Page 72 - TheGoldBug1931-32
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PAGE TWO The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. ~------------~I,-----------------------------, Th~~~~~,~.:!!::~omII VARIETY f BOOKS, PLAYS, AND LIFE A REVIEW OF '--------------~----------~ only six mer wcake, thre daaes, and SUSAN SPRAY Prom that time her !lfe was a aeries f,wclv hourfl, from six oeclok tonite .... of religious meetings in which she ex- whoopee t ••• who sed thet we didn't lik By SHETLA HAYE·S.uITlT, pressed herself by preaehillg, ranting, IlX' collujej .... sum scnyers wil be weep Official student newspaper of Western Maryland College, published on Thursday in'tho .. Harper Brothers, l!l3l. horting, (lnd seeing visions. Oeeaaiourrlly during the academic year by the students of Western Mnryland College, Westminster, she lent vnriety to 'her acts by· going in :Maryland. Entered as eeecnd-etass mutter at the Westminater Pcstofflee. now fur the 'dirt':-Sllnt privilejed ESTHERV. RIGHTER,'34 00 a trance. SUBSCRIPTION paillE $2.00 A YEAR. karakters ar buk from. ther vakayahona Susan Spray's gospel career was Iu- now.. ." McComas sea thet her ha,t is It is extrelll'('ly difficult to analyze this tcrepereed with three mnrrfagea. All of on strait, but her ueck it. bent .... wat ya, EDITORIAL STAFF t.hink! "Fergusou," lz just crn~y about novel by Sheila, Knye-S!Uith~ The plot them were arranged for her own eon- Editor-in.-Ohie/ .,' M. S. STROW, '33 "bu~zards" (not bir(js) .... 0, thet in- is intangible and uncertniu. At times venience find well-being. She may, or .dsBOciate Editors.. . ESTHER. V. RIGHTER, '34, W1LLIA~{ G. PYLES, '33 I'cstiture sen-ice ... "O'Lear's" deprea- it is doubtful whether n plot was- eveu may not, ha"o been in love. NlI1J!8 Eflitors ...............•....••.. Er..SIE BOWEN, 33, ROllER'!' HUIMER, '35 hOIl haireut .... wac prity nu alcthes sum intended. The ideas set forfh before the 'l'he of the wcmau is an Copy Editor,~ MARY ELl.EN SEMAT, '33, CH.-l.RLES L. W!U'l'TlNOTON, '34 render seem eonalstently ecnt radietcry. enigma. She had a. tempnmnental, ee- Sports EllitoTs . . H. TROY HA]!BSCH, '33, HARRY CALLAGHAN,'33 ov the students aav .... monday nlte Be thut. as it lllay, "Susan Silray" in n theater goers .. centric nntur(l. She WIlS both supcr{';il MAKE-UP STA:f'.P "Willey" i7. a gr:lte tennUi player; if picturCll"queHovel aud n. r~arkable and ious and sllbn,issil·c. She eonld Iov(lpas H. SPARI«lW, '33 you don't thiuk!!O, nZ him .... mispl:teed unusl1nl eharncter study. si';mate-Iyund wh~n she felt dispesed, und HERDST, '33 'eyebrow!!>'.... hav yon seen "Skip'S" The (;hilll, Sus.~n Spray, was rais(l{l in she could hate with Il terrible hntred. GLYNN, '35 adopted !)ru\.her'j:.. hiz name i" "BMon" rurnl EHglalld, one of a large family of And so docs the reader both 101'0. and BusrI\'"ESS STAFF .... naughty "Kaiser" borrowin' news- ehildrell bont of peasfint parentage. As hnt.e 8USllll Spray. Hill" clevcr hypo BlMiness Man(Jger. . . . . .. .. .. .. . .DAVIDTRUNDLE,'33 pupers .... sum 0>' the boya trie(l to hang II littl" girl she wa-ssensitiveallll impres· erising nrouscs contemptuous n.mnsement. .Advertising M(uwge;rs .••.•...••.... ROBERTOAlItl'ES, '34, DONALDTSCHUDY,'35 Joe "Klincmnn.", but hit. hllllllwu'!: two ~iol1able with a yiviil Fore· while ("he c.hiI(jish way in which she d(l' Ciraulatum MmlageT . . .... LORAOU'I"I'EN,'3O! ed to work find drudge in fields, her big fur the noosc .... llUnll.h! furthellu6 ceives herself produces n. pi1ying scorn. Assistant Cireulatioll 1l1Rnagers- staf .... "McNally" wud lnake a. gUll imllginntiondcyelopedrnllidly,nll(j was One Cllnllot help admiring the subtle GI""DYSEL. SOMERS,'S3 CHARLESV. :MOORE, '35 highway post; ho jz ulwlIYI!stall{lin' by used to sneb an extent. ill proollcing cer· \\"llyS in. which she "Jloodwillks" tbo ZJ,:LMACALVERT,'340 ARTlltJRV. DOWNEY, '3* thesidcovtherond .. tain desired ends that she was- erooited world at large. CEOlLH. M...RK, '35 willl the gift of second sight: And so sunday afternoon ehnpo1S.... crutchel:! 'l'he book is unus-ua] ill style and eou- REPORTERS .... poor boy!! wurkill' down. on. tho ficld began SlISllI~Spray's pml)hetiu carc('r. lent. Yet in theme the liter)" is so far Betty A.lIen, '33; SusannR Cockey, '33; Tessie Co:(, '33; Anne ,Voll'erton, '33; el'ery afternoon ... required recitals .... Aeeor(jing to hilT, H](~Roly Ghost de· ·out.sidl'of thoreallll of lifo Dorothy Paul, '34; M...'lrtltaHarrison, 134; Knthlyn Mell()r, '34.; Louise Needy, '34; "Romito" it. r('ported .to lmv knocked scended npon her ill Ille fiolds oue doy, of the nycruge reader tllat seems to :Margaret Yocnm, '34.; Dorothy Hahn., '35; Edith Porney, '35. forteen.llome runs theothur day; he eon· !In.(tdu(lto that ilistinetioll site was graut· O"(ll'stcp the bonndsof probllbility. How· Wils()u Mnrray, '33; Pat Mllhouey, '34; Clarence Busaard, '34; Bmd.f Bryson, tributes hi7-success to 'corn fiakes' ... ed ,the high prh'ilege or au elementary CI'cr, the work is a fnscinn.ting piCileof '35; Car1ton Brinsfield, '35; Keithley Harrison, '35. didya go to the military bal' ....'5Il CdUCRliou. At times SIll' "testified" in ficti!)ll, uot to be r('.'l.d t()O lightly. One .... early lllornin' tennis aspirants .. I.he meetings of the llC(mliar religious critic has suid: "Thia is tile story of n Worthy opinion; Model management; Correct news. "Torp" thinks thet bhe call1pns iz the sect o.f which s.h(l was n member. As pussiouate parndox. BeligiollS but un- lndillntlpoli!!>speedway .. sho grew ill years and rilligious e"peri scrupulous; a hUIll-bug yet sincere; a "d now we hm' llla(Je , list of ent"e,sh('rosoto th(} station l>f minister, pngnn and n.,t cvn.ngelist; u \\"ltntoll and "Strutters" or rntller, c\·nngelist. a. prudc--such was Susan Spray." Patterson Langridge Pincura Nichols "For better or worse," the new Gold Bug staff assumes charge Dixon Sena,t with this issue. In facillg our new duties, we fully recognize what a dif- Sweiker Yooum Looking at Other Campuses ficult task is ours, even to approach the standards maintained by the Shepherd Holmstedter retiring staff. If it is to be for "hettel'," only the greatest determina- Bunter Wiue tion and hardest work can make it so. To cOllsider the alternative Sunday Needy Johns HOilkins Uniycrsit'Y~ Baltimcre, St. John's College, AlUlnpolis, nrd.- confesses ourselves entirely unworthy to undertake our new responsi- Stnlling& Hitehens !lId.-In a fieree denlUldation (If the nrl'S' Co-Ucgiate atten.tion is beginning to een- bilities. Koppe Coolin~ ent ]'reshIllall class at Hopkius, Sopho- ter npon the variou$ \1uclUployment relief \Ve do not intend to aim a barrage of meal]ingless compliments on Willey Couuor IllQre Ill~s!l officers are quo:ted by the J. plans whkh nrc fi(]{)(jingthe couutry. III the retiring staff. Bnt compare representative Gold Bugs of this year Herbst Andrews If. U. News Letter: "This year's fresh· nn editoria1 ill the St. JoJm's Collegi{l4l with a few from past volumes. The impl'ovement in everything that Oom.mcrford Donchess lllarr cl:lS!!is positi.\"ely th(l most (jorIllllnt the ":Mite Box" plnH has been adl'ocat- goes to make n good college paper is evident. Not so apparent because W. M. C. iz eeonomiziu'j instead of nnd insignificant group e,'llr to invade cd. The plan suggestcd is t!mt Jllite box- so intangible, is the steady rising of tile Gold'Hug to a finer and more printing n menu Iur thll dining :nune, tho ClIIIIpns. Xot only ha\'e the fresh- es be placed in prominent plllce" abont adequate place in \Vestern Maryland College life. 'Mere commendatioll they let you S>llle)it .... tul'sday's parlHle men shown almost eOlllplct(l inaiffcrenee the campus. Into s.'lid boxes eaeh stu· cannot testify sufficiently to the endless labor, the ·vision and loyalty, .... John "Stnllings" hat. started a regarding tim and tradition$ dent will put one ~Ollt for each JUeal that went to produce "The Gold Bug, Vol. n." ·What thc retiring "Dato Mnrathan"; he h~s fourteeu in 011 the campus but they IUH"ee::lief hils been :ulopt(ldat 'don't furgit to aek lik lndicsnnd gentle- m:m CI:ISSI'{!.Proben l)itdeeper. Could J'(>hllCmroll. Three hundred and twen- Second, To pl'omote interest in contemporary affairs, including lUl'n' .... an Ilnn()uneCnlCut:-we will it not be 8.1id 1l1;1tat last, pcrllllps, a ty·til·a students hnve heen asked to nid significant events in other colleges llud nniversities. SUirt the "WlIO i~ it" na soon lUIpos- few IlI(lnr,hC'lldcdthinkers (lrc eo>mingin- in scenring work-20 hours per week for 'l'hil'd, To fight for a higher mOl'ale among both men and women, sible .... "\VlIOis it II'h:lt !llays lenp·frog to l"'reshman c!l)!ISffi' Sophomore high- a period of 10 weeks, workers to rooeh'e through the agency of the respective stnclcnt government.<;,and' in gen- o\"er fire. plugs1-they'r(' Struller.s! hal)(led methods of suggRIL 22- Radios and 65% of the students on .April 6, does not die dow]] over.night. Not only ;\fnsie Recital-Charles Forlines, 44-46 W. Main Stree.t Smith lIall the majority of the students, but some of the faculty members. pro- SATURDAY, APRJT~23- Electrical Appliances tested against. the expulsion of Harris, editor of the ColumbiA Spec- Tea D;lH(le-Women's Athletic tator, His offenses consisted of the. publication D'om time to time of All&Qcintion,Girls' Gym, 3;(l0 to attacks on certain feHtul'es of Columbia's administration. The man- 5:15 P. M. agement of the student dining-hall sll/fcl'ed latest from his wl'ath. MONDAi', APRlT~ 2ii-- This article cost Ranis. at tIle pleasnre of DCI--nAY, MAY 2- 15c press for their institution. SpE'C<'h Recital-Muriel Bisho-p '\That has possibly incensed the intellectual al](1studious element and Margaret Lee Ne\.sou, Me· TO ALL WESTERN MARYLAND STUDENTS e,'en more is tlle manner of dismissal. 011 the authoritv of one man. Daniel Hall Lounge, 4 P.ll. without even the formality of a Jlearing before the faCility committee. TUESDA Y, MAY 3- Sign your name Harris was notified not to return. No matter what the real trut]] of Music .Recital-Ann Johnson, Me· tIle administration's eomplaint against Harris, which the~' have taken Daniel Hall Lounge, 4- P. M. no great pains to disclose, the mode of dealing with the mat.ter sets a :\[ u s i e 1Weitlll-)fiss Gessner, Here .. Smith Hall, i P. U. perilolls precedent. THU.R.SDAY, MAY r- ABOVE PRICE GOOD AT ALL TIMES It is probably beeause such an incident is so rare in higher institu- Speech Recital-Winifred Bush tions that this case has arOllsed so much feeling. Columbia Universitv. and Robert Etz1er, :\reDauie} lin!! CUT OUT AND SHOW AT TICKET OFFICE no matter what its reputation. cannot a.fford to hAve this blot on it's Lounge, 4- P. M. scutcheon. The colleges of America await its measnres of capitulation.
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