Page 77 - TheGoldBug1931-32
P. 77
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md, PAGE THREE I SPORTS/ Lacrosse r Baseball rTennis rIntra-Murals /SPORTSi Western Md. Terrors Meeti,!g Fast ATTENTION! LACROSSE SCHEDULE CO-EDS TO HOLD INTER- Sophomore We, the men of the Mt. Wash_ Lacrosse Team Saturday ~Inss, ehallenge the men of the Fresh CLASS TRACK MEET man class to meet us in a baseball W. M. I-C. ·C. N. Y.---4 Trounce Shoeemen in Good Game SPRING FOOTBALL ENDS game within ten days of the appear- W. M.-O Army-it A new ide:l ill women '8 spring apcrta of this ehallc_uge,the day to be by Score 3·0 nnce W. M.-2 Nn"y-IO will be introduced' to western i\ll.(ryl.[1ryland, in t~anis, April 29, by tlll; the ]932-33 SMson are: t{-'r·elulls 1'rnck lI..lect will probllbly be- OIl the lncrosse telllll havereportcd to Merg(l. seoreof fI-O. come \JllTt (If the regnhll" spring .1thletic "Skjp" Stahley. Gooeh "Bob" LUggins, of Penn State, Coach Taggar! tllkes hiolitennis tenJ11to Prcsi(\('nt-llary Elleu Senat. sehlldule for women. was present at tile>glllpe nud spoke high· Newark, Delawnre to 1>11l}" the Uni"ersil-y Viee·President-8us1!lUlll Cockey. W. M.-3 Washington-O Iy of the squad, and se ....emi players ill (If Delaware, ou lila)" 11. Seerclary-Mny.Rllssell FROSH CO-EDS WIN BASE. St.eadier stick work aud more aceural.e pnrticular. He ihinks the chnl]e~$ for II Treasurer-Juue Cooling BALL TOURNEY shooting {. be held in 1l<+-:' + sh'e thrusts during the scoreless !!!'eoud llIarehe-d to the field, commanded by the Assodation champions for the tllst two ITo Please Your Palate f half. years. Dickinson had defl-'lltoll Delaware HOSE see(lnds in eOlHlIIlJnd,where a battalion University at Newark, 1)ela\\'ilro hy the 'The wet grnlll! mnde footiug insl-'-Il.ure froil! wus formed, IrOil advanced across and spills were frequent. Summary: thc :field to reeeive ti,e f!reaentations. ~r(lre of 8-1, severnl days prm·i(llls to the .} i Get :~ !!wteh with Western Maryltilld Co-liege. Penn State Western Maryland Cadet Lt. Colonel Harrison Dixon Coaeh 'r.1ggart ~nd his team merit 69c T asty Toasted :~ Gwynn G. Remiek present.ed Miss Mary Ellen Seuflt, '33, i :!: McMiller 1'. Hammill to tlie blltt.alion. Cadet Capt. Howard much I!ommendntion f(lr the showing they Sandwiches M_oorhouse C. P. Barnett Bolton'sspollsofwas),[jssMaudreWiI hal-e ulIlde thus far; it seems liS though pair .} of all kinds ... F.D Patter8(ln jis, '35. Cade! Capt. Gordon Lamb pre' 1111 undefeated sea8(ln is not too mueh to i :t lIenry S. D. Kleinman sented Miss Dorothy Todd, '31. Oedet look forwllrd to. 8umal[lry: also Moulthrop T. D. Cellagblln Women who love the deeails Cramer o. (c) Doughty Capt. Neil Wooley presented Miss W. :'I[ Dickinson of smart dressing, but on a ~ Ice Cold Milk, : Judd T. A. SeiU Louise Needy, '34, and Cadet Oupt. E. PallllHlost to Oler 0-6. J-6. _ i :r. CarillOn (c) S. A. Lci~h IIowllrd Hammill'a sponsor WIIccl!Mngralu· Pnkins lost to Spohr 0-6. 5·7. the beauty of these hose. In Candy, etc., Crooke 1.R. Boyd the unit as a whole and Bussard defeated Bndding 9·i, 64. flattering shades for daytime ~ i • Substitutions-P('nn State, AntoU8on their respective divisions success in the Woolley defeated Beillbaek14.12,6.3. and evening. {o iMargaret & Earl's i for Edel, Cmwferd for Judd, Day for coming competitive drilL Tuckerman !lefeated Blumenthal 6-0, 6--t. ~[oorhouse, Hess for Henry, Weber for After the Rifle Team awards w~re Doullles: * t ~~~~~~Oio~il~:~~~m~('e~~; f~mc!~iso~: made by tll('. sponsors the eerellloIl~' was E. Palmer 1I11dV. Palmer lost to Bud {o ~ We specialize ,,'estern Maryland, Lucas for Barnett, ('Iosed b.y a review, first under the see- ~:!Il;;d'~;"T:'~':'~~;.,.!"t.dR,i. T_ W.Malher & Sons, Inc. I i Hunier for CallaglJall, Willey f(lr Seitz, onds in command and tbe!! under the in sttJdent needs Hnuter for Boyd, Sadusky for Hammill. rightfnl leadBrs. Each time the te. bock lind Blumentbal 86, 6·3. Westminster, Md. ~~~!~~t~IJ.Q;;n.Cr~i~ld ~:~~~tr !~e_I'_ingli,ne.was made up of the sp(ln· Bussard and >'perkin~ defeat('d Spohr a.nd S :t * Just Off Campus ~. -:. Corey. ~rs ~ heir ~~ort6. Ja~obs 6-2, 4·6, 11-9. ~""" ........ "",,,,,,_ ...... ,,,,,,,..... d ~+-++*,M-***{o+++t+-+44-+#
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