Page 16 - TheGoldBug1935-36
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t'Abb FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. NEWS IN BRI EF '35 GRADS PURSUE NON- I ACTIVITIES TEACHING Do you love your college, do you enjoy reading the GOLD 1, Column 3) I BUG, do you pay your alumni dues? Do you subscribe or ad- (Continued from Page .rohn B. Wannan, president of the ju- DELTA SIGMA KAPPA vertise in the Gold Bug? You do? All tight, then with clear »ioi- class was elected president of conscience, let's sing . the Sunday School Class during the Marie La Forge was formally ini- ,West Point; Norman ward, Jr, regular service last Sunday. Miss tiated into the club October 8, after studying for Master's Degree at Dear Western Marvlaud, fearless and bold, Cora Virginia Perry and Miss Mar- which the S-enior Delts entertained Western Maryland College. We're here to cheer to victory, the Green and the Gold; the club. garet Lansdale were selected vice- Women: Mary Benson, managing- And we will always be loyal to thee, president and secretary-treasurer re- the Western Maryland College Grille; We'l! love thee ever, dear old W. M. C. spectively. w.w. Lucille Bork, working in Woodward and Lothrop's department store in Retiring officers were given a fare- W. W. held its annual Football Rush Washington; Mary Brown, engaged well breakfast, at which a meeting Party, October 19, attending the in office work in Baltimore; Beth was also held for the purpose of ap- Bucknell-Wester-n Maryland game in Bryson, taking Master's Degree at Y'....,.....,..,...HoH.: ..,....,., ••'oH+>.! I J. STONER GEIMAN pointing new captains. It was also the Baltimore Stadium. After the Thelma of Maryland; decided that an outside speaker should game the club took its guests to the the University research work for the f. Fellows- t "~vEV~~~~R~~g~;I" employed by the t You're .just in time to select a ~ I Chell, doing preside at the Sunday School service, Picwiclc Inn for dinner. The guests Federal Fish Commission at \V. M. every fourth Sunday, the first of these of the club were: Ellen Hancock, Bet- C.; Ruth Jenkins, ELECTRk~ti6kIANCES speakers to be Professor Brumbaugh, ty Erb, Eloise Chipman, Dolly Taylor, Cecil County Welfare Association; ::. nice SUIt at $14.75 and a nob- ::: I Phone 24 store in Balti- IAnd Girls- f'l who will give an address next Sunday. Dorothy Vinup, Ruth Little, Sue Ir- Mary Waters Lewis, employed by :~ IIF"""'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''~ Dr. Bertholf will teach the classes for win, Doris Phillips, Betty Riley, Haz- O'Neil's department store in Balti- :i: by Topcoat at $12.75. which no outside speaker has been el Gompf, and Miss Esther Smith, more; Cather-ine Rose, employed by scheduled. sponsor. A Tradition With W. M. Among the Alumnae attending the Hutzler's department ::. We are showing wonderful :t Students dinner were: Frances Glynn, Cathe- i Coats at $10.90 and $16.50. t t-ine Rose, Dale Watson Brown, Mar- :t "Dad" Smelser's i PHI ALPHA MU garet Yocum, Kathlyn Mellor, Mary t Dresses $1.98 to $7.90. Brown, Evelyn Bowen, Elizabeth t -For- Nancy Travers Quillen, '37, has Humphries, Betty Mitchell, Elsie Ebs- JOHNEVE~H Come In And See Them been formally pledged to the club. worth, Frances Massey Black, Pat THE COLLEGE J 1. C. PENNEY CO.i' Sandwiches Ice Cream On Tuesday, October 15, Phi Alpha Protsky, Anna Frances Gallion, Betty AND BOB l Coldn,inb Mu had an informal supper in the Snodgrass, Roselda Todd, and Helen AT THE F *- I club room. DeRan. ~ Department Store Open every night until II.3lJ ::-';";:";";'''''·;'++';·'H.t-·:--:'$':''}$+H++·;'$+t '~=========d! PASSING IN REVIEW Constitutional, for it seemed desir- able. J. D. KATZ (Continued from Page 2, Column 3) The twentieth century shows other The answer is evident. Not a theo- examples of the use of the yardstick QUALITY retical love for the Constitution but,' of desirability, not constitutionality, SHOE REPAIRING rather, a practical love for his own for evaluating laws. The Constitu- Special Rates to Students Money No Object and his country's advantages deter- tion does not provide for a federal mined his course. land-bank system, but do we not have The Federalists, who are popularly the Federal Reserve System? The known as broad interpreters of the Constitution does not provide for fed- If It's A Question of Health Constitution, likewise played dual eral aid to education, but do we not WESTERN MARYLAND roles. They interpreted the Consti- have the Mot-t-ill Act of 1862, estab- tution broadly when they wanted the lishing land-grant colleges, and the 1914 Smith-Lever Act and the of bank bill and the Alien and Sedition Act of 1917? Yes, when the question Coffee Shop bills, hut some of them were ready to Smith-Hughes Vocational Education Since 1799 thousands of people have regained their normal secede when Louisiana was brought into the Union. Again, not a theoret- of constitutionality has been opposed health after years of suffering from stomach troubles of all ical love for the Constitution but, to the question of desirability in the SODA types, such as constipation, indigestion, gas, and sour rather, a practical love for their own past, desirability has usually tri- stomach which are the basic factors of such maladies as high advantages determined their course. ; umphed. SANDWICHES Our whole history shows the subor- So, in the coming presidential cam- LUNCH blood pressure, rheumatism, periodic headaches, pimples on dination of the question of Constitu-, paign, it is to be hoped that the issue face and body, pains in the back, liver, kidney and bladder tionality to the question of what was, is not solely one of constitutionality. DINNERS supposed desirability. The Fugitive There arc other questions, such as disorder, exhaustion, loss of sleep and appetite. Those suf. Slave Act of 1850 disregarded the, the subordination of the individual to J. F. MOORE, Manager ferers have not used any man-made injurious chemicals or Constitution, saying: "In no trial 01' the state, which are much more vital. hearing under this Act shall the tee-' Our Constitution is flexible; we can "Good Food-And How!" drugs of any kind; they have only used a remedy made by timony of such alleged fugit.ive be ado; always provide, either by interpreta- Nature. This marvelous product grows on the highest mitted in evidence." And yet, the tion or by amendment, for anything mountain peaks, whete it absorbs all the healing elements "all.eged fugiti:,e". might easily be a that is truly beneficial. taking away his nghts. But the Su- l Meanwhile we must searchingly ex- and vitamins from the sun to aid HUMANITY in distress. free Noi-thei-n citizen, and this was amine the New Deal Plot and ask, Is preme Court sustained the Jaw it desirable? It is composed of 19 kinds of natural leaves, seeds, berries New Hats and flowers scientifically and proportionately mixed and is ANNOUNCEMENTS known as LION CROSS HERB TEA. in the football shade of grcen, Miss Oma Yaste is on duty in the H. E. REESE gold, rust, blue, &c., LION CROSS HERB TEA tastes delicious, acts wonder- men's infirmary for half an hour after $1.98 fully upon your system, and is safe even for children. Pre- breakfast and fOI' an hour after din- TAILOR ner. She is on call at any time. CLEANING pare it fresh like any ordinary tea and drink a glassful once PRESSING a day, hot or cold. REPAIRING New 2·Piece Light To refute a statement made in the last issue of the Gold Bug, the mili- 94 East Main Street Weight Wool Dresses A one dollar treatment accomplishes WONDERS; makes tury department of the college an- SUITS MADE TO you look and feel like new born. If you are nor as yet fa- nounces that senior military students MEASURE in the bright fall colors, miliar with the beneficial effects of this natural remedy, will not be appointed to carry the col- try 01"S for the battalion. green, rust, &c. LION CROSS HERB TEA, money it at once and convince refunded to you. If not satisfactory yourself. r--- ~ $4.48 \Ve Carry a Full Line of Try it and convince yourself with our money-back guarantee, COLLEGE JEWELRY and T.W.Mather & Sons One week treatment $1.00 COLLEGE SEALS IISTATE Watch and Jewelry Repairing :~!:;Nioc Six weeks treatment $5.00 Special Prices for Students In order to avoid mistakes in getting the genuine LION Columbia Jewelry Co. Opera House CROSS HERB TEA, please fi[J out the attached coupon. Jewelers and Opticians K"y F'"n,i, "nd Goo'g' Brent in FRI., SAT., and MON., "The Goose and OCT. 25, 26, 28 ~ Barbara Stanwyck, Lio.Phannacy, Dept. 4248 Hallowe'en :: The Gander" "RED SALUTE" 1180 Second Ave., in Robert Young N. Y. City, N. Y. Novelties Also Good Shorts TUES. and WED., Gentlemen: Party Invitations, Seals, CUt B'::'~:~,~~~~:~~,~.,~ OCT. 29, 30 Enclosed find $ for which please send me Out, Noise Makers, Lanterns, Gene Stratton Porter's Masks, Candies, Tablecloth, George Brent, Jack La· Rue i~ ~ "FRECKLES" treatmellts of the famous LION CROSS HERB TEA. and Napkins. "Special Agent" ~ with Tom Brown, Virginia Shaeffer, Patker, and Water- Weidler Name " man Pen and Pencil COMING SOON Order your Christmas Ca~ds Next MON., TUES., WED. ~ Wallace Berry, Jackie Coop. Address .__. ._. ._. _ now. 50 for $1.00 j,n, Wi,hm in ~ et, in "O'Shaughnessy's Name printed on. Boy" City .._ .._...._... ...__._.State ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.~~~~~~~~~~~~ P. G. Coffman Co. "This Is The Life" ~ Miriam Hopkins, Ed",. in G Robinson, Joel McCrea, ....i'N...........,."NNN ............... "Barbary Coast"
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