Page 13 - TheGoldBug1935-36
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GOt Hallowe'en Party Homecoming Day! Thursday Evening November 2 October 31 Western Maryland vs, 8:00 P. M. University of Baltimore Vol. 13, No.3 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. October 24, 1935 Revival of Varsity Track and Field Farce Comedy to Inaugurate Dramatic Sport is Announced by Director COLLEGE CALENDAR Season for College Players October 26-l'I1t. St. Mary's at Emmitsburg. "Goose" Doughty Will Coach Team Resurrected To Compete In Inter. "A Lucky Break", Rollicking Broadway Production, Will Be Staged In October 29-Delts Rush Party. Collegiate Meets October 29-Tl'i Beta at Dr. Bcr- Alumni Hall Thanksgiving Evening tholf's. TERRORS TO BE IN PENN RELAYS AGAIN October 29-Gettysbul'g at Gettys- MODERN SETTING TO PROVIDE PLAY KEYNOTE burg. October 3I-Sophomore Hallow- Ghosts of "Eddie" 'I'ar-r and "Si" Cooling, memories of the early e'en Party for the freshmen. on this yenr:« dramatic calendar, a farce ]900's! November t-e-State Teachers' Col- Miss Esther Smith, director of Western Maryland's athletic department, in keeping with the ever lege at Towson. for "A Lucky Break", increasing scope of the school, is :- _ November 2-University of Balti- __________ -: to be presented as the annual Thanks- more at Westminster. ~:.:~~":"t~:;~:~,,;'~~at~~u;:;\:d~~~ITERROR SOCCERTEAM TIES November 2-Alpha Gamma Tau giving play Thursday evening, No- vember 28. Dance. The cast of characters in~l:~: C::li:~dsl;~~:1 ::::ll'remember TOWSON STATE TEACHERS November 6--Fmnklin and Mar- Break" is as follows: for" A Lucky the fine track teams that once repre- -- shal! at Lancaster. Martha Mullet-c-Proprietor of sented Western Maryland in the "AI" Moore Scores Twice By Hotel Mullet-Rosalie Silberstein Penn Relays at Philadelphia in 1901, Heading Ball Through Goal SOPHOMORES PLAN Nora Mullet-her daughter-> and 1902, and in other by-gone school Doris Smedes years. But none of the present stu- Several hundred spectators wit- HALLOWE'EN SOCIAL Elimine Ludine---a servant- dent body can remember when West- nessed an interesting game on Fri- Margaret Lansdale ern Maryland had a track team. The day, October 18, when the western intra-mural track meets of recent Maryland soccer team played Towson This year's promising crop of Benny Ketcham-a super-snlesman-c- years have merely emphasized the State Teachers' College to a 2-2 tie. freshmen will come into their own at Aubrey Schneider fact that Western Maryland lacks The Towson team, though weakened the annual dance to be given by the Abner Ketcha m-his uncle- representation in the matter of track by the graduation of many lettermen, sophomore class on Thursday eve- Donald Prince and field athletics, so with the com- presented a strong, well coordinated ning October 31, at 8 P. M. in Mrs. Bal'l'ett- a guest- ing of spring, "Goose" Doughty will force, and, while playing a defensive the spacious new girls' gym in Marguerite Carrara issue a call for candidates for a track game, was able to score twice 011 the Blanche Ward Hall. Clnudiu-c-hei- daughter- and field team to represent the Ter- Tenors. Sherwood Balderson, president of Margaret Herwick rors in. varsity competition, according The first quarter was an intense the sophomore class, has announced Tommy Lansing-a -painter-> to a recent statement of "Charlie" struggle between teams for possession that the wearing of costumes will bc Edward Beauchamp Havens, Director of Athletics here. of the ball, Western Maryland's drlv- optional and that in addition to danc- John Bruce-a .man of business- Emphasizing the interest taken in ing attack keeping the ball largely in ing, card playing, games, and re- Proctor Messler recent intra-mural track meets Oil the Towson's half of the field. Despite freshments will be included in the Hill, Havens stated that it is being consistently good centering by the program of the evening. Charles Richards planned by the athletic department to wings and excellent backing up of the Mr. Balderson and his program Jura Charente-French dancing include a list of four 01' five inter- line the Terror team was unable to committee hope to have members of MISS ESTHER S~llTB teacher-Marguerite Ringler during BACHELORS TO PRESENT collegiate track meets on the athletic score. The game was continually in- both the freshman and sophomore Val' Charente-her brother- program this year with Doughty tei-rupted by injuries to players. classes provide entertainment George Needham coaching the team. It is also being Almost immediately after the be- the evening. It is reliably reported FIRST DANCE OF SEASON n-u, Mac Wall-Elizabeth Wolfoxd planned to send a representative team ginnblg of the second quarter, "AI" that several members of both classes Other boarders. to both the Penn Relays and the west Moore scored by heading the ball are above the average in the histri- The scene is an office of Hotel Mul- Chester State Teachers' College Invi- through the uprights. Towson kicked onic and laugh-provoking arts. Opening the social season on the let, l\1astasquam, Connecticut. tation Meet. off, and after several minutes of .play As the party will be given in honer Hill this year, the Bachelors' Club, Originally produced in New York, Records of the intra-mural meet C. Smith tallied on a long high drive of the freshmen, there will be no ad- the Alpha Gamma Tau fratcrnity, will held here last year indicate that the which Brooks, the goalie, missed by mission charge for members of that present a .dnnce Saturday evening, with George MacFm-lane as star, this material is available for a fast track inches. The half ended with the class. An admission of twenty-five November 2. "Bud" Codori and his comedy by Zelda Sears is a lively rep- team, especially in the relay depart- score tied at 1-1. cents pel' person will be charged up- popular broadcasting eleven-piece or- resentation of small town life. Al- ment and the sprints. Several men The third quarter was almost a perclassmen and members of the fac- chestra will furnish the music. though the play presents a vivid char- look promising for the distance events repetition of the first, the ball being ulty. The affair, which will be held from acter study, the feature of the farce is with training and coaching. The field first at one and then at the other end 8 until 11.30 in the new girls' gynma- its rollicking action. events are more a matter of conjec- of the field. Both teams were playing Suitable music by a first class or- sium will not only mark the climax of Modern settings and costumes are ture with the jumps and the vault the good defensive ball and neither side chestra, the "Royal Aces", of Han- the proceedings for Homecoming Day, used in the production. biggest question mark and nothing was able to score, though both threat- over, will be provided by the prugr'am but it will also inaugurate the new The story of the play contributes That committee includes: committee. whatever known about hurdle pros- ened more than once. Invitations, Elizabeth Erb; decora- floor 1\S a scene of social activities; much of the comic element. After an pects. Whether the athletic. depart- Western Maryland started the tions, Mary Virginia Cooper, Archie Prior to this yea I', club dances have absence of twenty years, John Bruce ment will include the entire program I fourth quarter by driving the ball Allgire; refreshments, Dorothy Vin- been held in the old girls' gymnasium. returns to the Connecticut village of of track and field sports in this first down the field toward the Towson The committee arranging the dance his boyhood. He is immediately beset season has not yet been decided. goal, finally getting a coi-ner kick. up; music, James Coleman. is composed of Ray Shipley, Charles on all sides by "fr-iends" asking fav- Belt placed a beautiful kick close to The members of the sophomore Daneker, wnucm Humphries, Ken- ors. Suspecting that his money is the goal and Moore headed it in for class are requested to pay their class neth Adriance, and Sherwood Bald- the source of his popularity, he per- Maryland score. DEAN OF EDUCATION the second western to chang'e sides fees as soon as possible so that plans the members of the faculty mits a rumor that he has lost his for the affair may be made inlluedi- The ball continued fortune in Wall Street to go uncheck- LISTS EXTENSION until the last portion of the game, ately. present as sponsors are ed, believing that this will show his COURSES GIVEN when Towson was awarded a penalty Prof. Frank B. Hurt, honorary mem- friends in their true colors. kick. D. Smith kicked the ball hard ber of the fraternity; Dr. and )Irs. T. Last year the College Players pre- According to a recent announce- against the cross bar and then kicked '35 GRADS PURSUE NON- i\I. Whitfield, 1\1l'. and Mrs. Charles sented "Minick", by George S. Kauf- lllcnt from the office of the dean of it in when it bounced back. The quar- Havens, and Prof. Wilson Raver. man and Edwin Ferber, as the education, the following courses are tel' ended without fUl·ther scoring. TEACHING ACTIVITIES The dance is a program affair and Thanksgiving play. being conducted throughout the state r The line-ups for the game follow: is open to members of the student by the extensiOll department of I Brooks, R., g.; Church, A., s.f.; Else- That Western Maryland College body. The be a dollar and ten Westem Maryland College: road, J., l'.f.; Bal'kdo~l, I.h.; Stras- g]'aduates are versatile is shown by cents PCI'_'_'U_P'_', _ FACULTY CLUB HONORS Garrett County: Oakland, Shaks- baugh, Capt., c.h.; Markline, r.h.; the information which was given out pere, J?r. Kerlin; Gran~sville,. Me~iae- Belt, 0.1.; .Wallace, C., i.1.; 1\Jartin, c.f.; by the office in regard to the positions INTER_SORORITY COUNCIL WORK OF COVERDALE val HIstory, Dr. Kerhn; Kltznuller, Reckord, 1.1'.; Moore, 0.1'.; in fields other than teaching which RESTATES HONOR CODE Mod. Eur. History, Dr. Kerlin. Hamilton, g.; Ubersax, s.f.; Brum- members of the class of 1935 have se- On Thursday evening, October 17, Allegany County: Westernport, baugh, r.f.; Smith, C., I.h.; Wheeler, cured. The following graduates are Complying with a ruling of the the first meeting of the Faculty Club Mod. Eur. History, Dr. Kerlin; CUlll- John, c.h.; Bennett, A., r.h.; Wheeler, now enlployed or are continuing thelr Inter-Sorority Council, the following berland: Mod. Eur. History, Dr. Ker- Joshua, 0.1.; Williams, R., Ll.; Meyer, scholastic training: honor code for sorority pledging is this fall was held in McDaniel Hall reprinted: Since this month has been Lounge. .Men: La Mar Benson, attending ~I~~t~l~~~k;il~r~p~~;n~:;'l~:in~:~' :;;~ c.f~u~s~K~~~~l;~\";~~!!~'t Di~I?·I~lal'k_ 1. No girl shall be invited to join a set aside for the recognition of the Law School at University of Mary- club until the fall term of her sec- foul' hundredth anniversary of the nOlllics, Mr. Anson; French, Miss line, GOlllpf for Brooks. land in Baltimore; Brady Bryson, Kraus. Referee: Johnny Neun. studying law at Columbia Univel"- ond year at Westel'll Maryland Col- printing of the Myles Coverdale Bible. Lit., Miss Boyer; I completely in the first to be printed lege. Washington County: French, Miss ADDRESS TO COMMEMORATE sity; Paul Burger, physical education 2. Transfer students Illay receive a English, the entertainment committee Beachley; English TRANSLATION OF BIBLE work at Columbia; Gerald Commer- bid after one semester's residence had prepal'ed an appropriate pro- Economics, Mr. Hurt; Colonial His- __ ford, returned to Western Maryland on the Hill. gram. tory, Mr. Hurt. Dr. Edgar Cordell Powers, execu- for post-graduate work; Andrew Gor- 3. The rushing season shall extelld Mr. Dean White Hendrickson, pro- Harford County: Bel Ail', Biology, tive secretary of the Maryland Bible ski, enrolled at West Point; Richard over a period of a year from ap- fessor of English, told of the history Dr. Bertholf. Society of Baltimore, will address the Holmes, working in Washington; proximately Novcmber 1 of one of Bible translations and of the liter- Evening classes offered at Western students of \Vestel'n l\Ial'yland Col- Kale Mathias, engaged in business in year until Novembel' 1 of the next. ary elements and inftuence found in Shroyer, Dr. of the 4. From date of issua.nce of bids all :~:l'Yi~~I~w(nO;I:egeM:~::e;:r ~~s~l~~~ ~:~.e2~~!~el~:~~:it~~fl,1\~~no~:~~.~~~~ :~ ~=~:i:i~~et~l~~~i~' ::~::.:: :~~:~:~! must observe three it. spoke concel"lling the part Seminary, that the club members Miss Robb; Survey of English Liter- of the four hundredth anniversary in the General Accounting office in days of silence with those who are Bible has played in the development receiving bids by the three clubs. of Western civilization. An illustrat- ~:~.~ ~~.i:~le~~~~g;:.~;S~:::~;~ ~~:~ ~:a~~~a~~~p~~t~~: ~i~~e~ fi~;. ~:~:!~.~::as~~~t~~l:; Jo~:ln:iP~Oa;~~~~s:~~~~:~ 5. It is to be understood that any club ed discussion was given by Mrs. Mor- breaking this rule will be suspend- I'is on various works of art that were tory of Education, Dr. Mudge; Prin- ~::~~ ~:;~:il~ts a~~dn~~r~:~!S:Oth~O~!~.l~ ~i~~~r~~~~~~;~ e;:t~i~~e~:p;r~~n::~; ed from the Inter-Sorority Council inspired by the Bible. Thcse pictures, ~i:lli~~;Ofl\1~der~' ~:~:~;:~ ~:::or~: ticulars of the essay contest which is M.ansell Stev~n.s, domg .specJal. work for a period of six months. During drawn from biblical scenes, especially Dr. Whitfield; Mathematics, Dr. Spi- being sponsored by the Bible Society I WIth .underpnvlleged chIldren III All- this period the club will have no in the New Testament, included well cer; Modern Prose and Poetry, Dr. as a part of their commemoration napolls; Cartel' Stone, Jr., enrolled at privilege of rushing, holding l'ush known works of the Renaissance and Wills; French, Miss Carrara. I program. (Continued on Page 4, Column 3) parties, or bidding. of later times.
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