Page 17 - TheGoldBug1935-36
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Ci01 "WE WANT A BOOST THE FIELD HOUSE" MARYLAND GAME 7 DECEMBER Vol. 13, No, 4 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. November 7, 1935 Terror Booters Face West Chester Gigantic Drive To Make Possible Gold The Saturday Afternoon on Hoffa Field and the student Bug, the faculty, New Field House by Next September body of West- ern Maryland College join in ex- Undefeated State Teachers To Clash With Western Maryland FOl"Soccer pressing their sympathy to the Maryland Game Proceeds To F,urnish Funds For Erection Of New Supremacy families and friends of Evelyn Bowen, '35, and Charles Wil- . Athletic Structure liams, '34, who were fatally in- TERRORS RIDING VICTORY WAVE jured Saturday night, November TO REALIZE DREAM OF DR. WARD 2nd. Western Maryland's soccer team, sporting n siring of victories and Proposing a gigantic drive to secure funds in order to make possible a recent win oyer Towson State Normal, previously undefeated in niue. the completion of a field house by next. September a committee of teen straight games, takes on a dangerous Icc to its undefeated record of BIBLE EXHIBIT TO BE representative students of Western Maryland College is working on this season when it meets the West _ -----------, plans for an extended campaign to after- BANQUET INAUGURATES I _ Chester State Teachers College outfit CONTINUOUS AT L BRARY TERROR SOCCERITES BEAT on Hoffa Field this Saturday ,,11 t.icketa f,,· the western Maryland- of Maryland football game University FIELD HOUSE CAMPAIGN A period of commemoration extend- FRANKLIN-MARSHALL 1-0 The Pennsylvania teachers arc at ing from October 4, the anniversary ~~::m~:~~i:n:~ be h,ld in the Balti- the zenith of a long winning streak, of the printing of the first English with 44 victories to their credit with- Plans for n campaign to raise mon- Bible, to December 8, known as Bible The Western Maryland Soccer Club Students Compose Committee cut a defeat or a tie since the Phila- ey for the erection of a field house Sunday, has been set aside in which to won their sixth straight victory of the The committee composed of heads delphia Referees defeated them late in at Western Maryland College were honor the English Bible. The college year Wednesday when they took the of student organizations on the Hill, the season of 1930. This season the announced at a banquet held by library, in correlation with the talks hu Franklin and Marshall plans to present to the student body, teachers have added six straight to friends and Alumni of the college on recently given in Alumni Hall by Dr. team at Lancaster, Pa., by the score within a few days, the details of the their string of victories and will be ill Saturday evening, November 2, in the Edgar Cordell Powers and Dr. Law- of 1-0. campaign. The committee includes fine form with a week of rest before college dining room. rence Little, is displaying a number meeting the Terrors here. These plans include the distribution of bibles printed in English and in From the opening whistle the Green Dean Samuel B. Schofield, Dr. Lloyd But the Terrors, too, are riding at of 25,000 tickets among Western foreign languages. Terror team knew that the game was M. Bertholf, Dr. Lawrence Little and the crest of a victory wave with eight Maryland alumni of four states to the On the bulletin board "A History of i~a~~I~n~a~~c~~:i~l:y ~~: :~~;s~:~~ .~=:~~ii~~~a~.l::u~::~~e~~a~~g~;t~:~~ victories and one tie to their credit in western Maryland - University of the English Bible as Shown in Fac- and F and M wlls threatening the Ter- . :~~, Mary Barbour Dixon, Frank nine starts this year, and that tie has Maryland football game to be held in simile Pages from 1525 to 1611," a been obliterated by the defeat of State the Baltimore Stadium on December series of leaflets published by the 1"01' goal throughout the entire first ~~~?::'..Ralph Graham, James Draper, after corner- William Bratton, John Warman, Sher- quarter with comer-kick Normal who tied western Maryland 7. By agreement with H. C. Byrd, American Bible Society, are being dis- kick being called in their favor. wood Balderson, Margaret Lansdale, here a week previous to the game in acting president of the University of played from time to time. There are which the 'ten-ors defeated them 3-1 Mar-yland, the entire proceeds of the eight of these leaflets containing his- Gompf, Maryland goalie, successfully Henrietta Twigg, Marguerite Ringler, to break their winning spell. game will go into the field house fund. torical and literary accounts and re- stopped every attempt. Jean Baer, Idamae R.iley, Marguel"!~ Ranking high in Eastern Interool- The fund needed for the acquisition productions from the original trans- At the beginning of the second Carrara,. Harold White, and Rosalie log-iate Soccer circles last year, both of this new building will be raised by lations and illustrations of the Bible. Quarter the Nevonians began to play Silberstein. Western Maryland and West Chester means of an intensive and extensive These leaflets show biblical history the man instead of the ball. Conse- Plan of Dr. Ward will send a number of recognized campaign to sell tickets for the West- from 1525 when William Tyndale, an, "AI" Moore, having first been The plan for a modern field house stars into the fray. Captain Ruppcrt, ern Maryland-Maryland game. Oxford graduate, determined "that tripped and then having his head step- was inaugurated by the late President Al Gwinn, and Al Moore of the Among- those on the committee even England's plowboys should know ped upon, was led to the side-lines in a of Western Maryland College, Dr. A. Teachers were recognized as stars the Bible", to 1611 when the King daze. Jones was sent in to take his Norman Ward. "This is going to be last year by thei i- expert play, while which has been appointed to cany out James Version was completed. position at outside right. my last campaign", said he, on Sep- both Strausbaugh and Elseroad, of these plans are: For the commemoration services an The second half of the game was a tember 21, the day before his death. last year's Terror mainstays, are back Dr. R. Y. Nicholson, chairman; Col. illustrated German Bible, published in nightmare for the Terror eleven. "we must have this field house now". this year. The Teachers placed three Robert J. Gill, vice-chairman; Dean S. 1760, has been loaned to the library First Reckord was put out of the game men on the list of outstanding play- B. Schofield, secretary; Dr. J. H. by the Rev. and Mrs. William E. Roop. for fighting because he had been slug- New Gymnasium Needed ers in the Intercollegiate Soccer As- Straughn, Dr. W. W. Chase, and Several other bibles pr-inted in for- ged from behind, and then Hal Wright The need for a well-equipped gym- sociation last year, the Terrors plac- Messrs. Willard Hawkins, W. Wilson eign languages are on the shelves. was sent out for disparaging the ref- nasium has long been felt. Yingling Wingate, John M..Clayton, and Harry ing five men on the same list. Two Adkins. Tyndale's New Testament, with eree, who was charged as being the of these men from each team will be memories of his life and writings, has "twelfth man" on the other team! g"J'lllllasium built in 1904, when the was half its pres- student enrollment playing Saturday, Reis and Kohler in District rallies will be held in all been placed on the table near the lib- Subsequently it was learned that the the West Chester backfield, and important areas. Those attending rat-ian's desk. Included in this Bible referee was indeed the F and M coach. ent size and when much of the athletic Strausbaugh and Elserond in the Ter- these meetings will be asked to solicit is a booklet defining the two-fold pur- Endless drives in the last quarter, activity consisted of calisthenics, is ror line-up. Earle, four years a star funds and sell tickets in their respee- pose of the commemoration, as fol- despite tremendous odds, finally net- now inadequate and does 110thave the at West Chester, was the third named tive- communities. lows: ted a single tally when Jones centered facilities for modern program of com- member of the 1934 Teachers. Randle, A partial list of county representa- "To give thanks to God privately a long kick from the side-lines across petitive athletics and physical and Inter education. Wyand, and Holmes of last year's tives includes: and publicly for the English Bible, for the field to Fowble, who drove the ball health ball must be played collegiate a basket nearly Terrors having been mentioned on the Harr-y S. Beall, Montgomery Coun- the labors of those who gave it to us, which bounced off the goal-keeper and mile from the campus in the State same list of outstanding players. ty; Earl T. Hawkins, Harford Coun- and for the part it has played in the through the goal. Armory, and the other indoor sports, Here is a chance for the Terror soc- ty; H. C. Burkins, Howard County; lives of English peoples; and to bring The two outside wing players of cet-ites to upset one of the best teams Harry C. Triesler, Washington Coun- into our national and personal living Franklin and Marshall featured the both intercollegiate and intramural, in the east. A crowd of soccer play- ty; T. C. Mulligan, Dorchester Coun- the wholesome, moral, and spiritual play for their team by fast dribbling involving nearly every student, are ers from high schools in this part of ty; and Miss Grace Wills Price, Cecil influences of the Bible,-by the en- and accurate passing. These men were much hampered. the state have been invited to attend County. couragement of its constant use and probably the fastest and best ends The erection of a Field House, con- the game as the guests of the school The objectives of this drive were reading, and by making it a posses- which the Terrors team have encoun- taining on its two floors a large play- in an effort to further the interest in fully discussed by Colonel Gill who sion of every Amel"icnn home." tered this ye~" Credit is due Else- ing area, smaller rooms for athletic the game. presided in the absence of Dr. Nichol- road, Gom!)f, and Church for splendid activities requiring less space, locker Arrangements have been completed t
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