Page 71 - TheGoldBug1931-32
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COl BEAUTIFY LACROSSE Om' College Campus Washington College vs. Let's Use the Walks Hoffa Westetn Maryland Field 2,30 P. M. Vol. 9, No. 17 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. April 21, 1932 MOTHER GOOSEMUMMERS YOUTH vs. AGE IS THEME New Plan Adopted for HOWARD AMOSS ISSUES WILL ENTERTAIN QUEEN Passing in Review OF CHAPEL ADDRESS ON Soph. Comprehensives STATEMENT OFPROGRESS AT MAY DAY FETE "WHAT CANYOUTH DO?" The annual Sophomore Compreheu- ONCURRICULUM SURVEY National Affairs sive examinations will be gil'clI on May 3 and 4 to the class of 1934. Celebration to be on Hoffa Athletic The Congress---stiil loaves the tax Second of Investment Series Given A new plan has been adopted this Definite Report Expected to be Field, Friday, May 13. payers in suspense. Ropubliean Sell1i.· by Dr. O. M. Blackwelder. year. A series of standardized tests Ready by June. tor Smoot, however, promlaea a com- will be substituted for the old compre- MARY McCOMAS, MAY QUEEN pleted Inx bill by the end of the week. YOUTH LEADS THE WORLD hensives and 11S a rcault, the ·re1Hli"e 16 STUDENTS IN THE GROUP Long-awaited economy program has standing of the school can be deter- ".Mar Day ill Mother struck 111"0 snags, in the proposed ama.l- The Reverend Oscar M. Blackwelder, mined. These aumc tests will be "While the eOl1lmittec is GOO8€"Lund" will be the g3.lllllti"n of nruiy and nay?, and pro- of Baltimore, delivered the second ser- in a number of colleges by no rucnns ready to pre- tlltllllO of this ;reM's Uny posed Federal pay cuts. Hoover wants mon of Senior iuveatmcut ser-ies uu United Stutes. The resutts sent its eompletc report, f'estival, Pr iday, ~ay 13, neither. the subject, "What Can Youth Do f" stituf.iou will be submitted to n mark· present indiClltion$ arc thnt en Holf:~ Athletic Field. illg bcurd U'nd a mUng senle ~howiug some constructive changes Dr. Blackwelder Plnus for the eelebratien Purees for nud against the two bil- ing youth nge. began by cont.mat- the relatil'e position of eaeh co,lege will be Ild,·oc.nt(ld," stated Age gires dignity, nud have been started, under the lion dollar soldier bonus are gathering youth dct erurinatiou ; age is poeitlvo, will be prepared. Howard AJllOSS,'32, euntr M:t:~~..direction of Miss Evelyn strength tor the final fight. youth gives us poetry; agc is cautious, In prcvtous yenra these cxamillntions muu of tile Student Com- ~c:;~;.d RYOIl, vice-president cf the Wcmenta The President-c-explaiued that his youth is courageous, antl age has wts- h:l'·econsistedoft\'·Ojlarts. The first, mit toe on Curriculum Revision. Student Governmcn,t. underling, the Becretury of State, 1'(lS dOln, lJU~youth IHIS will llower. a genel'l1l exuminnt.lou Imsed on !Hllter- Orented by President W:1rd to Such fnmous story·book people. as gone to Europe to make contact with ial which each student wns supposed to the eollegc from thcstudellt Humpty·Dumpt;v, Jack ~1l11 .Till, the old the leading nations on tlJ{) subject of Allhougl! CoulI'ell, Hiudenhurg, nnil howe rover('d in thc fO\ll' .real'S of high the eommittee 1mB no\\" been nt on womall ill the shoe, the three Kittons, disarmnlllent. Sceretive Seer eta ry Edison did most of their work in old sehool and the two of eollegc, was de- its problems for nOMI}' two monlhs. :md til(} "Four nnd Twent.y Black· SlimsOIl, on board the Dc de l'ro.nce on age, yout.h is tha world's greatest go· signed as an instrument for measuriug Sh seniors, six juniors and fOUl'sopllO big coucern. birds", WllO were. cooked in a pie, will his way to Geneva, says nothing. COil. the gellcral knowledge- of the individ_ mores compose its members. ente.rtain the :May Queen. The ehildren gress suspects negotiations on the topic .As a young nwn George WasllingtOll ual. It enrly became uppareut thnt the of t.he "Old WOlllan" in the shoo will of wal' debts. \\"as ontsbUldiugj .Tcffersoll wrote the The second part consisted of two proble.m was too wide ill scope to be in· danoo the t.ime-honored Maypole dunco, Other Natio1l.'l "Declaration of IndqICudellee" at th-o "specials". Each student was permit- teJljgently discussed by the cOlllmittee lind t1le ''King's Horses" will "ppcllr 1IS nge of 33; Alex:lnder Hamilton was in ted to choose allY t,,,o of his major sub- as a group, and so three sub-divisions the traditional "Royal GUHd". In ad· Italy-Italiau Council of Fascism Congress :It 25; "\Yebster was au out- jects upon \\'hich he wished to bo teat- were established to discuss program of dition to the story-book folk, a panto- goes on record as ndvoeating an unus· standing cougressional debater at 30, ed. Tho purpo~e of this latter group of studies, lH1ministration of program of mime is being planned. ually frank and realistic program o£ in- nnd BeethOI'Cll was n skilful musician examillntions was an orgallizntiou of studies, and methods of college teach- Those who will compose the court arc tornatiOll1tl policy. CaucellatiOIl of war at 18. nil of tho material acquired iu the ing, respectively. the followiug: May Queen, Mary Me- debts uud reparations, revision of pres If flge is tIle thronc of pOll'or, YOUtll fields of major interest, nlld 1110 ques. Each subeommittee lms hecn holding Comas; S€ruor Duehess, Evelyll R.\'Oll; cnt impractkal Jl~ace treaties, and few· can be the worJd'saltar of wisdom and tiOllS were preprtred by tlle faculty with indepenl1ellt meetings and reporting to Spnior uttelJ(Iants, Dorothy Connor nnd el" peflee eonferenees ill the future are visions. As ou!" dreams are, so arc we. lhi~ end in view. Lhe whole committee from tillle to Elinor Ebaugh; .Tnllior Duchess, Mary listedintheirstn\.emcnt. "\Ve grow like our visiOllS. ,,~\ dream, time. Denn S. B. Schofield has beNl at- Ellen So-nut; .Tunior attendants, Helen Manchuria-New-born state of Man· whic.h is making a pilgrimage of your tending the larger gathering to act. ill the to ahrine your of inlagillatioll Doellges and Dorothy Rankin; Sopho· ellllkuo causes the Lcague of Nations ideals," often bec.omes a rcnlify. 1110al8 CURTIS INST. STUDENTS an advisory eapaci.ty, at thc request of more Duehess, Estelle- Williams; Sopho- some ~lIxir,tr. Dr. "\Vullillgton Koo, tllo cOlllmittee members. more attendants, Louise Needy and Chinese 1l.$sessorof the League of Nil- tllld dreams are Jlrieeless, if they lift us GIVE SECOND RECITAL One of the important problems upon ·Margaret Yocum; Freshman Duchess, tiona c(Jullnissi(Ju f(Jr investigation in to higher realms. which the group is trying to prepare a ;.\[a.r,l WOOd~ll; Frl'slnnen attf'nda.nts, \ MaI'.cllllria, has been tlJrcr.teue{l with Youth is tho world's sunrise. Youth Artist-stu(}ellts front tile Curtis Tllsti- constructive rl'eOlllmendation is tlmt of ]I((ny Waters Lcwis and DorotllY arrest if' hc entcrs Manchurian tcrri· is our n1tar of vision. Youlll Clln be tuto of MUSic, l'hiladclphia, presented proni!ing for indil'idual (1ifferenees.. It Mitchell. tory. Yd the Leaguo refuses to con- the nlIBWCI'to tlle question, enn we tlleir seeolld Tceital of the year in 1mB been pointed out tllat this topic has Thc commit.tees working on UIC :Mny tillue proceedings witllOUt him. What build a finer world. 1l0wov('T, mdienl Alul)lni Hall }'riday evcuing, April 8, at bcen far better soh'e(l in LlI(l high Day are as followB: I nextf youth does Hot hold t.he key to the fu· 8 o'eolek. Those who pnrtieipatcd sthool than in the college, ",hel·e mass Music: E"a Drydon, chaiTHwn; Mar- ture. It. is the le\'el-lJ(mded ani! ~:lne were Miss TIelull Gilbert, ,-ioliucellistj educntion without regard for illdil'idual differencos still pre\"nils. ront!.s who will jU$Ofy tho responsibili- SPE ECH STUD ENTS ties thnt lUl\'e belln givcn to youth IntI" Miss J\gncs Davis, soprano, and ]lb. The eommit.tC'e hopes 10 hand in a ~~::,~::,.':~:~";v~,:;~,~'ri:;;,~o"thY ty. Piorenzo'l'as90,tcllor. The soloists, ae- [nirly comprehenai"e report before com· Decora.tion: Troy Halllbseh,· GIVE PRIVATE RECITAL WI} lire living ill a machino age, But eomJlllllied by Eugelle lic-lmer, pl"~sent- meneement. -~-- m(lll; Olive Butler, May Russell, Louiae we lIlust not complnin, becnuse it WlIS ed tho follo\\'ing prograll\: Needy, ani! Frances Glynn; Miss Catherine ]lite!.cns )[jss yonths of ICBS tlluu thirty who iuvcut· certo r. "First MO\'cmcllt" from the Con- Investiture Service in D Minor, by Edouard Lfllo- Nominating: 11[ a r.y Lee- Shipley, )larilln llumphrey.s. glL"ll' a tl1Hl private ~d thew lllftehine-s, whieh deprive mell )\fiss Gilbert. ch!lirman; Celeste Bellson, Virginia of their jobs. Youth must solnl the Held in Baker Chapel "\Veeks, SUsaruUl Cocke~', Betty Allen, speec.h r('Citlll illl\[cDalliel Hall Lounge problems of tile lllllehino ag~. 11. Nebbie, by Ottol"ino Respighi; L'arle- from .:tl·OCimnn,-Mr. Piorenzo Tosso. place W0dnesdoy moruing, .April 6, in Rul,t, Anna Prout, !lllIl Dorothy l\[iteil- speeeh. one's SJ1llr6 tillie, 11lying ourselv('s out to HT. Phlllis Ha.s Such Charming Daker Chapel. ell; do our le,·cl best, ani! l)y sncrifidng. AnthOll.\' YO\l1lg; L'Henre 'I'he seniors eutcred the to the Finance: Elsie- E!Jgworth, ehnirmllll; "The SicgCr" by Colin Clcment and The IlIw ot Sl'LCrifieewill lift 'f\le law GJ:'aces, hy by \7ictor St~uh; impressiw ~lroins of "A Fort- Delicieuse, Marla, SUI"o1RobinsOll, Catherine Hitehens, and '~The Romancers" by .Edmond Rostand of [J.,·nuges. 'rhe paths of seT\'icclead Wiegenlied, ).r~x R,egerj "Un bel ress is Onr God". 'I'lic senrieo waS eon- by Oma Longridgc; were read by Miss Humphreys. Miss to the place of slwrifiec. <1i," from Madame Butter1ly, b~' Gia· duelcd b~' Dr. Little, Denn of Religions Supper: Eileen Evnus, chairman, Hitchens l)teSenteil 11 one act play by l'OUtll can jllkc tllll sky trnil. The eOlllCPuccini-.Miss Dnvis. Educatiou. Murie THnner, Dale Watson, Ella Weir, CluuleH O'Brienc Kennedy entitled, level·hended youth, dei!iculed ~'OUtll, 1\1', NOctunlC, Opus 15, No.1, Hum- .After tho opening I!xereise the sen- nlld Elizabeth Wine; "Thcre was Light' (lu!) a monologue, and eourllgeous youth will lead the or.esque, Opus 15, No. ~, by Abram iors stood to rcceive t,he Ilddre~s. Dr. Publicity: Mary McComas, chairmau; "Grau,JllIn on the Front Porch" by Zen IlI/1S$I'S to ~ better social, political, and Cll3sine; Apres un Reve, b)" Fnnfc Lloyd M. Bertholf was chosen as the Drtheless" by Stuart Walker. j,onj Lull.aby, b~' C~'l'il Scott; Th~ Sol· choiees made ill eollegc arc of great im- chairmau; ]lfary Ellen Senut, Suaall "Thu Lord's Prayer" by Ji'rnneois Cop· di('r's Bride, by Sergei Raehmllnilloffj port,nlle(' in character bnilding. Strow, Dorothy Paul, and Dorothy pee and "For Distinguished Servico" by At the moruillg ('Impel service, :Mon- The Bnd of the Wilderness. by Edward Tho. th('llle of the. a(1drcss ,,"IlS cx- Rnnkin; }o'lorcllce Clny Knox wero pre-sentcd by dal', April 11, ProfeS>lor William .T. llorsmnn-.Miss Davis. pressel] in thelhree II'on1.s-fac!a, tools, Clean-up: Dorothy Timmons, chair- ;\_[iss.Tohllson. Tllomp$Oll, PlJ. D., D. D., of Drc-w Theo- VI. Until, 'bJ' "\Yilfrid Sando]'~on; wisdol)]. Thesc three factors gained in man; Melva Martin, Marietta 'l\{ills, El· T1J(lfollowing is a schedule of tllO logical SClllinllry, spoke to tIle stu{]ent ".All, Moon of My Delight," froUl In a celreg~ will nii! the grndualc 1.0 meet leu Tyler, a1l(1Louise Orem. remainiJlg recilnls: bod~· eoneel"lling a. life philosopliY. PersiaJl Ga.rden, by Lizo Lehmann-Mr lifc's difficulties more e!Eeetinlly. In May Day this year will differ greatly April 25-Misses j\[argal'et M.ycrs Professor 'fhompson, who is also n Tasso. snying, '~'nre thee well", Dr. Bertholf from last year's ''Ma.y Day on a South· and Thclma Snader trustce of Wrstenl M.1rylnnd College, VIT. Duct.: ''],a fatal ]Jiclra," from ealled atteution to the fact tlmt, the i,,· ern Plantation", 11l1dfrom all the pre- April 28-Misses DoroU!y Kel)hart Rnd Mrs. Thompson are the donors of Aida, by Guiseppe V('l'di-},[iss ])([,'is Hinl letters of eaeh 0.£ theso words in vious May Day celebrntions 11Cld at and lInry-Lee Shipley the .Tames Thomj)son Memorial, an en- and 1\[1'. Tllsso. the phrnse stood for the thr('c fllctors- Western Maryland ColJog... dowment of our library. facts, toola, wisdom. :Mill' 2-?!fillses Muri('l Bishop and The service clo~{'d with !Ill! siugillg :Margaret Lee Nelaon HOME ECONOMICS CLUB TO of "Onward Christiau Soldiers". GENERAL PAUL B, MALONE May 5-1I".isli Winifred Bush an(l Mr. ANNOUNCEMENT SPONSOR FASHION SHOW INSPECTS R. O. T, C. UNIT Robertr.t;-;icr c. W. FORLINES, '32, WILL The request tllnt stui!ents rrgis· A fashion sho1\' sponsored by the General PnuJ B. Mnlone pnid a visit tel' at tho librtiry in fleeordunce Home Eeollomies Club will be held GIVE PIANO RECITAL to the Rc-s.('rv!)Offieers Training Corps CHAPEL SPEAKER IS WELL. with tile (lnnonnecllIent mode hy TUC8dllYevening, ""'pril 26, at 7 o'clock, A piano redtal will be given by of Western Maryland College, 'I'uesi!ay, KNOWN BROADCASTER Dean Schofi~ld ill chapel reecutl,l', ill "j\feDallicl Rail Lonllge. Roehschild, Charles W. Forlin('$ ill Smith Hll11, FTi- April 12. was mode ill nn attempt to secun.l Kollll and Company of Baltimore, r('p' dny evening, Aprn ~~. :M.r. Forlines is O<-neral MaJonll- is tho commanding Dr. O.aN!rM. Blnekw!;'\dcr, of G'hrist data for the librarians. resentcd hy lUSs Virginia Ayers \\-ill llHljorillg in piano. T1I(!followillg pro gener:tl of the Third Corps Area, Unit· Lnther:J1l Chur(lh, Baltimore, will give It is hoped that through this in- present thc latcst fashions for nil oe- gram will be presented: ed Stales Arm~·. He bas had a ,'ery ae- the wries of Sunday afte.ruoon clmpe1 formation equipmeut run.'" be :laded casions. )fiss Ayers '>ill explain the 1. Suite in D Minor, Prelnde, Cour- tive military career, having served in lalb from April 10 until the close of to Ule libr:lr~- that "ill be Illest praetieability, approJlrinieness and pop ante, G. F. Handel; Theme and Varia· boLll the Spanish Ameriean \Var and the sehool yenr. Dr. Blaekwe.ldcr is a beneficial to the st.udent., that the ularity of each costume as it is being tions, W. A. :Mozart. tho World War. In addition to this graduate of the ela$s of '18 of Roalloke most popular nud suitable hours lllodeleel. n. Prelnde, Chorale, and Fugue, Cc~- record, lie saw service in the Philippine Collegc, in Salcm, Virginia, and hilS willlJ~ decided upon nnd the lllellllS The manikins, who lire Western ar Franek. Insurrection. dooe remarkable work during his com· of ('nabling th(' library to funetion )[aryland College girls, will be jhe HI. The Island Spell, .Tohn Ireland; General Malone reviewed the bat· parll.ti..-ely few years in the ministry. as etTeetivel~' os possible will be ){isses j\f a r y )feComas, Madeline Nocturne in C Sharp Minor, Op. 27; No. talion and equipment, and compliment· He also broadcads on a regular pro- disro1-ered. Murphy, Barbara Daskam, Margaret 1, Chopin; Rhapsody in F. Sharp Minor, (Continued on Page 4-CoI, 1) gram over ~tatioll WCslO in Ba.ltimorc. (Continued Oil Pagc 4-Col. 1) Dohnanyi.
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