Page 75 - TheGoldBug1931-32
P. 75
COl LACROSSE NOTICE! May Day Fete Postponed West. Md. vs. Mt. Wash. Until Next Week Saturday Baltimore May 14 Vol.9, No. 18 May 12,1932 SENIORS WILL GLIMPSE 19,000 STUDENTS TAKE Peak of May Day Festivities Will Be THEIR FUTURE SELVES COMPREHENSIVE EXAMS ANNOUNCEMENT Reached With Pan -Hellenic Dance H)S2 AT SENIOR FAREWELL Aloha A few Jilin ext m copies of tho Students been ordered. First Results to be Released Early whn hnve not vet paid their AlohA in June fees or their college ucth-;ty fees RIFlE TEAM ACHIEVES Soror-ities and Fraternities on Equal W. }. Wright, '34, Will Preside at mu~1 do so immediutelv ill order to • Basis for First Time Traditional Ivy Planting DISTINCTION IN MATCH Sophomore eotuprehenslve examinn get 11 t'O]!," of thu aunual. Fuculry lions ,ne bceonling n traditicn at west- members lII'I~' pi3ce ordera for onu PROCESSION AT 4 O'CLOCK LANTERN CHAIN BY FROSH ern l'Iiar.l'inn(J Colll'gc. Ench yCIll' those of till' extra c0l'ie~ prol'ided they do Places Third in Eastern Section of !f- so imuiedln tety. Meu will please see United States The annunl Intcr·FI'uterllit.,· dnucc Western Ma"yland College, "el1Jaiuing izedth(l'lUllICsof publieof· Clement. Noble, nud wrnuen, :Mar," witl elimax the Mnr Day festivities 011 10Y(l1 to ih nll'UY traditlone, will begin flcia Is and foreign a nd brushed lIulUjJhrcys. Probably Olle of tile 1II0~t the "Hill" 011 },'ridu.,', Mn." 13. 'I'fds on Wednesday, June 1, The prcColll' up 011 thclr geuern l of Cllr- rco ts to be uecorupfished thus .)'t'ar tht\ nf'fair beemuca the ''Pnn-llel. nH'lIceUlent netivlties which ere- so lm- n'11! events. _'\ few aspirn nts 011 the no UNIQUE COMEDY-BALLET R. O. T. C, uuit of westo-n portnnt 10 all ofihstudenh, eapecially Hill did likewise last "'(lok, bu t to to tbe aeulozs. Ilv:\i!. Most students foun(l tneinscrvca nets, BY MOLIERE, TOBE ANNUAL test ill U maze of questions on ftue Senior Farewell a rehilecture, foreign litel'nture, sub- FRENCH CLUBPRODUCTION At 4_ o'clock tho annnnl farewell par- tbe seienees, and tlle other ty to tho senior women will be held Oil East Oampus, as decreed by custom. First Presentation Given Before This yeul' Cleo,,!! Brinsfield is in charge TIII're Il]a~· have been n few who were King Louis XIV c[ the exerelsca and she has appclntd ublc to diatinguish between Acsehylus the following people to be in cuarge of and Bophoelcs, and some art students TUCKERMAN HEADS CAST the eouuuitteea: Ma ry Ellen Senat, pro- , cunld tcll whelhrr trll.l works of Rnph grlllll committee; Rizpall '\,.iCk(!l!, I acl "'.0.1'0. bl'ilIiant 01' snlHined in shading. LEI BourgCQis Ge.ntilhomme, by ]1,[0' food ~ollll\liHoe; and Susnn Strow, imper· llowcyer. after being exposed to the lier{}, is the annnal pIny to be prc~ented thc winniug team ",e"e: WinstOll \Vii. :llId a numb~r of unusual fell' sunation committee. The JWliors will exnml11uiion, III!1st of the sophomore h." the FrcHch Club on }'ridny after- Ic.1', Brlldl ....~· B01"'"ll.ll, Neil Woolley, 1'0' lures been nrranged by tile COlli present a play, alld the usual imperson class realized their geller>\l lack of ("ul. ~O. "io Puro, and Leo De!all('.'-. J,aeh of mitte() ill charge. ~tion~ will hI) given. 'l'hr. Sl)niurs will is an ~musillg lind unique have an opporlunity to eat~h glimpses i1] whid, :\[olicre por- thelilellwillbopresent.r.d",ithl.lh,·onze The May du.v eell)bl'lltiou proper will of their future seh'es. After the limo siiy of Il'(t.,·s with I'idicule the nouveaux riche.s medal. They Ill'e {'xnct duplicates of bcg:n lit 4 o'clock i11 ihl) afternooll, honored cup cere.m(11)"tha fiual farewell who wish to imitnto the elite of $ociety. th(' beautiful silver plac{]ue. which the WIle]] the :May Queen 11lld her atten. n. to tile senior WOIII('11 from t.he juuiors, I.e Bourgeois Gontilhomme Wl'8 fiJ'st college O. 'l'. C. receind from ;\Ir dnutsforlll the.hnditiOllal p"oeessiou to refreslnllt'lltsivillbese.r\'ed. I!rescnied befOl'o. King LOllis XIV at Roars!. Tlds _plae{]uG is silver 011 nil Hoffa Pield. They will be ebony 1)aekground, with dC$igns of th .... by the Royal Guard, or ''l{blg'B Ivy Planting i13 stud ....nts, sentl ....r~.d over tl,irty the ro.vlIl CI1rps Al'e~, W;'iS thc inslleeiiug r, b I I \\'illlfi'ed BnsJ!, a$ Pa]lH Bcal', lIhma trnditioll01 song will be Bung: "Wherc, officer. :::c:~ CCOllOUIIC, ut n IIIl1ttcr ~ '"I" I ~)::';';"~I~.~'\' Bc~r, IIlId Goldilock~, re- (>h, whero (HO tho "rrda11t frCl'SIUllellf" I!;Ye]'." det.::dl (,f t.he unit was illspC\'t- Singil]g tho Alma .!IrateI', t.he freslimeu ed by Colonel TIlirrisOIl, including storc· permit l,er to nlrtrry Cleollto, who is nol We are ill cvor-inc\,r.nsillg 'ICc{1 of 7'lIc Three Little Kit,tells will be Mil· lypC ,dl1 neeoIllJlan~' lhe seniors bnek t.o th .... I'ooms, r~l1l!cSJ records, alld pr!lt!ic:il or the beau monde.. Coville, Il sen·aut this ill an of age ]lowe,·, the beeanse WI) (lre of Ii,· irn- ( Gel'lll1ln, Blanche Nichols, ILllIf /I{kline breuk-ilOll'n iug of Moxley. hill. l!Hd tlieoretical works of bolh l1{h·~llecd of Cleon! ...., originutcs the iden of di$' ;111(1 basic cOurses. 'l'ho seniOI'S were guising llis masler as a titled 'fuJ'k to ~~~I)~{t:,:1 (~:l~liJ~:ted by :Illd all (Continued on Pnge 4-Co1. 3) ARTIST DEPICTS "GREATER cXllmiued iJI field military law, field und, en· ill diug. JOllrd:lill'~ conSClit plans, to thc ihe wcd Illall pl)rsollal personal lilJert~·, power which knows is not liow the to with obtniu gincOl'iug, fortifieui,iolls, further To his liSe 'l'nl'll WESTERN MD." IN ALOHA tlHl uftcl'lloon, 'rl,ejlliliors he exmnined examillcd wot!{ in pl'onli~es to Ilwlw ,Tourd::lill a ''nfamll' right to do "'hllt .'·OU plc:lse, but the DR.W. H.DEFORD:80, WELL- their were 'l'nrkish ill (lrill. wr,~· you Thc bilit.l'), se-If-csteem, claSB:1l1d practirol wO"k on the french 1U0Ilchi" (n This pseudo exelll)llifie~ title of no· power de"clop to do wllat I,,\"pe or sllOu](]. is found KNOWNDENTlST,SUCCUMBS this power to 'I'he H)~2 AloM will be 011 U, .... Hill 1II01'lHr, il7 millimeter gun, and machine tnking l're('cllcnce o\'cr common .~ense. ill the teachings of Jcsus. fQr distribution somc tillle during tIle ~nn. Tho lltlsic ~ourj)es were In the !1CllOlK'llIClit ,\'o have H. Jonr- In 1\ previous sermon of this sN'ie~ \nlli~1ll H:ll'pel' Dc~'ol'd, A. H., A. M., last week ill Mlly. At the pres('nt till10 II) lI:1in {'on~enting to the mnrringe of Lu· Dr, BJarkwelder qnotc(1 thc following D D. S., 1If. D., a graduate of West,cl'u the book is ill tile hands of the prill' eile to C1conte, w!lum Le BOl1.rgl)ois Gon- lincs: lIj died Oil Murt!! ~2 at his home ill Des timore., 1fnryland. As pre\'iuIlsIy an. the War Dep:trtmOlil. Por the past th ....grnnd·I'nrl" Tnfo tliisll-Qrld to ellt nnd ::Ifoines, II)\\,~. 110UlIt'ed, the Aloha is dC(1ieated to ~'ea,.s this uuit h.~s received :111 ():I~IJ; "Largo", i'ound,'d by the lute Saulllcl Norment, of ?l.Ial'.vli1lld College. Miss Jonea will gin Jessie 10[. Ritthie DeFord, who is tdso generul lay·out of the AloM of this from T.I()ub/.e Crmur/e tor ri{)/il1Jl-Baeh; \\'ashing-toll, D. C. Gold IIrc the rpeitai which wa~ schprluled fol' AJ- 11 de-ntist. of ~Ollle note. Tn n I('tter to ye1l.J· HS compared with those of the "Pr('lu(]e", iJ'.Jr/csiCll!1f Sui(t_. Bizet; nW(lrded to one girl and Oll() boy ill botli 1;\'estl'l'll :\[aryland ColJegr., following past se"erlll yeal's. '1. CmwJ1Ict/lI, "rendelssolm; "The uum; H(,n, )IlIY 6, at tile Peabod~' Con- The denlh of her husb.and, Dr. Jessie the freshl'lIl11 and SOl)llOlUOre clusscs serv~'-ol'y of Music, Norlli Hall, in BIlI- In ti,e athletic Hect'i.on an errort has Swau" from tll( Ca!'lli1!al Of _·lIdmlll"" who cxc ....l i" 01'91 eX]lression. D ....FOl'd writes, "He aJways felt proud tim ore, Qll \\'cdn~sda.\', :\fa.'- 18. of his college, and so of len fouud till' ::;;~~i~l~u~: tt~l(t;:v;~l:;:,e~l;e!~s~:t~:: ~l:iln~~::~:~:~n;: ~~~:;:.'" frolll tlie E- we:!,e)I:':;:l~:~'k:fal:~S~\,;;~i:~;~ \~.or~;~~: }.[r. Richard Weagl~·, II pupil of Miss diploIllIl from this school 011 the walls Jon ....s, has written an origillRI prelude, (If officc~ 1111\·isiteO, making hiin realize l\[UI'al Ilth,letic~ Ou the "Rill". ~ith ll(,;; ,:~~I;:r~i!,:';;a~c:":'" Lf~O~iI1;II~I~~:; of the fl'eshmllll class, und Cleona "Poe-me", ,,-iiiI'll \\':18 rendered in Gmce how wide all infiuenr.c Western Ma·ry. this end m ,'Iew the Sports EdTtors G!/1I1 SlIflt, Grieg: T!'il1Jl1pliol Jlorrll of Brinsfield Rnd Dal'id Tl'lllldlC, of the Luthel'flll Chnrch, \\,j)'stlHill~tef, on SUIl (Continued on Page 4-Col. 2) I Tlie Boyard!!. Hul\'orSE'n _ ~opholllorc das~, day, May 8, Jand had on tho lin:.!; of professional men."
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