Page 14 - TheGoldBug1935-36
P. 14
PAGE TWO The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. Passing in Review PERSONALITY PICTURES By lDAlIlAE T. RILEY By ART PENNER AND HIS PALS NEW DEAL PLOT ,S~me wit has said that Webster's Quiet-spoken, unassuming, helpful, It is har-d to imagine "Charlie" in the role of a center on a football ~t:~:l~:~e~:: o~o~h:l:~:t. characters I ~~:~i~~S~ \:!~:~~:!~~:e o~n!e ::~U:f team, illegally taking an advantage Official student newspaper of Western Maryland College, published on Thurs- What was spoken in jest of the die- the hour, "Charlie" Havens, Director of an opponent. day, twice monthly during October, November, February, March, April, May, tionary may be spoken in truth of of Athletics and Head Coach of Foot- and once a month during September, December, and January, by the students Congress last session: it had too ball and Boxing at Western Maryland. The impression that he makes of of Western Maryland College, \Vestminster, Maryland. Entered as second- 'being clean of mind, body, and sport- class matter at the Westminster Post Office. many bills for a clear plot. Rare is the person who understands even su- "Charlie" stands on the field view- ing blood, shows up in the games that SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $1.00 A YEAR perficia.lly what Congress was trying ing his football team at work, criti- his football teams play. Few penal- to accomplish last summer. The So- cizing, demonstrating, watching. He ties are given to his Terrors because cial Security Act, which provides for sits in his office planning for the en- of poor sportsmanship or failure to old-age pensions, unemployment in- largement of the athletic program of 'obey the rules. surance, assistance to mothers and the college on a paying bests. He Havens keeps abreast of the times. EDITORIAL STAFF children, etc.; the Utility Holding sits on the players' bench during a He is a student, especially a student Editor-in-Chicf........... .ROSALIE G. SILBERSTEIN, '36 Company Act, which is designed to game, alert. But he is never impetu- of the modern methods of the grid- ABBociutB EditQl·s... IOAltIAE T. RILEY, '36, ROBERT BROOKS, '36 break up holding companies; th" iron sport. His assortment of for- NewB EditorB GUY GRIFFIN, '36, SARABELLE BLACKWELL, '37 Copy EditorB JANET l\1ACVEAN, '38, LEONARD GRAHAM, '38 ward and lateral passes have given Sporte EditorB HERBERT STEVENS, '36, ELIZABETH HAGEN, '36 ~:b::y~S~Tt~;;:· ~~a1 ~~~: ~~~iCS~f~~~:~~ hi~o h:n~.:t;l~i::a:al~~~a:~d g~i~ag::~l:! worry to the coaches or Villanova and Excka'l!ge Editm' MIRIAM WHITFIELD, '36 industry; the AAA Amendment Act, of mind is echoed by his players. Penn State this year, and only' a few which, among other things, provides bad breaks prevented his Terrors MAKE-UP STAFF for a farm-adjustment program for "Charlie" is helpful. Whenever Managing EditQ1·S GEORGE NEEDHAM, '37, SHERWOOD BALDERSON, '38 potato growers; the tax program; and he is approached for material fOl' pub- from using them to advantage in those games. BUSINESS STAFF many other legislative products, are lication, he is willing to help, to criti- Perhaps the best thing that can be BUBinBBS Mu11.agcr........ EDWARD BEAUCHAMP, '36 seen as independent- Congressional cize, or even at times to write an ar- said about any man is that he is ad- AdvBrtisi'l!g Jlfa'l!ugcr JOHN WARMAN, '37 episodes; the total theme, the com- ticle. ABsiBta1lt, Advllrt-i.sing 1I1alluge1'8 ROBERT KIEFER, '37, ARCHIE ALLGIRE, '38 plete plot, evades understanding. mired by his fellows. That is cer- Circu.lation lI1anage1"B THOMAS EVELAND, '36, ROSALIE GILBERT, '36 What, then, shall serve as a critical It is easy to think of this man in tainly true of "Charlie" Havens. De- ABsi.stant Circulation lI1anagers ... JOHN CULLER, '37, NORVIN GOMPF, '38 the company of notables giving a spite the losses of his team this sea- ARLINE HUDSON, '37, HILDA BIDDLE, '38 yardstick by which to evaluate the short, quiet, candid statement of his son, he is admired by the student body accomplishments of Congress and, in REPORTERS a general way, of the New Deal? opinion upon some matter, but never of Western Maryland and the people Reporters contributing to this issue: Opponents of the New Deal have mincing words. It is easy to think of the community. A person feels comfortable Walter Lee Taylor, '37, James Coleman, '38, Charles Beer, '38. selected the question of constitution- of him criticizing a player without in- fident that in his presence, and con- "Charlie" the ill-will of the man. is his friend. His ality as a valid standard for evalua- cut-ring Elizabeth Byrd, '36. Sally Price, '37, Madalyn Blades, '37, Eleanor Taylor, easy manner of speech is decisive, but And "Charlie" is his friend, for '38, Virginia Lee Smith, '38, Frances Stanley, '38, Frances Stout, '39, tion. Are these bills in keeping with not blustering. "Charlie" is friendly. Anne Melvin, '39. the principles and spirit of the Con- stitution? Is the New Deal trying to Worthy opinion; Model management; Correct news. overthrow the Constitution? as the It seems to me, important A -LI Supreme Court is as a guardian of COLLEGE RHYTHM I£.-D-I-T-O-R.-I- American liberties, that New Deal opponents have found a yardstick of doubtful value. Instead of asking Goodbye Again Uncle Him is sad. 'Mama de Stress has forgotten her chiefly the question, Is it Constitu- We Whisper The day of the match dawned bright and clear, legal affairs. Even little Goliath knows t hut some- tional?, they should ask rather, Is it "Ray" Simpson himself out And in many an eye there gleamed a thing is wrong. Perhaps he is thinking that he hales to say goodbye. desirable? in the cold again-and found with a date .. tear In the progress of our country But he must. find that constitutionality of action we For this nice boy of little fame For Sydney Smith is dead. Yes, Sydney Smith has wiped the ink has usually been subordinated to the Roop goes to Baltimore every Fri- Whom today the champ would harshly from his pen forever. And Fate has wiped out with him the lives of a desirability of action. A few ex- day night and not to see a picture tame. dozen 'vivid personalities-a dozen human beings-like yon and me. amples, some of which are pointed out show. In the challenger's camp there was For when Sydney Smith died "thc Gumps" died too. As a news- by Charles A. Beard in the Vi1'ginia Martin, still blue in the face, is little gloom. paperman Smith lived a life crammed with the unexpected. As a car- Quarterly Review for October, will cursing "Gordy's" unbreakable pen .. toonist he filled an empty pocket in the everyday coat. of America. They felt the champ would meet his make this clear. doom, He knew people. His own life was made interesting by adventure. Jefferson is known popularly as a An auburn-haired fresh coed ap- And the manager knew that he was But he knew there were millions of other lives that were only a monot- strict interpreter of the Constitution. pears to be a good shot with rifte 01' wiser onous succession of mundane experiences-of humdrum trivialities. His record shows, however, that he pistol. Than all the men' of great King And he wanted those other lives to be fnll-he wanted those other people sometimes took a ver-y broad Consti- Reckord is trying to keep the boys Keyser. to live-e-tc hope, to laugh, and to cry. tutional viewpoint. For example, he quiet about the trip to Bucknell. The Gumps formed his instrument. How many of us, even at col- was a strict Constitutionalist when 0' ring the bells! Ring them loud Markline lege, as soon as we get our hands on the evening paper, turn to the he opposed Hamilton's bank and the the fact that is still "sewed up" despite To tell the defeat of the champion he was seen twice last comic page 1 How many of us as soon as we see the Sunday paper Alien and Sedition bills, but he was proud, make a wild grab for the II funnies" and then greedily assert our right a very liberal Constitutionalist when week-end with a Phyllis and a Gene- For the challenger pushed, as the of possession while the rest of the family has to be content with the he favored the acquisition of Louisi- vieve. great crowd roared classified page and the brown section! How much more they mean to ana and the imposition of an embar- The cockey champion off the board. those whose understanding can go no further. go. Why did he play these dual roles? This, my children, is the sad, sad stor~' Do you remember when Sam Carr invented the perpetual motion (Continued on Page 4, Column 1) Of Old King Keyser and his faded picture' When Mary Gold died-and we 1111 tr-ied to pretend that it Wc Repeat glory. was just a bad dream f Do you remember how we used to live in dread Lassahn, we hear, is the secret pas- --every day almost-that the Widow Zander would be eaught in a storm sion of many freshman coeds. and lose her precious" transtormation"! CAMPUS I Yes, children, Dudley is the one who We Peel) Is it too milch to say that we have liyed with these people! 'J'hese LEADERS finally got that box of candy that was Gl·een-Lulllling. real people---these human beings-that. came Ollt of the inkwell of onc waylaid at Blanche Ward Hall-from Fagan-Enfield. man-one cle,'er, understanding human being who kncw what \\".~ an ardent admirer, it seems- Snow-Phillips. wanted' "Brod" speaks the language of the Fallon-Wolfe. Rinehimer-Little. And so the Gumps are sad. Little Chester has stnrterl to cry by go-getter. His is a practical philoso- And so a group of the senior men MacPherson-Spates. this time-and Andy clln say nothing but" Oh, 1\'1ill-is this the end?" phy, interesting to m:my, ~tl"ange to have decided to be fickle this year- Bennett-Bakel', F. oh, for the life of a senior. Uvanni-Clemson. "Reds" came back to take a post- The Dreamer Winds swept coldly across the IC(lf covercd ground and graduate course in Waltzing .. around thc cold stone buildings of the college on the We Lament "Varsity" thinks he is a lieutenant- hilltop. A short, stocky, stoop-shouldcred man with 11 wrinkled brow Champ of checkerdom, czar of the colonel every evening after dinner. and a thoughtful frown, walked slowly lleross the land which lay behind moves, He imagines all the girls are doing the group of buildings and toward the open country. King Keyser was his name. "eyes right" when passing him. He scanned t.he horizon of the hill beyond-up there where the He'd never lost, and he had won bridge of land connected two l'idges and formed a huge horseshoe-like A lliche in the hall of fame. And so Ii couple of our handsome bowl. Therc was stubble on the field where corn had but recently becn Sophs were "unavoidably detained" shocked. At last one day there came to town from school - "Washington - Merry- go-Round", eh? The man stoPl)cd, lIe starcd with dreamy eyes (lhelld of him at A handsome challenger for the crown; the stubble-filled bowl. Suddenly his "ision seemed to elear. 'rhe And he had a manager, young and "Nick" has been seen strolling stubble vanishcd .. In its place a green field was briglltencd by an early wiser, around with a Young lady recently. morning sun; four new buildings reared into the sIQ', and a football field Than all the minions of Great King Aftel' being dateless fOl' three lay back behind thc buildings at the top of the bridge of lan(l. Around Keyser. years, Reifsnide\", the dal'k horse, the bowl a concrete driveway shaded by stately trees added to the beauty "BROD" DAN£KER Together they planned to win the comes through. Come on, John tell of the grecnsward. the boys about "Peg" Clark of Hollins. The stoop"shollldered man rctircd to his home nelll' the Ilreh-way a few. To him life is a series of "ex- And thereby gain great renown. Operatiolls are really tough. Has lit the fooL of the college drive and Pllt his cl1'elllll on paper. It WiIS periences" to be evaluated scientifical- anyone seen the "Goon" around 1 so clear to him. ly, to be questioned, to be accepted or Up the steps to fame they went And ~'et, when he told llis plall to the Board of Directors, thcy discarded on the basis of what each And to the champ a challenge sent. Yea for the "Fighting-Irish"_in_ laughed at him. He smiled a thoughtful smile, and cmphasi~ed morc contributes to his ultimate aim. King Keysei' laughed long and loud, troducing Miss l\Jurphy and Mr. Fa- vigorously thc task which lay beforc him. He had seen
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