Page 80 - TheGoldBug1931-32
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PAGE TWO The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md, GOt Thoughts at Random VARIETY BOOKS, PLAYS, AND LIFE A REVIEW OF By Hazel ana Hazelnut we kalknlated thet and "Hazel eighteen hours "Hazel" in thre dazes and "ALICE IN WONDERLAND" pleasure, and even studied as. a text- book. Official student newspaper of Western Maryland College, published OIl Thursday uut" will be on our way lulrue... don't Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, better Ohnrfcs Lulwidge Dodgson was born during the academic year by the students of Western Mnrj-land College, Westminster, we wish we wuz freshmen; we cud git known to the public as Lewis Carroll, bas Maryland. Entered as seccud-class matter at the Westminster Postoffiee. our pnirants tu rite an excuse an we cud long been dead. ],[rs. Alice Hargreaves, on Jnuuarj- :?7, 1832, and died January 14J 1898. lIo is buried at Guildford iu SU!.IS.l'RIPTIO:-< PRICE $1.00 ,\ YF..AR go tomorrow-wei, we gottn. make the who inspired the wr-iting of a book, be Snrrey. besr cv It .. 101'cdby old and yOUllgthe world over, is Esther V. Righter. EDI'l'O]UAL STAFF lidng ill retirement, Editod11.-01Iicf· ?-L S. STROW, '33 now fur theillstllllzeovthcscason:- now all old woman nurl Httle known to most people. Bur that "Barnet" is aektually afraid 0\- po-ison book of Lewis Carroll's, "Alke iII 'iVon· SPRING PICNICS f;~f.~~irr'··..•••••~,y.~~~;E:ft~J.:;;'1!~~:~i:,~§~~1f.:11 i"y; he sex thct thet iz lile only thing he derland," will probably newr wane in Poets have sung the joys of spring- gits fur nothin' ... so thoze sophs UIOt thet they cud take thoze poor fresh boys popularity and will never CCf!Sl"to delight time for Centuries; they have rhapso- dized over the glories of her sunsets, its readers. over in baseball ... fnmus expreashuna by Someone has S-Ilid,"It i.s a IT. SP,\RIIOIV, '33 Jnmus people No. 4;-"Bolton sea tbct clussic ; lhut is, people pmtse it who hare her blossoms and breezes. But few, if HERTlS'!', '33 never rel!!l it." But there lire few pee uuv, have ever waxed euthuain sf.ia over GLYNN, '35 tlwir iz no 'nockin' in progress ... gosh I ple who hnre never read it. her picnics. 'Wise mortals! They know ntrerxaee ST.-\ FF why rant we hav iuor danacs like thet that the bnnc of our existence is spring BUilincss MUllu.lffJT , , , ..•................... DA\'lD TRUNDLE,'3.3 "Pan·Hell" Hop'- This year the one-hundredth lInni\-er' l)ic.nics, especially those family affairs, gj~!~~!~~':f]:!~~;~,~~:::::::::::::.~_O.U.I~~T.. ~~I.R.~~~,. _':~~~. ~.O.N~~~:AT~~~~~!::il .faUlllS expreshullS No. 5-"wolmv a sary of Lewis. Cnrroll'l! birthday is be- when A\wt Gunse, and Uncle Elmer, ing celebrated nt Oxford Hll(lin London, Assistnnt Cireuilltion A!anagers wei bnlnnced (f) diet hear atsehool"- (llid Mrs. Hnrgrea-l"es, the original Alice, and Bobby, J,'., 1I11dthe twins add their GLADYS~;J,l. SO}l1mS, '33 M. n. STEVENS, '35 suiekcr ... we wud sugjest thet is \,isitiug ill Amerifn to attend the ecle· I'oiees to tIle melee. There is a mighty OI,TVE MAY BUTLJ;:R, '35 AR'rUUltV. DOWNEY, '34 track tenm try fur the olym- brnfiou at Columbin Unh'ersity. struggle to get them all in the ear, what C"'HL BVF-RLI', '34 CJ;:C!L H. ~lARK, '35 npedally thet walkin' i!il'isi(lll.. Few JmD-plekllow llOW"Alice in Won- \\'ith hlllch baskets, aladdin jnrs, nnd REPORTERS do ),011 Ihinkt "Detckative Spar- dcrlaud" firstenmeintooxistence. It old nowsp:lJl{'ts taking up space. Aftor 3 row" "Sleuth Herbst" wu.z givin' Uncle Elmer has t.aken iIis feet off the Doro~~,:t~;~: ~~3-l';3;i a~~;~IU~r~:~~y :3: ;3kI~S~I~~~;fe~1(l~~3,~.;~n~~ui!~l~e:~;~: :~:; "Roo-ky" Hlld II tliir(l degree wurkout tryin' began Wlll.'llC1wrIes Lutwi(]ge Dodgson, pickles lind tlui cllke has been rescued to nnll who writes this eolum ... we sure a young elcrgymnn and matllemlltician from being sat upon by Anut Gussie-, :~::~~~e;~{~~~~?~;i::;~~~~tIJ~~E~;i~.)-~~r~.i:~t~~l;~,~rll:~~(:~g; 'S.l; Bl'ndy Bryson, hn\' got sum telmis teRm: no lickings studying nt OX/(lrd, made the acquaint- the party begins its journey. AUllt aneo of three Bnlall girls, 1..or;nn, Alice, thet sumtilingf ... who eveir anll Edith. The foul' bei:nme steadfAst Gussie knows a litlle spot for a. Worthy opinion; Model manage1Jlel1t~- Correct news. cup1 ... "Wliitmore'·'! B" "Dunn", and friends, lind the little girls spcnt ,na]JY picni(), indeed she onl}' she isn't wud \dn tIle tl,,:~"Oompany exnetly sure wllore it is. She thiaks it A -LI "Hurley" aU g:>t hrit eshiny medli:s jng to and listcning to the young "-as d(lwU a little dirt road and you nfternOOlls on outdoor cxcursions, learn· IE.-D-I-T-O-R-I- too ... lI'at a l)ref,Yy~al:.buk we got tillS man's bd{'s. whom he luter turn off to the Icft----or was it the right" year; eongranulatiens stafl .. deseribed as his child friend" Auyway, it w~s rigllt beside a little W~5 eight yellrs old when he started the To An Old At tiJi.'; season \I-hen fnrc\I"ells (11'(' so in order. we (Ire just think nll--...t ycar, "Stillings'" wil stories. It was she who nsked for non, stream in n big lllcadow---or wns it II wood' Anyway, it was a lovely little ... "Nichols" wil hal' Friend laced' with the llecessit~- of saying good-bye to aile of hal" no "lIitrhic~' "Ferguson" wil hal' no sense in them, but nil three ehildren still spot, and if Clar(mce wouldn't be 80 no "Tiny" the dearest fignrf's Oil the Hill. This isr:me of th.e GOLD "Murphy" "TJewis" no "Etzler" .. lin in the imperious Prima, thE' gentle stubborn, and would just listen to her BUG contains the aIlllOUllCemCllt or the l'clil'cmcnt of D!'. BOlUlotte, "Beuat" no "Dixou" ... "Needy" uo Secunda, and the interruptive Tertia of for once! Uncle Elmer knows another plaee, nnd whell, llft€r ml'eh backing professor of model'll languages at\Vest.crn )Iarrland College. for thirty· "Woolley" ... "·Ward" no "Humph- Clirroll's introductory pocm to the book. JWld stulling, they get there, they find a finl years. . ries" .. _"Cox" no "Cissel" ... "John· Beeause. he had a d,-id imaginntion, huge "No Trespassiug" sign. son" no "Koockogey" ... "Sndusky" and because Aliee 10"cd foolisilncss, Car. Dr. Bonnotte is one of tIle few who hay€- been here t.o see t.he rcal no "Ebsworth" ... "hlills" ne "Mur 'ron burst the bound of reaS(ln,and wrote Finally I.bey all decide on a plnee to nnd banquet, rise of ,'leslern .lfarylimd. in \I'hieh he has plaTed no insignificant ellison" and "Diksll" no "Johru;on" .. nousensc for the sake of nonsense. So to spread their sumptuous goes beautifully the fight it ou! part, With a fine [lcademic record hefore Ilis appointment, lIe liftS sinc~ Alive we really owe tho:!Mad Hatter, the All no\\" fur the adl"isc tu the ludorn:- l\[areh Hare, the Mock T-nrtle, snd all until it is discovered that Aunt Gussie won many honors which have resotwded to the cl'eclit of this insti- "Ludwig Pineura" I\Tiles-" will the other delightfull)" impossible elulrac. has forgott~n the paper cups. Bobby, tution. Particularly notable is his election as an officer of the French be Ill}" bes.I movc with "Betty" 1I0W'" tors. Jr., steps in the potato salad, nnd is Academy in 1921. Tllis bonor WI'JS bestowed upon him in recognition of ... thet sure iz hMd tu SIlY, why not move Lewis CnrrolJ had 1.10i(lea. of publish. prom]ltly spauked. 'rhe t,,'_';ns fall in long and distinguisbed scnice as a teacher of the Fl'onch langnage. More her out tn Loraine with yout then she iug Ili8 stories. He wrote Ul('min manu. the stream, and when Uncle Elmcr goes than that, he has consistently worked fol' the adnmeement of his depart- wnnt be able tu bD-with anybody else .. script, added his own skc:tches,,8nd gaTc to fish tlic", Ollt his "pants" get hooked can I stop my· asks-"Row Dlent here fit Western1llar.vlancl, with a .success which ha.s been tangibly "Daskam" talk;ng. in my sleepf"-we tlieutto Alice as n C111'istmasgift under on the barbed "'ire 1'('noe, aud ho haugs self from tl,ero helpll'8sly, ~'cl1iug fOI' Aunt Gus. l)1'oved by tbe wonde.rful }Jroc111ctiOll of Le Bonl'[}eo-l~ Glmfilhomme., thi~ dent kno;l'l Rut IlllY wor~"-You hal' tho title of ".Alice's Adl'enture,s Under. sie. A bull rllllS CIll.rcncelip a tree, and !lley were publisJl.ed, Laler ground." spring. and Niese fairy tiles fllr chililren becnm,\ while A'lllt Gussie lee-lures him....for Bllt his conil'iblltions to the model'1] 1,3ngnage deJlRrt.meht and to Ili~~~n:?n~I~,etrh.e.~~N;it~nes~~i:;i~~ one of thcworld's greatest books. wearing that reu band"HHa, 11. bee tIle glory of tIle college f.1re not all t,hat 1My be credited to Dr. Bon- ::~~~II;j~~S?: f~\~:sfi~l~:r~::.:_~:r;:~k ti~t Mrs. Alice lIar~rea"~, now eighty Mings her on the. nosc. Uncle Elm{'r notte. DllI'ing his thirty-five ~'ears of teachillg. possibly thousands ~'ears old, is a different IIni! Uloro real drops the luuali basket while putting it you \l'ill hllv tu l)ut a copyright on him, in the ear, an~ strews chips /1.11 of pupils have come into cOlltact with. him, find the. pleasant memm'ies and then putnropearouud hizueck . Alice to liS U,an the drelmly-cyed, fun over thc rUllIiiug Aunt Gussie loving child WllOSO]Jatronage was respou- of him which mally of the '£'1 lettcrs lle wrote to her. liowever, many alld gives it to Uncle Elmll"r, Who dis. farm- ov lhe tel',noon back colluje ('rations of college .<;1 udent.s! naughty, Il!lughty... "Hen Romito" is of his fairy tilles, letters, and sketchcs ,('overs a, blow-fl,l" that she hus over. looked in the bott(lUlof I.hecup. 'fo DI·. Bonnotte, we want to eXj)I'CSS our appreciation of his yeH!'s king ov the 'pie caters' ... j'Puro's" lm"c been lost. 'l.'he party brellks up when it starts of lodng lobor on t.he llilL ,',Tc lOla\\' that this is not l'eally a "farc- ehcrie cudn't rUIlaway because sum blldl There is moro than nonsensc ;u. tJiis to rain. Everybody returns home full well," fol' we feel thnt he is alwfI,vs one of LIS, nnd Otll' lllutulll illtel'est boys tiod it tu a. big tree ... Memorial l book that nppellls to everybody, alld js of buggy Icmollllde, wormy sandll'iches, Dill' Pnrnde ... "Flshpa\1·" git didn't will not eC:lSC with llis active work. cnllf fresh air orie n;ght, so '"'Green" found in nenrly cver_r library. Itila-ssub. wate-rm\.'lollgarllisllCd witll yellow jaek. t1e,delicatesatire,andirony.'l'llcstory aud "Long" rom(ll"ed1111 tlle panes with has been filmed, dramatized, rcad for ets, poison ivy, and a mean :feeling. Seniors! Commencement s{'ason is I1ndelliabl~' 11 time when, fused stones. MARGARE'l' ERR Farewell! hy tIle feverish excitement- and gayety of the seaSOIl. "Gllld.vse Somers" thinks thet Physics friend'shi-ps are welded as 11{"'er beforc. Now and now Lab IHiza eabnet just fuII 0\- wlar spe~. Looking at Other Campuses only, al'e we iorcellbly brought to tllC realization of the fact that old Ira ... "HIl~elllut" haz herd frum gud (mthority !het the S(lnyerelass iz serious. and deal' associations are soon to be IJI'oken. Onr t'('lationsiJips, as 1.1" eonsidering equiping Hoffa Field with class to class, and fl'iend to rriend, become still closer in anticipnt10n fludJites; ther hcleave thet fI.uhlitesar Loyola College.-" The recont EmPloY-I a tOt.,] of one hundred and ninety dollars Sl> many ~:;~~I~::~\;;Yht~1ske~j~~;0!:~n::nr~;:s~f :!: of tIle break S0011 t.o be effected hy graduatiOll. tu expl'nsil'e tu uperatc-wat a gift I . Yet, Wllilc we find it difficult to express the regrets wltich come eruel teacbersl givin' us ~~:y;w:~~~mer of ten weeks,"-Loyola to mind at the thought of ::lt1~"ing good-bye to '32. we realize at the "Pop Qu;zes" ... we fooled 'em. buy stnrthllg faet, that college men will, and * • • samc time tllat".Al1 l,lting!) Ine in pel'pehwl flnx and fleding." 'ern<>kin the buks' o, 0, thet' "pro- do work, el'cn when they nre not obliged Uni,.. of MissourL-Sorority members It is .fru· more profitable to SUI'\'cy the capabilities of the gradu- didge·ge-gal sou" we shud hav a gud to ao so. Wheu they arc supposed to be fit the University of Missouri have reo eentiy Rigned a pledge not to eat more on a I'acat,ion, rCo'!!liligfor the next year's ating class and' their prospects for snccess than to waste time com- buneh 01' liue plungers next year with all grind, mnny of thell! are hard at work at than fifteen cents worth of food when on the pr.1!ltiee the fellows git ill the dining posing fond £arc\\"o11s. Irfhit'ty.two has left all indelible jmpress 011 room ... "W'hittington" tuk a bowl QI\' all sorls of jobs. dates. It must be admitted that its a the college, tha.t will not soon 1)e fOl'gotten. It has bee1i Iln UllUsually sugar frum the boys the othur mourning "Driving trlleks, laboring with pick good idea, tl,lld other co--eu institutions versatile class-a class of leaders, Its men 11m! women lUH'e been 'single hllnded'!. and shorp1 in th" btazing summOrsun, re- m;glit tnke the hint! found commanding in every phase of college activit.y-in the class- well thet looks as if this euds it til pairing nutomobiles, selling men's cloth- ing in downtown dep~rtment stores, in room, on the athletic field, in social affail's, behind the rostrulll, and fact, doing anything to earn the whore. on the stnge. 'Vilat will they be able to do with their ten talents in ::r~~e S~~~JII:i~r'ti:odO:i~w:~~:~tg!~d ~nJ witbal. Pitching hay on the farUl, or fI wider milien.tllm] "\I'"estcrn l\fllryland? next yetlr ... wo prmuise tu hav Ii better guardini lives. nt the pools ani! bel\eheB, eolum if you do .. ,~IlJll(lmberour mottl>i~ PerlHlps nOlle I,'clllize more than the members of the class them- "allthe'dlrt'thetizfit(1)tuprint" nre all one to the working stndent. selves tIle difficulties which tlley \"ill have to face after gl'aduatioll. ... hear iz wi~hin' you a w\lndefiul sum "The statistim. gathered from tbe Economic conditions Hild other d'epl'csfling circuillstances seem to have Junior Class sllowed that over 50 per cent. of that class was gainfully employ- combined inauspiciously to cQnfront the graduating classE'.~of this so loug ed last SUnUlJeri thllt nineteen of the yea I'. A look -into the future lllay show no Light ror the tllOusands of "Rnzel" and "Hazelnut." juniors c~nled lin a'l"erngeSill college graduates soon to POtU· OHt froU't the colleges 01' America. ary of twenty·one dollarll per week; tbal But though this outlook is n01 an? too cbcerful, it requires no COM:PETITlVE DRILL IS WON BY thc)' worked six days. Ii week, snd that analysis of the factors i.nvolved to show Ihllt it, is the college gradullte. COM:PANY B the nHrage working day was niIJ-ehours. Taking the dUrlltien of summer em with llis background Rnd caparity for leadership. who mllst lead ns ployrnent as ten weeks., tlis juniors who out of the maze. Tn a Sf'llSO, the gl'l.tduatcs nl'e r)l'~sented with one of (Continued frolll Pnge I-Gol. 3) worked earned two hundred and ten dol- tIle greatest challenges to snccess that could be offered. The greater lars for their lal)ors. Sucb an. amount the d'ifficulties, ol'dinal'ily, the greater the incentive, and we affirm thnt the motivnt.ion of thc seniors, by this rule, will be of tIl(' highest order. SubordinElting our sellSe of personal loss, then, to the faith and confidence we 11ave in onr scuior cluss, se~ure in om' knowledge tllat they will more than fulfill their part in the fntnrc. and will reflect cl'{'clit 011 themselves and their colle~c. we say to the members of the class of '32--ALOHA!
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