Page 12 - TheGoldBug1935-36
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rAub FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. WILLIAM BRATTON CHOSEN 1 TERRORS DROP GRID GAME WESTERN MARYLAND PERSONAL I TY PICTURES TO LEAD R. O. T. C. UNIT I TO STRONG WILDCAT TEAM MOURS SUDDEN LOSS OF PRESIDENT ALBERT By ART PENNER AND HIS PALS ~~;tn~l:~::; f~::~:':~se: ~.C~I.U:;:OI~~'I ~~nOt:~n~eed::~~~r:a:r:~' t~:::::i!~ NORMAN WARD Harold B. Wright, Charles O. Spang. the Villanova end zone. Ten years of directing the activities! cule the whims of others. .She _well The line-ups: (Continued from Page 1, Col. 5) of student teachers at Western Mary- knows the value of what IS tritely CompaJlY C West. Md. field, in the first assembly of the col- land-this is the record Miss Ebaugh called "balance"; she is neither a Jere- James F. Draper, Captain, Com- Villanova lege year, stated that it was only fit- Lassahn will attain this year. Ten year's of miah nor a clown. pany Commander; Harold S. white, Sala L. E. Pontecorvo ting that at the opening of the college Melius L. T. sympathetic help, ten years of pract.l- "If you don't love children, steer 1st Lieut., Second in Command; Wal- Vidnovic L. G. Ortenai year every student and every mem- cal advice, ten years of an inimitable clear of teaching," advises Miss ter K. Grumbine, 1st Lieut., Platoon Galazin C. Reith ber of the faculty should pause in re- sense of humor. Ebaugh in her philosophical manner. Leader; Rodman M. Haynes, 1st Michaels R. G. McPherson spect to the man who had made that To shivering neophytes in the realm And then a touch of humor-c-v.And if Lieut., Platoon Leader; James A. Rizzo R. T. Campofreda year possible. of pedagogy, Miss Ebaug-h's room has you can't stand adolescents, heaven Riley, Ist Lieut., Platoon "Leader; Fox R. E. Benjamin Dramatically recalling a sermon been a shelter, a reassuring haven, an preserve you from the high school!" Raymond T. Shipley, 1st Lieut., Ph- Higgins Q. B. Lathrop that Dr. Ward had preached in Baker Thomas C. Eveland, 1st toon Leader; oracle of Delphi. A tactful word here, Miss Ebaugh exemplifies daily in Kotys L. H. Campbell Chapel twenty years ago, the Rev. Dr. Lieut., Additional Assignment; Clif- :P~:~i:~~Yc~~~fne:~i;:a:~e~~~ :or~:~~~ her classroom the fairness which is ford R. Lathrop, Sergeant, First Ser- Stoviak R. H. Brennan Fred G. Holloway, addressing the fac- geant. Raimo F. B. Woodbury ulty and student-body in Alumni Hal! ill;: O~~~l~ym;;~d~~~e:~::\ll:~ s~~d~ne:: ~~so~~~I.y~::.oc~~~:~ti;;it;estt:eanrO~!~ First Platoon: Nick W. Campofre- Substitutions; Villanova, Missal' Sunday, Oct. 6, according to plans da, Sergeant, Platoon Sergeant; Rob- for Vidnovic, Rogers for Menus, Cris- made by Dr. Ward before his death, ~~~I~Se~~~~g~ hhe;~fr~:::a: a~~~~e:~; ~~:~~l;;esf~~v~a~:~?;l\:gf:!uO~e;~~ ~~:~ ert K. Myers, Sergeant, Right Guide; topher for Higgens, Korchinski for asserted that the influence of Dr. counsellor. Her advice, practical but dent groups here on the Hill. George A. Kohler, Sergeant, Left Seta, Stopper for Kotys, McKenna Ward had extended and would extend of for Galazin, Oltvar for Rizzo, Nye for over- the entire lives of thousands not presumptuous, sincere but not Ten years of achievement for Miss Guide; Corporals: Charles S. Dor- Stoviak, Sherlock for Stoviek, Em- students. maudlin, authoritative but not domi- Ebangh at western Maryland! Ten rance, William Reith, Sherwood H. merling for Raimo, Earle and Hanna. neering, has precipitated decisions in years of seeing nonchalant sopho- Balderson. her students which would otherwise mores develop into growing juniors Second Platoon; Franklin W. ;::~~:l~, B~.~~l:~~n/~r :d~~~:nC~:L!;~ ! have remained latent. and mature seniors ... Ten years of Crowe, Sergeant, Platoon Sergeant; Herman Williams To every Western l'IIm'ylandcr Miss seeing thousands of young men and Harry J. Luman, Sergeant, Right for Lassahn, Lutt for Pontecorvc, , Ebaugh presents a t'are example of women, trained in her courses, go ont Guide; Samuel F. Baxter, Sergeant, sa~;~~:tiic!o:f \~::~ba%~'; i humor which is amusing- but not sar- to teach in Maryland High Schools Left Guide; Corporals; Kenneth L. Villanova West. Md. The College Watchmake ... castic. She knows how to laugh at ... ten years of warm human con- Adriance, Milton H. Hendrickson, 11 First down 14 i Quality Workmanship her own whims; and she does not r-idi- tacts here on College Hill. Henry S. Reckord; Color Guard: 345 Yards gained rushing 14.~ : Guaranteed First Lieutenants Corbin, Cockey, Roberts and Eveland. 13 Yards lost rushing 21 I Men-143 Herring Hall TERRORS vs. WILDCATS Simeon VT. Balld Captain, 338 Net yards gained 1221' Women-Student Hall Lounge, 19 Passes attempted McDaniel Mar-kline, Commander; Allen R. Dudley, r st Passes completed 7 PLAY BY PLAY 5 Yards gained passes 135 Every Evening After Dinner Lieutenant; Carl E. Bollinger, l st .2 Passes intercepted by Lieutenant; Frank L. Brown, First (Continued from Page 3, Column 3) Sergeant and Drum Major; Corpor- Laterals attempted Laterals completed the Villanova 22. He advanced the Reith for a fifteen yard loss. Raimo als: Charles R. Ehrhardt, J. Roscoe Yards lost laterals H. E. REESE ball to the 27 before being stopped as g-ained 3 yards on a reverse around Elliot, John J. Lavin, William F. Ma- 9 Punts the quarter ended. left end. Campbell ran back Stopper's lone. 39 Average yardage punts sa TAILOR Kotys to a reverse gained 2 punt to the 40 from the 38. An at- 27 Yards returned punts 24 CLEANING yards through gual·d. Kotys tempted double lateral, Woodbury to BABY TERROR GRID TEAM 3 Penalties crashed off right tackle on a cut-back Campbell to Brennan lost 5 yards. SCHEDULES FOUR GAMES 15 yards, Penalties 5 PRESSING play with no interference and ran sev- Brennan picked up six yards through (Continucd from Page 3, Column 5) 211 Kick-off, yards 45 REPAIRING 8G 94 East Main Street ;~:~ Yc~~;el~:eda:~~c~~~:~an.P~i:l;S~; ~~.:~I:;ld~:~h~~~~o~;~eta~Okl:~rd~a~~~o~ [or the Baby Terrors. 2~ef~:~~~. r~~u:,~:~~,y~~~~~nus. placement. Score Villanova 7-W. made 10 yards and a first and ten The frosh go into action against Umpire-A. M. Barron, Penn Stata. SUITS MADE TO M. O. through left tackle. Campbell 3 yards Dickinson Saturday at Williamsport Head Linesman-Larry Conover, MEASURE Campbell received the kick-off on on an end rnn. Brennan gained 1 at while the varsity is meeting Penn Penn State his own 10 and advanced to the 26. center. Campbell kicked out on the ~t:~~t:~l.Starie~o~;;; b~~~o~T:rut:i~ ett~~eld Ju(ige------J.R. Lehe.cka, Lafay- ~al~daS~s~~th~'O~~e~:r~eas:l~O~i:i~l~:' ,~i~:;~~ ..a ~; h~a~~: ;:~e c;~~:: ~~~ versity November 16, the same day If the best is only good enough, why not ~:~~~~~:lllt~~.:\\~ I;!:::san::: ~as~r!~ :r:~~d a r~~~~ deo~~~.::~!~el~:~:1e t! !~~t t!h~a::rS!; t~':V~l:r~n~~Sh~~;~ PASSING It"l REVIEW CASSELL'S down. Brennan crashed right tackle gain. Campbell fumbled Stopper's Meade will entertain the frosh Octo- (Continued from Pagc 2, Column 3) :~.~s~::r~~ga:td ~a~~~!d~:~~. 2Br;:~~~~ ~~~~d~~:'yr~:~~e~:~kl~n f~~~ ;W;ar~!: ~~: !:~to ~~it~a;~eh~~r~~~e~~en set for I ~~~!icexl~~:mo~IYA~:t~~:o:~~yH:~~a~~'~ JEWELERS Campbell on a reverse from Lathrop Lathrop made 5 through center. Bren- since "most of the exports of these threw an incomplete forward. An- . nan failed to gain at right guard. guard. A run to the right around the two countrics go to Italy". For nearly half century ether pass from Lathrop which was \ Christopher failed to return Camp- end gained 15 yards, Kotys carrying Yes, sanctions inevitably mean sac- intended for Benjamin was intercept- bell's punt. He was topped by Ben- the ball. He was stopped for no gain dIke. J. W. HULL, Proprietor, cd by Christopher on his own 30. Rai- jamin. Villanova took time out. by Ortenzi. Kotys gained 8 around And will the nations of the world, 51 E. Main St. mo failed to gain through the line. Stopper went through center on 11 left end. !'- pass to Higgi~s fr?m especially the smaller nations, sacri- Westminster, Maryland Stopper failed to gain around left end. spinner for 66 yards and a touchdown. Kotys was lIlcomplete. Higgms' bck fice their immediate financial prosper- Campbell lost 5 yards after reccivlIlg ,The try for point was wide. Sc:re; was downed on the Tenor 12. Camp- I ity in order to uphold Article XVI of The Store of new fashioned Christopher's punt. A forty yard for- Villanova 13-W. IlL O. bell made 13 y:u'ds and a first down the League Covenant? Jewelery and old fashioned ward pass to Benjamin which ended Brennan ran the kick-off back 26 around right end. A pass fl'om Camp- Upon that question hangs by a hair Honesty in a lateral to Brennan was declared yards to the 30. Lathrop's pass was bell to Bl'enllllll was incomplete. All- the immediate future of \Voodrow illegal, Brennan being ahead of the blocked and intercepted by Melius. A other to Benjamin was also incom- WilsOll'S brain-child. Spectacles and Eyeglasses b'all on the play. The play gained 70 pass intended for Stoviak was incom- prete. Campbell kicked 76 yards into properly fitted ~'a)'ds for the TelTol's but was called plete. Stopper was thrown for a 5 the end zone. Play started on the Vil- .....H-.:.+.:.++.:-+++M....M.H+++++++ * Watch, Clock and Jewelry back. Lathrop smashed off tackle for yard loss by Benjamin. Stopper's lanova 20. :t ORDER 9 yards. Brennan added two for a first I' pnss to Stoviak was good for 20 yards Nye lost 2 yal·ds. Emeling made f':· Your Christmas Cards ~ t Rep.airing oJ- and ten. Lathrop was stopped for no and a first and ten. Brennan threw 3 through center. Higgins kicked out We ha"ve license to acquire eain. Brennan gained 12 yards and Raimo for a 3 yard loss. Campofreda {Inthe Villanova 48. oJ- a first down on a spinnel' through left I gl'ounded Stopper's pass to Christo- Campbell's pass to Sadowski was • NOW t old gold and silver ;~;l;~r 7L;:~~~: :::~~~al:n:~~ee/;g:! i~:\in;topper failed to gain through i;Odi~.~t2~n~a~.!~: ~~:~~~ltl f;:ss~ i 50 for $~~O~~ch~:;de NUTS i ~ y.~' printed to Benjamin for 17 yards on the Villa- i center. Brennan made first and ten Lathrop grounded Stopper's pass FRESH SALTED through the line. Lathrop's pass was near the goal line to give W. Ill. the ~'tV~r:\::r~~:!l~~r:~:~~~~: :oora~el~: t. Assorted kinds :t State Theatre A pass to BenjamlIl on the Goal line i ;~c~e~i~e~~: Campbell failed to gain ~~~;~e~o;~l~tedL~:h~~.i~~~~~e;'a\~~~ GR~~~~~ a~!:~~kages ~ Time out Villanova. was tackled by Benjamin aftcr a run- ;;nsa/n~~~:.~~et~il~;n!~: ~~:;v:~:e~~~ ~:: FOUNTAIN PENS :t Tonight gO~t~:~P;in;a:;rd~~ ~;:~~:~ll sl:~:~ back o:t 2l~fia::; .. ;~~~~:;kg:~~~~ ~ Maryland O. i PAr!~~~INES i (And each Thursday nite un· through right guard for a first down. the line. Brennan intercepted :~ TYPEWRITERS :t til further notice) Villanova was off-side and drew a five (, pass from Stopper. Lathrop's pass JOHN EVERHART .,. .,. :t P G Coffman Co .... .t.·· yard penalty. Lathrop failed to gain to Benjamin was incomplete. camp-I THE COLLEGE BARBER I"~ . t ALL SEATS through the line. Brennan fumbled bcll kicked out on the Villanova 34. AND BOBBER nfter an end run of 10 yards, Benja- Stopper lost 2 yards on a fumble AT THE FORKS Westminster, Md. '.. IOc min recovering for W. Ill. on the Villa- which he recovered. Stopper made 18 ~~~~~~~~~~ +':-+':---"++{'++':-+M++++++++*++ nova 23. First and ten W. M. yards and a first down. Sherlock ~ II 0 H Two line plays and two incomplete 'mude 13 yards for a first down rnn-II J D KATZ pera ouse A Real Bargain Entertainm~nt forward lJasses gave 'Villanova the !ling left end. Sherlock made 2 off- .. ~~;~I~~~te:~~:~n~~ ~~~~~:~. d~~:pp:~ i Elissa Landi, Paul Cavanagh, ~i~le_:~t~owns 011 its own 24. W. Ill. SHO~~~~~~lNG I wed.,wTeh,U'",,".,"ster, MOd,,'.9.10 Nye failed to gain as he recovered gained 9 yards through right tackle. Special Rates to Students Kent Taylor, and Francis his own fumble on the line of sel'im- Stopper made first and ten. Raimo Drake in mage. Stopper picked up 3 through made 8 yards around left end. Raimo Maureen O'Sullivan, Edmund "Without Regret" g'ual'd. He added 3 more through cen- made 3 yards for first and ten. Kotys Gwenn in tel'. Stopper kicked out of the bOUllds scored on an 18 yard cut-back through WESTERN MARYLAND "The Bishop Misbehaves" Also Good Shorts ~~rot:;h ";~f!\a3c~le.Ca;rl~:I~c::~:d! :!~~t~~~~e. g!::, atio~::s fO~i~~~~;~ Coftiee Shop Fri., Sat., Mon., Tue., 8nother through gual'd as the half Score; Villanova 20-W. M. o. Oct. 11.12.14·15 FRIDAY CASH NITE ended. Campbell returned Rogers kick Fredric March, Herbert Mar- George Burns and Gracie Melius kicked-off to Brennan on the from the 10 to the 34. Villanova drew shall, Merle Oberon, in Allen in 5 who returned to the 25. Lathrop u 5 yal'd penalty. Campbell failed to "The Dark Angle" made 13 yards on a reverse through gain through the center of the line. SODA Wed., Thurs., Oct. 16.17 "Here Comes Cookie" left guard. First apd ten. Brennan A forty yard pass Campbell to Benja- SANDWICHES Another Laugh Day on a reverse from Lathrop lost 7 min was good. Benjamin was run out James Borton, Margaret yards. Brennan made 1 through left of bounds on the Villanova 35. Bren- LUNCH Callahan in SATURDAY guard on 11 spinner. Campbell kicked nan made 10 yards through left gnard DINNERS "His Family Tree' MATINEE 2:30 ont of bounds on the Villanova 31. for another first and ten. Rogers re- I Stopper gained six yards through the covered Adriance's fumble for Villa- Fri., Sat., Mon., Tues., Zane Grey's line. Raimo made first and ten on nova. Villanova was penalized 5 J. F. MOORE, Managet Oct. "Wanderer of The the 42. yards for too much time-onto Kotys "Good Food-And How!" Jack Benny in On an attempted forward pass, ran right tackle for 10 yards and a "Broadway Melody of 1936" Wasteland" ,stopper was downed by Benjamin and first down. Nye made 3 through left 1- < 1;, IY'J'..... ....., ..... .....,;W.....,;WIMM
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