Paradise of Maryland" is the money and go to their shacks, twelve months, a~d this upewmg WIll extravagant but significant caption heads down and shoulders bent. When The mere thought of a swimming pool on the campus is enough to ~ffect ~ery de~mtely what Co~gre~s I that has been adopted and ap- evening comes, they emerge-women arouse most of us to shouts of hilarit.y. 'fa see the boxillg matches, the c~es next S:SSlOn. For one thlllg, It plied to the Sho' by the ferry company in gaudy, low-cut dresses; men in bold basketball games-these eyell augment the! ~I~~ !~;t~:I~:h~:~~e~e:h~:a;~~s C:~(~~~saets:it~h::~~i~~ ~:~t:!;·u~;:r e~~~~ ~~i::dSfl:;e:~~ :~:s~I~::S ~:!~~shoes antI-New Dealers next November. side communication. (To be continued) Yes, indeed, 'VE're sold on the idea, Sun-tanned PI'esident Roosevelt in- dicated what one of the sources of So let's get busy, let's put our enthusiasm across-to the :folks back conflict is likely to be when, at home, to that gang we met last summer, to those strangers whom we Charleston last October 23, he said: COLLEGE RHYTHM always thought we'd like to talk to . "Yes, we are on our way back; 110t just by pure chance, not by a tUl'n of Brush up on your sales talk, fellows. Cash ill on that smile, you the wheel in the business cycle; we are coming back soundly because we FLY LEAVES SHELVED eo.eds. Tell 'em why you wallt the field hOllse. plallilCd it that way and don't let any- So Biehl is growing Stouter. Why does "Andy" Riley prefer body tell you differently." l\Iake THEM want it, too. . While Ed Hollis studies his les- "Dad" Smelser's to the Rainbow Inn? Laurence Stern in Tlw lI1agaz'ine of but how Long? Wall Street showed succinctly the \Ve wonder what has become of conflict between the President's view- that old southern custom of having In Memoriam The Western Maryland-CArroll County Club recently point and the attitnde of many New cla~ses leave chapel by rank. The l)resent system is rank. adopted the :following resolutions in respect to Dr. Deal opponents when he asserted: INDEX "Can business solve the unemploy- Litton-Benton We notice that the mustache of one A. N. Ward: ment p~'oblem? It always has. It Baxter-Karow of our freshmen lleroes has been do- will do it again-and the more the PEne-Calloway ing a gradual disappearing act. "Inasumch <'IS it has pleased our Heavenly Father to call Homc our polticaJ witch doctors let it alone the Millal'd-Gross beloved President of Western l\faryland College, Dr. Albert Norman faster it will do it." Lesh-Byrd have What position does Monsieur Snow college string in the quartet? Ward, who, because of his Christ-like life, won the lOve and admiration When Cong-ress brushed the cob- Strasbaugh-Long, J. Not second fiddle? webs out of the House and Senate Bender-Harrison, B. of all who knew him, we offer this tribnte o:f respect to his mcmory. chambers next January, it will start a Bennett-Baker, F. lively tune in Washington once again. Griffen-Shunk "'Ve, the members of the W·estern :Maryland·Carroll County Club, "i'hat with the constitutionalists call- Daneker-Vroome ever remember his beautiful chllracter, his inspired leadcrship, his un- ing the New Dealers "witch doctors" Haynes-Bennett, B. selfish gift of sclf in service for Clmreh, College, and Commuuity, fllHl hnd thc brain-trusters insisting that Dudley-Stanley, F. they are scientific S. D.'s (doctors of Miller, G.-Irwin, J. his splendid aC]lievement and thallI, God :for the inspiration his life society) and dubbing the constitution- Tomichek-Murphy has been to us. alists "antiquated old-fogies", Lin- Zavnda-Pl'ice, S. coln's statue, gazing at the peaceful Be It Resolved: First, that we carryon the work of the club to the Reflection Pool, could well shake its best of our ability and dedicate Ollrselves to the achievements so ably head and say, "Hmph! So Washington CLOSED CHAPTER has turned into an animated Disney inaugurated by him. cartoon!" \Vhy are some of our dear senior girls slipping? The royal road to ro- "Sect>1!d, be it resolved: that we express in this way our sincere sym- "And Abroad" mance, my deahs, is rough and plenty pathy to the :family and commend them to the All·Wise Father, who Once a legend is doubted, its magic rocky. was his constant. source of streIlgth; that a copy of these resolutions be can never be recreated. The spell, the So "Brod" is going literary these glamour, the absolnte bclief is gone days. , . 'Ne hear he tllinks "The sent to them and to the Westminster and College papers and also bc forever. Light that Failed" was just too Found: a "ed-headed woman with- recorded in the minutes of the society." October and early November has DUCKYfor words! out the temper! (Beautiful red hair at seen the crumbling of a legend. Mus- \Ve hear, too, that "the most at- that.) solini, the leader who could do no tractive man on the campus" has All persons wishing to subscribe to the Gow BUG, or presellt sub- wrong, has had his spell broken. The trouble getting a date ... But then Without the temper-yes-but with common Italian citizen, perhaps un- the girls have to study! fairness, leadership, intelligence, and scribers whose subscriptions are expiring with tllis issue nnd who wish consciously, perhaps almost impercep- A sophomore girl insists that a rose popularity. to renew them please send this coupon with one dollar ($1) to Thomas tibly, but certainly sUI'ely, has begun in her llair is less attractive than to believe that Mussolini can blunder, sngar in her hair. Fair-in all her duties on the Stu- C. Eveland, the GOLD BUG, 'Vestern :M!lryland College, Westminster, can "make a' mess of things" in a dent Government, of which she has Md., BEFORE NOVEMBER 18. very human way. been a member for three years. A Foreign affairs have pI'ovided the GLOSSARY leader-as pI'esident of the ·Women's I have enclosed., ,.dollar (s) :for subscription to tlw cruel reality which dispelled the fairy "Stuck-UJl"-when applied to Uvan- Student Government and co-chairman dream. For Mussolini's foreign poli- GOLDBUG :for the scholastic year (s) 1935·193., cy, notoriously inconsistent and in- ni, means beauty treatment for the of the student field-house drive. In- ept, has, in the opinion of many Ital- ears. I telligent-with a level-headed outlook. ians, endangered Italian prestige es- Teachers' "Methods" Course-see Popular-president of W. W. Name pecially as displayed in the current Strasbaugh for normal technique. Address. ... (Street and No.). Ethiopian affair . "Mothers' Garden"-Happy Hunt- Mary Catherine is the kind of per- Mussolini's spell is breaking. When ing Ground ... Yoo-hoo, Bob and son who is always where she is needed (City) . (State) the legend goes, will the man go too? Allen. . . . , and expected.
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