Page 15 - TheGoldBug1935-36
P. 15
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. PAGE THREE TACTICAL ERRORS DEFEAT FRESHMAN GRID TEAM DOBIE'S TOETRIPS GREEN TERRORS AT PENN STATE FAN FODDER 1 WINS SEASON OPENER TERRORS AS BUCKNELL Strong Lion Team Scores Only By "HERB" STEVENS Dickinson Seminary Succumbs To WINS STADIUM DEBUT Points On Incomplete Pass Baby Terror Offense at In End Zone Williamsport Bison Wins Drab Contest Follow- western Marvland football scores look more like the scores of a Western Maryland's freshman grid- ing Failure of Green and Gold SAFETY IS WIN MARGIN close World Seri;s baseball contest-2-0, 3-0-with the scores on the del'S won their season opener at Wil- to Score on Early Chance wrong side of the, register. liamsport, Pa., Saturday, October 12 Lack of scoring punch was costly Whatever is wrong, it isn't the coaching or the scouting, and for the Terrors in their first encoun- though some of the-trouble mny be blamed upon the loss by injury of by a margin of two touchdowns over BOTH TEAMS LACK ter with the Lions of Penn State Sat- key men on the Terror line, there seems to be a lack of headwork on Dickinson Seminary, holding the prep OFFENSIVE STRBNGTH urday, October 12, and a series of school boys scoreless during the en- Opening their 1935 home season in tire game. distinctly tactical mistakes cost them a defeat rc-""""",_ the part of the players, and Fumbles are a sense of too fre- uer'vousness in the backfield. 'rather- than a scorele~s tie. Using the Notre Dame system of the Baltimore Stadium Saturday, the western Maryland's line held up an quent. The line leaked like a broken seive in the play the Baby Terrors scored in the Western Maryland Green Terrors lost Bucknell Bisons. last contest early Lion attack in the first quarter Bucknell thc swift-footed in the Stadium a ghost Saturday, not middle of the first period on a buck to the powerful that the battle The scoring was shows through Campbell giving of a chance of the line with the center on the Terror 12 yard line, State be- to get off his punts. Thomas carrying the ball. Again, hard fought from start to finish, beth ing forced to pass on the fourth down 'l'he Terrors took a beating when both Benjamin in a desperate effort to score. Bren- and Reith, who so fur this season have played good early in the third per-iod, the freshmen teams playing a superb defensive nan intercepted the pass on the Ter- defensive ball Oll the line were injured cnough to be pounded the Seminary line for a game with the Bisons scoring a lone ror 3 and was dropped in his tracks touchdown through tackle. Mujwit field goal and Dobie's drop-kick in the by two potential pass receivers of the ~ kept hom activo service. 'l'he attack lost much of carried the ball on this play. waning minutes of the third quarter Lions. Lathrop dropped back into RERBERTSTEVENSits punch, and the backs were stopped cold. The The playing of Mujwit, a rugged to win 3-0. . wonder was so low, which punt formation, but the play, instead that despite tire continued i~ lila!. the score of the ']'errors there indicates triple-threat man and Joe Drugash, The _Terrors secured a acormg op- showing is some- POOl' of being a kick, was a short forward thing there to wor-k on. ~:~~~:I:,e!~g~~~;:l~vi~~~~eo~!l!ng!~~ ;~~~~n,~t:eno~l.:;~a:~~k:!~:ff ~~ ~~~ pass into the right flat behind the line The chief thing that the Green 111](1 Gold Jilek is the SIHlp and pre- of scrimmage, where Woodbury failed cision of former Western lIfaryhHld teams. 'I'hey come out of the hud- eralship of Thomas. Bender made a~'sky of the Bls~ns who fumbled on to receive the pass, the ball being dle, arc called back agnin. loaf out of the huddle with quer-icus faces, several long runs of 55, 40, and 251 hIS own 8 yard line. McPher~on i-e- grounded in the end zone for an auto- take ages to execute the shift from punt formation to the running single yards, his run of 40 yards paving the covered f~r W. M. C. On the first play matic safety. or double wing-back position, unrl then muff the pass from center. The way for the second Terror touchdown. from sCl"lmmag~, Lat~rop fun~bled, The game resolved itself into a bat- trouble is mental attitude ,111<1 inexperience. Harlo-v made much use Dickenson threatened only once, car- Bucknell reeovermg. Sitar-sky kicked tle of ground-gaining and punting in of the old IHlage. "A leam that \\"on't be beat Cllll't be beat." rying the ball to the Terror 15 yard cut of the ~angel" zone ". of and pasSlllg attacks line where the Green and Gold held The running midfield, with each team making a sin- We fail to heal' aham to two sity by outplaying a veteran sopho- SECOND VICTORY 19-0 Lathrop Q.B. Sitarsky Donato R.H. Woodbury touchdowns and climaxed a thrilling more team but losing by a score of Draper L.R. Smith Cooper F.B. Brennan Passing and Running Attacks of struggle by pushing over two scores 6-4, \Vol'king together for the first Brennan R.H. Colson in the last quarter to gain a 12-12 time as a unit, the frosh outgained Baby Terrors Fells Baltimore Campbell F.B. Miller SOCCER TEAM DEFEATS deadlock. : theil' more exp~rienced rivals in yard- Firemen Substitutes: Bucknell, Fazio for BUCKNELL IN OPENER In their first league game the Bach- age. 'They tWice brQke through the Western Mal'yland's fl'eshman grid Pethick; backs, Bowman, Raymaleyj The Terror soccer team opened its elors defeated the Black and White by line to gain safeties on the sophs, but team scored its second successive vic- Western Maryland, end, Leshj center, 1935 season Saturday, October 12. a score of 12-6. This game was dose were defeated in the last quarter t.ory yesterday when it vanquished Roberts; tackle, Forthman; backs, Playing a veteran Bucknell team, the from start to finish. The feature play when a forward pass was intercepted the Baltimore Firemen on Hoffa Field, Moore, Sadowski. Terrors drove in five goals to defeat of the game was Elliott's dash of the by a sophomore lineman, who dashed scoring three touchdowns in the first the Bisons 5-1. The Western Mary- length of the field after inteJ"cepting five rards for the score. half and kicking one extra point to land team opened the game with a II. pass on his own goal line. The win 19-0. second quarter with an entire new driving attack and soon scored on a Black and White threatened to tie th~ In the second game the "Y" swung Early in the first quarter, the sec- freshman team on the field. Bender. pass to Wallace, who drove the ball score after making a tally in the sec- into action and overpowered a green ond string freshmen who st.'Hted the red-headed ball carrier, crashed past the Bucknell goalkeeper. Buck- ond half, but the game ended befo~'e fl'eshman team, winning by a score of game took the ball in mid-field and the strong l'ight side for three yards nell soon retaliated by a throw-in they could gain a tie. 2,J-12. The first year men played carried it to the 15 yard !ine on runs, and a score. DI'ugash kicked the ex- which bounced past the fullbacks and The Preachers then demonstrated hal'd, but the team failed to click, and bucks and passes. A pass from Muj- tra point by placement. was kicked in by one of their wings. they are a dangerous threat by cI'ush- after the "Y" scored a touchdown, the wit to Lee Adriance scored the first. The last half found the Firemen "AI" Moore headed the ball in for a ing the Black and White 20-6. This frosh never caught up. touchdown. Thoma's try for the ex- gaining first downs on Terror penal- second goal a little later. The first victory put them in first place in the Just to show that their first victol'y tra point failed. ties for offsides and unnecessary quarter ended with no further scoring league. was no fluke, the "Y" then defeated Again in the first quarter the start- roughness. by either side. Western Maryland Although they put up a game bat- the sophomores by the same score, ing line-up scored, pushing the Fire- Defensively the freshmen stood out, came out fighting in the second quar- tle, the Bachelors were no match for 24-12. The "Y" scored a marker in men back on runs and passes to the stopping numerous plays aimed at the ter and soon brought the score up to the Gamma Bet's who defeated them every quarter and held their foes S yard line where they smeared Muj- center of the line, and effectively 5-1, Reckord and Belt scoring fie](l by a score of 12-0. This game was wit for a five yard loss on an attempt- checking the Firemen's ael"ial attack. goals and Strausbaugh scoring on a later protested by the losers who scoreless until late in the third qual'· ed pass. On the next play 1I1ujwit ran On the other hand, the freshman penalty kick. After the Terrors third claimed that their rivals had used an tel' when the sophs eompleted a pass right end for nine yards and a touch- passes gained considerable ground. goal, Bucknell played a purely defen- ineligible player in their liJleup. No over the goal line. down just over the goal line. The try The play of the Firemen ends stopped sive game. During the game the ball definite action has as yet been taken, The inter-class league this year is for point I'esulted in an incompleted the end run of the frosh back, Bender, was seldom in the Terror half of the but in all probabilities the contest operating under the same rules as last pass. who got away for long gains agaim>t field. will be replayed. year with practically no changes, The third touchdown came in the Dickinson last week.
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