Page 76 - TheGoldBug1931-32
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PAGE 1'WO The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. GOt \lei VARIETY, BOOKS, A REVIEW AND LIFE OF PLAYS, henr wet, 1I'01,-by golly we're wel, Tho movie is a clever and execlleut ligen! it realie airprlzed us-we have "GRAND HOTEL" reproduetion (If Vicki Bnum ts original a big complaint to make; "Sue Str(lw" Presented at Auditorium Theater, "Grund Hotel.' There nrc .1 few in· Official student newspaper of Western Maryland College, published on Tbursday iz gettin' ull the kredit . challenged to make good nnd stand cut Avenue, New York. 194 pages. $1.25. H. SPARROW, '33 individually. All of the stars mention- liEl!.lIST, '33 "Wentland!" iz yearning to be '},[ny ed gh'e a creditable performance. The presrnt day eollege atudent Js hail- GLYNN, '35 QU~!I' Ilgcu-spring prnetiee h Ol'er Olle lISHHllypictures Wallace Beerr in cd on all aides with acellsatiOIlS (If nn· BUSINESS STAPF -"Cross" and "Green" didu!,no tllet tile rolO(lf a !'riminnl. "Grall.d Rotc-I", originnlity in 'Uling the \I'ritten or spok· rn 1I'0rd, Ilis (or her) predileetiou for BJI.$t-ness Manager. . DAViD TRUNDLE, '33 the obsen'atory wuzthe plneeto look fnr ho\\,cI'er, ha~ IIlndc of lIim tho big, gruff, slung has lIIade f(lT 11 n(lticellble Im:k of Btar~, and not Hoffa Field---VENS. '35 maid thre steps ill 0110.lump the (lthur nn exeellent Pre-ysing, liS erented by it noll' provides more opportunity for OLIVE 1>IAYBUTI.ER., '35 AIt1'IlUR V. DOWNEY, '34 da),:"":"__if you ahud ux "Ha1.!llnnt" Vielti Bnum in her noyel. CARL EVI!RLY,'34 CEl'lL H. l.t.~RK, '35 $um 0"the gurls swiug n menn. bat.- Aecllstomctl to seeing GnrbQ bl n role eX1\ctly shaded phr.1!!.inglhnn any other REPORTERS "?lfr.!!, SIOl'er" iz 11 litannth prohibi· lhllt !lominates the 1Il(l\'le, one is a little of t.he 1lI0dern ia11guag~s. The eollcge stuilt'llt alliS, is too oflen eontent to plod tionist, but she _gnl'e her thirsty (') hesitant in ndmilting tl",t she takes Doro~~):t~a~:e~3-17;~n~~I~;I~~r~~':Y\3~3;3 k~~f;~~~r~\0:~3,k4~n~~ui~:';:;:~;: :~!; 'Lizzie'll drink the oUmr dn.y-"Puro" 3eeolld pla~c to Lionel Bnrrymore, Crities nlol1g in the despieable rnt of triteness :Margaret Y(leum, '3,!; Dor(lthy Hahn, '35; E(lilh Porn!')" '35, which is the bane of English instrnet(lrs. i1'.noll' proc~ding to win sum l1Ior ritle say thnt ller Ileting ill "Grand Hotel" SOlllll of ns Im"e no d(lu\)t bern eon Wilwn Muna)', '33j Pat Mahoney, '34; C11lT ..nee Bussard, '34j Brady Bryson, mcrln.lsjthistimobypoker- snTj).'lss~ work that ~he hASdone bcfore, '35; Carlton Brinsfie-lrl, '35: Keithley Harrison, '35. in that she is less stiIT tl1l(l restrained, scions af lhis s.h(lrtC.'aulIISexpre!Shuns number 3'-Don't She seems to h:l\'e freed herself from the the timo'!or t.hsprice of (Inc of lhe bnlky inc{lurage dumb H.llimuls 'cullse 'we' staHdard editions of synonyms and 1m· Worthy opinion; Model management~' Correct news, ~a'~'t nford to feed them- mesh of res.en'c so often evident in her lonyms, hm'e washed (lur hands of the acting, As the BnS!ii,~ndancer, Grusins· whole effort llnd relnpsed inte the dog· We 1\111' bcen,wund(!1'ing wat attracts knyu. her l)orforml.lnce is perhnps t.he- ger..l which jltlsSI1I·IIIS (uu7 AntO!lyWS is a 1'(11 fluring the ]Jast fell' !lUlt $IIOUl<1be on tIle bookshelf of ily toward thr that the mArking hoaru in Ke,,· York will shortly Soph'comprehen$i,'cs'- ycars, hilS, hi last sel'eral porform· UlllC HI'rey college student who realiz~s I.lwt make. Sophomore exams have always had' a way of eliciting surpris- Now, we -got a nue idear; n part 01' "".ces (eapeeiaUy iII "Brokeu Lullaby" II t.hefuture sloppiness (lr p~eeisrnt'as of his ing combinations of fact and fancy. Otll' kllOwleclge of these must be lhis eolu1l1wil be set aside in the fnture and "Grand il$('llrt'hfDr n thesis, ;111Mloptioll for lllir 0\\,11Wesh'rn :Mary· In11d. PUn('!iotl, Cln,n of '33! Opinions differ flbout appreciation of art, foJ' here thc emotional (f) so ht, kiln bl) {>11 he hi! 01' he II'hidl he completes the eml of Ule factol' enters. But thcre is nothing stl'illlgC and cel'ie about knowing boy~ he1ieve if. thet "Dc"-,, "?Iil!rl·" tuk scmester. Sthools lw\'c tried the :III"L (1, 8."I'onrc(' on "Ho\\' to be a dc. pIlln fini! Ihat it is most sucecssful, Ell..John's College, .Md.-In a leeture wllO wrotc Tannha.user, no!' will mental ilistm'b,IllCc result if a fc\\' delll'ere{] at St, John's, Dr. Ed\\'ard O. teckti"e" h~ mitt' be :liJel tu look into papers o[ten being 3('cepted by ,j(lurllals moments are spent 011 getting familial' with GJ'(~ek 3)'cliitectlll'e. 'Ve mor thi)!g~-ar .'"(>11goin' to tl,e" Pan for publicationa. Gr(l"er, Professor of Books at Rollins almost trip over books ('Ye!'y da,\' whicll would contribute to our lillowl- Rill" !lanel't I~e hal'en't 1jeen IIxed Congratulotions, Gettysbnrgl Such College, AliI., c.xplnined lhe "·Rollins edge of these and simila.r subjects. But. grubbing Ilbollt ill OUl' bur!')' ye--st"lI 01' the fellows hlll'c t~kell up annoulleem~nt.s arc e"idellE."eB(If real Plall of Study," which is one of the to get tlll'ough the "'ork at hand, we miss anothe!' world of which we thel flashlite ideaj it mU.'lt be katehin' progress. C\)untr.y's (lutst:'niliug (l('purtures frDm the present metll(lds (If eollegiate 8tnd~·. know little. "Tith conscicntious avoidance of cverytlling' that sma!;k~ thi~ time- we will r.1ose with a poem 'l'he plan is advoclltcd by Dr, Hamiltoll of thc "'cultlll'al'\ we live in the beautiful ~lrtlTland hills 11 life of sub. dedicntedld the ill tl\(' "Pnrple They sa.y, in defense of the liberal Sunrla,\', that "Chl'islianity \VI' luI' tit II'Ondur on tile field, to us from the College of St, Sf,(lte~ e.ntrance into fhe Lengue of Nu is explained in tions, Dr, Holt's can't be legislated." Keithe!' can appreciation. But how \\'e \\'i-sh that below the stndit skies; 'l1lomas, St, Puul. It reads: sOllie dei/Iii in the John's Collt'ginn: we conld put into effect a law to s:n'C aliI' own selves fl'om an ignorance blll,h(ll'i"welmtrto hear a step- "I'll stick 10 you wbate'er betide, The system thnt RoHins is no\\' nsing wilicll will reBect no cred'it lIpan lIS as graduates of a Libel'rtl Al'tfi th~n n fI:uhlile in our e)'es. Though ;111 tho world may scoff," is t.hat of a "conference plan," wbith 'rlJUs spokl' lhe shirt, College! docs away with a.ll lecturr courses, such But the mall said, C(lme off!" :IS are n(lWgiven lIt St. John's. Iu its pluee gr(lUPSof about twenty llIell meet nl1~knell ('ollege, Pa.-' 'Dr. Robert for two hour p~ri<)ds and diseuSll Wllat. Little Signs At least one featme of R. 0, T, C. training finds prac. l.egge dN;eribes the mali'!:lof j,he Univer ("I'cr work the)' nr!' IItudying >It lhe time, a.ndBigIssues tical use in evcrydlly life on the ,,'esterll ilfal'ylp.lld sityof California as tht1 'Pd knoll' II'h.ntthey would do without them.' 3UPI) lend the thoughts of the stu· jority. however, seem to rce.ognjze the part that they CAll so easily take C'nlllpus Supper Oh, \\"ell,lil'e and lenrn," dents and to act nS a balunee wh~l in in beantifying the campus, 'l')JU.~we lwv(" quott'
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